War of Resistance

Chapter 409 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 409 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
"Yes! Regiment seat!" Xu Sangou responded, and then hurried to inform Xu Qian, the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion.

For Xu Sangou, now that Liu Houming is back, he has to continue to be the leader of the regiment's guard platoon instead of the regiment's private guard.

Although the guard regiment headquarters is much safer, but for a soldier, a military career that is too ordinary may not necessarily be a good thing.

Maybe it was because Liu Houming was too playful and messed up the mission, so Zhang Tianhai warned Liu Houming again and said, "Liu Houming, listen to me, this time your mission is to detect good enemies for the artillery battalion. Battalion position, unless it is absolutely necessary, do not exchange fire with the enemy!"

"Understood, Tuan Zuo." Liu Houming stood at attention again and responded.

"Okay, okay, you guys go to perform the task!" Zhang Tianhai waved to Liu Houming and others, and then went to sleep in his small hammock.

After a while, the snoring started, the kind that completely ignored other people's feelings.

"Chief of Staff Guo, is there a lot of fighting in Tangtou Town today?" Zheng Man asked Guo Qiliang.

At this time, Zheng Man was only less than two months pregnant, plus it was cold, and she was wearing the woolen coat that only officers at the rank of generals were qualified to wear, so it was completely impossible to tell that she was pregnant. .

Guo Qiliang nodded and said, "It's okay. At around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, the little devil launched a bombardment, and at four o'clock, he launched a fierce attack. The battlefield west of Tangtou Town started at four o'clock in the afternoon. When it was dark, Zhang Yulin was the head of the regiment, and he had been to the front line several times to command the battle in person, so it was really tiring."

"How many times have you been to the front line in person?" Zheng Man grasped the key words at once.

I saw Guo Qiliang nodded and said: "Yes, he personally commanded the battle against Tangtou Town. Not to mention, the fight was not bad. One major general was killed, and the assistant officer also killed three. By then Our regiment lost more than 500 people within one day."

"Why are there so many casualties?" Zheng Man asked.

"Actually, the casualties of the Japanese army were more serious. Our regiment completely took advantage of the fierce firepower. In addition, the Japanese army was completely defenseless against our appearance, so we wiped out many enemies. Among these infantry battalions, Li Chunfei's It means that the casualties were the heaviest, almost more than half of the casualties. However, their battalion killed the most enemies, and they wiped out no less than 500 enemies in the outer positions west of Tangtou Town." Guo Qiliang put his hands behind his back and frowned, as the same straight As one of the founders of Yituan, he naturally knows how difficult it is to accumulate such wealth.

"With our regiment's superiority in firepower and our defensive posture, it seems that these Japanese devils are really fierce!" Although Zheng Man is in charge of communications, she is also A soldier, naturally knows about military operations, don't forget who she is.

"Well, these wounded have not had time to be transported out..." Guo Qiliang sighed, the war has already been fought within the territory of LY, whether it is a village or a town, it has become a battle for every inch of land between China and Japan In that place, those villagers and common people had already evacuated, and there was no trace of them at all.

At this moment, the phone of the regiment headquarters rang, and Guo Qiliang picked up the phone directly and said, "Hi, this is the regiment headquarters, and I'm Guo Qiliang."

From the other side of the phone, a voice came: "Report to the Chief of Staff, this is the headquarters of the Fourth Battalion stationed in the east of Tangtou Town. A militia captain named Pang Kui came here with the common people to rescue the wounded. They came here with hot food like steamed buns! Please let the commander instruct you whether to let them go!"

Out of caution, Guo Qiliang asked again: "Have you confirmed that you are a commoner?"

"Report sir, I've confirmed it. There are men, women, old and young, all Chinese, and they cannot be spies of the enemy." The other end of the phone said swearingly.

Guo Qiliang agreed directly without any hesitation: "Okay! Let it go! You must pay attention to your attitude and don't chill the hearts of the common people. By the way, send someone to take this militia leader immediately... Then what... Fat Kui Right? Take it directly to the regiment headquarters!"

"Yes! Sir!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, and there was a busy tone on the phone.


About 10 minutes later, under the leadership of the soldiers, the militia captain Pang Kui finally arrived at the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment.

Guo Qiliang had an impression of the name Pang Kui. Yes, it was the name he heard this morning.

If it weren't for this Pang Kui, it would have been impossible for them to know the news as soon as the main force of the Japanese army was transferred from the headquarters.

Therefore, Guo Qiliang wants to meet this Pang Kui!


The camera turned to the other side. When Pang Kui arrived at the outskirts of the Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters, Liu Houming also led the officers and soldiers of the secret service company and started to touch the Japanese army's garrison positions.Accompanying him was Xu Qian, deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion.

Speaking of Xu Qian being summoned by the group seat, he was full of depression: He was summoned by the officer and ran over at the fastest speed, but the officer fell asleep. What kind of situation is this?Fortunately, Chief of Staff Guo is quite reliable, unlike a certain regiment leader who fell asleep as soon as he said he fell asleep...

Everything is silent in the dark night, and the surroundings seem to be asleep, only some cicadas that wake up early are neighing in the woods or flying to the fields.

Liu Houming's gaze was as sharp as an eagle's, and those sharp eyes were like two probes, looking around.

The same is true for the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment's special agent company, they are all soldiers trained by regimental commander Zhang...

Tactical gestures, standard offensive moves, physical training, and shooting essentials are all carried out in a very scientific and organic combination according to the training essentials of the 21st century and the characteristics of this poor era.

Unlike the Secret Service Company, who were sneaky and didn't even light a torch when they walked, the Japanese army seemed much more open and aboveboard. For example, they all lit torches in units of units, put all their firearms in one place, and then started the rare "" Break time.

In this era of material scarcity, everyone's entertainment programs are relatively limited, even the Japanese army is no exception, it is nothing more than chatting about fighting, talking about women and the like.

It's just different from the enthusiastic and happy atmosphere of the previous few days. Now the Japanese army can't help but feel pessimistic.

The reason for this pessimistic atmosphere is that the detachment leader Sakamoto Shun "Yu Sui". After all, when more than 8000 of them set off from Zhucheng, they were full of energy. Now, not only are there only [-] people left, but even Sakamoto The captains of the Shun branch were all killed in battle, that is to say, they are now a lone army that goes deep behind the enemy's rear but is alone and helpless!

After Katano decided to join forces with Sato Masaki, the two immediately started to temporarily reorganize the troops. If they don't hurry up and reorganize, they will suffer a big loss when the general offensive is launched tomorrow!
After all, with the current state of the Japanese army, every unit is dissatisfied with the formation.

Not only are they dissatisfied with the reorganization, but also they don't know how many people are left in which unit. For the Japanese army at this time, temporary reorganization is imminent!

PS: This chapter is relatively short, I'm too sleepy, I can't bear it anymore, it's to make up for yesterday's second update.good night everybody!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Cyl903 for the two monthly tickets!
Thanks to Qidian book friends, don't guess, I must be a very, very handsome monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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