War of Resistance

Chapter 426: Booby Trap?

Chapter 426: Booby Trap?

"Thank you, brother Fang Jie." After seeing Zhou Fangjie, Zhang Tianhai hurried up to meet him and held his hand.

Zhou Fangjie smiled and said, "It's not hard work, is it? It's just my job."

Then, before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Zhou Fangjie asked, "By the way, did Commander Xu say anything?"

Zhang Tianhai also knew that Zhou Fangjie was asking about his disobedience and unauthorized mobilization of troops.

So, he smiled, and pretended to be relaxed and said: "It's okay, it's not a big problem. Officer Xu just asked me how to rectify the army in the future. As for the punishment, I will avoid it, but I guess There are no post-war rewards either. However, pensions are still issued as usual."

After hearing the last sentence, Zhou Fangjie finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they are officials, commanding these big-headed soldiers to charge. Even after the sacrifice, and even after the victory, the family members will not receive pensions. , that is such a sad thing...

To be a person, one must have a conscience, one must pay attention to one's conscience. Obviously, Zhou Fangjie also belongs to the type of person who pays attention to one's conscience.

"Okay, let's talk about the situation in Tangtou Town in detail!" Zhang Tianhai got straight to the point. After all, he didn't come here to brag and criticize, but to arrange the withdrawal of troops.

"The positions in Tangtou Town have basically been cleaned up. Except for the corpses of the Japanese soldiers, nothing that should be taken away, nothing useful." Zhou Fangjie said.

"Hmm..." Zhang Tianhai nodded slightly, but looked at the corpses of Japanese soldiers lying on the ground outside.

Yes, Zhang Tianhai wanted to give Little Japan a little "surprise", that is, set up some booby traps on these corpses, but after thinking about it, forget it. If these little devils suffer from this, designate It is to coerce the local people to help them collect the corpses.

If this is the case, the possibility of accidentally injuring the people is still very high, so Zhang Tianhai gave up this plan after thinking about it.

"By the way, where is that Sakamoto Shun's body?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

"It's still there." Zhou Fangjie replied casually, "The officers and soldiers below didn't want to move him, and the common people thought the devil was a bad official, so they didn't move, and they stayed where they were before."

"Well, let's go! Then you are here now, let's prepare first! Then prepare to withdraw to Lanling to rest the troops!" Zhang Tianhai said.

"Understood." Zhou Fangjie nodded.

Seeing the back of Zhang Tianhai leaving, Zhou Fangjie suddenly felt that Zhang Yulin, a student who was one year younger than himself, seemed born to be a fighter. Inexplicable confidence.

Just like the night before last night when Zhou Fangjie was appointed as the commander of Tangtou Town, and led two battalions to defend Tangtou Town, Zhou Fangjie still believed that Zhang Tianhai would come back with his troops, and he would definitely The one that can be done, maybe this is a kind of honey trust.

In other words, this is a matter of Zhang Tianhai's personal leadership charisma.


Zhang Tianhai is not a road idiot, on the contrary, he has a strong sense of direction, so it didn't take long for him to walk to the place where Sakamoto Shun was beaten to death.

Looking at Sakamoto Shun's body that had already been completely cooled down, even the blood had already turned purple, left on the ground and coagulated, leaving only a maroon blood spot on the ground.

Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly, and he really had an idea in his mind: the little devils might let the common people move the corpses of other people, but they would definitely not let the Chinese common people move the corpse of Sakamoto Shun Hungry.

After all, from the point of view of the little devil, if the Chinese people are allowed to move it, these people may do something to "blaspheme" the body when they see that this person is General Devil. Dead bodies certainly cannot.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai ordered the guard squad behind him to immediately find him an engineer shovel, and by the way, he asked these soldiers for about seven or eight grenades.

After the engineering soldiers arrived, Zhang Tianhai began to work on his "masterpiece".

Zhang Tianhai first asked these soldiers to help him unscrew the cover of the grenade to expose the drawstring at the end of the grenade, and then asked them to cut a few long lines from the clothes of other ghost corpses, while he was busy to dig a hole.

Yes, it is the kind of shallow pit that can hold two grenades, and the position of this small shallow pit is just under Jun Sakamoto's body.

Zhang Tianhai first dug a hole at this location, and then dug holes in several places around. In short, he wanted to dig a shallow hole that could cause a series of explosions.

After digging a few shallow pits that were not too deep, Zhang Tianhai placed these grenades tied with drawstrings with thin wires into the shallow pits, fixed the grenades with gravel, and then spread them on top. Sprinkle a layer of floating soil.

As for those thin threads, they were tied to the back belt of Jun Sakamoto's body and the clothes sewn behind him.

After finishing all the work, Zhang Tianhai clapped his hands, and said, "Send someone to guard here for a while, and you can only leave when the big troops start to retreat. These are booby traps, so as not to accidentally hurt our own people."

"Yes! Group seats!" The security squad leader behind Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and responded.

After giving all these instructions, Zhang Tianhai returned to the regiment headquarters.

Just as he walked into the regiment headquarters, the phone rang. Zhang Tianhai went in and picked up the phone, and said, "Hello, the third war zone here is directly under the regiment headquarters of the first regiment. I'm Zhang Tianhai."

I only heard a very heavy voice from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Commander Zhang, I am Xu Zuyi. After completing the cleaning task, your troops will return to Lanling to garrison immediately, and rest and reorganize the troops to prepare for the next stage of operations. .What's more. Your troops can withdraw immediately, but you must immediately return to the LY Frontline Combat Command to submit a detailed battle and write a report!"

As soon as Zhang Tianhai heard Commander Xu say this, he knew that it was Commander Xu who was going to come to Xingshi to inquire about his crimes—but he had never heard that after winning a battle, he had to write down the details of the battle and submit a report on his work...

Wait, it seems that there is another person who has been treated like this...

Uh, to be precise, it is a character in a novel that everyone is very familiar with - in "Bright Sword", Li Yunlong who led the new regiment to defeat the Bantian United team head-on... This scene is so similar!

But it's still the same sentence, it's a blessing, not a curse, and a disaster can't be avoided, so Zhang Tianhai could only bite the bullet and answer: "Yes! Sir!"

Maybe it was because Zhang Tianhai was guilty and sneaky, so Xu Zuyi emphasized it again: "Come back immediately, otherwise I will only ask you!"

"Yes, sir!" After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai immediately hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai was really a little bit numb. He immediately understood Li Yunlong's mood when he was transferred to be the director of the quilt factory...

Not so bad...

What is the situation?The camera turned back to the war room of the LY Frontline Combat Command, and the time also returned to half an hour ago.

As a very dedicated commander who takes the battle very seriously, Xu Zuyi immediately asked the staff to do a deduction on the sand table after returning from the front line to deduce the progress of the battle.

However, after deduction several times, they all came to a result: as long as the Katano Regiment wanted to escape, this group of nearly 3000 Japanese troops would run away. North, if you wait for reinforcements, this battle may not be won.

Thinking of this, Xu Zuyi was afraid for a while: Fortunately, this group of Japanese troops did not escape. If they were allowed to escape, the battle on the front line of LY would probably be a mess again, whether it was the No.40 Army or the Ninth Army. , will once again face the Japanese aggressors' long-term military criticism.

In short, in a word, if this little devil runs away, everyone will have nothing to eat.

Don't forget that after Zhang Tianhai's troops attacked Tangtou Town, they were immediately attacked by the Japanese army from Tongfo Guanzhuang. The position was unstable for a time, and they even drew reinforcements from the defenders from the direction of Tangshan'ao.

It wasn't until later that Katano decided to lead a large force to break through the entanglement of Huang Weigang's No. 30 Eighth Division, and immediately organized the main force to launch a fierce attack on Tangtou Town. All the defenders were transferred from Tangshan'ao to support Tangtou Town.

In other words, at this time, the Japanese army retreated to the direction of Ju County, and the door was already wide open.

As long as the Japanese army has the slightest idea of ​​retreating, and if the Japanese army does not underestimate the enemy, the [-] Japanese troops can swagger back to Ju County through Tangshan'ao, and then wait until the main force of the Fifth Division strengthens its troops, and then they can immediately make a comeback , to revenge with one arrow.

If I ask for instructions, at least I can send the No.13 Independent Cavalry Brigade to plug this gap...

Don't forget, this was originally a battle with a winning rate of 80.00%, but Zhang Tianhai's actions at that time had a [-]-[-] chance.

If this almost certain battle is defeated, what will Li Zongren, the commander of the theater, think of him?Will Chairman Jiang question his ability? In case of defeat, how much responsibility will he, as the supreme commander of the front line, bear?

Therefore, Xu Zuyi felt that it was necessary to give Zhang Tianhai a "political lesson". Even if he won the battle, he must teach him a lesson, otherwise he would not be too impatient this time, and he would definitely cause bigger troubles next time.

No officer wants trouble, and he, Officer Xu Zuyi, is the same, he doesn't like stabbing heads very much...


PS: The first update is here!

The results of yesterday's push were unexpected and better than expected.

Thanks to the starting point book friends Colorful Bear, Nightingale Qian Feng, Jesus, please understand hgf, and QQ reading book friends silent monthly tickets for two each!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, Nobody Wants, SteveKarl, Empire’s Despicable Government, and QQ reading book friends, each of which has a monthly pass for If You Are the One!
(End of this chapter)

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