War of Resistance

Chapter 414 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 414 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, if these artillery equipment is given to other people, it is better to pull these artillery back first.

These cannons are not cheap. If you have too many cannons and can't use them, you can give them to others, which is a great favor.

All in all, if this batch of artillery can be seized, the advantages will definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Furthermore, according to Zhang Tianhai's personality, the more the better, even if he is given an independent artillery division, as long as the logistics are guaranteed, he will still dare to ask for it, and even use it smoothly.

This is the way it is in these years of war, guns are hard currency.

As for asking friendly troops to capture such things, Zhang Tianhai will never do it. Although he is not like Rebus, who can say that friendly troops are stupid, but his little calculation is very precise. Now, you'd have to have a hard time trying to scrape something off him.

Ever since, with the idea of ​​"getting rich", Zhang Tianhai commanded the troops to take action!

At the order of the cavalry battalion commander Wang Yongcheng, more than 300 cavalrymen wielding sabers rushed towards the Japanese army.

In this era, although the cavalry has gradually begun to be eliminated, but for the Chinese and Japanese armies that have serious shortages in mobility, they can only rely on cavalry to fill the vacancy in mobility.

Although the cavalry lacks the ability to penetrate the frontal defense, in the era of hot weapons, the role of the cavalry is only used as a mobile force, such as chasing the enemy, and penetrating from the side.

In short, as the saying goes, something is better than nothing.

Didn't you see that the standing divisions of the Japanese army all have a cavalry regiment?If there is really no need to exist, the cavalry establishment may have ceased to exist long ago...

In the darkness, a group of cavalry wearing the military uniform of the Central Army and holding a saber rushed down the fast low slope. There was no loud cry of killing, only infinite chilling and the dull sound of horseshoes wrapped in hoofcloth clapping on the ground .

More than 300 horses, more than 200 horseshoes stepped heavily on the ground, and the ground trembled slightly. People who have never seen thousands of galloping horses cannot appreciate this spectacular scene.

It's a pity that this is at night, it will definitely be more spectacular during the day.

When the artillerymen of the Japanese army found the cavalry of the Zhiyi Regiment, it was already too late. The distance of 80 meters was only ten seconds for the cavalry who were charging.

Before the Japanese army's firepower network was formed, these sporadic Japanese soldiers were killed by the cavalry of the Zhiyi regiment before they could fire a second shot!

Wang Yongcheng, the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion, took the lead and led the horse, with his saber hanging high on the top, which can be described as a majestic appearance.

When the Japanese army was already approaching, Wang Yongcheng's sword slashed down fiercely.

Suddenly, a sharp saber slashed across the neck of the Japanese soldier. His neck was like a fragile straw, breaking in the wind!

A huge head soared into the sky, and blood gushed out from the broken artery gap, spraying blood mist directly in the air, the scene was very frightening!

The offensive of the Zhiyi regiment cavalry battalion rushed towards the artillery positions of the Japanese army like a torrent. The scene was once very fierce and sturdy!
Seeing this situation, some quick-reacting Japanese soldiers wanted to blow up the position. Unfortunately, what awaited them were rifle bullets with a caliber of 7.92mm, and occasionally one or two bullets with a caliber of 6.5mm.

Well, yes, Zhang Tianhai shot these [-]-cap bullets, and he used the same [-]-cap bullet with an eight-fold optical mirror.

A Japanese soldier just smashed the cantaloupe grenade and wanted to throw it into the barrel of the 6.5-type field gun in front of him. His hand holding the grenade was pierced by a [-]mm caliber bullet. The hand suddenly drooped feebly.

It looks so miserable!

After firing the shot, Zhang Tianhai didn't hesitate, loaded the bullet immediately, and aimed the gun at another Japanese soldier.

The action can be said to be done in one go!
In the face of absolute power, all conspiracies and tricks are useless!
The charge of the cavalry battalion was just the beginning, followed by the officers and soldiers of the second battalion!

These five NO.60 Japanese troops who did not carry heavy weapons and only carried two light machine guns faced the elite troops of the Zhiyi Regiment with more than 1000 people. The outcome was obvious, almost one-sided.

However, it is a pity that two [-]-type field guns were destroyed by the Japanese army.However, this can be regarded as achieving the established combat goal of this operation.

The battle ended in just 3 minutes. Standing in the middle of the Japanese artillery position, touching one of the ten 75mm caliber [-] field guns left by the Japanese army, Zhang Tianhai's expression was not ordinary. Ah, like a nouveau riche who made a fortune, smiling from ear to ear.

"Wang Yongcheng, I will give your cavalry battalion the first battle this time. This is the first battle the cavalry battalion has experienced since its establishment. It is already a victory. It's not easy..." Zhang Tianhai smiled at the side Wang Yongcheng, who reported the situation, said that his eyes were so narrowed that he could hardly see anyone!

"Thank you for your love!" Wang Yong set up his salute, and said with a straight face: "This time, if the regiment didn't trust my cavalry battalion and dare to let me, a cavalry battalion that has only been established for less than two months, take the lead, the cavalry battalion would It is impossible to make such a credit!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded lightly, and said, "Very good, whether you are proud of victory or discouraged in defeat, that's how it should be. The cavalry battalion took the lead this time, how about the casualties?"

"Reporting to the regiment, the cavalry battalion, ten were slightly injured, three were seriously injured, and two unlucky brothers were shot in the chest by the little devil and died." Wang Yongcheng reported truthfully.

"Very good. The first time the cavalry battalion attacked, the battle damage ratio can reach this level. It's really good. Send someone to send the injured brothers back to the regiment headquarters first, and let the fellow villagers there carry them to the medical team to treat them! You can't let them bleed and cry, can you?"

"Yes, regiment seat!" Wang Yongcheng replied, for the regiment leader Zhang Tianhai, he was really convinced - it seemed that he fought behind the regiment leader Zhang, and since entering the fifth war zone, he has never suffered a disadvantage.

In many cases, whether you can convince others is a matter of real ability.

Before Wang Yongcheng could execute the order, Zhang Tianhai told him again: "By the way, hurry up and bring these artillery pieces back to our regiment headquarters. You must be as fast as possible. We can't give all the artillery pieces that we fought so hard to get back to our regiment headquarters." Allies..."

"Yes!" Wang Yongcheng responded, and then hurried to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.

Looking at the sky that was getting ready to be bright, Zhang Tianhai frowned with worry: I don't know what's going on with the first battalion.

The camera turned again to the first battalion in Tangtou Town.

At this time, the battle in Tangtou Town has reached a fever pitch, and the outer positions of the First Battalion have already fallen to the enemy. The fighting skills of the Japanese army are better than those of the national army. In addition, these devils have long been brainwashed by Bushido spirit so that they are not afraid of death.

If it weren't for the stronger firepower of the Zhiyi regiment, and the fact that the officers and soldiers were already red-eyed, they would rather take a few little Japanese with them, and they only threw grenades at places where there are many little devils, otherwise they would have already I can't stand it anymore.

But it was still the case. In the face of the Japanese army's style of play regardless of casualties, the national army was gradually exhausted. It took only half an hour for the regiment and battalion to participate in the battle, and the casualties were already over half, and all the reserve teams had already been invested.

Not only that, but Zhou Fangjie directly mobilized officers and soldiers from two companies from Han Xingle's Fourth Battalion to fight in order to withstand the Japanese attack.

As for the gendarmerie, in Zhou Fangjie's opinion, it was not yet the last moment to go into battle!
Whether it was the machine gun company of the first battalion or the fourth battalion, all the bullets and shells were fired, and they directly picked up the rifles in the hands of the comrades who had died in battle and fought the Japanese army to the death!
"Fucking little Japan!" Li Chunfei cursed fiercely. If the soldiers around him were holding him down, he would have picked up his bayonet and started fighting the Japanese soldiers in front of him.

In the battle of Tangtou Town this time, on the surface, the First Battalion did have a lot of scenery and killed a lot of enemies, but the First Battalion also lost a lot...

More than half of the casualties, what kind of concept is this, if the fight continues like this, his hometown of the first battalion will be wiped out!
With the arrival of the new force of the two companies of the fourth battalion, the first battalion was able to stabilize its position, still holding on to the last line of defense!
Otherwise, if this line of defense is penetrated by the Japanese army, then the Zhiyi regiment's troops will have street fighting with the Japanese army!

The desperate charge launched by more than 700 people, what a battle this must be. The original task of the Zhiyi Regiment was to guard Tangshan Col. When entering the mountain to lurk, it is impossible to bring a lot of ammunition into it. After all, there is limited space in the nameless small col, and there is no room for so many ammunition reserves.

During the surprise attack on Tangtou Town, the three main battalions of the Zhiyi Group had already been squandered. It can be said that, except for the weapons and equipment of Wang Ziqing's third battalion, as well as the personnel and ammunition that were not consumed at all, The other three main battalions participating in the battle all suffered losses to varying degrees, whether it was personnel or weapons and ammunition!

However, what Zhang Tianhai didn't expect was that the Japanese army did not lead the troops back to the artillery positions!

After waiting on the position for 10 minutes, Zhang Tianhai, who still did not see a single figure of the Japanese army, finally realized that something was wrong: this artillery position had been abandoned by the commander of the Japanese army!Their goal is to take back Tangtou Town with all their strength!

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianhai broke out in a cold sweat: Sure enough, these Japanese soldiers are not that easy to deal with. This is a fucking strong man who cut off his wrists... These dozen or so cannons may be the bait of the Japanese commander!
If the strategic goal of the Japanese army is really like this, then Tangtou Town will bear the onslaught of the Japanese army in all aspects. Wouldn't the first battalion be very dangerous? !

Thinking of this level, Zhang Tianhai directly said to the communication staff behind him: "Quick! Call the regiment headquarters and tell Chief of Staff Guo to let him immediately let the third battalion launch a fierce attack on the Japanese army's flanks! Wait for the cavalry battalion to return to the regiment headquarters." After that, go into battle immediately!"

"Yes! Group seat!" The communication staff responded, and immediately went to a flat place to send a telegram.

After giving this order, Zhang Tianhai directly ordered to Liu Houming and Lu Shaojie beside him: "The officers and soldiers of the Second Battalion and the Secret Service Company! Immediately follow the regiment commander to attack the back of the Japanese army and kill them son of a bitch!!"

"Yes!!!" The officers and soldiers responded in unison, with murderous aura surrounding the sky!
So far, the bloody battle in Tangtou Town has reached the final decisive stage!

PS: The first update is here, there will be another chapter before twelve o'clock!
Thanks to Qidian book friends 20180829210002055 and boiled water 598 for two monthly tickets each!

Thanks to QQ reading book friend Can Ye for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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