War of Resistance

Chapter 405 Reinforcement cut off?

Chapter 405 Reinforcement cut off?

Ever since, under the decision of the three officers of the LY frontline headquarters, an extremely harsh order was sent to the regiment headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

Facts have proved that the price to be paid for disobeying superior military orders is extremely heavy.

For example, as it is now, although Zhang Tianhai took Tangtou Town and killed Major General Sakamoto Shun, the enemy's top commander in the LY area, the price he paid was also very high, and he wanted to become the flower heart of the center!

After receiving this extremely stern order telegram, Zhang Tianhai was furious, and scolded Chief Xu for being unkind, a bastard and the like.

Fortunately, this is the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment, no one will be so bored that they will pass the words of the regiment leader scolding Chief Xu to Chief Xu's ears...

"Old Zhang, it seems a bit inappropriate to scold like this?" Feeling that Zhang Tianhai scolded a little too much, Guo Qiliang kindly reminded him.

"What the hell do you mean you can't transfer troops away from Tangtou Town without authorization? What do you mean you must stick to it? What else do you mean you can't take the initiative to attack? It's clear that we are nailed to Tangtou Town!" Zhang Tianhai said cursingly.

"Bring it here, let me have a look?" Guo Qiliang said.

I saw what was written on it—the third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment. Your department must stick to Tangtou Town, and you must not take the initiative to attack. Don’t let Tangtou Town fall to the enemy. The head, deputy head, and chief of staff will all be held accountable!Remember not to learn from Han Fuqu's act of abandoning Jinan without authorization! LY Frontline Combat Headquarters, Commander Xu Zuyi, urgent call at [-] pm on March [-]th!

After seeing this order, Guo Qiliang's face changed slightly, and he seemed to understand Zhang Tianhai's mood.

"Did you see? What do you mean don't learn from Han Fuqu? The statement is a warning that we must be crucified in Tangtou Town, or we will be handed over to a military court for justice! We are clearly capable of destroying the Japanese army outside, as long as we take the initiative to attack. We are not allowed to take the initiative to attack? What do you want to do? Let us be crucified in Tangtou Town, and then wait for the main force of the Japanese army to gather outside and the center of the game will bloom?" Zhang Tianhai became angry when he mentioned this telegram Come.

To be honest, if it is the 74th Army or the 36th Division that is fighting with the Zhiyi Regiment, Zhang Tianhai is still a little confident if the game center blossoms, but now he is fighting with the No.40th Army and the Ninth Army of the Northwest Army. , It is inevitable that there will be some doubts in my heart.

Yes, Zhang Tianhai has friendship with Brother Pang Bingxun, and the equipment of the No. 40 Army is not bad, but so what? The No.40 Army and the Japanese Army have been fighting in LY for so long, and they have already been disabled!

Like the Ninth Army's combat effectiveness and they don't understand it, isn't this going to put Zhang Tianhai's straight group into death?

Just such a deceitful order, Zhang Tianhai would be surprised if he was really upset. More importantly, the order mentioning Han Fuqu was clearly a warning to Zhang Tianhai that if he dared to disobey the order, he would face military punishment, even It was the consequence of being shot!

"Old Zhang, what shall we do next?" Guo Qiliang said worriedly.

"Don't worry. Since you are not allowed to disobey orders, let's just beat the Japanese army to death when the Japanese army is attacking. Let the third battalion and the cavalry battalion wait again, and the second battalion will withdraw from Tangtou Town for rest. The company and the mortar company immediately entered the first battalion position, and the machine gun company of the fourth battalion was also transferred to the first battalion position to strengthen the firepower, grandma, I don't believe it, I can't kill these little Japanese!" Zhang Tianhai said very decisively, His order had some elements of anger in it.

It's a pity that Xu Zuyi couldn't hear Zhang Tianhai's words. If he knew, he would definitely yell at Zhang Tianhai, calling Zhang Tianhai a fucking idiot.

"Yes, group seat." Guo Qiliang responded.

"By the way, the artillery battalion is also ready to fight at any time. Aim the muzzle at the assembly direction where the little devils are now. When their reinforcements arrive, they will immediately launch a fierce bombardment!" Zhang Tianhai always felt that even if the chief ordered them to stick to it, he would never He won't just sit still, and it's not so easy for his Zhiyituan to develop to the scale it is today. He won't save his strength when he beats Japan, but he is definitely not the kind of nerd like Huang Wei, who only knows how to be blindly rigid. Stick to it!

Little Japan wants to fight, but Zhang Tianhai will definitely hold the initiative on the battlefield!

When he was in Shanghai, Zhang Tianhai was already terrified of being bombarded by the Japanese army's combined sea, land and air artillery fire. Now that he has a chance to avoid the bombardment of the artillery fire, why must he resist the Japanese army's artillery fire and launch a fierce attack?

"Yes! Group seats!" Guo Qiliang stood at attention and saluted very formally.


Just when Zhang Tianhai received Xu Zuyi's order to stick to it, Huang Weigang, commander of the No. 30 Eighth Division, also received an order from the LY Frontline Combat Command.

This telegram is very simple, only a few dozen words: If you can't resist the Japanese army's front, you can let it go with it in moderation, and then prepare for the next stage of combat.

In general, the implication is that if you can't stop the Japanese soldiers, you can let them go, and we won't hold them accountable.

"Brother Shi, what do you mean by Chief Xu? Let's let this little Japan go?" Huang Weigang asked Shi Shuyou, the chief of staff beside him.

Shi Shuyou thought for a while, and said, "The command of the officer says that he is preparing for the next phase of the battle. Could it be the reason?"

Huang Weigang slapped the table and said: "The order is written clearly and easily, but the main force of my No. 30 Eighth Division has been fighting the Japanese army all day and night, and has already killed countless enemies. If I kill the Japanese army again, I will not be able to survive."

"However, Commander, our troops suffered a lot of casualties, so we simply let them go as the commander said, and then prepare for the next stage of combat! Besides, the Japanese army seems to have a more capable commander now, who has already taken the The Japanese troops on both sides of the Yi River have been gathered, and if we continue to fight hard, our No.30 Eighth Division will suffer more than half of the casualties." Shi Shuyou said with a frown.

"It's a pity, it seems that this Japanese army is about to be completely wiped out! They are going to let them go!" Huang Weigang was a little discouraged. Now the battle with the No. 40 Army Supplementary Regiment is coming to an end, and the troops of the [-]th Division You can also reinforce them at any time. If you fight resolutely, you still have some hope to keep the Japanese army here.

"Teacher, let's obey the commander's wishes! Besides, our left-wing troops now wipe out [-] enemies instead of [-]?" Shi Shuyou persuaded.

Huang Weigang thought about it and walked around in the temporary headquarters of the division, and finally decided to obey the commander's order: "Forget it, according to our commander's temper, if there is no next stage of combat, I probably won't be able to do so." Will you agree to this plan! Forget it, call Li Jinzhen to let his [-]th brigade open a hole and let the Japanese army pass through!"

As the number one general under Zhang Zizhong, Huang Weigang naturally knows Zhang Zizhong best: Commander Zhang has not been cleared of the crime of traitor at this time. I know how much the commander wants to clear himself of the traitor charge.

So from Zhang Zizhong's point of view, if there is any hope of annihilating this Japanese army, he would not agree to let this Japanese army go, unless there is a better way to annihilate this enemy army.

Rather than saying that Huang Weigang believed in Chief Xu, it would be better to say that he believed in Commander Zhang Zizhong and Commander Zhang!

"Yes! Sir!" Shi Shuyou responded, and then went to give Huang Weigang's order.


At the same time, it was not only Huang Weigang's No. 30 Eighth Division who received the LY front-line combat order, but also Liu Zhensan's [-]th Division.

"Master, urgent call from the LY Frontline Combat Command!" A combat staff officer ran to report to Liu Zhensan, who was directing the troops to launch the final attack on the enemy who stayed behind.

"What? Urgent call?" Liu Zhensan said with a strong Hebei accent.

"It's the Liu Zhaohua [-]th Regiment that the frontline combat command wants us to withdraw from the frontline to pursue." With that said, the combat staff officer handed over the telegram to the division commander Liu Zhensan.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Liu Zhensan murmured and took the telegram.

I saw what was written on the telegram——Commander Liu Zhensan of the [-]th Division, I now order you as the LY Frontline Combat Command to immediately withdraw the [-]th Regiment that is pursuing the frontline, and wait for you to wipe out the remnants of the enemy who stayed behind in front of you. , the whole division entered Tongfo Guanzhuang, waiting for the next battle order. LY Frontline Combat Command, Commander Xu Zuyi.March [-]th, urgent call at [-]:[-] pm.

"Teacher, what's the situation?" Chief of Staff Jin Ziyeol asked.

Liu Zhensan frowned, and said: "Mr. Xu wants us to withdraw the enemy troops who are chasing to Tangtou Town first, and then the whole division will be stationed in Tongfoguanzhuang, waiting for the next battle order."

"Then what should we do? Liu Zhaohua sent a telegram just now, saying that Tangtou Town has been captured by the Central Army." Jin Zilie said.

"It seems that the enemy is going to retake Tangtou Town..." Liu Zhensan sighed, and then said to the combat staff beside him: "Quickly, go and pass on the order of the division commander, and order the [-]th regiment to rush back to the division headquarters to fight! "

"Yes! Commander!" The combat staff officer responded.

"But Commander, really don't chase after him? The Central Army is also our anti-Japanese team. Doesn't this seem a little unreasonable?" Jin Zilie said hesitantly.

"I can't control that much anymore. We can fight whatever the commander tells us. The combat power of the Central Army is not weak. Think about it, besides Tang Enbo's army and the third theater that is directly under the first regiment in our fifth theater, what else is there?" A Central Army unit?" Liu Zhensan said with a smile.

"That's true. But the [-]rd theater stationed in Lanling was directly under the [-]st Regiment, and it was just a small reinforced regiment. Our Northwest Army fought very hard against the Central Army during the Central Plains War, but That's over, isn't it?" Obviously, Jin Zilie was somewhat dissatisfied with Chief Xu's order.

"It's not for this reason. The third theater is directly under the first regiment. I've heard it before. There are four reinforced infantry battalions in the regiment, and there is also an artillery battalion. There are mortar companies, machine gun companies, everything. , It seems that there is also a cavalry battalion, just this reinforced regiment. It can stand up to a brigade and take down Tangtou Town in such a short period of time. Just watch the combat effectiveness of their troops!" Liu Zhensan said with a smile.

Before Jin Zilie could continue to speak, Liu Zhensan went on to say, "Just wait! It's a good choice for us to go up and pick up the leaks after this Central Army unit sharpens the spirit of Little Japan."

After hearing Liu Zhensan's words, Jin Zilie laughed and said, "Master, you're so resourceful! That's right, our troops fought against the Japanese army on the front line for so long, but they took Tangtou Town away in one fell swoop. It’s true that they came so easily.”

Liu Zhensan is only 34 years old this year, and he is already the commander of an infantry division, so he must have real skills.

"Brother Zilie, you are good at everything, but you are a little too serious. This war of resistance is not just a matter of our [-]th Division. The first regiment directly under the third theater is the elite of the Central Army. What if we don't let them fight first?" Liu Zhensan smiled, he has a pretty face, but no matter how you look at it, his smile seems to be full of small calculations.

Ever since, it was Xu Zuyi's two orders that temporarily cut off Zhang Tianhai's two most powerful reinforcements, and not only that, but also released the Japanese reinforcements.

After firing several rounds of bombardment, the main force of the Japanese Sato Masakibe finally launched an offensive.

At the same time, to Masaki Sato's surprise, the pursuers behind him actually retreated. Isn't this God's wish for him to take back Tangtou Town?Now that the head of the Sakamoto Shun Brigade has been "broken", it means that the position of the head of the No. 20 First Brigade will be vacant. There is still hope for the position of head of the brigade.

Don't underestimate the position of brigade commander, no matter how you say it, it is also the rank of major general, which is like a watershed existence from the rank of chief officer.

Only after becoming a major general can he be called "Your Excellency the General". Thinking of this, Sato Masaki's blood boiled all over his body.

"You, take the cavalry to be on guard immediately!" Sato Masaki turned his head and said to Captain Kikuchi, who was directly under the cavalry of the regiment.

"Hay!" Captain Kikuchi responded, and then went back to carry out the order of Captain Sato.

Then, Masaki Sato took a deep breath, looked back at the sunset that was gradually entering the horizon, and made a very crazy decision in an instant: "Except for the artillery squadron, all other troops are engaged in the battle, we must do our best to retake Tangtou Town! "

"Hay!" The rest of the Japanese soldiers around Sato Masaki responded in unison.

But before departure, Sato Masaki ordered the communications soldiers to immediately send the news of the capture of Tangtou Town's forward position to the division commander, asking them to send reinforcements quickly.

But in fact, at this time, has Sato Masaki won the front position of Tangtou Town?not at all!

There is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to grab credit!Masaki Sato had to be the first to recapture Tangtou Town. As long as this telegram is sent out, no matter how well the troops behind him fight, this first achievement is also his!


The camera then turned to Xuzhou, and Xu Zuyi naturally dared not report the change of the established battle plan on the LY side. After all, if there was a big mistake, Xu Zuyi would bear the main responsibility.

"Blooming in the center, this plan is very good..." Li Zongren nodded with a smile, "This Zhang Tianhai is really not the kind of person who can take it easy. He killed the enemy's headquarters in one shot! It seems that Tang Shengzhi gave it to me. Li Delin's is really a great gift..."

In fact, Li Zongren got the news from the Juntong, saying that the Japanese army's telegram was intercepted, and Zhang Tianhai had already passed the news that the Japanese army's Sakamoto Shun headquarters had been taken down to LY's frontline operations. The headquarters, the LY Frontline Combat Command naturally passed the good news to the Xuzhou Chief's Department.

"Sir, do you want to support their plan?" Li Xingshu, the deputy chief of staff of the theater said, since Xu Zuyi went to LY to command the battle, he has temporarily acted as the chief of staff of the theater.

"Of course I have to support it. If this battle is won, it will be a great victory. But Zhang Tianhai is an unruly master. He disobeyed orders and disrupted the rhythm of the frontline combat headquarters. Even if Zhang Yulin wins a big victory this time, the victory will be discounted." Li Zongren said with a smile, "If the boss of disobedience is fired, how will he command the troops to fight in the future?"

"Yes, sir." Li Xingshu replied.


PS: There is only one big chapter today, and there is no time for two updates.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Xu Chencangqing for the 2100 points reward and two monthly tickets for support! ! !

Thanks to Qidian book friend Yang YM and the Aoshi family for two monthly tickets each!
Thanks to the starting point book friends, no one is willing to ask for a monthly ticket for each of Smiling Kuzu, Book Friends 2017100607533450!
(End of this chapter)

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