War of Resistance

Chapter 412 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 412 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
Like most of the officers, Shi Shuyou also believed that the bombardment launched by the Zhiyi regiment was launched by the Japanese army. After all, this level of firepower density is not what the national army can do——

After all, the current situation of the national army is still relatively poor, not to mention that it must be the kind that cannot be uncovered!At least it seems that no military officer would be so fucked up that he would launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army before launching an attack, right?

After all, without a surprise attack plan, launching such a high-density and high-intensity artillery bombardment against the Japanese army does not have much military significance.

What everyone didn't expect was that Zhang Tianhai was such a fucking commander who suddenly got up in the middle of the night to serve the Japanese army with a burst of artillery, just to retaliate against the Japanese army's fierce attack during the day.

More importantly, to be bombarded by the Japanese army with this fierce artillery fire, it is estimated that these little devils will be blown up.

Turns out, however, that waking up is a scary thing, especially when the "alarm clock" is still under fire...

When the Japanese army attacked, the artillery fire was rumbling, and the artillery shells hit the national army's position fiercely, and immediately "woke up" all the officers and soldiers of the national army.




The artillery shells bombarded the position, immediately blasting the ground, and the shrapnel of the artillery shells were also flying rapidly in the air. All the officers and soldiers of the national army hid behind the bunkers, avoiding this damn bombardment by the Japanese army.

At this moment, Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of the first regiment directly under the third theater and the commander of the Tangtou Town defensive position, took the officers and soldiers of the military police company to the front line of the first battalion at the risk of artillery bombardment.

That's right, for the military police company, Zhou Fangjie directly used it as a guard company. Of course, it can also be used to support any place when it is needed.

Seeing Zhou Fangjie coming up with all these military policemen with white cuffs on their arms, Li Chunfei was really a little confused.

"Deputy head, why did you bring the military police up to supervise the battle?" Li Chunfei stammered, yes, like everyone else, he also thought that deputy head Zhou brought the supervisory team to supervise the battle.

There is no way, the gendarmerie exists just like this, it maintains the discipline of the troops in peacetime, and maintains the order of the battlefield in wartime. Oh, to put it bluntly, maintaining the order of the battlefield is to supervise the battle.

Zhou Fangjie shook his head and said, "No, I'm here to command the battle, and the gendarmerie is also here to support the frontline fighting this time."

"No way? The regiment headquarters has arrived and is going to use the gendarmerie as a combat force?" Li Chunfei looked depressed.

At this moment, the artillery fire of the Japanese army stopped, and thousands of Japanese troops also attacked from the west to the east of Tangtou Town!
The Japanese army all over the mountains and plains began to rush towards the positions of the regiment and the battalion. In the dark night, it looked like mice all over the place, very dense, accompanied by the rumble of tanks starting!

Hearing the sound of the rumbling tank engine running, Zhou Fangjie's expression changed slightly, and he immediately got up and shouted: "Brothers of the small artillery company, listen up! Your target is a tank! Concentrate your firepower, and it's good to destroy one!" One car!!!"

"Yes! Sir!!!" Xu Zengsheng, the commander of the small artillery company, responded loudly.

Zhou Fangjie raised his head and looked at the Japanese troops marching all over the mountains and plains. His breathing became heavier. He said to Li Chunfei next to him: "You, tell the brothers, after putting the little devil in 100 meters, the firepower will be fully fired. Let me go!"

"Yes! Sir!" Li Chunfei replied.

Then, Zhou Fangjie directly grabbed a gendarme and said, "You, now go and inform the group seat, tell him that the Japanese army has launched a full-scale attack, you go and inform him!"

"Yes, sir!" The gendarme responded and ran back to the regiment headquarters.

The distance of the Japanese army was approaching, Zhou Fangjie counted silently: 400 meters... 350 meters... 300 meters...

When the Japanese army approached 100 meters, Zhou Fangjie yelled "fight" and pulled the trigger.

The bullets burst out from the gun barrel and shot at the Japanese soldiers with scorching heat, some of them directly hit the charging Japanese soldiers, and when the bullets penetrated their bodies, they also took a small piece of minced meat Come out, the wound is not so big,

"Ah!~~~" The Japanese army who was hit made a miserable cry in an instant.

Soon, the fallen Japanese soldier was trampled to death by the comrades swarming up from behind.

The bayonets of the Japanese army gave off very clear reflections in the dark night, bursts, rows, shining coldly.

The Japanese tanks were advancing among the Japanese infantry, and the machine guns on the tank turrets were still blazing, trying to suppress the firepower on the other side.


The machine guns of the Japanese tanks are already fully fired!

If it was against the previous National Army troops, this tank would naturally be invincible, but it is a pity that they encountered German troops equipped with Soloton cannons!
"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom!"

The six Soloton cannons aimed their muzzles at one of the tanks, and then fired!
Six rounds of 20mm machine gun bullets hit the Japanese tank fiercely, sparking a burst of beautiful sparks!The inexhaustible large-caliber bullets directly penetrated the thin steel plate of the Japanese army, and then the small thin-skinned tank actually caught fire!

This burst of fire immediately illuminated everything around, and it was very conspicuous in the dark night. The nearby Japanese army immediately attracted a burst of machine gun fire from the national army, and there was a lot of screams!
"The damn Chinese are actually equipped with machine guns!" Katano Shumi held a samurai sword, and his eyes were ready to tear apart!

However, Katano Shoji is not that kind of indecisive person, he held his samurai sword high, and kept yelling: "Why are you (chucking)!!!"

Just when the front troops of the Zhiyi Regiment began to exchange fire with the Japanese army, Zhang Tianhai, who was at the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment, also received a call from the temporary command center in Tangtou Town. The military police called.

"Hello, this is the regiment headquarters. I'm Zhang Tianhai." Zhang Tianhai picked up the phone and said.

"Hey, group seat, this is the temporary command center of Tangtou Town. Deputy head Zhou has led the gendarmerie to the front to command the battle. He ordered me to report to you. Now the Japanese army has launched a full-scale attack on Tangtou." Phone That said.

"Full attack? Are you sure?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"Reporter, I'm very sure that all the troops of the Japanese army have been dispatched just now, including tanks, and the troops all over the mountains and plains are all Japanese troops." The military police swore.

"Okay, I got it. Tell Deputy Commander Zhou for me that you must use the existing garrison in Tangtou Town to hold back the Japanese attack!" Zhang Tianhai urged again.

"Yes! Group seat!" The other side of the phone responded.

Immediately afterwards, after hanging up the phone, Zhang Tianhai asked people to call Wang Yongcheng, the commander of the cavalry battalion, Lu Shaojie, the commander of the second battalion, and Liu Houming, the commander of the secret service company, to the regiment headquarters, and gave an urgent order.

Looking at the three people standing straight in front of him, Zhang Tianhai put his hands behind his back and said, "Everyone, I, Zhang Yulin, called you here this time to tell you something, and this thing is yours." The coordinated operations of the three armies are about to start. This time I will personally lead the team. The goal of the operation is to sneak attack on the Japanese artillery positions. Remember, let’s take all these artillery pieces away. Also, to deal with the rear of the Japanese army Launch a surprise attack from the back position, forming a two-sided attack on the Japanese army!"

"Yes! Group seats!" Wang Yongcheng, Lu Shaojie, Liu Houming and the other three responded in unison.

After giving the three people combat missions, Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to Guo Qiliang: "Brother Qiliang, we will leave our backs to you. You can take the third battalion as a reserve team! Now the artillery battalion has arrived. There are no more shells, and the supply company has no combat effectiveness, so it's up to you."

Guo Qiliang nodded solemnly, and said: "You can lead the troops forward, just go forward, and leave the rear to me."

Zhang Tianhai patted Guo Qiliang on the shoulder, didn't say anything else, just turned his head to look at Zheng Man who was staring at him, nodded, then turned around and said to Lu Shaojie and the others: "You three, Assemble the troops immediately! Let's go immediately!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" The three responded again.

Looking at the back of Zhang Tianhai and others leaving, Zheng Man suddenly feels inexplicably distressed for Zhang Tianhai: He is already the head of the regiment, but he must take the lead and do it himself. The most dangerous task must be carried out by Zhang Tianhai himself .

"Chief of Staff, tell me, why does Zhang Yulin have to personally carry out the most dangerous tasks every time?" Zheng Man looked at Guo Qiliang and asked, how long has she and Zhang Tianhai been together since they met each other?Certainly not as long as Guo Qiliang has known Zhang Tianhai.

I saw Guo Qiliang smiled and said, "Zhang Yulin, I don't know what to say about him. Does this mean that he is not afraid of death in war? In the past, when it was the domestic battlefield, he was very generous. He was basically not willing to bring The soldier rushed forward, otherwise he would not have graduated for six or seven years, and he was only a small deputy company commander. Before the Battle of Songhu, many other classmates at the same time were already company commanders or deputy battalion commanders. But he was afraid Die, since the Battle of Songhu, he led the troops himself, it's not so fierce..."

"It seems that he hates civil war extremely." Zheng Man said with a smile.

"It should be. If he was so fierce in the civil war with other officers' troops, he would have taken the lead. I am afraid that he would have to be a deputy commander during the Battle of Songhu. But to be honest, we people, have How many like to fight? Not to mention the meaningless things like civil war. Like the Central Plains War, how many good brothers did we die..." Guo Qiliang let out a long sigh.

Indeed, if there had been no war, they would have only just come out to work for a few years. Those who could be admitted to the Whampoa Military Academy, especially those who were admitted before 1936, would not be the dragon and the phoenix?At that time, those who could pass the exam were all those with a smart head and a certain amount of perseverance.

Based on the brains and abilities of these people, in a peaceful age, not to mention that they must be able to achieve official positions like those in wartime, but at least there is no problem at all for being an official or making money.


PS: The first update is here!

Thanks to the number one fan of this book who loves you 1 Years King for the reward of 600 coins! ! !

Thanks to Qidian book friend Pickled Fish V for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to Qidian book friends Yunnan Garfield, Brother Goutou, and QQ reading book friend Dong Jianguo for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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