War of Resistance

Chapter 407 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 407 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
The vanguard of the main force of the Japanese Sato Regiment and the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment and the First Battalion fought fiercely. At this time, Katano Satomi also led the No.11 Regiment of the Japanese Army and the remnants of the No.20 First Regiment from the Yihe Battlefield A hole was torn open, and about 2000 or more than [-] Japanese troops broke out from the hole.

Rather than saying that the Japanese army tore the hole open, it is better to say that Huang Weigang let Li Jinzhen's [-]th Brigade open a hole.

At the end of the sunset, looking at the 2000 or two hundred people in front of them in a state of distress, Katano's fixed eyes were extremely heavy. In just one day and one night, the Sakamoto detachment, which claims to be able to sweep the entire LY and is invincible, lost more than half of it. , even if there are more than a thousand remnants of the Sato United Army in the direction of Tangtou Town, so what?That can't hide the serious injury of the Sakamoto detachment.

As the most important subordinate of the head of Sakamoto's brigade, Katano Sasuke is not only fighting for his life, but more importantly, he is a smart person.

From the fact that the brigade headquarters could not be contacted, to the fact that Lieutenant General Seishiro Itagaki, the head of the division, was personally commanding, based on Katano's IQ, can't guess the reason?

Sakamoto Shun, the detachment leader and brigade leader, has most likely been "broken", otherwise, it is really not qualified for the division leader to personally take command of such an ordinary siege campaign.

Only when the head of the brigade is gone, the head of the Itagaki division will personally take command, and the order is still issued by urgent telegram.

The setting sun was gradually setting, and Katano's mind was suddenly clouded: It seems that the situation in this LY battle is going downhill. Could it be that the mighty Fifth Division of the "Steel Army" is about to suffer defeat after all? what?

The thin-skinned tanks of the Japanese army were rumbling forward. It was not until they integrated their troops that they realized that there were only eight of the original twenty tanks left, and the original fifty-odd 50mm caliber field guns were now only Fifteen gates were left, and the day and night scuffle caused the Japanese army to lose too much...

But don't forget, among the remaining 2000 people, more than 1000 of them were drawn by Katano from the station north of Tangtou.

In other words, the main force of the No.11 Regiment, which was on the front line of Zhuge City, now has only about a thousand people left, and it lost more than 2000 people in one day and one night!
What if the losses suffered by other reinforcements were added?Up to now, not only Katano Sato has known that this time the battle plan to go south to LY has failed, but Seishiro Itagaki is also very clear in his heart.

But in any case, now they must take back Tangtou Town, the bridgehead to attack LY, otherwise the Fifth Division's southward combat operation to LY will become meaningless!

This is not just a question of whether their Fifth Division and Itagaki Seishiro have good faces, but also the face of the entire Second Army. If this time it really loses so completely, the second army commander Nishio How will Shouzao look at them?
Although the Kodo faction suffered a complete failure in the "February [-]" military coup, the core members of the Kodo faction, such as Yanagawa Hirasuke and Nishio Hisao, are still active. There are far more members sent among the grassroots units of the Japanese army than members of the control faction.

Nowadays, the members of the Control faction are almost mainly high-level members, and to a certain extent, they have received strong support from the Navy. The three forces of the Japanese navy jointly kicked out the core of the Japanese army's top leadership.

Even the army generals Araki Sadao, Masaki Jinzaburo, and Kawashima Rikusho, the leaders of the Kodo faction, were discharged from active duty. It can be said that the "February [-]" incident in Japan was a failed military coup.

The failure of that coup d'état also meant that the largest faction in the Japanese army, the Imperial Road faction, finally fell to the bottom.

Don't forget, the famous young faction in the Japanese army is also one of the factions in the imperial way faction!
Precisely because the Emperor's sect has lost its leader, it still has considerable influence in the army, so the Japanese officers we usually see on TV who call themselves "the Imperial Army" are actually members of the Emperor's sect officer.

The origin of the name of the Emperor's School is also very particular, because the Japanese army general Sadao Araki called the Japanese army the "imperial army", and advocated the side of the Qing emperor, eliminated the treacherous officials and villains around the emperor, and supported the emperor's own governance to reform Japan. The Way of the Emperor, so it is called the Emperor's Way School.

And Seishiro Itagaki, the representative figure of the Kodo faction at this time, under the command of Hiso Nishio, happened to be the backbone of the ruling faction. If there was a chance to kick Seishiro Itagaki away, would you think Hiso Nishio would kick him away?Then let the fifth division be replaced by a figure from the imperial way school like Isoya Rensuke as the division head?
From the perspective of Itagaki Seishiro, this battle really had to be fought, and it was the kind of bloody battle to take back Tangtou Town!
The Tenth Division, with the last hardcore force of the Emperor's School as the backbone, is already attacking the Teng County area. As long as the defense in the Teng County area is broken, it will soon go to Taierzhuang. Itagaki Seishiro is unlikely to let Iso Gu Lianjie stole the limelight, but his own side suffered a series of defeats!

The sun was slowly setting, and the earth was gradually darkening. Sato Masaki, who had mobilized all his forces but was hit with a bloody head, finally gathered the remnants of the army. Unwilling, he had to lead his troops to retreat.

If it was daytime, Sato Masaki would dare to fight, but it was already dark, and this was the land of China. God knows where another Chinese reinforcement might come out?

When the Japanese army is dispatched, the common people will try their best to tell the Chinese army where the devils are dispatched, but when the Chinese army is dispatched, except for the traitors, where will anyone inform them?
What is the mass base, this is the mass base!

After Sato Masaki gathered the remnants of the army, he realized that there were only more than 200 of his 500 people left. That is to say, they had lost more than [-] troops in this battle.

More than 500 people, if it is normal, this can only be regarded as a moderate meaning, but now it is a big problem.

Sato Masaki's Japanese army suffered a lot of casualties, but the casualties of the first regiment and the first battalion also reached an astonishing 200 people!

There were more than 200 casualties and more than 500 Japanese troops. It seems to be a victory, but don't forget that the Japanese army is the offensive side, and they are attacking from their backs. There are relatively few bunkers. Batteries of artillery and mortars!
The casualties of more than 200 people were mainly caused after the Japanese army rushed to the position. After the Japanese army rushed to the position, they immediately engaged in a bayonet fight, and used their most famous "pig rush tactics" in close combat!
The so-called pig-rush tactics are naturally derived from our contempt for the usual tactics of the Japanese army, and it is mainly named because the combat method of this tactic is like a wild boar rushing to the target recklessly.

In fact, the inventor of the pig rush tactic was Nogi Noki, who was regarded as the "Military God" in the old Japanese army, and the pig rush tactic was called "Long Live Charge" among the Japanese army. He did not forget to shout when he charged "Long live the dog king".

well, let's get back to business.

The melee ability of the Japanese army and the famous "pig sudden tactics" are extremely strong. Zhang Tianhai believes that if all the Japanese troops attack and continue the bloody battle, his Zhiyi Regiment will at least lose two main infantry battalions !

The melee charging ability displayed by the Japanese army during this attack is the most vivid experience Zhang Tianhai has experienced since he came to this era!
During the battle in Shanghai, although the Japanese army’s offensive capability was also fierce, at that time their No.30 Sixth Division mainly defended Jiangwan Town. After the Japanese army invaded, the troops of the 36th Division fought against it. In the narrow alleys of Jiangwan Town, the Japanese army could not exert the essence of the "pig burst tactics" at all!

As we all know, the Japanese army's bayonet fighting ability was among the best in the armies of various countries during World War II. In addition, under the brainwashing of militarism (Harmony) patriotism, it was not afraid of death at all in combat. It can be described as incisively and vividly!
Oh, by the way, the more important point is that their opponents simply do not have as powerful firepower as the U.S. military in the late World War II. If there is, the use of pig sudden tactics is nothing more than providing opponents with a larger firepower target!

Therefore, whenever Zhang Tianhai thought of this, he felt a little scared: If he hadn't brought the small artillery company, the mortar company and the machine gun company of the fourth battalion up, what kind of fierce battle Li Chunfei's first battalion would have faced!

PS: The second update is here.

It's another day, the Eagles are limited in talent, but they will continue to work hard, I hope everyone can continue to support the Eagles who are working hard, hehe.

Thank you for a monthly ticket to Qidian Book Friends Bianfengsheng 1111!
(End of this chapter)

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