War of Resistance

Chapter 416 Blockade

Chapter 416 Blockade
For Itagaki Seishiro, the military failure in the LY area, and it was a big defeat, had an impact on his personal future.

Although the influence of the Huangdao faction is not as good as before, as the backbone of the ruling faction, he could have had the opportunity to climb to a higher position. If it was because of this defeat, he was criticized by other factions , and if it affects the future, it is not worth the candle.

Especially the Huangdao faction who was tragically resigned in the "February [-]" coup.

For Seishiro Itagaki, the major losses of the three main regiments of the Fifth Division, especially the No.11 regiment that Katano decided to fight, were completely wiped out by the Chinese army on the LY battlefield!This is a very shameful thing!
Yes, Seishiro Itagaki had indeed won consecutive battles and victories after entering the battlefield in mainland China. He was once known as a famous general of the Japanese army.

The only good thing is that the No.20 40st Regiment and No.[-] [-]nd Regiment did not suffer this bad luck because they had previously transferred their troops to other battlefields.

When Itagaki Seishiro was troubled by repeated defeats, Zhang Tianhai couldn't laugh, and was walking back to the regiment headquarters with a heavy body. At this time, Zhang Tianhai had ordered Wang Ziqing's third battalion to enter Tangtou Town, and the processing was seized. weapons.

"Reporting to the regiment, I found a stubborn enemy in a house in the city. They were hiding inside and refused to come out. Do you want to persuade them to surrender and then capture them?" A staff officer ran over to report to Zhang Tianhaihui.

At this time Zhang Tianhai was upset, he waved his hand impatiently, and said: "What are the captives? They came to China to burn, kill and loot. If they don't kill them alive, it's a good deal for them. Order Wang Ziqing to take their prisoners away." The machine gun company was pulled by me, and the house was flattened. If it is not flattened, I will dismiss him! I will convey it according to the original words!"

"Yes! Group seats!" The staff officer said with a shudder.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, the blood of the Chinese people on the hands of these Japanese soldiers is unforgivable!
Don't you see, the scene of the Yangtze River being stained red with blood during the Nanjing Massacre!

Zhang Tianhai came out of Nanjing with his troops, and he was particularly impressed by the ferocity of the Japanese army. If he hadn't stayed behind with the spy company at that time, he would have dreamed of the 30 ghosts in Nanjing who were asking questions in his dreams. Him: Sir, why don't you save us...

But now he has worked hard and has no regrets, not to mention that Zhang Tianhai is just a small regiment leader, he can't fight against the Japanese army's 10,000+ army!

But the inherent hatred can never be reduced. Only people who have experienced that era can most deeply understand the feeling of national hatred and family hatred, and the whole people desperately resisting the war!

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai didn't want these little devils to live either. Wouldn't it be a waste of food to keep them alive?

Not long after, Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi regiment. After returning to the regiment headquarters, he lay down in the hammock and fell asleep.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai who was covered in blood and his clothes were covered with holes, Zheng Man inexplicably felt a heartache. She wanted to go over and ask about the situation, but she was afraid of disturbing Zhang Tianhai's sleep, so he could only ask Following behind Zhang Tianhai was the equally embarrassed Liu Houming.

"Adjutant Liu, how is the regiment leader?" Zheng Man frowned slightly and asked worriedly.

Liu Houming straightened his hat and said, "He's fine, he's just a little tired. When we charged in the morning, the leader charged too fast, directly in front of us. The leader's physical strength is too good. We can't beat it."

Zheng Man nodded and said, "Then you should go down and rest too! The troops have been fighting for so long, it's time for the brothers to rest."

"Yes." Liu Houming nodded and walked out.

After fighting for so long, even the combat staff officers who stayed at the regiment headquarters are exhausted, let alone the combat troops fighting on the front line. Guo Qiliang, who also didn't sleep all night, sat in front of the phone with red eyes , I don't know what I was thinking.

Soon, the phone of the regiment headquarters rang, and Guo Qiliang woke up immediately as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

Guo Qiliang directly picked up the phone and said, "Hi, this is the regiment headquarters, and I'm Guo Qiliang."

An equally tired voice came from the phone: "Hello, Chief of Staff Guo, I'm Zhou Fangjie, is the delegation here?"

Guo Qiliang glanced at Zhang Tianhai, who was already in a deep sleep, hesitated, and said: "Tuan Zuo fell asleep and just came back. In the early morning, he personally led the second battalion and the special agent company to launch a fierce attack on the enemy from behind the Japanese army. , It seems that there are several small wounds on his body..."

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Fangjie nodded and said: "Okay! Then don't bother the rest of the group, I will tell you two things first. The first thing is that the third battalion just found the Japanese army in Tangtou Town In the arsenal, a small number of guns and a large amount of ammunition were found, including shells from Type [-] field guns and a large number of shells from grenade launchers, which filled the four courtyards;
The second thing is about the casualties of the garrison troops in Tangtou Town. The first battalion has only 56 people left, and it is almost in a state of being wiped out. The fourth battalion is in a state of more than half of the casualties, especially the machine gun company. Except for the artillery, the heavy machine gunners were all gone. "

"Well. I see. This matter is more important. I will report to the group seat first. Don't hang up the phone yet." Guo Qiliang said.

"Okay, I'll wait here. You go!" Zhou Fangjie responded.

After receiving Zhou Fangjie's reply, Guo Qiliang immediately went to wake up Zhang Tianhai and told him the news from the front line.

Unexpectedly, after Zhang Tianhai heard the news, he immediately woke up. He got off the hammock, went directly to the phone, picked it up, and said, "Hi, I'm Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Deputy head, are you still there?"

"Yes, Tuanzao." The voice on the phone was still a little tired.

"Now I'm giving you an order. This is the most important thing. You must do it well." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously.

Hearing Zhang Tianhai's righteous words, Zhou Fangjie's heart shuddered, and he said, "Please tell me, Fang Jie will carry it out to the end, and will never disappoint you!"

"Immediately order the third battalion to block this arsenal. It is best to send a company of troops to guard it. Without my order, even if Chief Xu Zuyi comes, don't open it! Also, don't tell others that this is an arsenal. ! Give the order to keep silent!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, very decisive!
Just kidding, this Tangtou town was brought down by Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment, why should he give them friendly troops?For Zhang Tianhai, a "money fan", even if Pang Bingxun, a friendly acquaintance, is here, if there are spare firearms and ammunition, I can give you some, but you want our scarce supplies, sorry, we are not familiar with it. .

This decision was already made by Zhang Tianhai when he came back - the price he led his troops to attack Tangtou Town was too high, which led to a large number of main force of the Japanese army returning to aid, and launched a fierce attack on the Zhiyi Regiment's headquarters, which led to Troops suffered heavy casualties.

Zhang Tianhai knew that after this battle, Zhiyituan would be seriously injured.

"Yes! Group seats!" After speaking, Zhou Fangjie hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Zhang Tianhai looked at Guo Qiliang next to him and asked, "Did Deputy Chief Zhou mention the casualties of the garrison in Tangtou Town?"

Guo Qiliang nodded and said: "As I said, there are only 56 people left in the first battalion, and the fourth battalion has already suffered more than half of the casualties. The machine gun companies of the two battalions are all in a state of being disabled. , all the other soldiers were defeated."

After hearing the news, the excited expression on Zhang Tianhai's face because of "making a fortune" suddenly collapsed, and he said, "No, I have to go to the first battalion to see the situation!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai walked out directly. Although he only slept for 10 minutes, he still had to squint his eyes for a while, and his spirit recovered a lot.

Zhang Tianhai's footsteps were hurried. After all, this was the first battalion he had placed high hopes on. The casualties were so heavy, and he didn't know how Li Chunfei was doing now.

Li Chunfei was Zhang Tianhai's number one confidant general and one of the most trustworthy people. If Li Chunfei was also defeated in this battle, it would be such a sad thing.

Li Chunfei usually seems to be joking, and sometimes he doesn't even have a straight face, but Zhang Tianhai knows that this is a strong man, otherwise he wouldn't have placed the most veterans with him in the first battalion. up.

Well, to put it plainly, everyone in the whole battalion is Zhang Tianhai's heart...

After walking out of the regiment headquarters, Zhang Tianhai took Xu Sangou and the guard platoon directly to Tangtou Town. Now the secret agent company has suffered a lot of losses, and it is time for the secret agent company to rest after fighting overnight.

"Tuan Zuo, are you alright? I saw that big Liu Houming just now, and he doesn't look very well." Xu Sangou asked after Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai was in the most anxious mood at this time, so he casually replied to Xu Sangou: "That's natural. After all, the spy company also suffered a lot of casualties in the hand-to-hand battle with the Japanese army in the early hours of this morning."

"Oh, I see." Xu Sangou followed behind Zhang Tianhai, and then walked forward with his head buried, without making a sound.


When Zhang Tianhai went to Tangtou Town, Xu Zuyi, the frontline commander of LY, and others also received the news of the victory of the frontline battle. They saw that the three officers were full of excitement, and they went downstairs and got on their off-road vehicles. Tangtou Town inspected the situation.

To say how excited Xu Zuyi was about the victory of the frontline battle, he directly asked the driver to prepare the car, and went directly to the frontline of LY without even bringing the guard battalion.

Since the July [-]th Incident, the Chinese army has suffered too many defeats, and the frontline troops urgently need a hearty victory to boost their morale!

PS: The first update is here!

It will be pushed up on the 24th, and the update of the [-]-word chapter will start at the end of the fifth chapter. If the results are good, consider the sixth or seventh update!Everyone remember to come to support and subscribe that day~
Thanks to the starting point book friend Great China Panzergrenadier for the reward of 100 coins and a monthly pass!
Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, book friends 20180811091700090, hope tomorrow 01, book friends 160313074106165, and QQ reading book friend Li Junsheng each have a monthly ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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