War of Resistance

Chapter 417 Cang Yi

Chapter 417 Cang Yi
The distance from Zhiyituanbu to Tangtou Town is not too far, only a small 700 meters, and it didn't take long to get there.

When I walked to Tangtou Town, my eyes were full of desolation. On the broken brick wall, a lazy wild cat was lazily basking in the sun.

Under the broken brick wall, there are corpses lying all over the ground, some from the national army and some from the Japanese army. After the bright red blood flowed on the ground and dried, it turned into a dark red brown, and even the wind carried a faint There was a bloody smell, and some of the officers and soldiers of the regiment who had survived were lying down at the base of the wall and falling asleep.

Everything here looks so miserable and desolate.

Fortunately, the officers and soldiers of this guard platoon were also elites selected from the group of defeated veterans, otherwise they would have vomited a lot.

Broken limbs and broken legs are everywhere. These people were all killed by shells.

Looking at the regiment of officers and soldiers lying on the ground, one of them even stared at him when he was sacrificed, as if telling the enemy that even though I am dead, my soul is still guarding my country and my country. Family!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai's heart was slightly touched, and tears gradually moistened his eyes—these are all good men of the Chinese nation, soldiers who followed Zhang Tianhai through life and death...

This soldier, whose son is he, and whose father is he?All of this has become cold with the passing of life, and he is just one of the thousands of Chinese soldiers who died in the war of resistance.

The sacrifice of a soldier is the shattering of a family. How many painful sufferings have the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation suffered in the 14 years of the War of Resistance?
Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?
Zhang Tianhai squatted down, took off his gloves, and gently closed the wide-open eyes of the young officer who sacrificed his life, still muttering softly: "Brother, let's reincarnate into a good family in the next life! No need!" I have worked as hard as I have in this life, and I don’t have to suffer in troubled times like this life.”

In this troubled world, human life is not as valuable as a dog. In this troubled world, human life is valuable, but it is also the least valuable era-let's say it is valuable, but in fact, all forces need people to fight, so human life is valuable; say no It's worth it, but how old is it that you have to be killed by Japanese bullets?
As he said that, Zhang Tianhai's thoughts drifted to the distant 21st century. At that time, under the leadership of another great political party, China finally entered a prosperous age.

Those heroes who fought for the survival of the nation and liberated from the War of Resistance, Shengshi, are just as you wish.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai stood up slowly and said, "Let's go!"


At this moment, the two mortars of the machine gun company of the third battalion of the first regiment were also ready.

Masaki Sato inside the house is also at the end of the day, and he is also the rank of Dazuo, but compared to Katano, Sato Masaki is much worse in martial arts than Katano. This may be the reason for the difference in personal personality Cause it!

Two Japanese soldiers were lying at the door and eavesdropping on the movement outside the door. When they heard the sound of "ding ding" outside the door, they finally changed their faces: listening to this sound, the enemy is definitely loading mortars !
One of the Japanese soldiers ran to Sato Masaki and reported to him: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency is not well, the Chinese army outside is loading mortars, it seems that they don't intend to give us a chance for a decisive battle! "

"That's something that can't be helped. Next, it depends on the destiny." Sato Masaki's face was already ashamed, "Get ready for the final duel with the Chinese army! Be loyal to the emperor!"

"Hay!" The surrounding Japanese soldiers echoed.

Just as the surrounding Japanese soldiers were preparing to fight, Sato Masaki slowly spread a white cloth in front of him, and then took off his coat.

Those who are knowledgeable know what Sato Masaki wants to do, and the faces of the surrounding Japanese soldiers can't help but change. One of the Japanese soldiers who has followed Sato Masaki for a long time said in a voice: "Your Excellency, Captain, what do you want to do?!"

At this time, Sato Masaki had a trace of disappointment on his face, and then he said with some worries about gains and losses: "Sato Masaki made a mistake in command, which caused the elite of the empire to be wiped out in Tangtou Town. In fact, he is ashamed of His Majesty the Emperor! Therefore, Sato decided that he must die. Thanks to the Emperor!"

The Japanese soldiers around were looking at Masaki Sato, feeling pessimistic and desperate. Masaki Sato looked around at the people around him, and suddenly he yelled very seriously: "What are you looking at?! You are soldiers of the empire. , The responsibility for the failure of this battle does not lie with you! It lies with us commanders, your death in battle is an honor, and my death in battle is a disgrace! Do you understand?!"

Saying that, Sato Masaki picked up the samurai sword very excitedly and wanted to commit suicide. Unfortunately, at this moment, the mortar of the national army opened fire!

"Tom!" "Tom!"

Two mortar shells fell on the roof where the Japanese army was hiding, smashed through the roof, and then exploded in front of Sato Masaki and others. At that moment, Sato Masaki even shouted "Long live the dog emperor" "It exploded.



Two huge explosions sounded in the house, and the huge shock wave immediately blew the house down, and the tile fragments immediately flew around, and the Japanese soldiers inside the house were also torn into pieces.

The scene was terrifying!

Following the sound of these two explosions, the officers and soldiers of the [-]rd Battalion of Zhiyi Regiment immediately kicked open the door, and then rushed in, only to see that these Japanese soldiers were basically dead, and occasionally there were two wounded Japanese soldiers who were still howling.

"Company commander, what should we do? How to deal with these devil wounded soldiers?" A small soldier ran to Li Shuyou, the second company commander of the third battalion, and asked.

The corner of Li Shuyou's mouth twitched slightly, and then waved his hand: "Follow the order of the group, and no one will be left alive!"

"Yes!" The soldier responded.

Looking at the two wounded Japanese soldiers who fell to the ground and howling, the little soldier's face twitched slightly, then he picked up the rifle with the bayonet loaded, and stabbed hard at the wounded Japanese soldier's chest!
In the face of national hatred and family hatred, few people can withstand this temptation. After all, the wounded soldiers of the national army on the front line were also massacred by the Japanese army. For the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment, killing two Japanese wounded soldiers It's not that difficult to pass the level of my own psychology.

But don't forget, these little devils who have been brainwashed to death by militarism (Harmony) can no longer be judged by the standards of normal people.

If you are not convinced, you can refer to the time when the Japanese emperor announced the surrender and defeat in [-]. However, many devil soldiers could not accept this reality. U.S. Army)" and "combat".

Sato Masaki died, this is the death of a Japanese army commander. For Zhang Tianhai, this is not the most important thing at this time. What he has to do now is to check the situation of the first battalion.

"Where are the people from the first battalion now?" Zhang Tianhai asked directly after walking into the temporary command center where Zhou Fangjie was.

Zhou Fangjie was not in the command center at this time, but went out to inspect the situation of the troops. Those who stayed in the command center were some combat staff officers and military police guards.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai, a gendarme staying at the temporary command center immediately stood up and saluted, "Reporting to the regiment, the people from the first battalion are currently resting in the big alley to the north."

"Take me there directly." Zhang Tianhai ordered directly.

"Yes, group seat!" The military police responded.

After finishing speaking, the military police walked out of the temporary command center, and Zhang Tianhai followed closely behind, as did the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon.

The "big alley" that the military police referred to was actually a small courtyard house. After opening the door, I saw that these soldiers were more or less wrapped in white gauze. At a glance, we knew that these were lightly wounded. After all, the seriously wounded It has already been carried down for emergency treatment.

Zhang Tianhai walked into the yard slowly, afraid that he might wake up the tired soldiers because of his too much strength.

Looking at the faces of these young people, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, Zhang Tianhai was touched again in his heart—these are all soldiers fighting under his orders, this is not the computer man in the game computer of later generations , They are all real people.

Everyone has only one life, but they are willing to charge forward under their own orders, and they will go through fire and water without hesitation.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai suddenly understood why Zhou Weiguo was so excited in the previous TV series "Snow Leopard" when he was cheated by Zhang Renjie.

In fact, I put myself in my shoes and thought about it. With such a large group of good brothers charging forward for their own orders and for the survival of the country, who could not be touched?You treat me as a gentleman of the country, and I will repay you with a gentleman of the country!
At this moment, a young soldier from the first battalion woke up. When he saw the head of the regiment coming in, he immediately stood up and saluted, "Hello, head!"

This report also woke up the officers and soldiers of the surrounding battalion. When the officers and soldiers saw that it was indeed the commander who had arrived, they immediately stood up and saluted: "Hello, commander!"

Looking at the 56 officers and soldiers of the first battalion who were all wounded and wounded, Zhang Tianhai's eyes became moist again. He returned a military salute very formally, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, you are all Good soldiers! They are all good sons of the motherland! Before the Battle of Xinkou, the 20 National Army could not stop the onslaught of half of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, but you, with the strength of a battalion, held up the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army A coalition attack! You guys are doing well!"

"Regiment seat! Our first battalion is the number one main battalion of the entire Zhiyi regiment. If we fight a tough battle, we won't win! We have already won this battle. Our national army has killed all these invading Japanese troops. We are proud! !!" Li Chunfei, who was wearing a tattered and dirty military uniform, replied loudly.

"We are proud!!!" The officers and soldiers of the first battalion responded in unison.

With a smile on Zhang Tianhai's face, he looked at Li Chunfei whose arm was fixed with plaster, strode over and lightly punched the latter with his fist, and said with a smile, "You're still alive, you're fine." .If your kid dies, I'm still wondering who can help me lead the first battalion. Take care of your wounds and prepare for the next stage of the battle."

"Okay, I'll obey you!" Li Chunfei said with a playful smile.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Tianhai turned his head and said to the surrounding officers and soldiers: "Brothers, you are the same, take good care of your wounds and prepare for the next stage of battle. One day the Japanese army is not driven out of our country, and we will not be driven out of our country." Will stop fighting!"

"Yes! Sir!!!" 56 officers and soldiers around including Li Chunfei responded in unison.


PS: The second update is here!

Tomorrow's two more may be about 2400 words, because I have to go to other places to do business, and I may not have enough time.

Thank you Qiqidian book friends for bringing Yulihua 1957 and Nidie Yaya for their rewards of 500 points each! ! !
Thanks to the starting point book friend YUZHANXIANG for the two monthly tickets!
Thank you for one monthly ticket for starting book friend Thief 5220, xiqun, and book friend 20171106070533450!
(End of this chapter)

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