War of Resistance

Chapter 403 Japanese Counterattack!

Chapter 403 Japanese Counterattack!

"Okay, then I won't gamble." Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said with a little disappointment.

Zhang Tianhai took off his command gloves, then pulled the gun, adjusted his shooting posture, and then began to aim at a Japanese sergeant about 700 meters away.

In the scope, the Japanese sergeant was directing the lowly officers and soldiers to prepare for battle.

Zhang Tianhai roughly adjusted the angle, then picked up a pinch of loess in front of him, and then spread it out gently, and saw the traces of loess slowly fluttering and spreading away in the wind.

"The distance is about 730 meters, the weather is fine, the wind speed is [-], the wind is southeast, and the angle is corrected [-]." Zhang Tianhai murmured, and Li Chunfei who was beside him could hear it clearly.

Listening to these technical terms Zhang Tianhai said, Li Chunfei not only gradually became nervous, after all, it was the first time for him to watch the team leader play this kind of long-distance sniping!

In the optical sight, Zhang Tianhai began to predict the actions of the Japanese sergeant, how he should move next and so on.

After adjusting the general position, Zhang Tianhai's breathing began to become longer. He had to minimize the shaking caused by his body. After all, this is a distance of more than 700 meters. For every millimeter of the muzzle deviation, 700 Meters are off by more than a millimeter.

Li Chunfei was holding his breath, for fear that he would make a little noise because he was not paying attention, which would disturb the head of the group to shoot. Isn't this a rare learning opportunity for him?

During the war in Shanghai, both the Japanese army and the national army were already overwhelmed, even Zhang Tianhai was no exception. How could he have time to show Li Chunfei this unique skill in person?
Zhang Tianhai's index finger gently climbed onto the trigger, and slowly pulled it...


A 6.5 mm caliber bullet exploded out of the [-] cap in Zhang Tianhai's hand, emitting a bright but fast light under the friction of the air!
A second later, a bullet hit the head of the Japanese sergeant impartially, and the sergeant fell to the ground in response, a small round hole appeared in his head!The scene was once very bloody!
"The enemy has sharpshooters! Pay attention to concealment! Pay attention to concealment!!"

Officers at all levels of the Japanese army were shouting, the shot just now was the best warning!
But Li Chunfei, who saw this scene, felt a chill down his spine: According to Nima Tuanzuo's marksmanship, he can still hit with a single shot from more than 700 meters away, that's not ordinary... If this I shot myself...

Thinking of this, Li Chunfei didn't dare to continue thinking about it, and at the same time, he remembered Zhang Tianhai's sinister intentions to bet with him just now.

This fucker is not an ordinary scam... Fortunately, I didn't gamble with the group seat, otherwise the five-day salary would be gone...

When Zhang Tianhai wanted to continue shooting, he was surprised to find that these Japanese soldiers were hiding, and they were not hiding tightly.

However, Zhang Tianhai's shot only served as a small warning to the Japanese army.

Like others, what to do, not what to continue to do?Like launching an attack.

Masaki Sato started preparing for the attack after receiving the urgent telegram from the commander of Seishiro Itagaki's division. Naturally, it is impossible to give up because a sergeant was killed by a sniper.

This is war, a giant meat grinder!
Perhaps out of caution, Sato Masaki did not invest all the main forces in the attack immediately, but sent a small team to launch a tentative attack!
Don't ask why the Japanese army dared to attack Tangtou Town with only a thousand troops. Don't forget that when in Juxian, the Japanese army dared to attack Juxian County with only more than 1000 troops, let alone others.

The Japanese army at this time still used the same word, crazy!

Incredible madness!
Sato Masaki put his hands on his hips, a pair of binoculars hung on his chest, and the samurai sword hanging on his waist was gently swinging in the wind.

"Commander, the enemy army behind us may be chasing us in a short time. What should we do when we are attacked on both sides?" asked Yukihiko Tanaka, chief of staff of the regiment.

"Tanaka-kun, you don't have to worry about this. Since the commander of the division ordered us to attack Tangtou Town, the troops on the front line of Zhuge City must be returning to help now! As long as we can withstand the first attack of the Chinese army's pursuers, That's it." Sato Masaki said in a deep voice.

"Hay!" Yukihiko Tanaka responded.

I saw that the Japanese army squad with a relatively complete organization was rushing towards the national army's position in a skirmish line, and the formation was fairly neat.

It's just a shame that from time to time, a Japanese soldier was "rolled" by the big [-] pole on the opposite side, and then fell to the ground!

These Japanese soldiers who were hit all have one thing in common, that is, they were hit on the head and died, but they didn't have time to see how their teammates died when they were charging, otherwise the team was destined to collapse.

"Tuan Zuo, good marksmanship... One shot at a time, how do you practice this marksmanship, can you teach me a low hand?" Li Chunfei said enviously, there is no way, this marksmanship is really **** handsome……

"Want to learn? I'll teach you after the war!" After Zhang Tianhai fired a shot, he just ran out of bullets, and at this time the main force of the Japanese army team was slowly approaching the forward position.

Probably when most of the Japanese army rushed to 80 meters, a regiment of light machine guns fired, immediately stalling the momentum of the Japanese charge.

As for the heavy machine guns and mortars, not a single shot was fired. This is what Zhang Tianhai specifically explained. If the firepower is too strong, it will not be worth the candle to scare the Japanese army away. After all, the third battalion and the gendarmerie are now Even the troops began to gather for help.

Now what Zhang Tianhai thinks is not only to defeat this enemy army, but to eat the enemy army in front of him in one fell swoop!

Although the weapons and equipment seized in Tangtou Town can fully arm Lanling's city defense force, Zhang Tianhai still wants to seize more equipment, even if it is a good thing to expand Lanling's city defense force by one battalion...

After the offensive momentum of the Japanese army team was sluggish, they hid in the blind spot of the front position according to the usual offensive tactics, and began to touch the outer positions of Tangtou Town.

"Tuan Zuo, should we wait for them to come in before destroying them?" Li Chunfei asked.

"Wait, fight again when you get closer, try not to use heavy machine guns, most of the Japanese troops behind here are the big fish, even if we sacrifice a few brothers, we can't let the big fish behind!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, group seats." Li Chunfei replied.

At this moment, a grenadier shell shot across the sky, and then hit the straight group of positions. Although it didn't hit directly, it also sprinkled ashes on Zhang Tianhai and others.

"Damn it, just these dozens of people dare to come up and seek death?!" Zhang Tianhai cursed, and then he roared: "Listen, everyone, except for the heavy machine gunner, the rest of them, all bayonet! Follow me to destroy these little Japanese!"

After hearing the commander's order, the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Regiment, [-]st Battalion and [-]rd Company immediately put bayonets on their guns!

It's not that Zhang Tianhai likes to play hand-to-hand combat and take risks with himself, but that he wants to give the enemy a feeling that they don't have many bullets.Another point is that these little Japanese are hiding in their blind spots, and if they don't eliminate the enemies in the blind spots in front of them, he will have trouble sleeping and eating...

There is a saying, how can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch?
Of course, this is also related to Zhang Tianhai's confidence at this time. If it is a complete company with more than 200 people and a fairly dense light machine gun fire support, if even the fifty or so Japanese troops can't handle it, Zhang Tianhai Tianhai should stop being the regiment leader, he might as well go home and herd cattle.

Seeing that the soldiers around him had mounted their bayonets, Zhang Tianhai also took out his loaded Mauser pistol.

"Come on!!" Zhang Tianhai roared, officially issuing the combat mission.

But this time Zhang Tianhai did not rush to the forefront, the reason is very simple: first, the one who appeared first was most likely to be taken care of by the Japanese army's firepower. The battle must be directed to the end; secondly, his woolen coat is more conspicuous, and he will inevitably receive the attention of the Japanese army.

For Zhang Tianhai, he was really reluctant to take off this woolen overcoat, after all, he looked more majestic like this, and it had the meaning of "Lv Bu among men, red rabbit among horses".

Under Zhang Tianhai's order, more than 200 officers and soldiers of the [-]rd Company of the [-]st Regiment and [-]st Battalion immediately rushed out of the trench and rushed down the elevation angle of the hillside. The fastest one was the light machine gunner.

For machine gunners, rushing fast is not only because they are responsible for suppressing the enemy's firepower, but more importantly, the Japanese army in front of them is not many in number, and if they can kill one more, they will make more military exploits!



The ferocious firepower of the nine light machine guns fired at the same time, almost overwhelming the Japanese soldiers. They did not expect that the Chinese army in front of them would be so aggressive. They could hide in the trenches and wait for them to come up before fighting. To rush to the front!
Zhang Tianhai took the lead in such an unruly attack. If he was lucky, the Japanese army would be suppressed by the firepower and could not lift his head. If he was unlucky, he would go directly to the underworld to meet their emperor.

But soon, a group of officers and soldiers with bright bayonets and loaded bullets rushed towards them.

Just when the Japanese army raised its head and got up to fight with the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment, something unruly happened again: I saw these officers and soldiers of the Chinese army directly raising their hands and shooting at the rushing Japanese army. The Japanese army rushing up was immediately beaten into a sieve!
There were also a few Japanese soldiers who rushed to the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi regiment, but they were all stabbed to death with several bayonets!

Sato Masaki, who watched this scene through the binoculars, couldn't help yelling: "Baga! These damn Chinese people dare to be so unruly and torture and kill the warriors of our Great Japanese Empire!!"

The battle lasted less than 3 minutes and ended with the Japanese army's squad being wiped out and four national army officers and soldiers injured!

Originally, the combat effectiveness of the Japanese army would not be so bad. If the force and firepower were equal, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment might not be able to defeat the Japanese army under the same conditions. But don't forget that the national army has geographical advantages and absolute firepower Advantage!
Originally, the Japanese army was attacking with their backs, which was already disadvantageous in terms of combat situation. In addition, they did not expect that the national army would dare to counterattack at this time, which caught them by surprise. In addition, the opponent's nine light machine guns Fire at the same time, just hit four or fifty people who are already in a somewhat scattered state...

After the fight was over, the officers and soldiers of the national army immediately searched away the Japanese army's equipment as quickly as possible, and then ran back to the position as quickly as possible.

Furious, Sato Masaki directly ordered the main attack team composed of more than 700 people to launch a counterattack against the Tangtou Town position of the national army!

PS: The first update is here, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock!
Thanks to Qidian Shuyourenrou for the reward of 500 points and two monthly tickets! !
Thanks to Qidian book friend Nidie Yaya and QQ reading book friend Dong Jianguo for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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