War of Resistance

Chapter 425 New distribution plan?

Chapter 425 New Distribution Plan? (55 more, please subscribe and ask for tickets!)

"Old Zhang, isn't it good to do this? I'm afraid Chief Xu will have an opinion because so many materials have been intercepted?" Guo Qiliang hesitated. After all, apart from the number of artillery, there are really too many other things intercepted—— Like grenades, all intercepted, how ugly it is to spread.

Zhang Tianhai took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took out one of them, lit it, and said, "What are you afraid of? Our regiment has suffered so many casualties, so don't give us any benefit." ?”

"Shouldn't this be handed in some anyway?" Guo Qiliang was dumbfounded. Indeed, this method of interception is indeed a little more.

The shredded tobacco on the cigarette butt was burning slowly, Zhang Tianhai exhaled the smoke lightly, and said with an old-fashioned look on his face: "No, it's not interesting to pay less, anyway, it will be known sooner or later, besides, we Why do you have to hand over so much of the materials you seized by yourself? Let’s hand in eleven artillery pieces and five hundred shells, which is already very interesting.”

Well, the thinking logic is very strong, and people can't find any faults. It just feels a bit rascal, like what those old Lai said in the 21st century: "Why should I pay back the money I borrowed by my ability?"

Guo Qiliang was persuaded by Zhang Tianhai's words. After all, these words were indeed very reasonable, so he asked, "Then how do you plan to distribute these 55 grenadiers?"

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said: "First, the special agent company will allocate [-] guns, and the other four main infantry battalions will distribute [-] guns to each battalion, and they will be strengthened to the machine gun company to enhance the close support firepower of each battalion."

"Why does the secret service company have to strengthen so many fifteen grenadiers?" Guo Qiliang was a little puzzled. After all, in his opinion, the combat effectiveness of the special service company was much stronger than that of the ordinary infantry company. Still mainly infantry battalions.

"Because the secret service company does not have the enhanced firepower of the machine gun company, so in order to strengthen the close support firepower of the secret service company, it is necessary to increase the grenade launchers. If the secret service company is not effective in combat, the fifteen guns captured will only have three guns left. I have to snicker." Zhang Tianhai said very calmly.

"Then what are you going to do with the cavalry battalion?" As a qualified chief of staff, Guo Qiliang must know the next step of rectifying the regiment's equipment.

"Cavalry battalion? You don't have to worry about the cavalry battalion. When you go back to the training, just fill the cavalry battalion to full capacity. These bastards ran to pick up the little devil's gun as soon as the battle was over. Others, the guns in this battalion must be full. Later, I will adjust the officers in the regiment to reorganize their battalion." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, he remembered that the guys in the cavalry battalion saw the guns in Little Japan's hands, and their eyes lit up The funny appearance at that time gave me the urge to want to laugh.

Speaking of this, Guo Qiliang also smiled helplessly: "You fucking still have a smile? It's not because you, the regiment leader, can't get guns, which makes people in the Cavalry Battalion so dumbfounded when they see guns glow."

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai shrugged helplessly and said, "Then I can't help it? We didn't report to the officer's department, we expanded a cavalry battalion ourselves, and we didn't get sprayed by the officer. Not bad. Now that the war is tight in all directions, it would be nice to have enough bullets and grenades, and let’s talk about firearms.”

"Then after going back this time, should we prepare to rectify the name of the cavalry battalion?" Guo Qiliang asked.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said: "This is necessary. This cavalry battalion cannot be anonymous. The cavalry battalion was built in the name of building a city defense force. After all, our regiment has a large establishment. Now The cavalry battalion performed very well in this battle, and now we have the face to ask Chief Li Zongren."

"This point, let's implement it as soon as possible! It's just a post-war supplement after this battle. I'm afraid we will have to recruit new recruits for training again. It is difficult to restore the previous combat effectiveness..." Guo Qiliang sighed.

The corner of Zhang Tianhai's mouth slightly raised a proud arc, and he said, "There is no need to worry about this. You forgot that I let Gu Shi'an, the chief of staff of the regiment headquarters, be the deputy commander of Lanling city defense?"

Hearing what Zhang Tianhai said, Guo Qiliang's eyes widened, and he said, "You kid is really fucking cheap... You cheated one after another, if Mr. Chen, the county magistrate, knew that you kid was like this I guess you have to unite with the common people of Lanling to chase and intercept you, right?"

"Hey, there's no other way, isn't it? Besides, our army has won a big victory in LY. Isn't it good to block the Japanese army's front in LY? It has to be smashed to pieces in Lanling County, then Are you proud?" Zhang Tianhai exhaled the last puff of smoke, his expression was unusually chic.

Well, there is also a bit of cheapness in the chic...

Regarding this, Guo Qiliang was speechless for a while, so he had no choice but to change the subject and said: "By the way, Zhu Shaohong, the logistics director, came to me to complain, saying that the scale of our regiment is a little too big now, which caused the logistics to be heavy." The company's soldiers are not enough. He asked me to ask you in private, if it is possible to add some troops to their logistics department."

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and it seemed that the size of the Zhiyi Group was indeed too large.

According to the original size of the Zhiyi Regiment, the formal establishment is only four infantry battalions, plus a small artillery company, a mortar company, a supply company, a guard platoon, a special agent platoon, a gendarmerie platoon, a communication platoon, and an engineer platoon.

Fortunately, not only the four infantry battalions have been strengthened, but the secret service platoon, gendarmerie platoon, communication platoon, and engineering platoon have been directly expanded into company-level combat units. The number and number of combat units have increased, but this is responsible The logistics supply work has not increased even the number of manpower.

The increase in the number of combat units is not just a matter of having enough food, it also involves such things as clothing and daily necessities. The most important thing is the distribution and replenishment of firearms and ammunition, which is the biggest problem. matter.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Tianhai turned to Guo Qiliang and said, "Then do the math, how should the supply company expand? What scale should it expand to? You are the chief of staff, and you should know these things better than me."

Guo Qiliang nodded and said: "Indeed, I know a little better than you about these aspects, but how to expand it depends on the specific calculations. Our regiment is seriously overstaffed, so there is a problem of insufficient funds. .It would really be a hassle if it was expanded in a hurry.”

"I know this, so I have to explain to the commander of the war zone the problem of the cavalry battalion and report the plan to expand the supply company into a supply battalion, otherwise the regiment may not have much money." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

As a veritable leader of the reinforced regiment, Zhang Tianhai usually has a lot to manage, such as military expenses, that is, military expenses, as well as handling reports from the logistics department asking for money to buy quilts, meals, and so on.

All in all, there are many things, not many.

"Then let's do this for the time being!" Guo Qiliang said.


That night, Zhang Tianhai had a rare good sleep, a very sound sleep, and no one disturbed him.

Early the next morning, Guo Qiliang with his panda eyes appeared in front of Zhang Tianhai, who was busy brushing his teeth, holding a data sheet in his hand, which was the statistical result of him and the staff of the staff department overnight.

"Old Zhang, let's put this report on the desktop of the regiment headquarters! You can read it slowly for a while. No, we can't take it anymore. We're going to sleep. We're too tired." Guo Qiliang yawned all over the world. , although he didn't have to go to the battlefield to fight like Zhang Tianhai, but he was also busy working behind the scenes and didn't sleep for two days and two nights.

"Go ahead, leave the delivery to me and Deputy Commander Zhou! Take a good rest for two hours. It is estimated that the army will have to retreat back to LY soon, and we will retreat to Lanling County." Zhang Tianhai Said.

"Okay, let's do it like this!" Guo Qiliang responded casually, and then went back to sleep on the hammock in the regiment headquarters.

After a night of busy work, the battlefield in Tangtou Town has basically been cleaned up. Except for the corpses of the Japanese soldiers all over the ground, the remains of the national army officers and soldiers have long been dragged away by the villagers and the national army officers and soldiers to bury them.

In addition to the remains of these national army officers and soldiers, even the weapons used by the Japanese army were taken away one by one.

After Zhang Tianhai glanced at it briefly, he put the paper into the front pocket of his clothes.

I didn’t know this, but I was shocked when I saw it. A total of 170 Japanese rifles (excluding the guns currently used by the cavalry battalion), 52 light machine guns, 56 heavy machine guns, 75 grenadiers, and [-] Japanese rifles were seized. There are [-] rounds of shells for mountain cannons, [-] rounds for grenadiers, and several bullets.

There is also a sentence at the end of this paper: All the firearms used by the casualties of our regiment have been recovered.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was busy going up to Tangtou Town to inspect the situation. After all, this was the main battlefield. If he didn't come up to take a look at the specific situation, he always felt something was wrong.

Soon, Zhang Tianhai appeared outside the house of Tangtou's temporary command center with a guard squad of soldiers.

The situation in Tangtou Town is much better than that in Teng County. Except for the American Church and the three city walls on the east, north and west, other places in Teng County were forcibly razed to the ground by the Japanese artillery fire... …

More than 3 shells were dropped in two days, including shells from 150mm caliber howitzers. Think about it, what kind of concept is this, not counting the aerial bombs thrown by Japanese aircraft!
Therefore, most of the buildings in Tangtou Town are intact, except for the houses on the outskirts of the town and some houses that are not so lucky.


PS: The fifth is sent!

Recommend a masterpiece of a friend, "The Strongest Dog Trainer" written by the bald ghost

(End of this chapter)

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