War of Resistance

Chapter 424 Windfall?

Chapter 424 Windfall? (45 more, please subscribe, please vote!)
Zhang Tianhai knows very well what a group of powerful enemies these poorly equipped Sichuan Army are facing - that is the main force of the Japanese Second Army, and the North China Front Army has been strengthened in all aspects, so it is naturally not the enemy facing LY. So easy to deal with.

Cough cough, it cannot be said that the Japanese army on the LY side is easy to deal with. It can only be said that the enemy in front of Jinpu Road is much stronger than the enemy on the LY side.

If he let Zhang Tianhai go all the way, he would be destroyed within two days.

Just relying on the eight artillery pieces of the Zhiyi Regiment to delusion and resist the main force of the Japanese Jinpu Road?Don't forget, they have more than 70 artillery pieces, as well as [-]-year-old howitzer heavy artillery, and the enemy also has planes, tanks, etc. to help out.

These hard power gaps cannot be resisted by a few light machine guns and heavy machine guns, plus a few machine guns.

In the face of the absolute strength of the Japanese army on Jinpu Road, Zhiyituan's strength is similar to that of us learning how to meow.

After hearing the news from Zheng Man, Zhang Tianhai felt both regretful and fortunate.

It's a pity that he didn't have the chance to fight side by side with the heroes in his childhood. Fortunately, his Zhiyi regiment was not assigned to fight on Jinpu Road. Otherwise, Zhang Tianhai's name might be added to the list of fears in the defense of Teng County. Yes, a little suffix will be added at the end, bracketing the central army unit.

Sometimes, becoming a hero requires a death bonus. If you don’t believe me, refer to Fang Xianjue in the Hengyang Defense Battle.

Why Fang Xianjue was scolded so miserably later, in fact, someone later gave a correct analysis: Fang Xianjue is only one death away from the eternal hero...

Thinking of all the messy things in his mind, Zhang Tianhai fell asleep in a short while, screaming loudly.

Regarding this, Zheng Man didn't say anything, but walked out lightly, holding a small washbasin, and went to the stream to fetch water for Zhang Tianhai.

Not far from the regiment headquarters, there is a meandering stream flowing slowly past. Zheng Man squatted gently, not daring to go too fast. She heard from those old confinement women in Lanling that people like her If you have just been pregnant for a short time, you should focus on protecting your pregnancy first, and don't do too much strenuous exercise, especially don't squat down too fast, otherwise the baby will be lost easily.

Zheng Man really felt sorry for Zhang Tianhai, and didn't want him to fight desperately outside and return to her side, but he couldn't get the kind of tenderness.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Zheng Man wrung out the handkerchief, and then gently wiped Zhang Tianhai's dirty face, not daring to use too much force, for fear of waking Zhang Tianhai.

Looking at the haggard look on his man's face, Zheng Man's heart ached: God knows what kind of crimes this guy suffered in that big mountain in Tangshan, and look at his favorite overcoat, it is already What does it look like in tatters?

Yes, after Zhang Tianhai arrived in this era, somehow he became a bit more face-saving, especially he liked to wear that woolen coat. Maybe after wearing this woolen coat, he looked like an ancient general. The reason for the battle robes worn on the battlefield.

Well, it looks very imposing.

Zhang Tianhai didn't sleep for a long time, probably only slept for three hours, and then woke up.

Not because of other reasons, but because Xu Zuyi told him that the cavalry regiment of the Japanese army is still going south, and he must complete the finishing work here as soon as possible, and then lead the troops to evacuate. The combat troops of the entire regiment have already lost more than half. If you hit it, it will be wiped out.

After getting up, Zhang Tianhai woke up and ran to the stream to wash his face, forcing himself to wake up from his muddled mental state.

At this time when the moon and stars were thin, Zhang Tianhai glanced at his watch in the faint moonlight. It was already twelve o'clock at night, but he hadn't eaten anything yet.

"Xu Sangou!" After washing his face, Zhang Tianhai went straight back to the regiment headquarters, and called Xu Sangou's name.

"Regimental seat, Platoon Leader Xu has gone to sleep." The guard standing at the gate of the regiment reported truthfully.

"Okay, you call him over quickly. I have a task to explain." Zhang Tianhai waved to the guard, and then went to the regiment headquarters to find food.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" The guard responded, and then hurried to find Xu Sangou.

At this time, Xu Sangou was lying on the root of the tree and fell asleep, and he was still dreaming about the scene of marrying his wife—in the dream, he was riding a tall horse, wearing a big red jacket, smiling all over his face. At the same time, behind him was a big red sedan chair, and the people around him were all congratulating "Captain Xu, happy wedding" and so on.

In short, this dream is probably the one related to the four joys in life.

When Xu Sangou was thinking about what his new wife looked like, someone woke him up: "Platoon leader, platoon leader, wake up, the group is looking for you!"

It was a very unpleasant thing to be disturbed by someone to clear his dream. Xu Sangou just wanted to get angry, but when he heard what the guard reported a year ago, he suddenly woke up, and then he got up and walked to the regiment headquarters went.

After a while, Xu Sangou walked up to Zhang Tianhai, stood at attention and saluted, "Reporting to the group, Xu Sangou, the leader of the guard platoon, is ordered to report to you!"

Zhang Tianhai put down the half-gnawed and somewhat stiff steamed bun in his hand, put it in his pocket, then got up and straightened his military cap, and said, "Let's go, take the people from the two shifts, and follow me to count all the places." The seized supplies!"

"Yes! Regiment seat!" After Xu Sangou responded, he immediately ordered the soldiers of the two squads together, and then followed Zhang Tianhai to the direction of the baggage company.

As usual, there is a supply company responsible for the materials, even the seized materials.

The other camps of the Zhiyi Regiment seemed a little quiet, but the camp of the supply company was full of people, very lively.

Under the light of the fire, the seized materials were piled up like a mountain, and several staff members of the staff department were sitting on a chair with a pen and paper, slowly counting these materials.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai was relieved at last. It would be the best thing for him to have Guo Qiliang, who is so qualified to be his chief of staff.

You don't need to worry too much about anything, just focus most of your energy on commanding the battle.

At this moment, Guo Qiliang found that Zhang Tianhai and Xu Sangou were watching there with two squads of guards, so he walked over and said, "Old Zhang, shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" ? Why are you running over here?"

Zhang Tianhai smiled, and said, "Isn't it worried that the confiscated materials will not be digested in time? After all, Chief Xu said that the Japanese cavalry regiment is running southward at full speed."

Guo Qiliang also laughed and said: "I also know about this matter, so while you are sleeping, I organized three staff officers to come over to check the supplies, and wait while doing it. It's better than doing nothing and waiting." Be good."

"Okay, I feel much more relieved to have a qualified chief of staff like you here guarding the gate. By the way, how is the inventory going now?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

Guo Qiliang frowned, thought for a while, and said, "Fortunately, the seized materials are estimated to be around [-] rifles, [-] grenadiers, about [-] light machine guns, and [-] heavy machine guns. It was about twenty. But the number of shells has been calculated, and this time we seized [-] rounds of shells from the Japanese-made Type [-] field artillery. This can be regarded as a windfall!"

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Indeed, this is a windfall. By the way, have you calculated the number of captured artillery pieces?"

Guo Qiliang pointed at the back of the mountain of rifles and said, "No, where are they, you can count them yourself."

"Let's talk about counting the artillery pieces later! Does Platoon Leader Xu and the others need to do anything about this?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

Guo Qiliang thought for a while and said, "It is estimated that manpower will be needed when the weapons are transported to the supply chain. Now it is up to the staff to count the numbers. After all, the staff are also more accurate in counting, right? ?”

Zhang Tianhai thought about it for the same reason. He seemed to be a little too impatient just now, and it was really difficult for him to let Xu Sangou, a guy who didn't know a lot of characters, do the counting work.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Okay! Leave these tasks to the staff officers! Xu Sangou, you follow me to count the artillery pieces, and the rest wait here!"

"Yes!" The guards of the two squads responded.

The difference between the data on paper and what he saw in reality was quite large. Zhang Tianhai knew that there were a lot of cannons captured this time, but when he saw the neat fifteen cannons in front of him with his naked eyes, he still couldn't help it. A little excited: Nima, it would be so cool if all these cannons were installed in his straight regiment. 23 cannons fired in salvo, and I feel excited just thinking about it.

"My dear, these are fifteen cannons..." Xu Sangou, who was born as a "bumpkin", couldn't help but exclaimed, even his hands were still touching the barrel of the cannon, obviously , this is such a good thing...

However, Zhang Tianhai calmed down very quickly: If he intercepted all the fifteen guns, it is estimated that not only Xu Zuyi and Chief Xu were unwilling, but also the two officers Pang and Zhang would not be satisfied with the result, after all. The absolute main forces in the LY battlefield were still fought by the No.40 Army and the Ninth Army. They worked hard and killed so many people. Why should you let you take the big head?

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai made a decision that couldn't be more correct in an instant: withhold four cannons privately, and then hand in eleven cannons. In terms of shells, it was reported that there were 500 shells, and 1500 shells were intercepted.

Now that the plan for interception has been made, one point is interception, and one batch is also interception, so Zhang Tianhai decided to intercept all the projectiles and attached artillery shells. branch.

He already had a rough plan in mind, so Zhang Tianhai quickly approached Guo Qiliang and expressed his thoughts, asking Guo Qiliang to cooperate and come up with a more reasonable plan, not the one that looks too ugly...

After all, Zhang Tianhai is still a face-saving person...


PS: The fourth update is here!The fifth is to try to finish before six o'clock!
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(End of this chapter)

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