Chapter 420

At this time, the streets of Tengxian County were full of broken walls, wooden beams and broken bricks everywhere. Apart from the soldiers who were desperately digging the air-raid shelters during the cessation of Japanese artillery fire, there were still many soldiers who were cleaning up. Looking at the corpses of comrades who lived and died with them in the past.

"Little Ghost" Hao Bin was one of those who were busy cleaning up the corpses of their comrades.

Hao Bin has always had a lot of affection for these comrades who died on the battlefield—they are all from the Sichuan Army, and they all came to the front line to fight against Japan in the valley of Sichuan. They came from the same place and spoke the same dialect. Working hard towards the same goal.

And this goal is to drive the Japanese army out of China!

Just as Liu Xiang and Liu Fucheng, the "number one" in Sichuan in the past, said: "If the Japanese invaders are not driven out of the country, the Sichuan army will not return to Sichuan for a day!"

"Go, brothers!" Standing in front of a pile of dead brothers' bodies, Hao Bin shouted in Sichuan dialect, and then he and his comrades who were still alive carried their bodies onto the back of the cart, and then pushed away.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on the old city of Teng County, which had been bombed and dilapidated. Everything looked so vicissitudes and desolation, just like the sunset glow on the setting sun, full of blood.

However, what makes people feel desperate is that the vanguard group that Sun Zhen and Wang Zhonglian gave high hopes to at the same time was defeated by an enemy several times their own on the way.

At this point, Teng County has become a truly isolated city. The reinforcements are gone, and the tens of thousands of well-equipped and heavy-equipped enemy troops are fighting fiercely. What awaits them is only the death of their ammunition... …

At [-] o'clock in the evening on the [-]th, Commander Wang Mingzhang called Zhang Xuanwu, commander of the city defense and head of the [-]th Regiment, to his headquarters to inquire about the battle situation in detail.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhang Xuanwu stepped into the door, Wang Mingzhang held his hand excitedly, and said, "Teacher Zhang, you have worked so hard. I never thought that we could last a whole day with only such a small person. You really have Method!"

"It's mainly due to the bravery of the soldiers and the contribution of Battalion Commander Yan." Zhang Xuanwu said seriously, without taking credit for himself.

"Battalion Commander Yan is brave and good at fighting, and you are good at commanding. Tomorrow I will send a telegram directly to the chairman to ask for awards for you two!" Wang Mingzhang said excitedly, and then he smiled and said very optimistically: "It doesn't matter if we can survive today. Our troops outside the city will be transferred to the city soon. They are on the move and will arrive in about one or two hours."

"Which troops are transferred into the city?" Zhang Xuanwu asked.

Wang Mingzhang smiled and said: "The two regiments of Lu and Zeng brigades (that is, the 370th brigade and the 372nd brigade of Wang Shijun's 370st, 372th and 366nd brigade, Lv Kang, commander of the [-]th brigade, and Zeng Suyuan, commander of the [-]nd brigade) and you The two battalions of that regiment are sure to arrive, but Tong Brigade (that is, the [-]th Brigade under the [-]nd Division, brigade commander Tong Cheng) may have trouble on the way.”

Without waiting for Zhang Xuanwu to speak, Wang Mingzhang continued confidently: "Today we can last for one day with less than one regiment, and tomorrow we will add two or three regiments. What are we afraid of? If we continue to support tomorrow, the reinforcements of Tang Enbo's army You can come to rescue."

Obviously, Commander Wang Mingzhang is full of confidence in Tang Enbo's army, which is known as the elite of the national army.

However, what is Tang Enbo's No. 20 Corps, which Mr. Wang has placed high hopes on, doing at this moment?

The camera turned to Tang Enbo's army.

In the starry night, a long troop was marching towards the Liguo Station. They were all holding torches, so it looked like a long fire dragon from the sky, which was very spectacular.

At this moment, the main force of the No.20 Legion is indeed gathering at the Liguo Post Station, and then takes the train to Lincheng, but it has nothing to do with the word "rush", at best it is walking to Lincheng.

"Junzuo, do we have to speed up the pace of some troops? I just heard from a fellow who worked in the Legion Department that a regiment of Commander Wang Zhonglian was in the process of reinforcing Teng County, but it was killed in less than two hours. It was defeated. It seems that the situation in Teng County is really at stake." Zheng Dongguo, the commander of the Second Division of the Second Army, said to Guan Linzheng, the commander beside him.

Zheng Dongguo is handsome and talented. Although he is not as good as Mei Zhoulang, his handsomeness alone surpasses the looks of many actors in the 21st century. Like Guan Linzheng, he belongs to the first batch of Whampoa students. But among the classmates in the same period, in Jiang's heart, there is also a difference of closeness and closeness.

Don't forget that Guan Linzheng has a very high status in Chiang Kai-shek's heart-this has to start with Chiang Kai-shek's first resignation after the Northern Expedition that year.

Back then, when Chiang Kai-shek left the field for the first time, Guan Linzheng served as the head of the Seventh Regiment directly under the General Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army, and he went to visit Chiang Kai-shek.

When Guan Linzheng saw Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek was so angry that he slammed his fist on the table and said, "Go and tell your classmates that He Yingqin rebelled against me. Fucking X, mother Xipi, you go to be a bandit, and I will be a bandit." chief!"

Afterwards, Guan Linzheng immediately contacted Huangpu classmates to welcome Jiang's reinstatement. This time, he established his position in Chiang Kai-shek's heart.

Guan Linzheng, the commander of the Second Army, had a face as if watery, and he said, "I really want to hurry up, but what Officer Tang means is that he doesn't want us to go so fast. Now the Japanese troops in Teng County are sharp, but It’s hard for the Sichuan Army.”

After hearing this, Zheng Dongguo also fell silent. Commander Guan is a patriotic and passionate soldier who dares to fight. Now even he said the same thing. It seems that Commander Tang really talked to the military seat in private. It's over.

To put it bluntly, it is to do a good job in Guan Linzheng's ideological work, telling him to keep in mind the Whampoa spirit, "soldiers should take obeying orders as their bounden duty"; You are welcome.

Seeing that Zheng Dongguo was silent, Guan Linzheng thought for a while, and said, "How about this! You can take the second division to Liguo Post Station first, and reinforce Teng County first. If Chief Tang asks questions, I will bear it all." !"

"Yes, the military seat." Zheng Dongguo responded, Yu private, they are classmates, but Yu public, they are superiors and subordinates, and they still have to obey the orders that should be obeyed.


Due to the slow action of Tang Enbo's army, Wang Mingzhang's department in Teng County could no longer wait for the arrival of reinforcements...

Perhaps, they can last for more than three days, maybe they can wait until the main force of Tang Enbo's army arrives-but can they really last until then?

The camera turns back to Teng County.

That night, Lu Kang's 370th Brigade and Zeng Suyuan's two brigades escaped from the enemy's entanglement from the Dawu and Xiaowu areas, and arrived at Teng County from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] at night.

The 366st and [-]nd Battalions of the [-]th Regiment in Hongding, Gaomiao, and Beishahe were probably also built around this time.Only Tong Cheng's [-]th Brigade (Xiao Yanyi Battalion) was blocked by the enemy when passing by the city, and was forced to detour towards Lincheng.

In the middle of the night, Commander Wang Mingzhang organized the military chiefs of the divisions, brigades, and regiments to gather at the temporary location of the City Defense Command, and came up with a military deployment plan, which was an outline for the next day's guard operations.

The readjusted deployment is as follows:
(370) The 740th Regiment of the 366th Brigade of the 731th Division (less than a battalion) will take over the defense of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]nd Division in Dongguan.

(364) Use the 727st Battalion of the 731th Regiment attached to the [-]st Regiment of the [-]th Brigade of the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd Division to defend the east and north sides of the southeast city corner (included) and the northwest city corner (not included), and use a part to guard the north close.


([-]) Use the [-]rd Regiment of the [-]nd Brigade of the [-]th Division as the general reserve team, and use one part to guard the Nanguan, Xiguan and railway stations.


This night, the food and ammunition stored in the city was very sufficient, and the troops were also fully replenished that night.

After the deployment and adjustments were completed, all the troops desperately repaired the fortifications and dug the air-raid shelters regardless of fatigue. Besides, they were still busy tying the ladders.

As for the point of tying the ladder, it is because the city wall of Teng County is high and steep, and there is only one road to the city wall next to each city gate. To avoid and reduce casualties, only a small number of lookout posts were left on the city, and the rest of the troops rested in the air-raid shelter at the foot of the city wall.

When the enemy launches a charge to climb the city, and then quickly ascend the city to resist, if only relying on the road next to the city gate, it is easy to make mistakes.Therefore, Wang Mingzhang stipulated that each squad of the city guards must have at least one ladder for rapid ascent to the city.

In addition to being busy repairing fortifications, digging air-raid shelters, and tying ladders, they also assigned a manpower to open the grenade box and unscrew the cover at the bottom of the grenade.

At the same time, the headquarters of each division, each brigade, and each regiment were also moved from the outside defense into the city gate.

In short, this night, all the officers and soldiers guarding the city were busy until dawn and did not rest for a moment.

Of course, the devils stopped their attack on the ancient city of Teng County that night, but that doesn't mean that Isotani Rensuke is sleeping idle at this time.

Isotani Rensuke came here with the task of attacking the Xuzhou barrier, but unexpectedly encountered hard nails in Jiehe, Longshan, Puyangshan, and Tengxian Chengguan. And suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, on the evening of the 3th, the angry Isoya Rensuke mobilized the main force of the 70th Division and a brigade of the [-]th Division overnight, totaling more than [-] people. With more than [-] tanks and [-] to [-] tanks reinforced, after dawn, they launched a fierce attack on the east, south and north sides of Tengxian County.

At [-] o'clock in the morning on the [-]th, it was only dawn at this time, and the main force of the Japanese artillery outside the city was in place. A hot air balloon carrying the Japanese artillery observation post began to slowly rise into the sky.

Under the command of the Japanese artillery observation post, the Japanese artillery began to fire. Except for a piece of Beichengguan where the American church is located, so it was not bombed by the Japanese army, other places were bombed by the Japanese artillery.

This day was the last time for Isoya Rensuke to order the troops to attack Teng County, so in addition to the heavy bombardment of more than 70 cannons, there were more than 20 enemy planes dropping bombs and strafing over Teng County.

On this day, bullets rained down in Tengxian County. In addition to artillery shells, there were also aircraft bombs, as well as the bullets fired from the machine guns of enemy aircraft.





The sound of explosions was endless, and the houses outside the air-raid shelter were being blown down one by one, and the shock waves generated by the explosion of the shells raised waves of dust, as terrifying as encountering a sandstorm that had not happened in a century.

The ground was trembling, but the Sichuan army in the air-raid shelter had already fallen asleep from exhaustion. Unless the brothers from the observation post ran down and kicked them, they would definitely not wake up.

In the air-raid shelter, there is still one person who is still awake, that is, Hao Bin, who is called the "little ghost", is still awake.

The artillery fire from the Japanese army was so fierce that even the ground was trembling. Hao Bin didn’t know why the veteran on the opposite side could still sleep so soundly at this moment, and a sense of despair slowly rose in his heart: the artillery fire outside was so Ferocious, I probably won't be able to go back to Sichuan, right?

Under the sound of the rumbling guns, everyone's sleep quality will naturally not be very good. At this time, an older veteran opened his eyes and said, "Little devil, are you still not sleeping? Haha, the little devil is holding a bayonet Come to attack the city, if you don’t sleep and don’t gain energy, you can’t beat their bastards.”

"I get it, you just go to sleep, don't worry about me." Hao Bin replied casually, but he couldn't hide the uneasiness in his heart.

This shelling lasted for two full hours, one can imagine the intensity of this shelling.

In the past two hours, the smoke and dust wave caused by the artillery fire has not dissipated, but it has become more and more intense. In addition to the sound of artillery fire and bomb explosions, there is also the sound of Japanese aircraft engines passing by. The sound of "woo woo" is like the annoying sound made by flies when they fly by, which is disgusting.

Finally, the artillery fire stopped, and Hao Bin dragged his old Sichuan-made gun slowly out of the door of the air-raid shelter with his exhausted body.

What caught Hao Bin's eyes was a very tragic scene, which he would never forget all his life - he could hardly see what the scenes in front of him looked like a few days ago, and the streets and streets could no longer be distinguished The whole street was piled up into small hills by these collapsed buildings, and even those stone roads were blown into deep pits.

The whole city was covered in a sea of ​​flames, and the ground had turned into a piece of scorched earth, as if the surrounding area was a piece of hell on earth.

Along with Hao Bin, Zhang Xuanwu, Commander of Teng County City Defense and Commander of the 727th Regiment of the Sichuan Army, came out to watch.

It was not only Hao Bin who was shocked by the scene in front of him, but also Zhang Xuanwu, head of the regiment Zhang Xuanwu. At this moment, Zhang Xuanwu understood the meaning of "Scorched Earth War of Resistance".

The scorched earth war of resistance is not just talk, it is a fact, every inch of mountains and rivers and every inch of blood, Chinese soldiers are using their thin bodies to resist the aggression of enemy aircraft and artillery!
Hao Bin wanted to cry, but found that his tears had already dried up. He was only 17 years old, and he was standing on this land fighting the enemy desperately!
The Japanese planes in the sky were still flying around like dense crows, and the engines were still making that annoying "whining" sound. However, at this moment, a young Sichuan soldier ran down from the lookout post on the city. Hao Bin, who was stunned at the door, shouted: "That kid over there! The Japanese devils are starting to attack!~"

At the same time, the lookout soldier of the Sichuan Army hurriedly rang the bells connected to the doors of various air-raid shelters.

"Ring Ling Ling..."

The bell rang very quickly, and teams of Sichuan soldiers hurried out of the air-raid shelter with their rifles on their backs. They had no time to observe the tragic scene in front of them, and went to the city to fight the Japanese devils desperately.

The Japanese army began to refer to the method of smashing the city wall yesterday, and then began to cover the infantry charge with a dozen tanks. At the same time, they used artillery fire to intercept the entire line of Dongguan and the city, so as to contain the temporary mobilization of troops of the Sichuan army and reinforcements from the rear!
And these enemy planes flying all over the sky like crows carried out crazy low-altitude strafing, and the scene was once very intense.

To be more precise, it was tragic!


PS: Combine two chapters into one!That's all for today's update. I'm going to prepare for tomorrow's manuscript. After all, tomorrow will start at the end of the fifth shift. Sorry for that.

As for these four chapters about the plot of General Wang Mingzhang of the Sichuan Army defending Teng County to the death, it should be regarded as a tribute to my own anti-Japanese heroes!

Thank you Qidian book friends for having a monthly pass for Baoshan real person!
(End of this chapter)

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