War of Resistance

Chapter 427 Debriefing Report

Chapter 427 Debriefing Report
Regarding Chief Xu's warning, Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to disobey, so he hurriedly asked Guo Qiliang to take care of the aftermath, and then he immediately took the guard squad and hurried towards LY.

"Oh, time is waiting for me..." Zhang Tianhai sighed in his heart.

More than a dozen war horses galloped across the plain, billowing up smoke and dust on the vast land. Zhang Tianhai rode in the lead, followed by a dozen soldiers from the guard squad on horses.

After a while, Zhang Tianhai took the dozen or so guards to the outside of the compound of the LY Frontline Combat Command.

"You guys, wait for me here." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai strode towards the headquarters.

But to Zhang Tianhai's dismay, when he was about to enter the door, he was stopped by the guard at the door: "I'm sorry, sir. Please show your ID."

Zhang Tianhai wanted to get angry, after all, it wasn't the first time he came here, but after thinking about it, let it go: this is also within the scope of his duties, and a few words of scolding seems to be a bit low-quality.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai suppressed his anxious mood, took out his military officer's card in the pocket in front of him, handed it to the guard in front of him and said, "Boy, look after me. I am the commander of the first regiment directly under the third war zone." Zhang Tianhai, Commander Xu is looking for me for military affairs, you'd better hurry up!"

After the guard received the certificate, he glanced at it, immediately stood at attention and saluted, returned the certificate to Zhang Tianhai, then stepped aside and said, "Sir, please!"

After Zhang Tianhai took the documents, he put them away and walked inside.

The same location as before, the LY Frontline Combat Command is set up in a courtyard with only two floors high, and the combat conference room of the command is on the second floor.

When Zhang Tianhai walked to the second floor, only Xu Zuyi and a few of his aides and staff were waiting here, and their expressions were not very good.

Even if he knew that he would be sprayed bloody by Chief Xu, Zhang Tianhai could only bite the bullet and go in now.

Walking in front of Xu Zuyi who was still studying the military map, Zhang Tianhai slapped the ground and saluted a very standard military salute: "Hello, Commander Xu! My humble post, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, has been ordered to greet you check in!"

After hearing the voice, Xu Zuyi didn't lift up immediately, but left Zhang Tianhai aside, and continued talking with the staff about the possible direction of advance of the Japanese army.

Zhang Tianhai also knew that Commander Xu was showing his face. After all, mobilizing troops to leave the position without asking for instructions is an act of disrespect to the commander. Handed over to a military court, and then accepted for review and imprisonment.

"The main force of the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army, the Sakamoto Brigade, has been annihilated by our army in the LY area, and should not be able to continue going south in a short time. Commander Xu, I believe that the army gathered in the LY area can be dispersed, leaving only No. The 40th Army and one of the main brigades of the Ninth Army can assist in the defense. Now the Japanese army on the front of Jinpu Road is threatening to break through Teng County, which is defended by our No.20 Second Army No.40 First Army. The main force is heading towards the outskirts of Xuzhou Taierzhuang, the barrier, is rushing in. Now is the time when troops are urgently needed to defend Taierzhuang." One of the handsome young officers said, looking at the rank, it was the rank of major.

"Well, I think so too." Xu Zuyi said seriously.

When Zhang Tianhai was wandering in a daze, Xu Zuyi suddenly asked Zhang Tianhai: "Teacher Zhang, what do you think?"

Xu Zuyi's sound almost shocked Zhang Tianhai, and he asked in a daze, "Really...what do you think?"

"It's what Staff Officer Li said just now." Xu Zuyi resisted the signs of getting angry and said patiently to Zhang Tianhai.

After a while, Zhang Tianhai came back to his senses and said: "Oh... oh, I also think that the Japanese Fifth Division will not be able to go south for a short time, and gathering forces to encircle and wipe out the enemy protruding in front of Jinpu Road is the most important thing at present. .”

"Well, it seems that you're not that stupid, you can see the situation clearly. I was at your regiment headquarters yesterday. I didn't have the nerve to talk too much about you. Now you're finally here." After finishing speaking, Xu Zuyi said to the others: "Others, go out for a while, I have important matters to discuss with Captain Zhang."

"Yes, sir!" All the staff officers responded, and then looked at Zhang Tianhai with pitiful eyes. They all knew that Chief Xu was going to make a big move.

Well, this is about to explode.

"Well, Chief Xu, let's make it clear first, you can't slap your face for anything..." Zhang Tianhai said with a guilty conscience.

"You can rest assured about this, I don't like beating people." Xu Zuyi took a deep breath and said.

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai finally let go of his hanging heart: it is very important to meet a high-quality officer...

"Do you know, kid, that you almost let go of the remnants of the Sakamoto brigade. But if they even have the slightest idea of ​​retreating, this enemy army can escape from our encirclement." Xu Zuyi stared at the man who was full of troops. Zhang Tianhai said with a guilty face.

"Report sir, I know about it, but I don't think there is any possibility for them to evacuate." Zhang Tianhai said with a straight face.

"Oh? Do you still have a reason? Then tell me, you don't think there is a possibility that they will evacuate." Xu Zuyi asked angrily and amusedly.

Zhang Tianhai looked straight ahead, cleared his throat, and said, "Sir, the Japanese army is aggressively attacking, and the purpose is to take down LY, so as to support the main force of the Japanese army on Jinpu Road. Itagaki Seishiro, the commander of the fifth division, has always been arrogant and conceited. And an extremely arrogant person can be known from the fact that he dared to make a crazy move in Xinkou against the 20 troops of our army with half a division."

Without waiting for Xu Zuyi to speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Soldiers who love one, will love a nest. Judging from the arrogance of Itagaki Seishiro, the troops under his command are definitely not very humble. Therefore, in order to protect their so-called Glorious, these Japanese troops will definitely not have an absolute superiority in their strength as they think."

"The analysis is very good, let's continue." Xu Zuyi narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at Zhang Tianhai closely, wanting to see if this kid is talking nonsense.

"Yes, sir." Zhang Tianhai responded, and then continued: "When the Japanese army was in North China, they dared to make a crazy move of a regiment chasing a division. In their view, even if we surprise Tangtou Town , They also have absolute confidence to take it back. It is their arrogance that bets on their humble positions."

"Gambling?" Xu Zuyi quickly caught a very crucial word.

"Yes, it's just a gamble. What's more, since Tangtou Town had already been captured at that time, it was impossible to give up the position to the enemy. If it was to give up the enemy, it would be quite a bridgehead for the enemy to attack LY!" Zhang Tianhai didn't realize it. When I realized that I had slipped my mouth, I still had a great time talking about it.

"Damn things!"

Xu Zuyi looked at Zhang Tianhai with anger on his face, and slapped the table hard, with a "slap", there was a loud sound immediately.

"You kid mobilized troops to abandon the position without reporting. If the enemy becomes cautious because of a big loss, if this enemy is let go, you know how much impact it will have on the entire defense of Xuzhou, do you know? , can you bear this responsibility?!" Xu Zuyi said angrily, he had heard that Zhang Tianhai was a bit arrogant and conceited, but he also had a way of doing things. Good thing.

Indeed, on this point, I have to say that Chief Xu Zuyi is extremely accurate in judging people. If Zhang Tianhai was not such a proud and conceited person, he would not be able to do such a thing as directly shooting Sun Yuanliang in Nanjing. A company of special agents dared to break through in the south of Nanjing.

If you have the ability and strong personal heroism, it will be a good thing in a small battlefield and you can win a big battle; but it is not necessarily a good thing in a large battlefield. Unauthorized mobilization of troops will lead to confusing battlefield situations and lead to defeat in the battle. .

The defeat of the big battle will involve the fate of the country. If you lose a division and lose ground, it will not be such a small loss as a county, a battalion, or a regiment.

Xu Zuyi and Zhang Tianhai met each other when they went to Kaifeng and accepted his command, so he didn't want Zhang Tianhai, a man with military talent, to become the one who was scolded by all the people because of his pride and conceit.

Therefore, he even made a special phone call with Li Zongren about the battle report of Zhang Tianhai's unit earlier, explaining the seriousness of the matter.

Therefore, the two chief executives of the fifth war zone decided to downplay the role of Zhang Tianhai's department when reporting in newspapers, but the rewards that should be given are the same, and the pensions that should be given are the same. Replenishment will be given, and ammunition will be given to ammunition, so as not to chill their anti-Japanese hearts.

Ever since, there was this scene of Xu Zuyi scolding Zhang Tianhai.

Hearing Officer Xu's roar, Zhang Tianhai didn't dare to make a sound. After all, he made a mistake, and he had to stand upright when he was beaten.What's more, what Mr. Xu said is very reasonable, isn't it?

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's silent appearance, Xu Zuyi's anger eased a bit: It seems that this kid is not afraid of anything...

Xu Zuyi sighed, and said earnestly: "Tuan Zhang, you are already a military officer, and you are not a fledgling kid when you just left the military academy. You should also know that the big battlefield is not a stage for personal bravery. If we are not careful, we may all be stigmatized through the ages. Therefore, you must think clearly before doing anything. This time, downplaying the contribution made by your ministry is first of all not only considering the military influence, but also for you. Are you willing to accept a personal punishment?"

"Yes! I understand, and I am willing to accept the punishment!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted. He also knew that he had made a very bad start, and it couldn't be better to get this result.

Xu Zuyi nodded and said, "You should immediately write a detailed account of the battle and a job report. Only after you finish writing can you leave!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhang Tianhai replied bitterly.


PS: The second update is here!

I originally wanted to make the third update, but my talents are limited, so I can only make the second update.

Thanks to Qidian book friend Nidie Yaya for the reward of 500 points! !
Thanks for the 200-point reward from Qidian book friends who are still in the devil's heart! !
Thank you Qidian book friends for forgetting the world and leaving two monthly tickets each!
Thanks to Qidian book friends try2016, FinalFire, angw12, book friends 20181219132041598, QQ reading book friend aaa, and user 234893556 for one monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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