War of Resistance

Chapter 410 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 410 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
The night was still silent.

Liu Houming pushed aside the weeds that were as tall as a man in front of him, his bony eyes were moving rapidly, and he was observing the situation of the Japanese army garrison.

As Liu Houming saw, because the Japanese army evacuated in a hurry on the front line, a large amount of supplies were lost, even the tents used by the front line troops were lost.Most of those logistics supplies were in Tangtou Town, and with the fall of Tangtou Town, these supplies also flowed into Zhi Yituan's hands.

It's just that after the Zhiyi regiment captured Tangtou Town, Sato Masaki came back with reinforcements before he had time to search Tangtou Town. This is a very depressing thing.

If the Zhiyi Regiment had time to conduct a large-scale search of Tangtou Town, they would definitely find that they had made a fortune!

Because of the large shortage of supplies, these Japanese soldiers who can usually live in field tents can only sleep in the open air. There is a lot of cold dew at night, and it is cold. It doesn't look so miserable...

"These little devils don't live in tents. It's very difficult." Liu Houming whispered to Xu Qian beside him.

Xu Qian nodded and said: "Indeed, our artillery fire will not be able to achieve the maximum effect."

"Deputy Battalion Commander Xu, do you remember the location clearly now?" Liu Houming asked.

Xu Qian nodded and said: "Remember it clearly, why don't we withdraw first?"

"Wait, we're all here now, why don't we prepare some surprises for the little devil?" Liu Houming smiled slyly, and then made a gesture of "arranging a booby trap".

These methods of arranging booby traps are basically laying traps. On this point, Zhang Tianhai also taught him a lot from the Songhu battlefield to Zhi Yituan's departure.

From the beginning of Zhiyi regiment training, the operational orientation of the special agent company has become infiltration, reconnaissance, surprise attack, etc., and by modern standards, it should be similar to the existence of a reconnaissance company.

So, Liu Houming and the officers and soldiers of the secret service company began to "work". They skillfully unscrewed the cover of the grenade, then used a thin rope to trap the pull rope of the grenade, and pressed the grenade with heavy objects such as stones. Then the branch was tied with a string, and then inserted into the ground, and the grenade would be detonated if it was not careful.

These grenades were arranged as close as possible to the Japanese army's garrison point. Regarding this point, Liu Houming's intentions could not be described as sinister. After all, when the artillery sounded, with the artillery battalion's shelling density ordered by the regiment commander, the Japanese army would definitely cause riots. When the Japanese army riots, it's time for these booby traps to play a role!

After finishing all the preparations, Liu Houming waved his hands very coolly and said, "Go! Withdraw!"

It seems that something happened around here, but nothing seems to happen. Everything around is quiet and quiet. The Japanese soldiers who were exhausted all day did not sleep soundly, and even the mental state of the sentry on guard With a little trance.


The camera returns to Zhiyi Tuantuan's headquarters, and the time returns to 15 minutes ago.

At this time, Pang Kui, dressed in plain clothes, came to the headquarters of the Zhiyi regiment and met Guo Qiliang, Chief of Staff Guo.

After seeing Guo Qiliang, Pang Kui immediately stood at attention and saluted. He gave a very standard military salute and said, "Hello, sir! Pang Kui, captain of the LY militia guerrillas, reports to you!"

Seeing this standard military salute, Guo Qiliang smiled and said: "It seems that Captain Pang has been in the army for many years, as can be seen from the small details of the salute. I am Guo Qiliang, the Chief of Staff of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. "

"Mr. Guo was joking. When it comes to marching and fighting, you are an expert. I am such a small militia captain, so it is inconvenient for me to handle axes. Hehe." Pang Kui scratched his head with embarrassment, looking like an honest man look like.

"This time, you have made meritorious service. When the time comes to report the details of the battle, I will definitely report your contribution to the war zone commander's department." Guo Qiliang said seriously.

"Thank you, sir!" Pang Kui stood at attention again and saluted.

"You're welcome, the wounded soldiers of my Zhiyi Regiment will be handed over to you now. I thank you on behalf of the Zhiyi Regiment!" Guo Qiliang gave a solemn military salute.

"Sir, don't worry! Brothers are shedding blood and dying in the front, we will never treat our heroes like this." Pang Kui promised very sincerely.


Time always passed quickly. At three o'clock in the morning, most of the Japanese soldiers had already entered a state of deep sleep. Even if they were sleeping in the open air, there were loud voices, one after another.

Inoue Ishisan is a basic commander of the Japanese army, oh, that is, the squad leader. After the temporary reorganization, he assumed the role of the squadron leader. There is no way. The casualties of the soldiers were not small, and the officers at the grassroots level were also not small.

"Sakura, I will go back to see you after Dad wins the battle." Inoue Shisan was muttering in his sleep, everything in the dream was very beautiful.

Just when Inoue Ishisan dreamed that he had been promoted to general and was going to take the whole family to Tokyo, a series of shells with squealing sound hit the Japanese army garrison fiercely, and many Japanese soldiers who hadn’t woken up All were killed, or were blown away and killed by the aftermath of nearby shell explosions.

Don't forget, this is 2 shells, which were fired within [-] minutes, that is to say, at least [-] shells fell densely on the position every minute. They were blown up alive.

Inoue Ishisan was no exception. When he woke up from the bombardment, the surrounding area was already in a panic. The Japanese soldiers who were stunned by the bombing were fleeing everywhere. Die, but now they are behind overwhelming artillery fire, and there is no bunker!

Anyone is powerless in the face of this explosion that can destroy everything in the world. The rules of nature cannot be completely changed by man-made alone!

The explosion happened on the ground, and countless Japanese soldiers ran in the explosion wave, as if they wanted to avoid the intensive artillery fire, and some Japanese soldiers ran directly. In the nearby woods, in a panic, many Japanese soldiers stumbled. The booby-traps laid out by a group of special agents, and then many explosions caused panic.

In the darkness, they couldn't even tell whether it was a bomb explosion or a cannonball explosion. In short, it was a mess.

If a team of the national army took advantage of the chaos to fight out, it would definitely form a melee with the Japanese army!

LY Front Command.

The sound of the rumbling guns naturally woke up Pang Bingxun, Xu Zuyi and others. Their first reaction was: Are these little Japanese crazy?Launched an attack on Tangtou Town in the middle of the night?

Therefore, Xu Zuyi, Pang Bingxun, and Zhang Zizhong, the three representatives of the LY frontline headquarters who had the most authority to speak, gathered again in the battle hall of the combat headquarters late at night.

"Hello, Commander Xu!"

"Hello, Commander Xu!"

After seeing Xu Zuyi, Zhang Zizhong and Pang Bingxun stood at attention at the same time and saluted.

Since Xu Zuyi lived the closest, he was the first to arrive among the three.

"Both of you, you are finally here. The fighter plane is fleeting, come and analyze the combat situation!" Xu Zuyi said in a deep voice.

Striding in front of Xu Zuyi, Zhang Zizhong stood at attention and saluted: "Mr. Xu, I believe that such intensive artillery fire in the middle of the night is very likely that the Japanese army is launching a fierce attack on Tangtou Town. Now the main force of our Ninth Army and The troops of the No.40 Army have already entered the battle site according to the scheduled plan. We should immediately gather the troops in these places and completely annihilate this stubborn enemy in Tangtou Town!"

Pang Bingxun didn't think too much, and echoed Zhang Zizhong's opinion: "I also agree with Commander Pang Jun's opinion. This time, the Japanese army of the Sakamoto Brigade is coming aggressively. The purpose is to annihilate the main force of our army in the LY area and occupy LY. It is easy to beat this group of Japanese troops to a great extent, and we cannot let them go because of hesitation. Otherwise, when the Japanese reinforcements arrive, it will be the day when our army's vitality will be severely injured!"

Looking at the two people in front of them who no longer cared about the old grievances, Xu Zuyi nodded and said, "It's rare for the two army commanders to agree so much. What's more, what the two said is indeed reasonable, so let's do it! Immediately order the troops to follow Preplan No. [-], let go of the attack! Don’t let a single Japanese army escape from Tangtou Town!”

"Yes! Sir!" Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong stood at attention and saluted at the same time. Afterwards, the two enemies who had worked so hard met each other and smiled, which seemed to be a glass of wine to express their grievances.


At this time, Zhang Tianhai, who was outside Tangtou City, didn't know that because of his whimsical bombardment, a series of chain reactions had been triggered.

Fortunately, the Japanese army received the death order from Itagaki Seishiro. If it was a Japanese army with weak fighting will or the target of the battle was not so obvious, they would have run away long ago...

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was standing in front of the artillery battalion's position, looking at the cannon bumps in front of him with excitement, but he was very at ease in his heart.

It is true that the artillery of this era is not as advanced as that of the 21st century, but at that time he was a small squadron leader, so naturally he could not command artillery firepower, unless it was a surprise attack on the enemy headquarters.

But this time it was different. Although the eight cannons were indeed a little small, the moment of the salvo was still quite shocking, especially when it was fired under my own order, so the designation was different.

"Zhao Chengge, you've done a good job. I believe this time, the little devil will be blown up!" Zhang Tianhai happily patted the artillery battalion commander Zhao Chengge on the shoulder and said.

I saw Zhao Chengge's gloomy face, he was about to cry, he said: "Tuan Zuo... our artillery battalion... there are no more shells..."

The artillery of the artillery has no shells, so it is not as good as a fire stick, which can injure people, but this artillery has no shells, it is a pile of living scrap iron...

Well, I dismantled it to sell that kind of scrap iron that no one has bought yet...


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the starting point book friend A Fugen, I hope that there will be two monthly tickets for tomorrow 01!

Thanks to starting point book friend 160918082927023, book friend 20190801135246230, kissing will have a child, book friend 2017030504151996, and QQ reading book friend Xuewu for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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