War of Resistance

Chapter 408 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 408 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
"Old Zhang, how is the frontline fighting going?" Guo Qiliang asked nervously as soon as Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters.

After all, it started at four o'clock, and the sound of gunfire has never stopped. Looking at Zhang Tianhai's dusty and distressed appearance, the frontline battlefield is definitely not easy.

"Fortunately, the onslaught of the Japanese army has been repelled. The little devil's pig-rush tactics are indeed too fierce. After attacking the outpost, the officers and soldiers of the first battalion began to suffer a lot of casualties." Zhang Tianhai took off his hat and patted Patting the dust on it, he was already exhausted at this moment.

"Then what's the situation in the first battalion now?" Guo Qiliang asked.

"More than 200 brothers were killed or injured, and most of these casualties were caused by hand-to-hand combat." Zhang Tianhai sighed. Even if it's a bayonet fight, whether it can get close is a big problem.

Guo Qiliang pondered for a while, and said: "I have heard that the Japanese army's bayonet fighting tactics are very superb. It really is a man with a reputation... If the Japanese army's follow-up reinforcements arrive, our regiment is likely to suffer a big loss. ..."

Zhang Tianhai picked up his washbasin and asked Xu Sangou to fetch water, then sat down and said, "This is why I don't want to stick to the soup. The advantage of our regiment lies in its fierce firepower and many veterans. Weaknesses It’s just that the army is small, and our regiment can’t afford it if it’s a war of attrition. Now Commander Xu insists that we stick to the soup and fight positional warfare and wars of attrition. This is our biggest weakness...”

"Then what's your plan next?" Guo Qiliang also had deep worries flashing across his face.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said: "First, send out a capable force to find out the movement of the enemy, the most important thing is to find out where the Japanese camp is; second, let the artillery of the artillery battalion be aimed at the Japanese camp Station, fire on time at three o'clock in the morning, and shoot out the shells! I don't feel at ease if they don't burn their camp to the ground..."

It has to be said that Zhang Tianhai's move is very poisonous - according to the report of the Artillery Battalion Commander Zhao Chengge, the Artillery Battalion still has a base number of shells, that is to say, there are still [-] shells, and each cannon is worth more than [-] shells. There are ten rounds available!

From top to bottom, the Japanese army believed that LY's national army did not have artillery support. In the rush of midnight, they were unprepared, and they didn't know how many people would be killed alive.

From beginning to end, Zhang Tianhai gambled on the Japanese army's underestimation and carelessness. After all, in his perception, the Japanese army in the early days of the War of Resistance, without exception, had a feeling of pride and underestimation of the enemy!

Indeed, the Japanese army also fought too many victories on the land of China—whether it was the September [-]th Incident, the July [-]th Incident, the Battle of Songhu, or the Battle of Nanjing, in these battles and incidents, none of them It did not end with the victory of the Japanese army!

Although the Japanese army suffered a lot of casualties in the battle of Songhu and the defense of Nanjing, it was a victory, right?
It is precisely because the Japanese army has won a series of combat operations that the Japanese invaders think that these Chinese troops are all chickens and dogs. Facing the front of their "Great Japanese Imperial Army" The result is predictable.

Other Japanese troops thought so, not to mention the Fifth Division, which used half a division in Xinkou to face the main force of the 20 second theater.

The destruction of the Sakamoto headquarters was considered by more Japanese troops to be a coincidence. The national army was a blind cat and a dead mouse, which is a matter of luck.

Only a few people, such as Katano Sato and Sato Masaki, are aware of the seriousness of the problem. Judging from the battle they are fighting today, their opponents are more difficult than imagined.

At this time, Katano Satomi's reinforcements have joined Masaki Sato's troops. Now nearly [-] Japanese troops are stationed west of Tangtou Town. They have cannons and tanks. Although the troops have suffered heavy losses, they still have guns in their hands. Light and heavy machine guns and grenades are all available, so one can imagine how powerful this army is.

"Send a capable force to find out the enemy's movements? But the only one in our regiment who can take on this task is the spy company, and now you have left the spy company in Lanling again. This time, I'm afraid it will be very difficult." Guo Qiliang Shaking his head.

"Who said it's difficult?" A pleasant female voice suddenly came from outside the door.

There is a saying that when Cao Cao arrives, Cao Cao will arrive.

As soon as Guo Qiliang finished speaking, Zheng Man brought Liu Houming in from outside the tent of the regiment headquarters.

"Zheng Man, why are you here?!" Seeing Zheng Man, Zhang Tianhai was really surprised, and there was a hint of blame in his words, after all, anything can happen in this battlefield!
"I can't worry about you guys." Zheng Man walked up to Zhang Tianhai and said with a smile on his lips.

Looking at Zheng Man's pretty face, Zhang Tianhai was not as happy as he imagined, but rather angry. He resisted the urge to get angry, forced a smile and said to everyone: "You guys wait here now."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai pulled Zheng Man out, seeing that he didn't dare to use force, but he definitely wanted to pull Zheng Man out.

Staring at the two in a daze, Guo Qiliang just shrugged his shoulders helplessly. As for the deputy commander, Zhou Fangjie, he had already been sent to take charge of the defense of Tangtou Town. It can be said that Zhou Fangjie was fully responsible for the defense at night.

"Chief of Staff, do you think they will fight?" Liu Houming smiled badly with the word gossip written on his face, and then approached Guo Qiliang.

Who is Guo Qiliang, he must be a decent person, I saw him glaring at Liu Houming and said: "Adjutant Liu, it's not a good thing to criticize the chairman of the parliament, don't you think our head is the kind of person who can beat his wife? "

"Hey...hey..." Liu Houming smiled awkwardly, but he was embarrassed, as if he felt that what the chief of staff said was a bit wrong-whether he beat his wife or not is one thing, whether he can beat his wife or not is another matter. It's another story.

The camera turns to Zhang Tianhai again.

In the darkness, Zheng Man looked at Zhang Tianhai's figure inexplicably, and seemed a little at a loss. In her memory, this was the first time she saw Zhang Tianhai so angry.

Zhang Tianhai pulled Zheng Man to a place where there were fewer people, then took a deep breath, and said, "Why did you come here? Do you know that this is a battlefield! Nearly a regiment of Japanese troops is about to attack me Onslaught! If something goes wrong with you, what should I do?!"

As he asked, Zhang Tianhai unconsciously became angry, which immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding officers and soldiers.

Facing everyone's surprised eyes, Zhang Tianhai turned to look at them, and shouted: "Get lost! No one is allowed within 30 meters!!"

"Yes! Regimental seat!!" These big-headed soldiers naturally heard that it was the voice of the regiment leader, so they quickly let go of their feet and ran away. The movement was not so fast. Who would dare to hear such an unhappy voice from the regiment leader? To touch that other mold?
The point is, it's not necessary...

After a while, the surrounding area was emptied.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai like this, would Zheng Man not know why Zhang Tianhai was angry?So she decided to strike preemptively and took out the sharpest weapon of a woman-tears.

I saw a tear slipping down from the corner of Zheng Man's eye. Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai was a little dumbfounded but also a little heartbroken: I didn't even start to yell, but I started to cry, what is this?Make it look like you are the victim, and I am the victim, okay, how frightened I was when you came here suddenly?
At this moment, on Zheng Man's face, the tears were dripping one after another, and coupled with her beautiful face, there is only one word that comes to mind: Bring Rain Pear Blossom.

Zheng Man didn't speak, just lowered his head and shed tears silently, looking very aggrieved.

After a while, Zhang Tianhai was defeated by Zheng Man's appearance, and he said dumbfoundedly: "I really convinced you, don't cry, why don't you have something to say? I didn't hurt you."

At an angle that Zhang Tianhai couldn't see, the corners of Zheng Man's mouth slightly raised a proud arc, and then immediately returned to the original state. She raised her head and asked with a pitiful look: "You really didn't give birth to me Are you mad?"

Zhang Tianhai still had that wry smile on his face: "What's there to be angry about? I'm just too worried about you. You said you were pregnant with a child and running around. Although it doesn't look like you have a big belly now, you Also think about our future, and our children. If something happens to you, what will you do if you keep me?"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Man couldn't help but burst out laughing. She put her arms around Zhang Tianhai and said, "Since I received the telegram from the LY Frontline Combat Command yesterday afternoon, I have asked Liu The adjutant brought me to LY."

Just when Zhang Tianhai was thinking about how to punish Liu Houming, Zheng Man added: "You, don't think about punishing Adjutant Liu. I forced him to send me here. When I came here, But they all came here in a carriage."

"Aren't the telegrams from the LY Frontline Combat Command all secret? How do you know?" Zhang Tianhai said with a frown.

Zheng Man didn't say anything, just hugged Zhang Tianhai tightly, and then said softly: "Don't forget who I am, and also, the radio station our regiment stayed in Lanling can also receive LY's front-line combat. Signal from the headquarters."

"Hmm..." Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly, then wrapped his arms around Zheng Man's waist, and said, "Next time, don't be so misbehaving."

"Actually, I planned to stay in LY City before, and then wait for you to come back from a big victory, and then give you a surprise." Zheng Man murmured.

"Then why did you come here suddenly?" Zhang Tianhai asked softly.

"Because I know the order of Chief Xu to let us stick to Tangtou Town. Now the main force of the No.30 Eighth Division of the Ninth Army Huang Weigang has stationed in the north of Tangtou, and the Independent Cavalry Brigade of the Ninth Army has also stationed in Tangshanao. The 40th Division of Army Liu Zhensan has also entered Tongfoguanzhuang, and the main force of the No.[-] Army has also assembled in the direction of Yihe, and this encirclement will soon be formed." Zheng Man's voice was as calm as water, but with Infinitely tender.

"So, you also know that this is a central flowering plan? Then why did you come here so stupidly? I'll let that kid Liu Houming send you back in a while. After all, cannonballs don't have eyes, even if you have a little accident. I’m afraid I won’t be happy in this life.” People’s hearts are made of flesh, and Zhang Tianhai is no exception. Indeed, he has a tough side, but he also has a tender side. Facing such an infatuated woman , How can he bear to be harsh?
"I know, so, I want to be with you." Zheng Man's words were full of firmness, and there was no room for rejection.

"No, you still have to go back. Even if I die on the battlefield, I can still leave you with a baby and a thought." Zhang Tianhai said gently stroking Zheng Man's long hair.

"If you die on the battlefield, it probably won't be interesting for me to live alone with the baby. Why don't we go to the underworld together, even if we die, we can be a pair of fateful mandarin ducks..." Zheng Man said She raised her head and smiled softly, that smile was as warm as a spring breeze, very charming, and her eyes seemed to contain brilliant stars.

Zhang Tianhai's heart softened, and he just hugged Zheng Man.

Under the starry sky that night, Zhang Tianhai heard the most beautiful love words in his life, and it was also his sincere thought that he would live up to her in this life.


However, like the happy time, the warm time is also short-lived.

After a while, Zheng Man pushed Zhang Tianhai away, and said, "Yu Lin, let's go back! Don't make them wait too long, I heard you standing outside just now, and you were still thinking about how to fight." It’s troublesome. Now I’ve brought you back from the spy company. Let’s go back quickly!”

"Yeah." Zhang Tianhai looked at Zheng Man's face and smiled softly: "If you get a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?"


After a while, Zhang Tianhai took Zheng Man's hand and went back to the regiment headquarters' tent.

"What's the matter? The young couple finished their quarrel?" Guo Qiliang joked.

"Go, go, you kid also learned from them to be unscrupulous?" Zhang Tianhai joked with a smile. Now he is not in a good mood. Even after fighting the Japanese army for a day, he doesn't feel tired.

"Hey." Guo Qiliang scratched his head and smiled.

"Okay, don't say anything, let's issue a formal combat order!" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

As soon as the group leader was about to give an order, all the people around stood up immediately.

"Now I order, Liu Houming, you immediately lead the special agent company and former deputy battalion commander Xu of the Artillery Battalion to search the Japanese positions west of Tangtou Town. Remember not to startle the enemy! After detecting the Japanese positions, immediately return to the regiment headquarters to report the situation!" Zhang Tianhai Shen Said loudly.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Liu Houming replied loudly, it has been a long time, and he finally has a chance to go to the battlefield. When Zhang Tianhai ordered him to stay in Lanling, he was not usually wronged like that.

Well now, I finally have a chance to show my talents, so Liu Houming is not so happy at this time...

"Xu Sangou, go to the Pao Battalion right now and call me the former deputy battalion commander Xu!" Zhang Tianhai directly ordered Xu Sangou behind him.


PS: There will be an update tonight, because there is an urgent matter to deal with, so it is delayed, and it will be made up after twelve o'clock.

Thanks to the starting point book friend Pickled Fish V for the 2000 points reward and two monthly tickets! ! !
Thanks to Qidian book friend YUZHANXIANG for two monthly tickets!

Thanks to Qidian book friend Nidie Yaya and QQ reading book friend Wu Bin for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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