Chapter 421 The whole teacher died in the city (15 more, please subscribe and ask for tickets!)

The Japanese army, which had an absolute advantage in firepower, didn't even need to adopt that wavy offensive form. Teams of Japanese troops came out of their formation, densely packed, like ants.

The bullets were like the eruption of the Leonid meteor shower, one after another with shining light, they shot towards the positions or walls of the national army.

More than a dozen thin-skinned beanbag tanks of the Japanese army are covering the attack of the Japanese infantry, with very hideous faces.

"What oil chirping!!" The Japanese army's grassroots commander was waving a samurai sword, directing these ferocious Japanese infantrymen to charge.

Soon, these Japanese troops poured in from the gap in Dongguan, and at the same time, there were Japanese tanks.

The main force of the 740th Regiment of the [-]st, [-]th Division defending Dongguan relied on the geographical advantages of the city wall, and immediately used light machine guns to suppress the enemy troops below the city. Two Sichuan Army machine gunners were killed.

The moment the two Sichuan Army machine gunners died, two soldiers behind them who had finished throwing grenades picked up their machine guns and continued to shoot at the Japanese army below the city.

The national army under the city also swung their swords and fought the Japanese army repeatedly. Blood flowed like a river for a while, and the casualties were not uncommon.

From eight o'clock in the morning to twelve o'clock in the fierce battle, although the Sichuan army suffered heavy casualties, the enemy's corpses were also numerous, and the Dongguan position was still firmly in the hands of the national army, safe and sound.

While the enemy was attacking Dongguan (that is, the east gate), another part of the enemy attacked the southeast corner of the city, first blasting the city wall with strong artillery fire.

About ten to twenty minutes later, under the fierce Japanese artillery fire, a gap was blasted in the southeastern corner of the city, and then seven or eight tanks covered more than a hundred Japanese infantry charging.

The second company of the 727st Battalion of Zhang Xuanwu's [-]th Regiment was defending here. The officers and soldiers of the company immediately greeted the Japanese army with grenades when they saw the enemy rushing in. There were repeated explosions, blowing up two enemy tanks and killing them. About fifty to sixty Japanese soldiers were killed.

But when the Sichuan army company was blown up, there were already almost no casualties. To put it bluntly, the entire company was dead!

Therefore, the rampant Japanese army began to rush into the city. Wang Chengyu, the battalion commander of the 727st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment, who was in charge of defending here, immediately ordered a company of the battalion reserve team to launch a counterattack!

"Little Devil" Hao Bin followed behind the company commander Zhang Quanxin. He had a few grenades stuck in his waist and a machete on his back. This machete was brought out of Sichuan with him.

As we all know, the Sichuan army's equipment is poor, and it can even be described as very inferior. Therefore, they can only use big knives to make up for the huge gap in equipment. When the guns are useless, the big knives can also be used to kill the enemy!

The machine gunners of the Sichuan Army Company began to charge forward with the only two light machine guns in their hands. Except for a few soldiers who were holding the [-] caps seized from the Japanese army, everyone else was holding a A grenade that has been unscrewed and the drawstring is exposed is rushing forward.

After a burst of grenade throwing and bombing, the officers and soldiers of the Sichuan Army took off the machetes on their backs and rushed forward screaming.

"Come on, hack these back-headed Japanese pugs to death!!" Zhang Quanxin, the company commander of the Sichuan Army, took the lead and shouted loudly, holding a big knife high, hoping to boost the morale of the big guys.

"Come on!!!" The Sichuan soldiers were all shouting, and Hao Bin also shouted, holding a machete high on his thin body, which seemed funny no matter how he looked at it.

Don't forget, these Sichuan Army officers and soldiers didn't sleep all night last night, and they were at their most exhausted. When the company commander yelled, they immediately rejuvenated and pumped their blood to fight the Japanese army.

Just as the teacher Wang Mingzhang gave them a lecture before leaving Sichuan, that scene will never be erased in the hearts of the brothers in the Sichuan Army——

The division commander Wang Mingzhang stood on the high platform. A big flag was hung above the platform. It was a blue sky, white sun and red flags all over the ground. On the back of the platform was written a line of big characters "Sichuan Army Dechuan Pledge Meeting".

"Do you know what you are doing this time?!" Wang Mingzhang asked loudly standing in front of the microphone.

"Understood!! Hit Japan!!" The officers and soldiers of the whole division were shouting loudly, as if leaving Sichuan would be a beautiful world.

"Then are you afraid of death?!" Wang Mingzhang asked loudly.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!!" The soldiers of the whole division were shouting.

Some of them even came from the same family. Although the policy of "two to three draws one, four to five draws two" was introduced later, in such a poor Sichuan at this time, perhaps For ordinary people, being a soldier may not be the best way out, but it is the most helpless and only way out for poor people.

Because only a soldier can have money, can support the family, and bring a glimmer of hope to the impoverished family. Don’t forget that the tax in Sichuan has been collected for the next 20 years...

But even so, after these Sichuan Army boys went to the battlefield, they were still not bad, showing the prestige of Chinese soldiers!
Zhang Quanxin, the company commander of the Sichuan Army, took the lead and swung his knife at the Japanese soldier in front of him. This was a completely life-for-life style of play.

But Zhang Quanxin, who was exhausted, was no match for this recharged Japanese soldier. The Japanese soldier's bayonet was faster than his broadsword, and stabbed him in the abdomen first.

Zhang Quanxin continued to castrate with a big sword, a big head shot up into the sky, warm blood sprayed his face, and the whole world seemed to turn blood red.

There were endless fighting sounds around him, Zhang Quanxin was panting heavily, the strength in his body was quietly draining like a quiet river, enduring the severe pain, he pulled out the bayonet of the Japanese soldier who had been hacked to death by him .


Blood gushed out from Zhang Quanxin's abdomen, and the blood had already stained his uniform red. He gritted his teeth and staggered forward, wanting to kill one more little Japanese.

It's a pity that it's too late - after all, human beings are no match for the laws of nature. After walking a few steps, Zhang Quanxin's body slowly fell down...

After this hand-to-hand combat, all the intruding enemies have been wiped out by the Sichuan Army. However, the remaining 150 soldiers of this company after several battles were reduced to only [-] soldiers. The company commander He Jicang and below all sacrificed their lives for the country and died heroically.

As one of the last lucky ones still alive, looking at this brother who fell to the ground, a tear fell from his face covered with gunpowder smoke and black ash, and the traces were clearly visible.

When he saw the body of Lao Shi, the squad leader who took the most care of him as a young child, Hao Bin finally broke down. He squatted on the ground holding Lao Shi's body and cried bitterly: "Old can you Just die like that? Wow..."

At 150 o'clock in the afternoon on the [-]th, the enemy suddenly bombarded the front of the southern city wall of Teng County with [-] heavy howitzers of [-] guns (that is, with a caliber of [-] mm). close.

The two companies of the 743rd Regiment of the [-]st, [-]th Division of the Sichuan Army are in charge of guarding this place. These two companies were transferred from Dawu to this station late last night. There are only simple shelters here, but no solid air defense. facilities, so that in a very short period of time, more than half of the officers and soldiers were killed and injured, and the remaining troops could not shelter in Nanguan (that is, Nancheng Gate) and were forced to move to the vicinity of Xiguan Station.





A shell from a heavy howitzer hit the southern city wall fiercely, and then exploded. The entire city wall began to crumble.

Finally, after more than an hour of heavy artillery bombardment by the Japanese army, the southern city wall collapsed, and the officers and soldiers of the 740st Battalion of the [-]th Regiment of the [-]th Division (battalion commander Cai Cheng) who were in charge of stationing here were buried alive and killed in the collapsed On the south wall of the city, the flesh and blood of the guards were intertwined with the masonry, slowly seeping into the ground below, one can imagine the tragedy.

Since the collapse of the city wall, it has almost been razed to the ground, and you can climb everywhere. About 600 Japanese soldiers rushed to the south city wall under the cover of more than ten tanks.

Lu Kang, commander of the 370th Brigade of the [-]st, [-]th Division of the Sichuan Army, and Wang Chaolian, deputy commander of the [-]th Brigade, went to the wall root of the southern city to command the troops and supervise the battle. On the south wall, Brigadier Lu Kang and Deputy Brigadier Wang Chaolian were both seriously injured.

At this moment, the battle at Dongchengmen has also entered a fierce stage. The enemy from the east began to launch a more violent attack on Dongguan. , The fortifications of the position have been completely destroyed.

The defenders of the East Gate had nothing to rely on, resulting in more and more casualties.Meanwhile, ammunition (especially grenades) has run out.

Not long after the southern city wall was occupied by the Japanese army, the Japanese army in the east with about [-] to [-] infantry, under the cover of more than ten tanks, stormed into Dongguan (the East Gate).

Wang Lin, head of the 740th Regiment of the [-]th Division of Dongguan, who was in charge of the defense, went to the front line to supervise the battle in person under the fierce artillery fire.

In the fierce artillery fire, before Wang Lin rushed to the front, he was hit on the head by the enemy's artillery and died heroically on the spot.At the same time, Hu Qingxi, the chief of the political training section of the regiment, died at the same time.

After the sacrifice of Captain Wang, Dongguan soon fell to the enemy...

After the east and south sides of Tengxian County fell to the enemy one after another, Wang Mingzhang, the former commander-in-chief of the No. 40 First Army and the commander of the [-]nd Division, went to the cross street in the center of the city to command and supervise the battle.

But the good times didn't last long. It didn't take long for the enemies on the south wall to start oppressing the defenders on the west wall with fierce firepower.At the same time, the enemy bombarded Ximen with fierce artillery fire. Soon, Ximen fell into the enemy's hands. When Commander Wang Mingzhang led his troops to counterattack and break through the enemy in Xicheng, he finally fell under the enemy's firepower.

Commander Wang, his chief of staff Zhao Weibin, deputy chief Luo Jiaxin, major staff officer Xie Dalun, chief of staff of the [-]st, [-]th and [-]th Division Zou Mutao, and more than ten entourages died for the country at the same time, heroically martyred for the country!

Only Li Shaokun, Wang Mingzhang's guard, and two others survived...

After a fierce battle, more than [-] people from the [-]nd and [-]th Divisions of the Sichuan Army guarding Teng County, except for more than [-] people who broke out from the encirclement, all the officers and soldiers died heroically!
Especially the [-]st and [-]nd divisions, except Zhang Xuanwu and more than a dozen officers and soldiers who survived, the others, etc., the whole division died heroically!


PS: The first update is here!Continue to ask for tickets and subscriptions!

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(End of this chapter)

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