War of Resistance

Chapter 411 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 411 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
I saw Zhang Tianhai raised his brows and said, "What's your expression? If the shells run out, they'll be gone. What's the matter? Look at your useless look. If you run out of shells, you can ask the commander of the war zone to give it to you. The commander of the war zone won't give it. Just ask the little devil."

"Huh? Can you still ask the little devil for it?" Obviously, Zhao Chengge's brain was a little bit stuck.

"Yes, if you don't give it up, you'll beat them up!" Zhang Tianhai said domineeringly, well, in the words of some novels, it would be a bastard...

Cough, cough, cough... It's a crooked way, time to return to the topic.

"Yes! Group seat!" Zhao Chengge was really impressed by the group leader's aura. After all, it seemed that they had heard that the group leader hadn't suffered a real defeat.

Well, again, bragging is also about strength.


The camera turns back to the Japanese garrison that has been bombed again.

Eighty shells were poured on the head within 2 minutes, which made the Japanese army under the Fifth Division, who had always been pampered and had never been bombed by such artillery, suffer a lot.

Even the faces of the main commanders, Katano Yadami and Sato Masaki, were black and white with traces of gunpowder smoke, looking quite embarrassed.

"Katano-kun, I've had enough. These damn Chinese people don't play by the rules!" Sato Masaki said angrily.

"What do you mean by Sato-kun?" Katano Junjian, who was also very angry, asked, but compared to Sato Masaki, who was about to lose control of his emotions, he was much calmer.

"Lead troops directly to attack Tangtou Town!" Sato Masaki said viciously, "Katano-kun, don't think that I've been overwhelmed by anger now, Katano-kun, listen, if we have suffered such a big wronged Fight back, and our army is finished!"

At the end, Sato Masaki put his hands on Katano's shoulders directly.

Katano Sato is not the kind of person who has no foresight at all, he also knows that Masaki Sato is telling the truth, so he finally nodded: "In that case, Sato-kun, let's implement it according to your ideas! "

"Yoshi, it's overdue." Sato Masaki nodded, then drew out his katana, and shouted: "Everyone must gather immediately!!!"

Following Masaki Sato's roar, a sharp whistle immediately sounded from the camp where the Japanese troops were stationed, and the scattered Japanese troops immediately began to gather, moving very quickly!
In a short while, the Japanese army's team was assembled. If Zhang Tianhai saw this scene here, he would shake his head involuntarily, and then said: "The Japanese army is worthy of being the strongest army in East Asia in this era... A regiment is well-equipped, but its overall military quality is still inferior to that of the Japanese army..."

Following Masaki Sato's order, the prelude to the bloody Tangtou battle officially kicked off, and more than 700 Japanese troops, reinforced by tanks and artillery, quickly marched towards Tangtou Town.

It was already four o'clock in the morning, but before dawn, countless Japanese troops began to attack Tangtou Town in the form of skirmishing, and at the same time there were rumbling guns.





The remaining dozen or so cannons of the Japanese army were roaring, and the shells with howling noises drew beautiful arcs of light in the dark night sky, and then ruthlessly blasted on the ground of Zhi Tuan Battalion. On the forward position, the firepower is not so fierce.

This time, the Japanese army who became angry from embarrassment had already launched the final onslaught. Obviously they had no patience, and the situation did not allow them to take their time!
Zhang Tianhai, who just wanted to give the Japanese army a "surprise", never expected that this would really piss off the Japanese army.

The sound of rumbling artillery came from the direction of the first regiment and the first battalion. Zhang Tianhai's face changed suddenly when he heard the intensity of the artillery sound: with this level of artillery fire, it is impossible for retaliatory artillery fire to The firepower you have, this **** is the formation that only the general offensive can have!
"Old Zhang, listening to the density of artillery fire, it is not retaliatory firepower at all... Should the third battalion be allowed to launch a sneak attack from the side to relieve the pressure on the front battalion! It really doesn't work, the cavalry battalion is fine too!" Guo Qiliang He walked directly to Zhang Tianhai and said.

"No, we have to wait a while. The firepower of the first battalion can withstand the Japanese attack. Now let He Jiye's military police enter Tangtou Town and be ready to support the battle at any time!" Zhang Tianhai's head was very clear at this time, since the Japanese army The sword is already on, and he has no choice but to accept it!

"Why not use the second battalion or the spy company to enter the city? I'm afraid the military police company's combat effectiveness is not too strong..." Guo Qiliang expressed concern.

"There is no other way now. The dead horse can only be used as a living horse doctor. The combat troops outside the city must maintain a reserve force of more than three battalions! When the Japanese army becomes exhausted, these three battalions will decide The key to winning or losing." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Isn't it? You're trying to fight against the remnants of the Japanese army with the strength of one of our straight regiments and one reinforced regiment? After this battle, I'm afraid we will wipe out all the wealth we have accumulated so hard." Guo Qiliang almost said I can't believe Zhang Tianhai can make such a decision.

Zhang Tianhai raised his head slowly and said: "Old Guo, we made a big mistake this time. We bombarded the Japanese army's positions but did not report the situation to Commander Xu and the others, which caused the Japanese army to launch a decisive battle in advance. In addition, we defied the commander. Order, the surprise attack on Tangtou Town, although it was a meritorious service, it also did not report to Commander Xu. If this battle is not fought hard, let alone a meritorious service, I am afraid that both of us will not be able to protect ourselves..."

"Old Zhang, I understand what you mean." Guo Qiliang nodded, and then asked: "Since you decided to lead your troops to attack Tangtou Town, why didn't you report to Chief Xu and the others in advance? It’s a great achievement.”

"It's still the same sentence, the war opportunity is fleeting, if Chief Xu doesn't approve it, we launch a surprise attack again, it will be a serious crime to be shot. If we attack without asking for instructions, they will not do anything to me if we do meritorious service. "Zhang Tianhai's mind is very calm. He is not the kind of reckless person who does things regardless of the consequences. On the contrary, he has already thought carefully before doing things.

"It seems that you, Zhang, are really cunning in doing things. A small regiment leader is so arrogant, if he becomes a brigade commander or division commander, how good is it?" Guo Qiliang scolded with a smile.

While Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang were chatting about the next battle plan, Xu Xun had already found He Jiye and told him that the regiment leader wanted him to lead his troops into the city to accept the command of Deputy Chief Zhou.

Regarding the matter of going to the battlefield, He Jiye had no objection. After all, most of the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment came from the battlefield, even the more than 100 members of the Gendarmerie Company were no exception.

Since they are soldiers, they shoulder the responsibility of defending the country. The meaning of the military police company is to supervise the battle and maintain discipline. Because they have caught many unruly soldiers, they are also called "stand up and talk" by other soldiers. No back pain" person.

That's right, he was scolded as a person who doesn't hurt his back while standing and talking.

What does this mean?The general meaning is "you don't have to go to the battlefield, you just mess with your own people all day long, and you talk about discipline, why don't you go to the battlefield when you are fighting for your life?"

So the gendarmerie was holding their breaths—if the group hadn't told them clearly that maintaining discipline on the battlefield was their most fundamental duty, and that they were not allowed to overstep their powers, they would have asked to go to the battlefield a long time ago.

Fortunately, the regiment seat really gave the Gendarmerie Company an excellent opportunity, so the officers and soldiers of the Gendarmerie Company must prove to the comrades in the regiment that only the best soldiers can become Gendarmerie, not by beating their own people. , but hit the enemy fiercely!

So when He Jiye and the gendarmerie company announced the news, everyone in the gendarmerie company was excited. They put on their Japanese equipment and went to the battlefield almost without hesitation.

Yes, it is Japanese weapons and equipment, and only the military police company is equipped with Japanese weapons and equipment. The firepower configuration of one light machine gun per shift has not changed—only two Japanese-made heavy machine guns are assigned to the company headquarters. As an added firepower.

As for why only the military police company is equipped with Japanese weapons, the reason is very simple - Zhang Tianhai really doesn't think much of the lethality of the Sanba Dagai. If it weren't for the high accuracy of shooting, he would not use the Sanba Dagai Gai is used as a sniper rifle, and Gai's shooting power is only [-]%. If it is placed on the top of a battle company, wouldn't it be harmful?


When the Zhiyi Regiment was ready for a decisive battle with the Japanese army, the headquarters of the No.30 Eighth Division of the Ninth Army stationed in the north of Tangtou Town had already assembled all of them. The next thing they had to do was to cooperate with their friendly forces to attack the Japanese army attacking Tangtou Town. Encircled.

Riding on the steed, Huang Weigang, the commander of No.30 Eighth Division, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of Tangtou Town, which was under heavy fire.

"Teacher, with this density of artillery fire, if our division is on top, I'm afraid it will be too much?" Shi Shuyou, the chief of staff, smiled and asked the commander Huang Weigang. After all, the battle is about to be won, so he is naturally in a good mood.

"Little Japan is desperate. Let alone us, it would be difficult for any troops to guard there. If we ask our division to send a main force to guard, I don't think it may be able to defend." Huang Weigang told the truth, and did not deliberately tout the combat effectiveness of his troops.

Besides, the people present here are all their own people. Who doesn't know the actual combat power of the No. 30 Eighth Division?It's meaningless to talk about that calf.

"It seems that the Central Army of the Tianhai Group is about to suffer. It is really not optimistic to be bombarded twice by the Japanese army twice in one night!" Shi Shuyou shook his head and smiled wryly.


PS: The second update is sent, the same, the update is late, everyone understands.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Nidie Yaya for the reward of 3000 points! ! !

Thanks to Qidian book friends for digging the land, and for the monthly tickets for Fengyu Fang!
(End of this chapter)

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