War of Resistance

Chapter 413 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 413 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
Under the night, a group of officers and soldiers from the regiment headed out from the camp of the regiment headquarters under the leadership of the regiment leader Zhang Tianhai, wrapped their hooves in cloth and put their horses in their titles, and moved very quickly.

Lu Shaojie's Second Battalion is closely following the pace of the Cavalry Battalion. There is still an hour and a half before dawn, and they must resolve the battle within an hour. Let's rush back these Japanese artillery!
Because when Zhang Tianhai sent a special agent company to scout out the Japanese positions, he asked Xu Qian, the deputy battalion commander of the artillery battalion, to do some reconnaissance. Naturally, the reconnaissance was to scout out the most likely location of the Japanese artillery positions.

"Quick! Speed ​​up!" The company commanders of the Second Battalion shouted.

Zhang Tianhai was riding a war horse on the side of the road watching the troops move forward quickly, his face sank like water, while the spy company stood motionless behind him.

As usual, the secret service company has almost become Zhang Tianhai's exclusive guard company. Well, at least in this point of the guard force, he enjoys the treatment of brigade commander, ahem, even though it is fake...

The first battalion's position was still full of gunfire. Several Japanese tanks had been bombarded by the powerful Soloton machine, and they were burning now, emitting bursts of black smoke.

Relying on the powerful crowd charge tactics, the Japanese army finally rushed to the national army's defensive position after paying 500 casualties, and began a hand-to-hand battle!

After all, this is a small plain area without much terrain obstruction, and it is a night battle, so the Japanese army is not very visible at all. If it is a daytime battle, the Zhiyi Regiment can at least rely on powerful firepower to kill more Japanese troops.

Seeing the shouts of killing from the outer positions, Zhou Fangjie responded calmly, and immediately ordered Xu Zengsheng, the company commander of the small artillery company: "Commander Xu, immediately take the small artillery company and withdraw from the forward position, and retreat to the station of the regiment headquarters outside the city."

"Yes, sir!" Xu Zeng replied, and then the officers and soldiers of the small artillery company dismantled the cannon and left with the ammunition for the cannon.





The six mortars of the mortar company are still working hard to exert their effectiveness, but the shells are indeed decreasing visibly with the naked eye.





A round of mortar shells hit the rear of the Japanese formation, killing and wounding many Japanese troops immediately.

The mortar gunners were still desperately loading shells into the barrel. Every time they loaded shells, they could kill or injure several Japanese soldiers. This was the only thing they could do.

After all, the officers and soldiers at the forefront had already started to fight hand-to-hand with the Japanese army. Hand grenades were thrown in the clusters of the Japanese army, and the casualties of the Japanese army began to become heavier and heavier.

This is the disadvantage of the pig's sudden tactics-although the pig's sudden tactics can exert the most powerful power in hand-to-hand combat, the disadvantage is that when encountering strong firepower or suicide bomb attacks, the casualties will be much heavier than other tactics.

Xu Erbao is from Jiangsu, like most of the officers and soldiers in the rear. At that time, he was transferred from the 36rd Jiangsu Security Regiment to the [-]st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division. He was an old subordinate of Li Chunfei. Now, he is considered a veteran.

As a veteran soldier, Xu Erbao in the past seemed to be protected by the god of luck. The bullet flew over his head without killing him. Even if he hit, it hit his comrade in arms.

But tonight, Xu Erbao knew that he might not be able to hide. The Japanese soldiers all over the mountains and plains were charging forward. Crouching in the corner of the position, he unscrewed the three grenades pinned to his waist and unscrewed the drawstrings. out.

"Old Xu, what are you doing? Are you going to die with the little devil now?!" Another veteran next to him grabbed Xu Erbao.

Xu Erbao pulled the veteran's hand away, and said calmly: "Can't you see the situation clearly now? This time I can't live anymore, besides, we have made money now, the account of the old brothers around us, It's almost cleared up, and it's time for me to settle accounts with the little devil."

After finishing speaking, Xu Erbao smiled lightly, showing those two rows of simple and honest big white teeth.

"Old Shi, let's be brothers in the next life!" After finishing speaking, Xu Erbao rushed forward with his Mauser rifle attached to the bayonet. Shooting at close range with a single-shot rifle is not as good as a bayonet.

Besides, Xu Erbao's bullets have long since run out!
Seeing Xu Erbao's leaving figure, Lao Shi gritted his teeth tightly, and also took out a few grenades pinned to his waist, leaving only three grenades, and then twisted the screw cap out.

That formation seems to be the same as Xu Erbao, but he is different, he still has grenades, he wants to use the grenades to blow up a few more little Japanese before he dies!
Holding the rifle with the last bullet loaded, Xu Erbao rushed towards the Japanese army, very heroic like a moth flying to a flame.

When the ferocious Japanese soldier in front of him was about to fight him with a bayonet, the corner of Xu Erbao's mouth slightly raised an arc, and he actually shot!


A 7.92 mm caliber bullet burst out from the muzzle of the Mauser rifle, directly piercing the Japanese soldier in front of Xu Erbao, and then the bullet continued to shoot into the body of another Japanese soldier. A hole with a diameter of three centimeters and a width was punched out, and the blood flowed continuously, and the scene was very bloody.

After the Japanese soldier was pierced through his liver, the severe pain caused him almost collapsed, and he muttered a curse: "Baga, Lu..."

Seeing that the Chinese soldier on the opposite side was so careless and didn't have their "bushido spirit" at all, the Japanese soldiers were furious, and immediately rushed towards Xu Erbao with bayonets in hand.

Xu Erbao smiled indifferently, and said softly: "Little Japan, my whole family died at your hands, now it's time to settle the debt with you."

Seeing the kind face of his mother and the honest appearance taught by his father, Xu Erbao pulled the grenade rope around his waist and rushed towards the Japanese army!


The end of the grenade on Xu Erbao's waist was emitting bursts of blue gunpowder smoke, which was unusually pungent!

Seeing the smoke from the grenade on Xu Erbao's waist, the expressions of the Japanese soldiers changed drastically. They retreated subconsciously, but unfortunately they were stabbed alive by the bayonets of the comrades behind them. For a while, they were immediately unable to move.

"Little Japan! Let's meet in front of the King of Hades together!!! Hahaha..." Xu Erbao laughed and rushed into the formation of the Japanese army!


The grenade on Xu Erbao's body exploded, and all the Japanese soldiers with a radius of five to seven meters were killed, and Xu Erbao was also blown into a pile of minced meat...

Scenes like this happened on the ground of the Zhituanbattalion. Both sides were red-eyed and exchanged their lives for the lives of the enemy. A few pads!
"That's Xu Erbao, right?" Li Chunfei happened to see this scene through the binoculars, and his lips immediately became trembling.

There are not many veterans who can follow him from the Songhu battlefield, and Xu Erbao is just one of them, and he is the one who is particularly impressive.

"It's Xu Erbao..." the company commander next to him added.


Li Chunfei hesitated to speak, wanted to say something, but couldn't say it, his eyes were already red, and tears were about to flow out—this Xu Erbao assured him yesterday, saying: "Battle Commander, this time , I want to kill fifteen devils, you can give me a platoon leader..."

The scenes in front of me are all memories.

For people like Xu Erbao, this is a typical battlefield, a tragic battle is happening here - like the heavy machine guns of the machine gun company, the barrels are already red!


A round of bullets burst out from the barrel of the Maxim heavy machine gun and shot at the Japanese army dozens of meters away!
At this moment, the mortar company ran out of shells, and Zhou Fangjie didn't say anything, but ordered the mortar company and the mortars in the machine gun companies of the first and fourth battalions to retreat.

At the same time, Zhou Fangjie also sent someone to order the Fourth Battalion Commander Han Xingle to quickly send troops to support.

Zhou Fangjie knew very well that if the Fourth Battalion was not allowed to send people over until tomorrow, this battalion might be wiped out!

When the battle in Tangtou Town was in full swing, the main remnants of the Ninth Army and the No.40 Army finally formed a huge encirclement circle outside Tangtou Town, and then besieged Tangtou Town.

After joining forces, the progress is fast, and the encirclement troops are shrinking the encirclement circle towards Tangtou Town at the fastest speed.

"Hurry up! It's too late, the soup is gone! The guys from the Central Army are really good guys, and they fight fiercely. Let's hurry up, even if it's a change of equipment!" The grassroots of the Ninth Army The officers were shouting.

Just as the remaining main forces of the two armies of the Northwest Army were encircling, Zhang Tianhai had already led the cavalry battalion and the spy company to the periphery of the Japanese artillery.

The artillery position of the Japanese army was set up in a small depression in a small hill, and it was only open towards Tangtou Town. I have to say that the position of the Japanese army was really good.

Originally, there were Japanese sentries on this small hill, and there was one sentry more than [-] meters away, but it was a pity that they were killed by Zhang Tianhai and those skilled brothers in Liu Houming's special agent company.

Logically speaking, if the Japanese army was under attack, they would definitely be able to send out a warning signal. Unfortunately, they encountered a group of officers and soldiers who were already skilled and had received special training from Zhang Tianhai.

The training Zhang Tianhai gave them not only taught them some more convenient killing techniques, but more importantly, taught them where to attack.

When the agile and agile officers and soldiers of the secret service company attacked the Japanese army, they did not use the throat-cutting method used in TV dramas.

It's not because Zhang Tianhai dislikes the troublesome way of killing people by cutting the throat, but because the sound made when cutting the trachea is too loud, and the blood spurted out when cutting the artery will also make a sound, which will alarm the enemy!

And the method they used was given to them by the regiment leader-the method of stabbing the liver from behind the Japanese army with a bayonet, because the liver is an important sensory part of the human body. For physiological reasons, the pain will be so painful that you can't speak for a moment. After stabbing the waist, then stab the heart!

After a while, the sentries on the periphery of the Japanese artillery position were cleaned up without anyone noticing.

Zhang Tianhai led his troops to slowly climb up to the top of the slope, and began to observe the situation of the Japanese army. At this moment, the situation of the artillery of the Japanese army was similar to that of the artillery of the Zhiyi Regiment.

But the artillery of the Japanese army is better than Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment. For example, they are also equipped with security troops, and even the ordinary artillery has a Taisho 14-year pistol on their waists, which is usually used in anti-Japanese dramas. The so-called "crap box".

"Liu Houming, find some brothers with better marksmanship to aim at the Japanese soldiers next to the artillery, and don't let these bastards blow up these good artillery." Zhang Tianhai said softly to Liu Houming beside him.

"Yes, group seat. I'll look for you here." Liu Houming nodded and said softly.

Glancing at the heavily guarded devils in front of him, Zhang Tianhai turned his face and said to the cavalry battalion commander Wang Yongcheng next to him, "Wang Yongcheng, take the cavalry battalion with you in a while, and rush directly to kill these little devils on the periphery! I What you want is to try to kill all the security forces of the Japanese army! If you can’t kill them, leave them to the sniper brothers of the secret service company!”

"Yes, Tuan Zuo." Wang Yongcheng said a little excitedly, how long has it been, he can finally lead the cavalry to kill the little devils, leading the cavalry, that is his old profession when he was in the Northeast Army...

Looking at the back of Wang Yongcheng leaving, Zhang Tianhai said to Lu Shaojie who was on the side: "Lu Shaojie, after clearing the little devils in the cavalry battalion, you immediately lead the second battalion into the Japanese army's position. At the same time, you send a company to assist the cavalry battalion. Bring these cannons back to our group!"

"Yes, regiment!" Lu Shaojie nodded solemnly, and he also knew that their second battalion's combat mission was the most important in this battle.

If the Second Battalion cannot withstand the Japanese counterattack, then the Zhiyi Regiment's plan to attack the Japanese artillery positions this time will be a failure!

PS: The second update is here, hahahaha, finally there is no need to procrastinate!

Thanks to Qidian book friends, no one wants to ask for a monthly pass for Nightingale Qianfeng and SteveKarl!
(End of this chapter)

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