War of Resistance

Chapter 428: Defense

Chapter 428 Back to Defense (14 more, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)
For Zhang Tianhai, being forced to stay by Chief Xu to write a work report this time is very similar to the scene when he was detained by the teacher to do his homework when he was a child because he was naughty or didn't finish his homework.

If you have to say which one is more appropriate, it's probably because of being naughty, after all, they were kept because they didn't listen to the words of their superiors.

Zhang Tianhai was sitting behind the desk in the small conference room next to the war room, holding a British-made pen in his hand, his eyes were fixed on the stack of yellowed letter paper in front of him, his brows were as wrinkled as those Like the 80-year-old woman next door.

To be honest, Zhang Tianhai had written the detailed battle report, but it was really hard for him to write a fake detailed battle report.

Forget it, just write it as expected.Zhang Tianhai thought to himself.

So under the guidance of this kind of fake thinking, Zhang Tianhai started to write. His writing skills are not bad at all. If a person with poor writing skills, it is impossible for him to be admitted to the military academy with absolutely excellent results in the college entrance examination in his previous life.

Zhang Tianhai wrote very beautiful pen characters, but it was a bit frustrating that his traditional characters were written incorrectly in many places.

It can't be blamed on Zhang Tianhai's lack of education or something. Don't forget, he learned to write simplified characters in his previous life...

After another piece of letter paper was crumpled up and thrown into the trash can, Zhang Tianhai couldn't help sighing: "It's terrible to be uneducated... I can't even write a word well. It's time to improve my cultural knowledge, especially Write traditional characters.

If you can't write well, you won't be able to write well. If you can't type, write more sloppyly. By then, Chief Xu won't say anything...

There is no other way, Zhang Tianhai can only do this...

As a result, a detailed battle report with a slightly scribbled font, a series of typos, and full of fraud came out.

In fact, it can’t be said that Zhang Tianhai’s report is completely fake. The previous combat operations are basically true. He just changed the data in the most critical places. For example, the captured fifteen guns were changed to eleven. The number of captured guns has also directly changed from [-] to [-], the number of light machine guns and heavy machine guns has been halved, the number of captured shells has directly changed from [-] to [-], and the number of [-] infantry guns has also changed from [-] to [-]. Five doors were opened, and as for the grenadier, they didn't even mention it.

If Guo Qiliang was by his side, he probably couldn't help but sigh: "Old Zhang, your fucking Spring and Autumn brushwork is too Spring and Autumn, isn't it? It's darker than the local rich man in Shanxi..."

Indeed, this interception is not ordinary.

This report on the detailed course of the battle was probably more than 1000 words written in an eloquent manner, which was about ten pages of paper, and it ran out of ink in a tube of pens.

After writing this report with a lot of fraud and discrepancies, Zhang Tianhai began to write his work report. This work report also included a series of things since he took office as the commander of the city defense of Lanling County. In general , and also wrote something about why he didn't report in time when he was fighting.

In short, this article is written with full sincerity, and the font looks good, but the fly in the ointment is that it is still full of typos...

After spending nearly two hours completing these two articles, Zhang Tianhai went directly to Xu Zuyi and handed the paper in his hand to the latter: "Report to Chief Xu, the detailed report on the battle and the debriefing report have been written, please take a look at it, sir." !"

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's thick stack of pages, Xu Zuyi also believed that he wrote it seriously, after all, the words on it were pretty good.

After putting the stack of report papers on the desk, Xu Zuyi began to ask about the situation: "How about the casualties in this battle?"

"Reporting sir, more than half of the combat troops of the first regiment directly under our third war zone suffered casualties in this battle, with a total of 770 casualties, and a lot of ammunition was consumed, especially the artillery battalion of our regiment, which ran out of shells." Zhang Tianhai Standing straight, looking straight ahead, not daring to look at Xu Zuyi sitting behind the desk, for fear of revealing his secrets.

Xu Zuyi nodded slightly imperceptibly, and said, "Very well, you fought this battle very hard, which is worthy of praise. Sit down, don't be so restrained."

"Yes." After receiving the order, Zhang Tianhai immediately pulled away the chair in front of Xu Zuyi's desk and sat down.

After Zhang Tianhai sat down, Xu Zuyi put down his work and said, "After this battle, if you need anything, you can just ask me. I will do my best to help you apply to Chief Li."

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said: "Sir, to be honest, when I was stationed in Lanling, I expanded a cavalry battalion without reporting it. Sir, do me a favor and formally incorporate the cavalry battalion into our regiment."

Xu Zuyi tapped the table with his index finger and said, "This request is fine, I can just tell Chief Li. Are there any other requests?"

"After the addition of the cavalry battalion, the pressure on our regiment's logistics department has increased, so I want to apply to expand our regiment's logistics company into a logistics battalion. In addition to these two requests, I also want to ask the chief to give priority to replenishing our regiment's losses as soon as possible. " Zhang Tianhai said bitterly.

Xu Zuyi thought for a while, and it seemed that this was a normal request, so he agreed to him: "Okay! The first two requests can be agreed to you immediately. As for the supply, people can figure out their own way, and now the minister's department is also I'm so overwhelmed, I probably don't have time to take care of you, but in terms of ammunition supply, I can give priority to supplying your regiment."

"Thank you, sir." Zhang Tianhai was overjoyed. This agreed to the previous two requests, but the funds for the Zhiyi Regiment could be loosened too much. At least it is not necessary because of the limited funds and a part of it is dedicated to raising an extra cavalry battalion. .

Don't underestimate this cavalry battalion, horses are precious, and you have to ask a veterinarian to see them...

"By the way, how many things did your regiment seize this time? There should be quite a few things, right?" Xu Zuyi said, adjusting his glasses.

"Hey, but nothing can be hidden from your discerning eyes, Commander Xu. Indeed, our regiment has gained a lot in this battle. A total of eleven 25 field guns, [-] light machine guns, five heavy machine guns, and Five [-] infantry guns, [-] rifles were seized. If the bullets are [-] rounds." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, that smile looked pure and harmless to humans and animals...

Xu Zuyi thought for a moment and said, "I remember that your two city defense battalions in Lanling seem to be short of firearms, right?"

"Yes, only one company has guns." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, shrinking the real number by more than half again.

Xu Zuyi tapped the table with his index finger, and said, "In this case, you can hand in the eleven [-] field guns you seized! As for the shells, you keep two hundred for yourself. Two hundred shells are enough for your eight guns. The cannon has been going on for a while, all the infantry cannons are handed over, eight light machine guns are left, two heavy machine guns are left, the rifles are kept for you, and the rest are all handed over.”

"Yes! Sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood up and responded.

Xu Zuyi nodded and said: "Well, after delivering the things to the compound outside, you can take the troops back to Lanling to rest! Now the Japanese army on Jinpu Road has broken through Teng County and Zou County, and is heading towards Taierzhuang. Just watch! There will be a big battle soon. Regarding the ammunition supply of your regiment, I will send a telegram to the logistics department in Xuzhou in a while. It should not be long before guns and ammunition will be sent to Lanling .”

"Thank you, sir!" Zhang Tianhai stood at attention and saluted.

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's excited look, Xu Zuyi stood up and said: "After returning, prepare hard for the battle and serve the country faithfully!"

"Yes, sir!" Zhang Tianhai responded.


When he walked out of the LY frontline combat headquarters, Zhang Tianhai was in an unusually happy mood, and even whistled.

And it was a song that became very vulgar in his mouth. This song was none other than "I Found a Penny by the Roadside"...

Zhang Tianhai was thinking about how to distribute this batch of equipment after this battle.

In short, after this battle, they still made a lot of money.

Look at Xu Zuyi again.

After Zhang Tianhai left, Xu Zuyi felt that something was wrong, as if something was missing and was not reported, so he opened the detailed battle process that Zhang Tianhai handed in, and it was just page by page. Turn the page.

After a while, Xu Zuyi's old face wrinkled into a "Chuan" character, and it was still a lot of wrinkled: Zhang Yulin looks like a good-looking guy, and his handwriting is pretty good, it's his fucking fault Don't be too many... Has this guy ever read a book?
Hey, let’s say he hasn’t read the book, and the writing is so good; but if he has read the book, so many typos, is this something a scholar can do?Thinking about it, Xu Zuyi couldn't help shaking his head.

Enduring the brink of the outbreak of OCD, Xu Zuyi finally turned to the page about the seizures in battle, and finally saw the number of seizures. The number said by Zhang Tianhai was the same, but he always felt that something was missing.

So Xu Zuyi read it over and over again, and finally remembered that it was the number of grenadiers, and this kid didn't report it.

Xu Zuyi originally wanted to send an adjutant to report directly to Zhang Tianhai, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it. If a dignified person at the level of deputy commander-in-chief is holding on to twenty or thirty grenade grenades, it will not be too late if it gets out. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Therefore, Chief Xu Zuyi regarded Zhang Tianhai as having forgotten it, and let him go very graciously.

After coming out of the frontline combat headquarters, Zhang Tianhai ordered a guard to inform Chief of Staff Guo and Deputy Commander Zhou to send someone to deliver the weapons to LY City according to the number written on the paper, and then the rest waited. Immediately return to Lanling to garrison.

This piece of paper is written on the number of weapons Xu Zuyi asked him to turn in. As for why the rest of the troops should return to Lanling immediately, the reason is very simple, and I feel guilty.

If Chief Xu knew that he had intercepted so many things, wouldn't he grab Zhang Tianhai by the collar and kick his ass?In short, at this time, the city of LY is a land of dragons and tigers, and it is not suitable to enter the city in a group...


PS: The first update is here!

Yesterday was the first time I made it to No. [-] on the channel list. To thank everyone for your support for Eagle, today is the fourth update!
Thanks for the 2000 point coins reward for the troubles of Qidian book friends! ! !

Thanks to Qiqidian book friend Tianze Dragon King for the 1000 points reward and two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point, I am a ghoul for the 100 points reward!

Thanks to Qidian book friends Yeyue Lengrufeng, Mu Xiuxiu, and sis540 for each monthly ticket~!

(End of this chapter)

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