War of Resistance

Chapter 415 Bloody Battle Soup

Chapter 415 Bloody Battle Soup ([-])
What Zhang Tianhai never expected was that the Japanese army did not come back as he expected. After all, he was just a mortal, not a god!

As the saying goes, the battlefield situation is ever-changing, and no one can completely control the development of the battlefield situation!

In this battle, no matter which side wants to win the final victory of the battle, both sides will do their best to win the battlefield.

It’s just that in this battle, the two sides have somewhat different definitions of victory: the national army’s goal is to annihilate the remnants of the Japanese Sakamoto detachment, while the Japanese army’s goal is to capture Tangtou Town, and then use Tangtou Town as the final stronghold. Wait for the reinforcements from the cavalry regiment of the division headquarters to arrive, so as not to lose so ugly in this LY battle!
It didn't take long for Guo Qiliang, who was at the Zhiyi regiment headquarters outside Tangtou Town, to receive an urgent telegram from Zhang Tianhai.

"What is Zhang Yulin doing? Let the whole regiment go into battle? If this is the case, wouldn't it mean that all the strength of our regiment has been invested?" Zheng Man looked at the telegram beside Guo Qiliang, seemingly puzzled .

Guo Qiliang gritted his teeth, and said: "I can't control that much anymore, we have already reached this level. If we don't join the troops and continue to fight, the first and fourth battalions will be finished!"

After saying this, Guo Qiliang directly ordered Xu Xun who was on the side: "Xu Xun, you immediately run to the third battalion and convey the order of the regiment. Let the Japanese escape alone!"

"Yes! Sir!" Xu Xun stood at attention and saluted, and immediately ran out of the regiment headquarters.

"How the battle of LY will end depends on how we fight..." Guo Qiliang said with a long sigh, and then slowly closed his eyes.

It has to be said that the fighting power of the Japanese army is very ferocious - under their desperate and desperate attack, the vanguard of the Japanese army has already broken through the last line of defense in the outer positions of Tangtou Town!
The camera turns to Huang Weigang's No.30 Eighth Division north of Tangtou.

At this time, the vanguard of the No. 30 Eighth Division was getting closer and closer to the left flank of the Japanese army.

"Report to the division commander! The vanguard will be able to exchange fire with the Japanese army soon!" A staff officer rode back and reported to Huang Weigang.

"Order Li Jiusi's [-]th Brigade to immediately launch a final onslaught against the Japanese army!" Huang Weigang said coldly.

"Yes! Master!" After receiving the final order, the staff officer turned back immediately.

"All divisions obey orders! Immediately engage in full-scale battle! Don't let a single Japanese escape!" Huang Weigang ordered loudly.

As an old commander, Huang Weigang knew very well that the sound of guns and artillery in Tangtou Town had gradually weakened at this time, but the shouts of killing continued. What does this mean?This shows that the Japanese army is already engaged in hand-to-hand combat with the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater of the Central Army!
It's already reached the stage of hand-to-hand combat. If you don't hurry up, you really don't even have to take a sip of pickle soup!

It's not that Huang Weigang is the kind of person who steals, cheats, and passively resists the war, but that the No. 30 Eighth Division, the number one main force of the Ninth Army, suffered a lot of casualties when it fought on both sides of the Huaihe River, and the entire Ninth Army lost more than [-] personnel. People, from the full [-] army to only [-] left.

Among the more than 30 casualties, the No.500 Eighth Division accounted for more than [-] people. Later, when the direction of LY was in a hurry, Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth theater, directly sent the most maneuverable troops from the relatively abundant Huaihe battlefield. The transfer of the Ninth Army to the LY battlefield was the kind that directly entered the LY battlefield without personnel replenishment, and added a small amount of guns and some ammunition.

In addition, the task of attacking the right-wing position of the Japanese army was also the main attack by the No.30 Eighth Division. Its casualties were not small. The designation was the Third Brigade and Six Regiment. The regiment was transferred to the frontal battlefield in Zhuge City. At this time, Huang Weigang's troops were also in a state of stretching.

Just when Huang Weigang issued the combat order, Zhang Tianhai had already led the Second Battalion Headquarters and the Secret Service Company to launch a fierce attack on the back of the Japanese army.
"Kill! Kill them sons of a bitch, send them to see their dog emperor!!" Zhang Tianhai pointed a light machine gun that he picked up from an unknown machine gunner, and aimed at the Japanese army. A burst of shooting!

A shuttle of bullets shot out from the muzzle of the light machine gun in Zhang Tianhai's hand, and the Japanese army fell down immediately, and the wailing was endless!
When Zhang Tianhai led his troops to attack the back of the Japanese army, it was the time when Sato Masaki and Katano Junjian led their troops to Tangtou Town to fight to the death with the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion and the [-]th Battalion of the Zhiyi Regiment.

The gunshots from behind were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, crushing the last hope in the hearts of Masaki Sato and Tadami Katano...

Sato Masaki raised his head, looked at the sky that was gradually brightening, and a wry smile flashed across his face: "Katano-kun, it seems that we have lost this battle..."

Sato Masaki was already disappointed with the battle situation, but Katano's opinion was not necessarily true, he was roaring like a wounded beast: "Sato-kun! How could you despair so quickly?! Sunrise Even if the warriors are dead, they will die on the way to the charge!"

Katano's desperate counterattack also infected the Japanese soldiers around him who were already fighting like trapped beasts. These Japanese soldiers rushed forward desperately like wild beasts!

However, the desperate counterattack of these Japanese troops was useless. Although the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment said that they were already in a state of heavy casualties at this time, the firepower configuration of each squad equipped with a light machine gun is not easy to provoke. These Japanese troops also lost a lot of ammunition in previous battles, especially at this time, they are even more short of ammunition.

Logically speaking, the Japanese army shouldn't have suffered so badly, but the key point is that the ammunition stockpiled by the Japanese army was stored in Tangtou Town at that time, and Zhang Tianhai made such a blow, it was not just as simple as the headquarters being taken away...

What's worse is that the ammunition supply has been cut off...


The 7.92mm caliber bullet fired by the Czech light machine gun flew across the air, and then hit the wall behind the Japanese bunker, leaving shocking bullet holes one after another!
"Suppression of firepower, cover charge!!!" Katano Sadami yelled, but as soon as these Japanese soldiers raised their heads, they were suppressed by the firepower of a regiment of officers and soldiers, and they couldn't even raise their heads.

If the Japanese army would not be so embarrassing in normal times, after all, for this simple machine gun interception point, if one round of grenadier shells can't handle it, then two rounds!
But now the plight of the Japanese army is really embarrassing-the bullets are almost gone, let alone the small shells of the grenade.

At this time, the large army of the national army finally completed the final attack and encirclement of the Japanese army. The incoming troops were not only the remaining main force of Huang Weigang's No.30 Eighth Division, but also the remaining troops of the No.40 Army, as well as casualties. Not so serious Liu Zhensan's [-]th division headquarters.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Ziqing's [-]rd Battalion did not launch the final attack on the Japanese army before Liu Zhensan's [-]th Division!
The battlefield in Tangtou town was full of shouts and killings, and the officers and soldiers who fell to the ground were one after another, including the Japanese army and the national army.

After the first regiment directly under the third theater of the national army received reinforcements from the remaining main forces of the two armies of the Northwest Army, the pressure suddenly eased a lot, but the battle continued.

The scuffle between the two sides outside the city lasted until ten o'clock in the morning before it came to an end.

After stabbing the last Japanese soldier with a bayonet in his hand, Zhang Tianhai sat down on the ground, panting heavily, sweating, looking at him, he is simply the best witness for the rest of his life after the catastrophe. Did not pass out.

After fighting continuously for a long time, Zhang Tianhai's physical strength has already been severely overdrawn, and he is hanging on with a mouthful of blood and courage. Don't be too long ago to be unable to hold on. Look at his proud coat has been scratched out. The gaps with few knife marks, and some of the gaps have already seen blood oozing out...

The scuffle outside the city is over, but the battle inside the city is still going on, and many Japanese troops have entered Tangtou Town.

But the battle has been fought to the last moment, and there are not many Japanese soldiers left in Tangtou Town, and only Sato Masaaki is hiding in a small house in Tangtou Town with the remaining [-] or so Japanese soldiers.

As for Katano's meeting with the Colonel, he was killed in the counterattack of the national army just now.

Hiding in this small room, Sato Masaki had already lost the collar badge of his rank of Colonel.

An oppressive atmosphere hovered in this small room, and no one knew what the result would be in the next second.

"Your Excellency, Head of the Electric Division, the Sakamoto Detachment has run out of ammunition, and is now at the last juncture of 'jade breaking'. I wish the Fifth Division Division a long-lasting martial arts, and finally long live the Emperor! No. 40 Second Regiment, Regiment Captain Masaki Sato, there will be no electricity on the morning of March [-]." Masaki Sato read slowly, while the telegraph operator beside him was slowly recording all this, and then typed out the telegram.


The camera shifts to Qingdao, Seishiro Itagaki's division headquarters.

After receiving the last telegram from Sato Masaki, Itagaki Seishiro fell down on the chair as if his whole body strength had been exhausted, and he kept muttering: "It's over, No. 20 one The brigade is over, LY is over..."

Due to the arrival of Zhang Tianhai and the random fighting, LY's victory changed a little bit the original result of hundreds of Japanese soldiers escaping and ascending to heaven.

However, the price Zhang Tianhai paid was also very heavy, which will not be shown at this time.


PS: The second update is here.

After working in front of the computer for four full hours, I finally coded [-] characters. I am almost useless. I hope everyone can continue to support Xiongying, and Xiongying will continue to work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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