War of Resistance

Chapter 422 The Furious Chief Xu

Chapter 422 The Furious Chief Xu (25 more, please subscribe for tickets!)

Since it is necessary to determine the number of casualties before reporting whether it is a real victory, the victory telegram from LY came relatively late.

Ever since, the news of the LY victory and the news that the Sichuan Army's division commander Wang Mingzhang led the defenders to die in the city reached the Xuzhou theater commander's department almost at the same time.

Li Zongren held the two telegrams in his hands, his face sank like water, while Li Xingshu, the deputy chief of staff in the theater, stood silently beside him without making a sound.

"These two things are a big problem. These two reports can't be sent out on the same day." Li Zongren said, "Mr. Wang Mingzhang led the whole army to die in the city. This should be an excellent example, but The news of the LY victory was released in advance, and then the news of the death of the entire Sichuan army is probably a bit wrong, and it may weaken the confidence of the people of the whole country in the war of resistance."

Li Xingshu, the deputy chief of staff of the war zone next to him, thought for a while and said, "Sir, why not do this! First send the news of the heroic death of Master Wang Mingzhang to let the people of the whole country know that there are still many people on the front line fighting against the war one after another. Tell the people of the whole country that our national government will never surrender to the Japanese."

Immediately afterwards, Li Xingshu continued: "As for the news about the victory of Chief Xu, Pang Bingxun, Zhang Zizhong and others in LY, it will be sent out tomorrow afternoon, which can inspire the hearts of the people and let the people of the whole country see that as long as we work together and cooperate If you want to resist Japan, then these Japanese devils are not invincible. In this way, sending the report can kill two birds with one stone."

Li Zongren nodded, and said: "The deputy chief of staff's words are very reasonable, so let's do what you say about the news in these two telegrams!"

"Yes, sir!" Li Xingshu replied.

This telegram about the great victory featured two generals, Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong, as the protagonists. As for Zhang Tianhai's role in the LY battle, it was subconsciously ignored by the officers of the Minister's Department.

why?First, during this operation, Zhang Tianhai abandoned the established position without asking for instructions. Although he made great contributions, he should not be encouraged; The combat rhythm of the frontline headquarters is very passive, and they can only fight around a straight group.

To sum up the above two points, the commander-in-chief of the war zone believes that this is very undesirable. If Zhang Tianhai is encouraged this time, there is no doubt that this will set a very bad example, and there will be more people who disobey orders in the future!
Therefore, both Li Zongren and Xu Zuyi saw this.But no matter what, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment has always made great contributions in this LY battle, so Li Zongren also decided to give Zhang Tianhai a certain amount of compensation.

As for the compensation, it's very simple - first, give priority to supplementing the combat readiness loss of the first regiment directly under the third theater, then reward the direct first regiment with [-] silver dollars, and then give Zhang Tianhai a fourth-class Yunhui medal.

The only price is that Zhang Tianhai's name does not appear in the newspaper, and the battle report is mainly written around the two men, Pang Bingxun and Zhang Zizhong. As for Chief Xu Zuyi, he only mentioned a few words.

What Zhang Tianhai didn't know was that the historical trajectory that had changed a little due to his sudden appearance was gradually returning to the right path...

No one can change the general trend of history, even if there are some, it will be corrected by the powerful inertia of history!

Time back to three hours ago.

It is said that after Zhang Tianhai confirmed the loss of the first battalion, he immediately went to the Japanese arsenal that the third battalion had sent troops to blockade.

When he saw this arsenal, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help swallowing secretly: He is from the 21st century, and he has seen many shells of the same size, but he has never seen anything like this in this era. Many shells piled up.

The shells of the [-]-type field artillery filled the whole room. Zhang Tianhai stood at the door, but the corner of his mouth was very excited: "Quick...quick, Xu... Sangou, quickly count and see how many shells are there! Damn it! With so many shells, I am rich!!"

After sending someone to check this room, Zhang Tianhai went to another room. Most of this room were small shells from grenade launchers, and some of them were 7.7 mm caliber shells used by Japanese thin-skinned tanks. machine gun bullets.

The last two rooms are basically machine gun bullets, rifle bullets, etc. used by the Japanese army, filling up a whole large room, and the only remaining ones are Japanese grenades and a few firearms.

What Zhang Tianhai valued the most was not the bullets of firearms, but the shells of the Japanese-made [-] field artillery. This shell is a treasure. When it was time to bomb the Japanese army, it was not so cool...

After Xu Sangou took people to count the shells, Zhang Tianhai immediately ordered people to continue guarding here, and then returned to the regiment headquarters.

After this great battle, he still needs to count the casualties of each army.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Guo Qiliang handed over a casualty statistics form to Zhang Tianhai.

"Old Zhang, this is the summary of our regiment's casualties in this soup battle." Guo Qiliang said while handing the casualty report to Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai picked up the casualty report, but his whole face wrinkled.

I saw this casualty report read——

"In the first battalion, 430 people were killed, 110 people were seriously injured, 56 people survived, and a total of 540 people were killed or injured;

In the second battalion, 270 and six people were killed, 180 and three were seriously injured, and 150 and one survived, with a total of 450 and nine casualties;

The third battalion did not participate in the battle and suffered no casualties;
In the fourth battalion, 320 people were killed, 170 people were seriously injured, 430 people survived, and a total of [-] people were killed or injured;

Cavalry battalion troops, 86 people were killed, 71 people were seriously injured, 170 people survived, and a total of 150 people were killed or injured;
In terms of troops directly under the regiment: the original strength of the secret service company totaled 210 people, 76 people were killed, 33 people were seriously injured, a total of 130 casualties, and 58 people survived; the original military police company had a total strength of 17 people, and 57 people were killed in battle 75 people were seriously injured, [-] people survived, a total of [-] casualties;

The remaining units directly under the regiment suffered no casualties.

Based on the above data, the headquarters of the First Regiment directly under the Third Theater had a total of 770 casualties. "

Seeing this statistic, Zhang Tianhai didn't have an ordinary headache—yes, the total number of the Zhiyi Regiment was nearly 900 people, but that included the logistics troops.On paper, there were more than 300 offensive soldiers (not including the artillery battalion) that charged on the battlefield. This is the result of counting the mortar company and the small artillery company together.

Doing the math, the result is already more than half of the casualties...

More than 700, nearly 800 casualties, how long will it take to recover...

"Send this casualty report directly to Chief Xu!" Zhang Tianhai sighed.

At this moment, a thick voice sounded outside the door: "There is no need to deliver it specially, I am here."

Who else could have this voice besides Xu Zuyi?
After seeing Chief Xu coming in, Zhang Tianhai, Guo Qiliang and other members of the regiment stood up at attention at the same time and saluted: "Hello, Chief Xu!"

Seeing that the spirits of the people in the Zhiyi Regiment were fairly good, Xu Zuyi nodded and said, "Everyone has fought bravely and performed well this time. Your spirit is worthy of praise. I will report this to the Minister's Department and the Chairman of the Committee." There are awards for you."

After finishing speaking, before anyone else could speak, Xu Zuyi said to Zhang Tianhai with a calm face: "Teacher Zhang, come out with me, I have something to tell you."

"Yes, sir." Zhang Tianhai replied, his heart sank slightly, seeing the expression of Chief Xu, he had already guessed what the result would be.

After walking out of the regiment headquarters' tent, Xu Zuyi walked in other directions, followed by Zhang Tianhai.

"Teacher Zhang." Xu Zuyi asked seemingly calmly.

"Sir, I'm in a lowly position." Zhang Tianhai reckoned that the incident of mobilizing troops to attack Tangtou Town without asking for instructions must have angered Chief Xu.

Zhang Tianhai is not stupid. No matter who is the commander, he will not like such a subordinate who likes to act without authorization. It's good that he has done meritorious service. If there is a mistake, the commander will be fully responsible.

"Do I look like the kind of person who can't talk and can eat people?" Xu Zuyi asked in a deep voice.

"Reporting sir, absolutely not. It's not a day or two to get in touch with you in a humble position. You are definitely a good general who loves soldiers like a son and can fight well. Moreover, you have a particularly good temper." Zhang Tianhai wanted not to be scolded. It was so ugly, it just sent a bunch of good words directly.

Well, it is true that he is a little shameless, but he will definitely not be scolded so badly. Hey, Zhang Tianhai also worked hard for this.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Xu Zuyi's expression changed, and he wanted to curse.

Before Xu Zuyi could swear, Zhang Tianhai begged Chief Xu with a pitiful face: "Sir Xu, I know that I have committed a crime. Can you find someone to swear at less? I am the head of the regiment, please save face." ..."

"Hmph." Xu Zuyi snorted coldly, after all, he didn't directly spray Zhang Tianhai in front of the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi regiment, which was considered a big face for the latter.

You must know that Xu Zuyi is now the highest officer who controls the military and government in the LY area. As long as the troops in the LY area are under his jurisdiction, it can be said that he is Zhang Tianhai's immediate boss.

After reaching a forest, Xu Zuyi asked his guards to start alerting the surroundings, and then asked Zhang Tianhai, "Head Zhang, why did you mobilize troops to attack Tangtou Town without asking for instructions? If you ask for instructions, cooperate The No.40 Army and the Ninth Army will not be so passive, you know?!"

I saw Zhang Tianhai lowered his head and said: "I knew I was wrong, sir. At that time, I was considering information leaks and the importance of military speed. If I had informed the commander of this plan in advance, I was afraid that the secret would be leaked. After all, this is a matter of concern." It's a matter of life and death. I don't dare to gamble in a humble position."

"If you are afraid of leaking, you can send me a telegram half an hour before launching the attack, but you don't want to do anything. What are you trying to do?" The gas hasn't come out yet.

If you don't get angry, you will naturally feel bad. This is also a very normal thing.


PS: The second update is here!

(End of this chapter)

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