War of Resistance

Chapter 406 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 406 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])

Just when Sato Masaki had decided to put all his eggs in one basket, his leading offensive troops had already rushed to the forward position of the Naoichi regiment.

Li Chunfei hid in the trenches, waiting for the approach of the Japanese army. They had to severely injure the enemy in the first wave of attack!

It is true that the troops of the Zhiyi Regiment swept away the Japanese troops on the outskirts of Tangtou Town at the fastest speed, and also destroyed its barriers on the periphery, but it is not 100% a good thing. There are no such things as roadblocks in the front position. It can be said that if these Japanese troops advance fast enough, they can go straight to the position where they can push straight to the regiment.

"Come closer, don't worry! Fight again at 50 meters!" Squatting in the trench and watching the Japanese charge, Li Chunfei remained calm.

Finally, at 50 meters, the light and heavy machine guns of the national army opened fire at the same time, and even the only two mortars of the first battalion machine gun company also fired.


"Da da da……"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

For a while, the gunfire was very dense, and many Japanese soldiers fell under the guns. After all, the German rifles and the Czech light machine guns basically used 7.92 mm caliber bullets. The Maxim heavy machine gun bullets The caliber has reached a terrifying caliber of 11.43 mm!
Based on the caliber of these bullets, if they hit, they will either die or be disabled!

Under the command of their squad leader, the Japanese troops rushed forward screaming to show their "martial bravery". Instead of using its most famous "pig sudden tactics", it used a wave-like skirmish line attack method.

However, even with the relatively loose offensive method of skirmishing, in the face of ferocious firepower, casualties gradually began to appear.

Xiaoqiao Yumen is a second-class soldier of the Japanese army. At this moment, he is rushing forward following the pace of the squad leader. He began to practice the technique of bayonet fighting, which made him extremely confident.

Looking at the gradually approaching national army position, Xiaoqiao Yumen even had a feeling that he wanted to rush up immediately to show his bayonet fighting skills with the national army soldiers.

However, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Xiaoqiao Yumen only felt pain and numbness in his waist, and three or four bullets passed through his waist.

Xiaoqiao Yumen looked at his waist almost by accident, and saw three or four guns bleeding out there. The brainwashing thing told him that those who died in battle had infinite glory and could become gods, but he still panicked subconsciously.

No one can remain absolutely calm when death really comes, unless it is time to lose their minds. Obviously, Xiaoqiao Yumen has not yet reached the point of madness to the point of losing his mind.

In this charge, there are still many Japanese soldiers who were shot like Xiaoqiao Yumen, and most of them ended up the same as Xiaoqiao Yumen. They were directly killed by three or four bullets or even more bullets. Those who were beaten to death were only hit in the body while others were hit in the head.

Others were hit by mortar shell fragments and were also temporarily incapacitated.

Seeing the ferocious firepower on the opposite side, Sato Masaki realized that he might have been fooled by the enemy, but the momentum of the charge could not be stopped, and if he retreated, he would only suffer greater casualties!

Ever since, Sato Masaki can only command the troops to bite the bullet!

Seeing the Japanese soldiers fall one by one, Li Chunfei was very excited. He yelled: "Hit me! Kill them son of a bitch!"

Sometimes morale is so straightforward. Most of the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment were bombed by the Japanese army on the battlefields of Shanghai and Nanjing, and many good brothers died around them. See, especially red.

When it comes to fighting Japan, it must not be soft-handed. There are rifles and machine guns at a long distance, and grenades greet you when you are close.

In the first round of intensive firepower shooting alone, no less than 50 Japanese soldiers fell down. This last distance was like a natural gap, and the Japanese army could not rush through it no matter how hard they rushed.

The firepower network composed of more than 200 guns was quite ferocious, and some Japanese troops even adopted the tactical action of crawling forward, but judging from the condescending terrain conditions, they did not have much advantage and did not have a place to hide.

But the well-trained Japanese army is not the only one with these three axes. The Japanese army behind has stopped and organized a firepower network on the spot to suppress the firepower of the national army on the opposite side. The muzzle of a Japanese Type [-] light machine gun began to burst into flames. , One by one bullets began to fly towards the position of the national army.

After the Japanese army began to suppress firepower, the firepower of the national army also stagnated for a short time, and then continued to suppress firepower against the charging Japanese army.

However, it was this brief stagnation of firepower that the Japanese troops in front began to use grenade launchers for support, and some even began to erect mortars.

"Tom!" "Tom!" "Tom!"

A round of 50mm caliber grenadier shells drew a short arc in the sky, and then hit the position of the national army and exploded.

But the mortars of the national army are not vegetarian, and they immediately fought back!
"Tom!" "Tom!"

The shells of two mortars crossed the sky, and then hit a farther place, and the fragments of the broken shells also injured two or three Japanese soldiers around!

At this moment, the mortar company that Zhang Tianhai ordered to come to support arrived!

With the support of the six mortars of the mortar company, the firepower of the national army has been greatly enhanced, and it has begun to slowly suppress the Japanese grenade launchers.

Taking advantage of this gap, the small artillery company directly under the regiment headquarters also began to set up Soloton cannons. For a while, the firepower on the national army positions has been gradually strengthened!

Together with the mortar company and the small artillery company, Zhang Tianhai, the commander of the regiment, and Xu Sangou's regiment guard platoon arrived at the first battalion position.

Both Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang felt that the regiment headquarters' guard platoon had become Zhang Tianhai's personal guard platoon, which was nothing. After all, isn't Zhang Tianhai the core of Zhiyi Regiment?Besides, it is not that the national army did not have such a practice before.

"Tuan Zuo, why are you here too?" On the ground, Li Chunfei was very sharp-eyed, and immediately saw Zhang Tianhai who was bringing Xu Sangou up.

"Don't look at you guys, I'm not at ease..." Zhang Tianhai frowned and said, it is true that except for the artillery battalion, the most valuable property of the first regiment is now in the first battalion, the mortar company , a small artillery company, and a machine gun company transferred from the Fourth Battalion.

If something goes wrong with the first battalion, let alone the three infantry companies of the first battalion, the two machine gun companies, the small artillery company, and the mortar company will all be scrapped at once.

Among the four infantry battalions, the machine gun company, the small artillery company, the mortar company, and the artillery battalion are all responsible for the firepower of the regiment. Both are gone, how long will it take to have good equipment?
Is it really necessary to wait until after 1941 to change into Soviet weapons like the 74th Army?Don't think about it, those are the direct ace main forces who are eligible to change their outfits, and only troops like the No.70 Fourth Army, No.18 Army, First Army, and Du Yuming Fifth Army are eligible for a share.

As for Zhang Tianhai, he himself knew that whether it was due to military exploits, troop size, or seniority in Whampoa, it was impossible for his troop to be the first to change!
To put it bluntly, it is this batch of German weapons and equipment. After the battle is over, it will be finished, and it will be gone. At most, all the infantry will continue to be equipped with the domestically produced Mauser 1924 rifles, oh, that is, the neutral rifle.

But those light machine guns, heavy machine guns and other equipment are very difficult to replenish, especially the Soloton machine gun, if one is bad, one will be missing, there is no place to replenish it!
Because of this, to be honest, Zhang Tianhai is unwilling to fight the enemy head-on in a war of attrition from the bottom of his heart-his army is small in scale, and although its equipment is excellent, it is also limited in quality, and if it loses one batch of equipment, it will be less. Even if it is supplemented, it will be impossible to have the same excellent equipment as today in the future.

Because of this, when Zhang Tianhai made the battle plan, he focused on the odd use of the Zhiyi Regiment's combat use, and it was the kind that could end the battle as quickly as possible and achieve the greatest results.

But still the same sentence, the ideal is full, but the reality is skinny, he wants to fight mobile warfare, and wants to attack the enemy's weakness in mobile warfare, but unfortunately the superior must let them fight positional warfare...

"Tuan Zuo, just leave it to us for a battalion, just don't worry!" Li Chunfei swore.

"No, now that the Japanese army is attacking so close, the follow-up Japanese army will also launch a full-scale onslaught. Even if you can withstand the onslaught of the Japanese army in front of you, when the Japanese army behind surges up, we will suffer hand-to-hand combat. Now all the valuable belongings of the regiment headquarters are in your first battalion, if you are a little careless, our regiment's possessions will be gone..." Zhang Tianhai didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated the main reason.

"Yes, group seat. You have the final say." Li Chunfei said seriously.

Zhang Tianhai waved his hand and said: "According to this progress, it is very likely that we will be put into the reserve team. Let the two companies of your battalion be ready to go into battle at any time, and the rest of the positions will be handed over to the fourth battalion!"

"Yes! Group seats!" Li Chunfei stood at attention and saluted.

Zhang Tianhai was really anxious. After all, the commanding operation this time was indeed not his style, and it was a bit out of his expectation.

He didn't know how many support troops the Japanese army would have in the future. To put it bluntly, he was blindsided by this battle. It is conservatively estimated that this wave of enemy troops will be more than 3000. This is the 3000 If the main force of the Japanese army with many people is in the same wave as his Zhiyi regiment, his Zhiyi regiment will definitely lose a lot!


PS: The first update is here, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock!
Thank you Qidian book friend 20190521041213196 for the reward of 200 points!

Thank you for the two monthly tickets for QQ Reading Book Friends Black and White Symphony!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Ni Die for holding a monthly ticket for Ya!
(End of this chapter)

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