War of Resistance

Chapter 423: Confiscating the Victory

Chapter 423 Confiscating the results of the battle (35 more, please subscribe, please vote!)
Hearing Chief Xu's voice full of anger and resentment, Zhang Tianhai felt embarrassed, so he had to smile awkwardly "hehe" and "hehe".

"That officer, can you spare us this time now? After all, we have won the battle now, right? I haven't heard of people who lose their heads after winning the battle, right?" Zhang Tianhai said with some embarrassment, after all Now there are only the two of them here, if they can't reach an agreement, they can only accept the punishment passively.

Xu Zuyi laughed angrily at once. Instead, he looked at Zhang Tianhai and said very seriously: "Your idea is quite beautiful, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the death penalty is inevitable. If you don’t know the factors of winning the battle, let’s not hold you accountable for arbitrarily mobilizing troops to disobey orders, but if the merits and demerits balance out, your disobedience is not a good thing.”

"This matter, the humble post accepts punishment. But this is about the supplementary issue of Zhiyi regiment, and I hope the commander will not get stuck with our army and pensions. As the regiment leader, I can't let the brothers below bleed and die. Are you crying?" Zhang Tianhai said very sincerely.

Xu Zuyi frowned. After all, what Zhang Tianhai made was a normal request, and it was not considered an excessive request.

Therefore, Xu Zuyi said: "This matter can be implemented, but the impact of your boy's unauthorized mobilization of troops is really too bad. If the whole army is like you, then we officers should have more Don't command troops to fight? So, this bad guy, the minister's department doesn't support it."

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "I understand this lowly position. After all, I'm self-inflicted and I can't live. As long as the commander's department doesn't hold back the recruitment of soldiers for lowly positions and the distribution of pensions, then lowly positions can feel at ease."

"Well, on this point, your awareness is still very high. Listen, boy, you just need to be mentally prepared for this. Don't complain about the ruthlessness of the chief ministers or something? How?" said With that, Xu Zuyi patted Zhang Tianhai on the shoulder and said.

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted, and then grinned. Hearing what Officer Xu said, he should not be punished this time, and at most it would only affect his "personal future".

Perhaps, the word "personal future" is very important in the eyes of others, but in Zhang Tianhai's opinion, it is not always so!
Zhang Tianhai always believed that the reason for God to let him go back to this era might be to lead the army to fight against Japan. After all, apart from this possibility, he couldn't think of any other reason.

Seeing that Zhang Tianhai's mental state was not bad, Xu Zuyi was relieved a lot. He patted Zhang Tianhai's shoulder and said, "Young man, after you go back, train hard and fight against Japan."

"Yes! Sir." Zhang Tianhai replied again.

Xu Zuyi seemed to have thought of something, and then told Zhang Tianhai: "By the way, according to the news from the military command, the Japanese army's reinforcement troops have already set off this morning. The strength of the troops is a whole regiment, and They are all cavalry, and it is estimated that the vanguard will reach Tangtou Town in less than 48 hours. You must hurry up."

"I understand." Zhang Tianhai nodded.

"By the way, after finishing the work at hand, write me a battle report, and remember to write down the details!" Xu Zuyi ordered directly.

After saying this sentence, Xu Zuyi left straight away. After all, he is now the highest-ranking military officer in the LY area, and he has many things to do.

If Zhang Tianhai didn't think Zhang Tianhai was a pretty good guy, Xu Zuyi probably wouldn't have come here specifically to inspect other troops.

Looking at Xu Zuyi's leaving back, Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath: It's easier than expected, at least he didn't get scolded badly.

As for the combat report and the like, Zhang Tianhai thought it was nothing. After all, he was going to write it. He also said that he remembered clearly about the fact that he promised to give credit to his son Pang Kui.

Besides, he, Zhang Yulin, is not a person who reneged on his promise and became fat...


At this time, the entire battlefield after the war seemed to be in order. It is worth mentioning that Pang Kui, the captain of the militia, brought a large number of villagers to help out. First, he helped deal with the wounded soldiers, and then he helped Bury the remains of the national army officers and soldiers who have died.

As for the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, Zhang Tianhai just said lightly: "Didn't it mean that reinforcements from the Japanese devils will arrive soon? Let them handle these corpses by themselves!"

However, after Chief Xu Zuyi left, Zhang Tianhai was not completely idle. The first thing he had to do was to let the officers and soldiers of the supply battalion and the artillery battalion carry all the shells in the Japanese arsenal back to the temporary station of the regiment headquarters.

As for the matter of burying the bodies of those comrades who had already died, Zhang Tianhai handed over this task to the battalion commanders.

Considering the heavy losses of the first battalion and the second battalion, Zhang Tianhai directly transferred two companies from the third battalion to help the first battalion and the second battalion respectively.

The battle was over, but Zhang Tianhai also found a serious problem: that is, his army seemed to be short of qualified soldiers.

So, in desperation, Zhang Tianhai could only send a report to Gu Shi'an who was staying in Lanling County, ordering him to immediately expand Lanling's city defense force to four battalions. As for the reason: this time In the Battle of LY, the main force of the Japanese Sakamoto Detachment was wiped out, and a large amount of weapons and equipment were seized, enough to equip all four battalions.

Well, since he already had this plan, Zhang Tianhai immediately ordered all the troops to collect the guns left by the Japanese soldiers who died in battle.

The total number should not be less than one thousand, so because of Zhang Tianhai's order of "change from day to day", the overall mission of the Zhiyi Regiment's combat troops has changed again.

As for the guns used by the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment, even the Mauser pistols must be recycled, let alone light and heavy machine guns, and a lot of grenadiers used by the Japanese army should also be collected for emergencies .

Fortunately, neither the Ninth Army nor the No.40 Army's main battlefield is in Tangtou Town, otherwise they would have collected them first.

So a very strange phenomenon appeared in the Tangtou town - the common people were helping the officers and soldiers of the Central Army of the National Army to carry the remains of their comrades-in-arms to bury them, and the officers and soldiers who were still alive in this group were very similar Like a "money fan", he took a gun whenever he saw it, regardless of whether it was a Mauser 1924 rifle used by the Central Army or a [-] cap used by the Japanese devils, they were all taken away.

Although the sky was getting dark at this time, the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment were still collecting these equipments. They had to gather them in one place and lighten them before transporting them back to Lanling.

Of course, the only ones who are busy picking up guns are the officers and soldiers of a few infantry battalions, cavalry battalions, and secret service companies-like military police companies have already begun to perform battlefield discipline tasks; Busy moving the shells and bullets left by the Japanese arsenal, as well as ammunition such as cantaloupe grenades.

For the gendarmerie company, this soup guard battle was also a battle that established majesty. Usually, they were fed up with the gossip of the officers and soldiers below, like catching their own first-class people and beating little devils. Such things as war laymen, in short, are the kind of words that make people feel very uncomfortable.

After this battle, the officers and soldiers of the gendarmerie company could finally hold their heads up and tell others: "We can become gendarmerie because we are the best soldiers in the Zhiyi Regiment. Fighting devils is absolutely top-notch!"

Of course, many deficiencies of the Zhiyi Tuan were exposed during this battle, and Zhang Tianhai saw them all, but he was still thinking, would God really give him so much time to rest his troops? ?

The battle of Taierzhuang is about to start, as long as Teng County falls into the hands of the enemy, it means that the outpost of the Battle of Taierzhuang is over.

The No. 40 First Army of the Sichuan Army, the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]th Divisions and the [-]st and [-]th Divisions defended Teng County. Almost the entire army died heroically. This is just the beginning.

When Zhang Tianhai was sitting on the office chair of the temporary regiment headquarters, recalling the history of the Taierzhuang victory, Zheng Man strode up to Zhang Tianhai's side and gave him a piece of paper.

"Yulin, there is an urgent report from the direction of Teng County. The Sichuan Army No. 20 Second Army No. 40 First Army Division Commander Wang Mingzhang led the [-]nd Division and a part of the [-]th Division to defend Teng County, but after all, because the reinforcements failed to rescue them in time , under Wang Mingzhang, all teachers died in the city! Take it!" Zheng Man handed the translated message to Zhang Tianhai.

"What?! The whole division of Wang Mingzhang, the commander of the [-]st and [-]nd Division of the Sichuan Army, died for the country?!" After hearing the news, Zhang Tianhai sat up from his chair in shock.

General Wang Mingzhang, the commander of the Sichuan Army, led his troops to defend Teng County until the city was destroyed and never backed down. It is well known that the whole army died heroically for the country...

And Zhang Tianhai is no exception. He also watched the movie "Blood Battle at Taierzhuang" when he was a child, and he was very impressed with the incident of Mr. Wang Mingzhang's death in the city.

For the young Zhang Tianhai at that time, what was a hero?Of course, those like Mr. Wang Mingzhang can be regarded as true heroes!

When the wind blows, the clouds fly, and Vega returns to his hometown.Andy warriors guard the Quartet!
When the plot seen in the movie actually happened around me, the feeling is completely different, as if you are in a movie you particularly like, and your favorite character, However, when you die in front of you so truly, the state of mind is not something ordinary people can understand.

"Mr. Wang Mingzhang's entire division died for the country...Mr. Wang Mingzhang's entire division died for the country. The Taierzhuang War is about to begin..." Zhang Tianhai muttered at the corner of his mouth, but Zheng Man who was on the side heard everything clearly.

Hearing this passage, the corners of Zheng Man's mouth curled up slightly: She wanted to see how much real power Zhang Tianhai, the man she fell in love with and became her man, still had...

Thinking about it, Zheng Man silently wrote down what Zhang Tianhai murmured.


PS: The third update is here!Continue to ask for subscriptions, recommendation tickets, monthly tickets and other tickets~~
There are two more~
(End of this chapter)

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