War of Resistance

Chapter 419 Fierce Battle in Teng County

Chapter 419 Fierce Battle in Teng County

Sun Zhen's order finally made Wang Mingzhang make up his final determination to defend Teng County. He first said to Zhang Xuanwu: "Mr. Survive and survive, city perish and perish!"

"Yes! Master!" Zhang Xuanwu stood at attention and saluted.

Wang Mingzhang nodded, and added: "By the way, you should immediately lead your troops to block the south and north gates, and the east and west gates will temporarily leave traffic roads, and they will also be closed at any time. You can post notices at the four gates to announce All officers and soldiers, no one is allowed to leave the city without the commander's warrant, and anyone who violates the law will be punished on the spot!"

"Yes. I will carry out the division commander's order." After speaking, Zhang Xuanwu put on his military cap and strode out of the temporary office of the City Defense Command.

Under the dim light, Wang Mingzhang's face was very gloomy. He ordered Luo Jiaxin, the deputy head of the division beside him: "Immediately set aside the division command post and the troops directly under the division. Move into town!"

"Yes, division commander." After receiving Wang Mingzhang's order, Luo Jia began to leave the office of the temporary city defense command, and then went to the division command post that was still in Xiguan Electric Lamp Factory.

At this time, Chen Liyin, commander of the No. 40 Fifth Army's [-]th Division, was fighting in the Longshan and Puyangshan areas, and his troops were not planned to enter the city to defend.Therefore, after asking Sun Zhen for instructions, Commander Chen, together with his command post, initially commanded his troops to fight.

But what Chen Li never expected was that when he was only three or four miles away from Tengcheng, he was attacked by an enemy armored vehicle, causing serious injuries to his right leg.


The camera turns to Lincheng, No.20 Second Army Headquarters.

At this time, Sun Zhen was sitting on a chair in the office with a phone in his hand, waiting for a call.

That's right, the place Sun Zhen was going to hit this time was not other places, but the No.80 Fifth Army Headquarters of Wang Zhonglian, the headquarters of Tang Enbo's army.

"Hello, is this Commander Wang? I'm Sun Zhen from the No.20 Second Army." After the call was connected, Sun Zhen said straight to the point.

"Yes, I am Wang Zhonglian. Commander-in-Chief Sun, hello." Wang Zhonglian's very serious voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's like this. I called you this time to hope that your department can send reinforcements to Tengcheng as soon as possible. The [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd Division Commander Wang's headquarters in Teng County has become a lone army. "There are not so many polite words, this time the war is already urgent, so Sun Zhen has something to say.

"Commander Sun, the vanguard of our No.80 Fifth Army has arrived at a brigade this time, but our regiment commander Tang also said that the vanguard will wait until the army headquarters arrives before taking command of the battle." Wang Zhonglian said The voice was a little troubled.

"Since this is the case, can Commander Wang send some troops to support Teng County first because we are both anti-Japanese troops?" Sun Zhen's voice was already pleading.

"This is naturally possible. Let's do this, Commander-in-Chief Sun. Our department first dispatched a regiment of the vanguard to quickly support the Teng County side. If there are more troops, it is beyond my ability. After all Commander Tang has already spoken beforehand, and it is not easy for me to disobey his military order." Wang Zhonglian said bluntly.

"That's fine, then please ask Commander Wang to quickly send support troops! The headquarters of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd Divisions in Teng County is up to you." Sun Zhen said in a deep voice.

"Okay, I'm sending troops to Teng County. Don't worry, Commander Sun!" Wang Zhonglian said.

After hanging up the phone, Sun Zhen let out a long sigh: Tang Enbo has reached this point, and he is still calculating these small calculations to preserve his strength, and he doesn't know why the chairman wants to use this person so much?
Sun Zhen had long heard that Tang Enbo was a man with high eyesight, and he didn't pay attention to miscellaneous soldiers. When he saw it today, it was really so...


The enemy artillery occupying the Dongsha River began to attack at [-] a.m. on March [-]. The artillery fired for two hours. More than [-] shells were dropped in Dongguan, the city, and Xiguan Railway Station. It can really be called bullets raining like rain.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the enemy artillery suddenly stopped firing, and the enemy planes dispersed at the same time.Because the security troops of the Sichuan Army in the villages in the eastern suburbs had withdrawn to Dongguan, the gunfire also stopped at the same time, and the surrounding battlefield suddenly fell into silence.

About half an hour later, the enemy's artillery fire suddenly concentrated on one point, and launched a violent bombardment on the protruding part of the southern half of our Dongguan wall. In less than a quarter of an hour (that is, 15 minutes), this section of the wall was blown open. A gap about one or two meters wide was made.

Just after this section of the wall was blown down, the Japanese army concentrated dozens of light and heavy machine guns and organized powerful firepower to shoot violently at the gap to cover the advance of their infantry.





The bullets from the light and heavy machine guns slammed towards the gap like a dense meteor shower. When the bullets hit the stone bricks, they immediately splashed sparks and raised waves of smoke and dust.

Not to mention human beings, even if a dog passes by here, it will be smashed into a sieve immediately!
Fortunately, the commander of the Sichuan army commanded the battle effectively. When the enemy's shooting stopped, the soldiers ambushing on both sides quickly blocked the gap. As soon as the smoke and dust filled the air disappeared, fifty or sixty Japanese soldiers jumped from the gap in the wall. Into the ditch inside the Walled Wall.

It's a pity that waiting for this group of Japanese soldiers were two to three hundred grenades. After a series of explosions, there were more than [-] enemy corpses and less than ten survivors.

In the ensuing battle, the Japanese army organized more powerful firepower and more violent attacks around this collapsed wall, but unfortunately they all failed.

On the battlefield in this area alone, the Japanese army lost more than [-] people, while the Sichuan army suffered even more casualties, and the fighting was not very fierce.

On the day of March [-] alone, about [-] Japanese artillery shells fell on the Dongguan, Chengnei, and Xiguan train stations in Teng County, and there were shell craters all around.

In the same day, the telephone line from the City Defense Command to the battalion headquarters of the battalion commander Yan Yi in Dongguan was cut off as many as 25 times. One can imagine how fierce the enemy's artillery fire was. .

And the enemy's planes have not stopped circling bombing and strafing over Teng County since [-] o'clock in the morning. There are as many as [-] planes in the largest batch!

PS: The second update is here!

Not long after I came back from other places, I was exhausted. I originally wanted to finish this paragraph in two chapters, but it was too late, so I only had three chapters.

Thanks to Qidian book friends q66w66, Laozi Mo Daodao, Kji Xiaochuan, and QQ reading book friends for two monthly tickets each!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Little Bookworm 747 for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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