War of Resistance

Chapter 429 Regrouping

Chapter 429 Regrouping (24 more, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass)
After the LY battle, Zhang Tianhai was not as relaxed as he had imagined. He felt that the enemy he would face after the first group would be even stronger.

It's not because the enemy's combat power has become stronger, but because the veterans of a regiment of combat troops have lost so many at once, and the combat power must be greatly affected. After all, even the newly added soldiers are still recruits.

"Hey, it's time for another intense training session." Zhang Tianhai looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh.

Thinking about how to adjust the army's plan, Zhang Tianhai brought the officers and soldiers of the security squad to a noodle stall, which was the first batch of noodle stalls to reopen after the LY war.

No matter which dynasty it is, the common people are always simple and simple. After all, food is the most important thing for the people. Everyone has their families and their families. It is not easy to live these days. I heard that after the war, all the Japanese devils were killed. They were beaten to death, and the folks who went to collect the corpses said when they came back that the Japanese devils in Tangtou town were dead all over the ground, blood flowed like rivers, and even the ground was stained red.

It was precisely because the Japanese devils were defeated that these ordinary people were rethinking their livelihoods. At the same time, many ordinary people took in wounded soldiers who had nowhere to stay due to insufficient resources and manpower.

These kind-hearted people treat these wounded soldiers who have come down from the battlefield, taking care of them like their own wounded relatives, which is very touching. (Note: This paragraph is not fabricated. There are indeed many kind-hearted people in history who took in these wounded soldiers on the front line. Many wounded soldiers recovered under the care of kind-hearted people, and then went back to find the old troops to return to the army. )

At this time, many noodle stalls, industrial rice shops, etc. have reopened, and they are thriving.

Sitting at the noodle stall and eating wontons, Zhang Tianhai's thoughts drifted to other places, while the thirteen guards were sitting behind him eating wontons, chatting lively.

Perhaps it was because of his hunger, Zhang Tianhai always felt that this bowl of wontons was very delicious. Just after eating a bowl of wontons, the shopkeeper of the noodle stall brought another bowl of wontons to Zhang Tianhai and said, "Sir, you Eat another bowl! This bowl is mine."

Looking at the bowl of wontons in front of him, Zhang Tianhai asked with a smile, "Shopkeeper, if you keep so much business, I'm afraid you will go bankrupt in a short time, right? I've never seen a business lose money."

I saw the little shopkeeper who was about 24 or [-] years old at that time say: "Sir, you are different. Look at your tattered clothes with blood stains. You must have just come down from the battlefield, right? Look at the clothes you are wearing. The Northwest Army in blue uniform is also different, you are from the Central Army, if you guessed correctly, you should have come down from Tangtou, right?"

Hearing the little shopkeeper's words, Zhang Tianhai smiled lightly, and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite well informed."

"That's right, many people in our village went to help our national army collect the corpses. I heard that you killed a lot of devils there." The little shopkeeper looked admiring.

"Yes, the Japanese army was killed to the point of bleeding, and our army also suffered heavy casualties. I have a battalion, from more than 600 people before the war, to only about [-] people left after the battle. And these people They are all wounded." Zhang Tianhai said sadly.

"Sir, you are all great heroes. Really, if it weren't for you, the little devil would have taken down LY. We have heard that after the little devil captured Nanjing, he killed 30 people in Nanjing. What is the concept. These Japanese devils are murderous devils without blinking an eye, if they take LY down, then we will be done for." The little shopkeeper chattered a lot.

"The title of great hero is not worthy of it. We just know that if we retire too, our descendants will all be subjugated slaves." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai took the bowl of wonton, "I will eat this bowl of wonton Yes, but the money will be paid later, and it will not be easy for you to start a small business."

But when he heard this, the shopkeeper became anxious and said, "Sir, you are looking down on me. You risked your life on the front line to fight against the little Japanese. Now that I'm here, I can't bear to invite you to eat wontons, so I will eat them." It’s not human anymore, if it gets out, I won’t be able to hang around here in LY.”

Hearing what the little shopkeeper said, Zhang Tianhai thought it was hard to turn down his hospitality, so he agreed to him: "That's fine, but if so many of us eat here, you can charge a cost price, otherwise today If you go back late, your wife and children will have to eat. We will feel ashamed of that."

"Okay." After hearing this answer, the shopkeeper Fang smiled happily.

The Nanjing Massacre was an extremely brutal and brutal atrocity, and it was a wake-up call to all Chinese sons and daughters—the whole people can’t wait to resist the war, otherwise it will be too late to say anything when the Japanese devils capture their homeland up.

After eating the wontons, Zhang Tianhai waited at the city gate for Guo Qiliang to send someone to handle the matter of handing over the supplies.

While waiting, Zhang Tianhai didn't forget to order someone to buy some steamed stuffed buns for the soldier running errands, so he couldn't make people hungry, right?
It didn't take long before Zhou Fangjie personally brought people over with the materials to be handed over, eleven guns, three hundred shells, and light and heavy machine guns.

Zhang Tianhai leisurely lit a cigarette, looking at his appearance, he looked like an old god.

After Zhou Fangjie approached Zhang Tianhai, he put his arm around his shoulder and said, "Old Zhang, come here."

Don't look at how official they usually call a group seat in front of people and a deputy group leader Zhou, but they are actually very close in private. At the beginning, Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang privately called Zhou Fangjie to be the boss. Senior, but Zhou Fangjie is unwilling to live and die, saying nonsense like lack of knowledge.

Well, anyway, he didn't want to, so Zhang Tianhai and Guo Qiliang didn't force him anymore. Anyway, it was Lao Zhang, Lao Zhou, and Lao Guo who shouted so in private.

"Ah? What are you doing?" Zhang Tianhai looked confused, but he could only throw away the cigarette, and followed Zhou Fangjie's pace.

"You'll know in a while." Zhou Fangjie didn't talk nonsense, and just blocked it with one sentence.

After pulling Zhang Tianhai aside, Zhou Fangjie said, "Old Zhang, you are so bold, how dare you fool Chief Xu?"

"Hey, that's not good? If we don't deceive him, wouldn't it be a big loss for us? We were blocked and beaten in Tangtou Town by little devils, and the casualties were so heavy." Zhang Tianhai said with a chuckle.

"Okay! Do you still have cigarettes? Give me one." Zhou Fangjie said directly.

Zhang Tianhai took out a cigarette, and said wonderingly: "I'm just wondering, you kid never smokes much, are you a good man?"

Zhou Fangjie took the cigarette from Zhang Tianhai, took out a match and lit it himself, and said, "I can't help it. I used to be full of energy and rested enough. I came here and fought so fiercely that I didn't even have time to sleep. Smoke some cigarettes to refresh yourself, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on anymore."

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Zhou Fangjie changed the subject and said, "By the way, you are in the dark about Mr. Xu, so please don't brag about it."

"Why did you say that suddenly? Besides, do I look like that kind of person? Tell me, what's going on?" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

Zhou Fangjie hesitated for a moment, and said: "I heard that the casualties of Commander Pang Bingxun and Commander Zhang Zizhong were very heavy. Commander Pang's No.40 Army has been beaten down to only 3000 people left."

"No. 40 Army, before joining the war, I heard that there were more than 3000 people, and now there are only so few people left?" Zhang Tianhai was a little surprised. He knew that in history, only 1000 people were left in Pang Bingxun's army. It's just that I didn't expect that after the Zhiyi regiment joined the battle, the casualties of the No. 40 army were still not small.

Zhou Fangjie nodded and said, "Yes, not only the No.40 Army under Commander Pang suffered heavy casualties, but even Commander Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army suffered close to 6000 casualties. We annihilated more than [-] enemies this time. It was a miserable victory."

After hearing this, Zhang Tianhai himself lit a cigarette, and after a long while in the smoke, he said: "It seems that our army has won this battle miserably. This battle was fought by us alone. We wiped out nearly [-] enemies, and the casualties between them and the Japanese army are far away."

"Commander Pang Jun's No. 40 Army, mainly in Ju County and when they defended Tangtou Town and Tangshan'ao, suffered too many casualties. We all know how the Japanese artillery fire is." Zhou Fangjie said with a sad face.

"I understand this. In fact, if it weren't for the No. 40th Army and the Ninth Army holding the main force of the Japanese army in front of our regiment, we really wouldn't be able to take Tangtou Town. If we were to die in their position, We probably won’t be able to carry it down, let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the general attack launched by the Japanese army that night, if there were no troops from the No. Zhang Tianhai only knew how strong the devils were in front of him after describing the Japanese attack.

The equipment of the Zhiyi Regiment can be regarded as the best in the current national army, but in the face of the Japanese army, there were still so many casualties, let alone the relatively older equipment of the Northwest Army.

To tell you the truth, Zhang Tianhai had also expected that if the Northwest Army hadn't arrived that night, even if he could barely defeat the Japanese army, his old troops would probably be wiped out--Li Chunfei's first battalion would definitely be wiped out. There is nothing to discuss, the situation of the second battalion is definitely not much better, the situation of the third battalion is absolutely not optimistic, and the fourth battalion is also very likely to be wiped out. The cavalry battalion, the secret service company, and the gendarmerie company will definitely not be able to escape.

So from the bottom of his heart, Zhang Tianhai was very grateful to the officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army for their timely arrival.

"That's right. Their troops suffered so many casualties, and we let us take the most important benefits. I'm afraid the two officers will have a problem with us..." Zhou Fangjie sighed.

"Of course I know this." Zhang Tianhai patted Zhou Fangjie on the shoulder and said, "There is still a tough battle to be fought on Jinpu Road. We must go back to Lanling as soon as possible to regroup and fight the next tough battle."

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai's gaze gradually deepened. What he was talking about was the Taierzhuang battle!
As an elite force, how could Zhiyituan be absent at such an important time?

PS: The second update is here~
Thanks to Qiqidian book friends for giving 100 point coins for liking z a little bit!

(End of this chapter)

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