War of Resistance

Chapter 431 Major Adjustment

Chapter 431 Major Adjustment (44 more, ask for subscription, ask for monthly pass)
"I will announce the third decision." Zhang Tianhai opened the notebook in front of him and continued, "It is about the supplementary decision on the first battalion, the second battalion, the fourth battalion, the secret service company, and the gendarmerie company."

Before the people below could react, Zhang Tianhai named his old classmate Gu Shi'an: "Director Gu of the Staff Department."

"Humble job." Gu Shi'an stood up and responded.

"Because the various divisions of the regiment's main force suffered heavy losses in the battle of LY, and the main force of the Japanese army on Jinpu Road is now going straight to Xuzhou along Jinpu Road, it is decided to dismantle the two city defense battalions of your department into the first, second and fourth battalions. In addition, after the replenishment is completed, Lanling's city defense force will be expanded from two battalions to three battalions, which will be trained and deployed by you. Are you willing to shoulder such a heavy burden?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

To be honest, if it weren't for such a situation, Gu Shi'an would definitely not be willing to hand over these two city defense battalions that had been trained to the point of becoming an army.

No commander likes to hand over the painstaking efforts he has trained by himself to others, even if this person is his own commander.

Well, but what should be handed over still has to be handed over to be true...

"Reporting to the group, I am willing!" Gu Shi'an stood at attention and saluted.

"From now on, the three city defense battalions will be equipped with all kinds of Japanese equipment except grenades and infantry guns." With Zhang Tianhai's order, the city defense battalions have been reset. Then there is the representative who has no combat effectiveness. From now on, the city defense battalion also has strong combat effectiveness.

"Thank you regiment seat!" After hearing this order, Gu Shi'an's heart was finally happy-this is to let him manage a whole three battalions, if it were other ordinary troops, it would be nearly one regiment!
"The fourth resolution is announced below." Zhang Tianhai continued to read, "It is about the reinforcement of the machine gun companies of each battalion and the adjustment of the number of each squad."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai looked around at the people in front of him. After realizing that they were listening to his words seriously, he nodded in satisfaction and continued: "First, reduce the number of soldiers in each squad from fifteen to thirteen. , because it has been exposed in the battle that our regiment's squad size is too large and it has a sense of cumbersome action. Each company establishes a close-range fire support squad on the basis of laying off soldiers, and each close-range fire support squad is assigned three grenades barrel, and a Japanese-made light machine gun."

Without waiting for others to say anything, Zhang Tianhai continued: "There is also the issue of strengthening the special agent company. The establishment of the special agent company is still composed of 15 people per squad, and each squad is issued two grenadiers. In addition to setting up two In addition to the main shooter, two ammunition men should also be set up to enhance the mobile combat capability of the special agent company."

As soon as Zhang Tianhai's words came out, some people really raised objections. The first one was Han Xingle, the commander of the Fourth Battalion. He stood up and said, "Reporting to the team, I have different opinions on this distribution plan."

"Oh? What's your opinion? Just say it!" Zhang Tianhai felt a little surprised. After all, few people would raise it in person again.

"Yes, regiment!" Han Xingle continued after giving a military salute: "I think that the special agent company is just a relatively large company, and there is no need to be equipped with such powerful firepower. A special agent company There are 24 grenadiers deployed, but our four main infantry battalions are only equipped with 36 grenadiers, and the humble officer does not understand the regiment's arrangement."

Regarding this, Zhang Tianhai just smiled and said, "Maybe everyone thinks that I prefer Adjutant Liu or the Secret Service Company, and that's why I equipped the Special Service Company with such powerful firepower, but it's actually not the case."

Zhang Tianhai took a sip of his tea and said: "This is because of the mission of the spy company. Maybe you have asked Commander Lu of the Second Battalion and Commander Wang of the Cavalry Battalion, and you will know that our regiment can seize so many troops." The reason for the intact artillery is that the special agent company made the first contribution. Also, the mission of the special agent company is to infiltrate, investigate and behead at critical moments."

"Because of this, the special agent company needs such powerful firepower. Also, everyone may have overlooked the most important point, that is, your main infantry battalions need to be strengthened by the machine gun company, and the special agent company has What? They don't have anything. And when you attack, you can get artillery battalions, small artillery companies, and mortar companies to strengthen the firepower. But the special service company that shoulders such a heavy responsibility, besides relying on grenades, what else can they do? manage?"

Finally, Zhang Tianhai added: "If you have a better plan to strengthen the firepower of the secret service company, I don't need to drop so many grenades on the secret service company at once."

What Zhang Tianhai said made everyone look at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say.

In the end, it was Han Xingle who stood up and bravely admitted his mistake: "Report to the group, it was just a humble job that didn't think well, please punish the group!"

"You don't need to talk about this. If you have any opinions, you must bring them up. Your approach is right. By the way, everyone has to put forward their opinions in person, and they will be unhappy. The face-to-face and the behind-the-scenes methods and styles, understand. Is it?" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! Regiment seat!" All the officers responded in unison.

"In addition, due to the special needs of the secret service company's operations, as usual, the recruited recruits will first be selected by the secret service company, and then assigned to each battalion." Zhang Tianhai announced directly.

After hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, the officers below quickly memorized them.

Zhang Tianhai pressed his hands lightly and signaled everyone to be quiet: "Okay, the next step is the final decision. It is about the expansion of the artillery battalion. Previously, the artillery battalion of our regiment had eight artillery pieces, which were divided into two artillery units. company, four artillery platoons, four ammunition supply platoons, and two packhorse transport platoons. Among them, each artillery platoon has two cannons. Since our regiment intercepted four artillery pieces in the materials seized in this operation, it is now decided Assign the four guns to the artillery battalion."

Then, Zhang Tianhai continued to read: "After receiving these four artillery pieces, the artillery battalion should establish the third artillery company according to the existing establishment, with two artillery platoons, two ammunition supply platoons and a pack horse transport platoon under its jurisdiction. Understand. Yet?"

With that said, Zhang Tianhai looked at Zhao Chengge, commander of the Artillery Battalion.

I saw Zhao Chengge immediately stood up and saluted: "Report to the regiment, I understand the humble job! Absolutely obey the orders of the regiment!"

"Okay, in addition to this, the engineering company and the communication company headquarters directly under the regiment headquarters must be filled to full capacity to prepare for urgent needs during wartime." Zhang Tianhai said, looking at the people in front of him.

Everyone listened to Zhang Tianhai's words carefully, but did not make a sound.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "Everyone, this adjustment is made to adapt to the weaknesses exposed by our regiment during the battle. This time, the time is tight and the task is heavy. Please pay attention to it!"

"Yes! Sir!" Everyone responded.

"Do you have any other opinions?" Zhang Tianhai asked.

All the military officers in front of them looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say, they probably had no objections.

"Well, if that's the case." Zhang Tianhai nodded, and then announced: "The meeting is over and dismissed!"

Zhang Tianhai also knew that this meeting was definitely a big adjustment for Zhiyituan!


PS: The fourth update is here!

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(End of this chapter)

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