War of Resistance

Chapter 404 Flowering in the center?

Chapter 404 Flowering in the center?
Under the order of Sato Masaki, the remnants of the No.40 Second Regiment of the Japanese Army, with about 700 troops, began to attack.

More than 700 Japanese troops, reinforced by four 75mm caliber field artillery, began to attack in the form of skirmishing lines.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Four 75-type [-]mm field guns began to fire, and one round of shells began to slam into the position where the Zhiyi regiment and the first battalion were located.

"Tuan Zuo, why don't you go back and take command! It's too dangerous!" Li Chunfei began to persuade.

Zhang Tianhai shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid, little Japanese cannonballs can't kill me."

I saw Li Chunfei said with a look of embarrassment: "No, Tuanzao. Zhiyituan can live without me, Li Chunfei, but can't live without Tuanzai! In case of any accident, I, Li Chunfei, have no face to face Zhiyituan's brothers. us."

Seeing Li Chunfei's difficult face, Zhang Tianhai finally agreed. He nodded and said, "Okay! Then I'll withdraw first! You must withstand this wave of Japanese onslaught and do your best to kill The vital force of the Japanese army. The third battalion and the small artillery company will launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army on the flanks. We do not seek to wipe out the Japanese army, but to defeat them in one fell swoop."

"Yes, group seat!" Because it was in the trench, Li Chunfei did not stand up and salute Zhang Tianhai.

"Whether you can defeat the Japanese army in this battle depends on your first battalion. As long as you can survive the Japanese attack, then it's up to us." Zhang Tianhai patted Li Chunfei on the shoulder and said, then led Xu Sangou The others have returned to the regiment headquarters east of the city.

Just when Li Chunfei led the first battalion to resist the attack of the remnants of the Sato Regiment, another group of Japanese troops, the headquarters of the No.11 Regiment and the No.20 First Regiment, had recovered order from the chaos , They even assembled more than ten tanks and more than 20 artillery pieces, and are launching a fierce attack on Huang Weigang's No.30 Eighth Division!

"Damn it, have these little devils gone crazy? They are desperate to break through to the east!" Huang Weigang cursed, and then said to the staff next to him: "Go to the communication office and let the information here be reported to the front line like this Chiefs of the combat command!"

"Yes! Master!" The staff officer responded.

"Also, call Li Jinzhen, commander of the 30th Brigade, and order his brigade to hold back the Japanese army's offensive pace! Call Li Jiusi's [-]th Brigade to immediately launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army's back!" Huang Weigang said in a deep voice. Said that at this time, the No. [-] Eighth Division suffered heavy casualties. He is not unaware of the fact that he will do his best to keep the main force of the Japanese army here!

The No.30 Eighth Division fought the Japanese army for a whole day and night, and wiped out more than a thousand enemies, but the casualties they paid were not small. You must know that they are in urgent need of heavy weapons compared with Zhang Tianhai's troops. First of all They don't have such a good thing as machine guns, and secondly, they don't have such a "trench" artillery battalion like Zhang Tianhai's.

The No.30 Eighth Division is the absolute main force of the Ninth Army. It has artillery, but they only have a small artillery battery, and only two Japanese-made 75mm field guns, and these two field guns are still in use. The Huaihe battlefield was obtained by capturing the Japanese army.

Although the equipment of the Ninth Army is not very good, their anti-Japanese spirit should not be underestimated!
The camera turns to LY, the front line combat command.

The battle report sent by No.30 Eighth Division Huang Weigang immediately attracted the attention of Xu Zuyi, Pang Bingxun, Zhang Zizhong and others.

"Mr. Xu, I think that the Japanese army's desperate breakout to the east this time must be related to the battle at Tangtou Town. According to the information from the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, the Japanese army is attacking Tangtou Town, and the attack is not strong enough. Small." Pang Bingxun said.

"According to information, the number of Japanese troops going south to LY is about 6000. In the battle from last night to just now, Huang Weigang's No. 30 Eighth Division's troops conservatively wiped out no less than 300 enemies, while Zhang Tianhai's troops attacked Tangtou Town. In addition, the [-]th Division wiped out about [-] enemies in Tongfoguanzhuang. That is to say, there are still more than [-] Japanese troops near LY, and they also have tanks and artillery. Such as heavy weapons, this is not a small force." Xu Zuyi analyzed.

"Mr. Xu, when it comes to this, I have a bold idea. I don't know if Mr. Xu and Commander Pang Jun agree with me." Zhang Zizhong said hesitantly.

"It's okay to say it." Chief Xu Zuyi looked at Zhang Zizhong.

"At this time, the Japanese army's strategic goal is obvious. It wants to recapture Tangtou Town, the bridgehead on the LY front, and lay the foundation for the Japanese army's next stage of operations. If this is the case, why don't we use the plan? Attract the main force of the Japanese army to Tangtou Town, With the No.40 Army and our Ninth Army as the main force, realize the encirclement of the Japanese army, so as to achieve the strategic goal of annihilating the remaining troops of the Sakamoto Brigade in one fell swoop." Zhang Zizhong said very seriously with sharp eyes like an eagle.

"What do you think, Brother Chen?" Xu Zuyi looked at Pang Bingxun again and asked.

Pang Bingxun's expression was a little hesitant: First of all, he and Zhang Tianhai had a personal relationship, and the personal relationship was good. If he agreed to this plan, he would put Zhang Tianhai in danger. With this little force, they wanted to eat up the troops of the Zhiyi Regiment, fearing that their teeth would be destroyed.

Pang Bingxun also knew that this was a war, and it was a national war of national survival, so he could only grit his teeth and said: "I agree with Chen Chen's plan. The third theater is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment. The troops are strong and powerful, and the combat effectiveness is extremely strong." If the regiment were to guard Tangtou Town, it would not be easy for the Japanese army to take Tangtou Town.”

"But right now, the Liu Zhaohua Department of my 30th Regiment is chasing and fighting the Japanese army outside Tangtou Town. Right now, the main force of my [-]th Division is also cleaning up the remnants of the Japanese army in Tongfoguanzhuang. Is the main force of my [-]th Division Can you cooperate with the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater to wipe out the Japanese army outside Tangtou Town in one fell swoop, and then deal with the enemy of the No. It is not impossible for the enemy to encircle Tangtou Town again.

Xu Zuyi thought for a while, and resolutely rejected Zhang Zizhong's proposal: "No, this is absolutely impossible. This is an act of scaring the snake. If the enemy army is wiped out, wouldn't it be a report to the No. 30 Eighth Division's face-to-face enemy?" Xin'er, tell them that our main force is near Tangtou Town? The Japanese army may not be fooled."

"Then what does Chief Xu mean?" Zhang Zizhong was a little confused about Chief Xu's combat thinking.

Xu Zuyi shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Not only can we not annihilate this group of enemy troops, but we also need to divert the main force of the 30th Division that was chasing outside Tangtou Town, and the whole division will be stationed in Tongfoguan Village, so that the Japanese troops outside Tangtou Town Can join forces with the enemy of No.30 Eighth Division, and then the No.40 Eighth Division will move towards Dalizhuang and other places north of Tangtou, outflanking the retreat route of the Japanese army fleeing north. Then use the main force of No.30 Army to outflank the area The westward retreat of the enemy army, wait until the headquarters of No.[-] Eighth Division is in place, and then let the main force of the [-]th Division go north to block the retreat route of the Japanese army going south! The Ninth Army Cavalry Brigade stationed in Chenzhuang, do not let the enemy Escape Tangshan Col!"

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun stood at attention and saluted at the same time.

It's a pity that Zhang Tianhai was not at the scene. If he was, he would definitely be unwilling to do so. After all, this is the central flowering plan. Both Zhang Lingfu and the Yamazaki Brigade in "Bright Sword" died under this plan. .

It can be said that the risk factor of this plan is extremely high, and it is very likely that the bait will be eaten, and the enemy will break through the encirclement and run away in a hurry.

But it's a pity that Zhang Tianhai, who is the center of the storm point, doesn't know that their troops have already become the center of this LY battle.

If Zhang Tianhai knew the result, would he regret why he had an itchy mouth and beat up and changed the course of history a little?

PS: The second update is here!This chapter needs fewer words.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Cyl903, QQ reading lonely life. , a monthly pass for silence!
(End of this chapter)

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