War of Resistance

Chapter 432 Transformation?

Chapter 432 Transformation?

After the meeting adjourned, Li Chunfei, who had one arm tied, chased him out and asked Zhang Tianhai, "Tuan, group, I would like to ask, what, our first battalion suffered so many casualties this time, should we assign more veterans as appropriate?" Come to our army, otherwise if our first battalion really wants to go to the battlefield, the combat effectiveness will drop a lot..."

As he spoke, Li Chunfei smiled embarrassedly and patted his head.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, it seemed that Li Chunfei led his troops to fight hard in this battle, and it was indeed their battalion that suffered the most casualties.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said: "That's it, I will try my best. Your first battalion has killed the most enemies in this battle, and you have made great contributions. I have handed over the details of the battle to Commander Xu Zuyi. Look at his How to say it! By the way, you can now type up a report, regarding the appointment of company commanders, if there is still a lack of cadres, I will transfer some cadres from the third battalion or the second battalion for you."

"Thank you for the seat." Li Chunfei laughed.

"It's not a big problem. Remember, don't tell the second battalion commander and the fourth battalion commander about this matter, or my head will explode. You guys, it doesn't matter which one I prefer. You are me again You have to understand me about this." Zhang Tianhai added.

"Okay, I understand." Li Chunfei responded with a smile, and then asked again, saying: "By the way, is the spy company really that strong? What you said just now seems to be without them. With the main force of the Second Battalion and the Cavalry Battalion, we cannot win a small artillery position."

Zhang Tianhai shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "You, you, what is short-sightedness? I'm talking about you. The so-called inch is long, and the ruler is short. It depends on where it is used. Secret service company Existence is to be taken by surprise, to attack unprepared, the officers and soldiers of the special agent company are refined in assassination, marksmanship, physical strength, field survival, etc., so that they can be used flexibly behind the enemy's rear, and the purpose of strengthening firepower is to achieve the effect of defeating the enemy with one blow."

Then, Zhang Tianhai continued: "Look at you, in fact, if the twelve guns of the artillery battalion, the six machine guns of the small artillery company, and the six mortars of the mortar company are strengthened, there are actually two more guns. What does it matter if there are two grenadiers missing?"

"Hey, that's right." Li Chunfei scratched his head with his remaining good hand and said.

"Okay, go back and write a job plan. Anyway, if the first battalion doesn't work within three days, I'm the only one asking!" Zhang Tianhai said with a slight "threat".

"Yes! Sir!" Li Chunfei responded, and then ran away with a playful smile.


After the military meeting ended, the headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment immediately started the conscription process. After all, the war was tight and there was not much time to prepare.

In addition, Zhang Tianhai also personally went to Gu Shi'an's office to discuss with him the reorganization of the two city defense battalions.

"Tuan, to be honest, these two city defense battalions have only trained for about three weeks. If they are incorporated into our Zhiyi regiment, will it affect the combat effectiveness of our Zhiyi regiment?" Gu Shi Ann asked.

"I can't take care of that much anymore. In this LY battle, these main battalions suffered a lot of casualties, so they can only be replenished first. Who knows, our regiment will be directly transferred to the front line one day." Zhang Tianhai sighed deeply .

"Okay, I'll go through the handover procedures now. In addition, I want to ask, can you leave me a group of backbones, all above the squad leader, and put all the big soldiers in a regiment. How about it?" Gu Shi Ann asked.

"Old Gu, you and I are classmates, and I will definitely not do it so badly. Besides, now that the city defense force has expanded into three battalions, you are under a lot of pressure." Zhang Tianhai said very seriously, indeed Well, you can't always stare at one place to squeeze wool.

"Okay! Lao Zhang, to be honest, when I was studying in Nanjing, I didn't see you being such a scumbag. Now that you come out, you've become like a genius, and everything is clear. It's really not old-fashioned!" Gu Shi'an said with a smile.

"Just wait, kid, you will come back sooner or later to be the deputy commander." Zhang Tianhai also laughed.

"Oh, so Deputy Head Zhou doesn't want to do it anymore?" Gu Shi'an seemed to have caught a very important news, with a look of shock on his face.

Seeing Gu Shi'an's appearance, Zhang Tianhai really wanted to kick him up. He said helplessly, "You kid, can you think about it with your brain? How can Deputy Head Zhou be our senior? He is The sixth batch of Whampoa came from the coaching team, but his roots are good. As long as Gui Yongqing knows that he is here, Zhou Fangjie will have to be transferred sooner or later."

"I don't know how you practice these two moves. It seems that you see people and things farther than others. Like, you asked me to be the deputy commander of the city defense, but you actually want me to help you train for combat. Is it necessary to add soldiers later?" Gu Shi'an pointed at Zhang Tianhai with his finger, as if he had seen through Zhang Tianhai completely.

Zhang Tianhai glared at Gu Shi'an, and put on a look of righteousness: "Old Gu, let me tell you, don't say that you and I are old classmates, you should help me, just say that you are my staff now. Director, based on this alone, you have to help me."

"Okay, okay, drink tea!" Gu Shi'an poured a cup of Kung Fu tea for Zhang Tianhai.

Zhang Tianhai took the tea and said: "Sit down for a while, let's start to reorganize the city defense battalion! Break up and reorganize, and then organize into each unit, especially the first battalion, we must organize some troops that can fight. .This time in the LY battle, the [-]st Battalion was almost wiped out."

"It seems that this battalion is still your heart and soul. Hehe, this battalion has been wiped out. You, the regiment leader, are busy and want to give priority to supplying the first battalion. If the third and fourth battalions are wiped out , I don’t see you being so anxious.” Gu Shi’an laughed.

Zhang Tianhai took a sip of hot tea and said, "Well, no matter what, this Li Chunfei has followed me from Shanghai to the present. He has indeed dared to fight and fight all the way, and he is also loyal to me. If I don't even care about this If it can’t be done, let’s not talk about how I am, it must be bad. I can rest assured that this battalion is in Li Chunfei’s hands. I am most at ease. At least he will try his best to defend, and although I know the other battalion commanders well, I don’t understand them so deeply after all.”

"That's right, okay! Then I will give priority to selecting some elites from the army, and give priority to replenishing the first battalion. The rest of the distribution plan will be made by you, the head of the regiment! Otherwise, Lu Shaojie and Han Xingle should know that it was me." You can't spray my face with saliva?" Gu Shi'an said with a smile.

"Okay! Then it's settled. I'll go back and come up with a plan first. Now you pick out two companies for me immediately, and supplement the first battalion first." Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his finger, and it was a final decision.

"Okay." Gu Shi'an also stood up, and the deal was concluded.


Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Tianhai's office was filled with smoke, and he was writing and drawing with the pen in his hand, still using his most proficient simplified characters.

It was written impressively on the paper: The first battalion was assigned 310 and five people; the second battalion was assigned 250 and six people; the fourth battalion was assigned 380 people;

In addition to the gaps in the four main battalions, the cavalry battalion still has a gap of more than 200 people, the supply battalion also has a gap of more than 230 people, and the gendarmerie company, engineering company, and communication company need to be completed, and there is still a gap of more than [-] people. Woolen cloth.

Even the spy company still has a shortfall of more than 100 people. Adding up these numbers, there are about [-] people.

Thinking about this is a big headache, Zhang Tianhai is just a small group leader, he is not a great god who spreads beans into soldiers.

However, these [-] people still didn't count the three battalions of the city defense battalion, and the three battalions of the city defense battalion still needed [-] people.

Can such a small place like Lanling really recruit so many soldiers in three days?There were several big question marks on Zhang Tianhai's forehead.

All in all, in a word, it was very troublesome, quite troublesome, so troublesome that he, Zhang Tianhai, the head of the regiment, had already smoked no less than five cigarettes.

"Xu Sangou!" Zhang Tianhai, who had already written the distribution plan, yelled directly at the door.

"Reporting to the head, the humble position is here!" Xu Sangou strode in and stood at attention.

"Go, send someone to deliver this plan to Gu Shi'an, Director Gu, immediately!" With that said, Zhang Tianhai handed the paper in his hand to Xu Sangou.

Fortunately, Xu Sangou didn't know a few big characters, otherwise he would be depressed. Why are there so many typos in this proposal full of traditional characters?

"Yes, Tuan Zuo." Xu Sangou replied, and hurried out.

After Xu Sangou walked out, Zhang Tianhai also continued to immerse himself in sorting out his plans, never raising his head to look at other places.


Compared to Zhang Tianhai's dull side, Gu Shi'an's side is very lively.

At this time, Gu Shi'an had gathered all the troops of the two city defense battalions in a large school field outside the city. infected them.

After all, in their view, the officers and soldiers of the city defense battalion are the same as the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment.

"Brothers of the City Defense Battalion, I want to tell you a piece of good news. From now on, except for the squad leader, platoon leader, company commander, and battalion commander, all of you will be transformed into field troops, and you will be incorporated into the third theater directly under the first army. The regiment has been dispatched!" Gu Shi'an stood in front of the microphone and said loudly.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be completed before twelve o'clock!

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(End of this chapter)

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