War of Resistance

Chapter 430 Restoration Resolution

Chapter 430 Rest and Reorganization Resolution (34 more, please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!)

The process of handing in the seized guns didn't take long, it took about half an hour.

After finishing a series of tasks, Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Fangjie started to return to Lanling.

When we returned to Lanling, it was already one o'clock at night.

After Zhang Tianhai returned to the dormitory, he immediately took a cold shower without even turning on the hot water, and lay down on the bed until three o'clock in the afternoon the next day.

Looking at the familiar surroundings, Zhang Tianhai suddenly felt as if he had passed away. He had only walked out of Lanling for a little over half a month, so it felt like half a year had passed.

In the past half a month, he led the troops to stay in the mountains of Tangshan for twelve days, fought for more than two days, and spent another two days cleaning up the battlefield and rushing on the road.

During this period of time, he hardly had a good rest.

After putting on a brand-new military uniform and a brand-new woolen overcoat, Zhang Tianhai's whole demeanor changed immediately: at least he no longer looked so embarrassed. He looks full of murderous looks, but his image is indeed embarrassing, this cannot be denied.

Just as Zhang Tianhai was arranging his clothes facing the mirror, there was a knock at the door.

"Duk tuk tuk tuk tuk tuk."

The door rang very regularly, Zhang Tianhai knew it without thinking, it must be Zheng Man.

At this time, except for Zheng Man, no one else would come to quarrel with him, unless it was a particularly urgent matter.

So, without thinking about it, Zhang Tianhai went directly to open the door.

When I opened the door, I saw that it was indeed Zheng Man.

Before Zhang Tianhai could close the door, Zheng Man threw himself into his arms, and a gust of fragrant wind blew by. This should have been a very beautiful picture, but there was a little surprise...


The moment Zheng Man threw himself into his arms, a gasp sounded instantly.

Zheng Man looked up, and saw that Zhang Tianhai was grinning in pain, and almost cried out.

"Does it hurt?" Zheng Man asked with some embarrassment.

Zhang Tianhai wanted to say, I am in pain, I am in pain now.But can this be said?Of course not.

So, he could only raise his head at a 45-degree angle, not to let the tears in the corners of his eyes stay, and then said tremblingly, "No...it doesn't hurt so much..."

Maybe because he realized Zhang Tianhai's predicament, Zheng Man couldn't help laughing "puchi", and then he couldn't help laughing out loud, even squatting on the ground with tears of laughter.

"Zhang...Zhang Yulin...you, do you know that you looked so cute just now...hahaha..." Zheng Man almost burst out laughing, the contrast between Zhang Tianhai's appearance just now was too great , and a little silly.

Well, it's a cute contrast.

Zhang Tianhai's forehead is full of black lines: You're the one who touched my wound, yet you're still laughing at me?Hmph, sure enough women don't have a good thing...

"Hurry up and sit down, hahaha, what are you laughing at, is it really that funny? Hurry up and sit down, how big of a man is it. Really." Zhang Tianhai turned on the resentful woman mode.

"Hahaha... You must be dissatisfied... Hahaha..." At this time, Zheng Man was like a child with a very low smile, and his smile was trembling.

But Zhang Tianhai just looked at Zheng Man speechlessly, and then went to the mirror helplessly to straighten his clothes. As an extremely smug and image-conscious colonel officer, he had to tidy up his appearance.

After a while, Zheng Man stopped laughing, closed the door, looked at Zhang Tianhai, and said, "Hey, did you hurt your wound just now?"

"You're talking nonsense." Zhang Tianhai glared at a certain culprit.

"Okay. I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I forgot that you have so many wounds on your body. Although it's a small wound, it still hurts." After speaking, Zheng Man walked up to Zhang Tianhai and straightened his clothes .

"It's good to know. Although the wound inside has been sterilized, the wound has not healed. You should be gentle... The rest is fine, the point is the pain..." Zhang Tianhai was complaining about Zheng Man's "crime" ".

Zheng Man suppressed a smile, looked at Zhang Tianhai tenderly, and said, "You can tell if you love me, why did you have to pretend to be a tough guy just now... with me, you still have to be so reserved? No? Officers and soldiers outside."

"Hmm... makes sense." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "By the way, I'm going to call a meeting for officers above the school level, and you have to attend."

"What are you doing? Didn't you agree to ask me for leave?" Zheng Man cast an annoyed look at Zhang Tianhai.

"Now there is an important announcement that the supply company will be expanded into a supply battalion, and the cavalry battalion will also be formally included in the formation of the Zhiyi Regiment. Also, your communications company should be fully staffed at this time. Otherwise, the communications The department is short of manpower, and the deputy director can't completely replace you." Zhang Tianhai said sternly while letting Zheng Man help him tidy up his clothes.

"All right! Then I will attend in person." Zheng Man nodded and stuck out his tongue.

"En." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then changed the topic: "By the way, after this meeting, you can continue to live in Chen's residence for a while! Tomorrow, I will visit Mr. Chen in person."

Zhang Tianhai's words conveyed the sense that they could not be rejected.

Zheng Man also knew that Zhang Tianhai had this problem. Others never had the right to refuse what he decided. Of course, this specifically refers to her subordinates and her.

Maybe this is Zhang Tianhai's occupational disease?Perhaps, this is a professional habitual disease that most leaders will have. Just like some retired leaders of later generations, when they first retired, they would be extremely unsuitable for retirement life. adapt.

Therefore, Zheng Man could only pout his mouth and said, "It's all up to you, Commander Zhang."

"Well, that's the decision." Zhang Tianhai said.


Half an hour later, there was a group of conference rooms.

The meeting room at this time was the same as usual, full of people, divided into two rows, with Zhou Fangjie on the left as the head, and Guo Qiliang on the right as the head.

"Everyone, this meeting is the first meeting I have held after the battle of LY, and it is a particularly important meeting, so please take notes and prepare the resolution I am going to announce next." Zhang Tianhai sat On the people in the middle, their eyes patrolled the crowd like eagles.

As soon as Zhang Tianhai finished speaking, the officers all picked up their pens to write down what the group was going to say.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, Zhang Tianhai said slowly: "Everyone, first of all, we must announce the first item, which is about the cavalry battalion. From today onwards, the cavalry battalion department will be officially included in the battle of the Zhiyi regiment." Sequence, the battalion commander of the cavalry battalion is still headed by Battalion Commander Wang Yongcheng, and this time the cavalry battalion is resting, in addition to making up for the losses in the Tangtou battle, the number of people has expanded to 450. Commander Wang, your task this time is arduous, and you must complete it well Task."

"Yes! Group seat! Guaranteed to complete the task!" Wang Yongcheng stood up and saluted.

"Okay, let's announce the second resolution." Zhang Tianhai said directly: "Compared with other regiments, our regiment has a large organization, resulting in relatively heavy logistical tasks. The supply company has been expanded into a supply battalion, and Zhu Shaohong, the director of the logistics department, will be the commander of the supply battalion! Director Zhu, during this replenishment, most of the troops assigned to your battalion will be recruits. You have the confidence to lead this troop well ?!"

"Yes! Tuan Zuo! I will definitely live up to the Tuan Zuo's high expectations and guarantee to complete the task!" Zhu Shaohong stood up and saluted.


PS: The third one is sent!

This one is a bit short, and it will be adjusted after two chapters. The time is relatively tight, and some are late, haha, a little embarrassing.

Thank you book friends for turning your boundless tears into boundless snow for two monthly tickets!
Thank you Qiqidian book friends, I am a ghoul, and Lingfeng Xiaolang, each with a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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