War of Resistance

Chapter 433 Help telegram in the middle of the night

Chapter 433 Help telegram in the middle of the night
As soon as Gu Shi'an said this, the scene was boiling, and it was immediately full of cheers.

The third theater is directly under the first regiment, what kind of army is this?This is a heroic unit that has just returned from a victorious battle at the front!
This army is all equipped with the best weapons and fought the toughest battles. They also heard the bragging of those veterans who came back in a regiment - those veterans said that they fought against Japan on the front line of LY There are corpses all over the place, blood flowing like rivers, although it is also very tragic, but it is very honorable.

Since the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the national army has been losing battles, starting from the Marco Polo Bridge in the July [-]th Incident, to the Songhu Battle in the August [-]th Incident, and then to the Nanjing Defense Battle, Taiyuan Defense Battle and so on.

Only this time, even though it was a miserable victory, and the victory was fought with extremely heavy casualties, it was also a booster for the nation.

Ever since, these veterans who came back from the LY Battlefield undoubtedly became the idols of these young recruits from the City Defense Battalion.

The idol effect is very serious, which has led to the recruits of these city defense battalions dreaming of joining the Zhiyi regiment, and following regiment leader Zhang to fight Little Japan and win the battle.

"Woohoo~woohoo~~ Great, great~"

"We can finally become the soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment, hahaha~"

"Yeah, it's much better than being in the city defense battalion. At least you can go to the battlefield and touch a gun..."


Listening to these words full of joy and rejoicing, Gu Shi'an's face turned dark—is Lao Tzu's city defense camp really that bad? !
In fact, this pot really can't be put on Gu Shi'an's head, the main thing is Zhang Tianhai, there is no gun for these brothers in the city defense battalion...

"Okay, I'll make the specific arrangements now!" Gu Shi'an announced with a dark face, the city defense battalion was despised like this, saying that they were in a good mood, that was completely impossible...

Unexpectedly, once this order was announced, the cheers became even louder!
This made Gu Shi'an, the deputy commander in charge of the city defense battalion affairs, very passive and embarrassed, so he could only yell: "Quiet me! If anyone quarrels again, I will immediately revoke his quota!! "

Seeing that Deputy Commander Gu had already lost his temper, and there was a real possibility that the quota would be revoked if he continued to quarrel, so the scene suddenly quieted down.

At this moment, a soldier ran to Gu Shi'an's side on a fast horse and said, "Mr. Gu, the regiment hastened the order!"

As soon as he heard this, Gu Shi'an knew that the training plan formulated by Zhang Tianhai must have come out.

So, Gu Shi'an ordered someone to run to the side of the soldier, and brought the page over.

With the light from the torch, Gu Shi'an began to read the content on the paper.

After reading for a while, Gu Shi'an finally managed to understand the above content, in short, it was an announcement of the recruitment plan and the plan of how many people should be assigned to which battalion.

Looking at this article written by Zhang Tianhai, Gu Shi'an really felt a headache: When did Zhang Yulin's education level become so poor? I remember studying at the Whampoa Military Academy (Central Army Military Academy) in Nanjing. Zhang Yulin didn't seem to be that bad at writing when he was writing, why are there so many typos?

After thinking about it, Gu Shi'an can only boil this down to the fact that Zhang Tianhai fought too many wars when he was in the No.30 Sixth Division. Gotta clean up.

"Now I am formally conveying the order of Zhang Tianhai, commander of the Lanling City Defense Commander and head of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone. Starting tomorrow, the first battalion of the city defense and the second battalion of the city defense will all have a day off, and they will all return to the team at ten o'clock the morning after tomorrow. In addition, whether it is the city defense battalion in Lanling or the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, a large number of soldiers need to be recruited. So I ask you to help promote it when you go home." Gu Shi'an said loudly.

Before the soldiers below could react, Gu Shi'an continued: "In addition to this news, there is also the issue of the construction of the Lanling City Defense Force. This afternoon, the Lanling City Defense Commander and the Third War Zone directly under the first Zhang Tianhai, head of the regiment, convened a military meeting with the high-level officials of the city defense force and the first regiment directly under the third theater. It was announced at the meeting that in the future, our city defense force in Lanling, in addition to being expanded into three battalions, will also be fully armed. In the future, the city defense forces will all be equipped with Japanese equipment, that is to say, our Lanling County finally has a military force of our own. However, there is a huge shortage of personnel in our military force, so it is We need all of us to work together to build this army! Do you understand?!"

Without Gu Shi'an, according to the imagined cheers, the scene was completely silent, obviously because the news was too abrupt and shocking, so the officers and soldiers did not react.

After a long time, one of them finally reacted first and shouted: "Great! Great!!"

Soon, the cheers rang out again.

For these big soldiers, they are just at the age of youth, and they desire more than anyone else to be a hero, and they are heroes who hold steel guns and defend the motherland.

After announcing this order, Gu Shi'an started his own recruitment plan—oh, there is no way, the head of Zhang Da has already said that before tomorrow morning, the list and the number of people must be distributed to people other than the third battalion. , in the hands of the battalion commanders of the infantry battalions.

Ever since, Gu Shi'an began to busy himself with his affairs.

It was around ten o'clock in the evening when the exhausted Gu Shi'an announced the order to disband.


Zhang Tianhai, who had been writing the plan for a whole night under the electric lights in the office, was very tired at this time, but he always remembered that there was something he forgot to do, but he couldn't remember it.

When the door rang, he finally remembered what was going on: Didn't he agree to visit Mr. Chen today?
It seemed that releasing his fiancée's pigeons was not something particularly honorable, so in desperation, Zhang Tianhai had no choice but to open the door.It's time to knock on the door of his office, who else but Zheng Man?

After the door opened, sure enough.

"What's the matter? Are you going to spend the night in the office tonight?" Zheng Man asked with a smile.

Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh: "Oh, there is no other way. The battle on Jinpu Road is so urgent, and our Zhiyi Regiment is now suffering so many casualties. There is a huge shortage of troops. I have been here all night. , but it’s still not finished.”

Slowly closing the door, Zheng Man leaned lightly on the desk and said, "Then you can keep doing it, and you can treat me as if I don't exist."

"Yeah." Zhang Tianhai, who was full of troubles because of the soldiers, just nodded lightly, and then returned to his desk to continue writing.

Cigarettes were still one after another, and soon the ashtray was full. Just when Zhang Tianhai was still scratching his head and resting his cheeks in worry, two slightly cold jade hands gently climbed onto his temples, slowly Knead it.

Zhang Tianhai's tired brain felt very comfortable in this way, he closed his eyes gently, and even had the urge to fall down and sleep.

A soft voice rang in his ear: "Smoking less, it's not good for your health."

"Hmm." Zhang Tianhai didn't speak, but just hummed.

"Fool, why are you so stupid? If you don't have soldiers, don't you think of a way to ask the officers for them? Although the officers are also short of soldiers, if you don't say anything, how will the officers know?" Zheng Man gently whispered in his ear. As he said, the aroma is tangy and very seductive.

Zheng Man's sound almost broke Zhang Tianhai's bones.

Zhang Tianlai thought about it carefully, and felt that what Zheng Man said made sense, so he said: "It seems to make sense, okay, then do what Madam said, and try it! Go ahead and send a report to the Minister's Department immediately, and say My third war zone is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and I suffered heavy losses in the LY defense battle, I hope to get the support of the soldiers from the commander's department."

"Well, okay, then I'll go now. You wash your face quickly and go to bed early. You still have a lot of things to deal with early tomorrow morning. You agreed to visit Mr. Chen, don't forget." Zheng Man smiled and said, the smile is very charming, there is quite a bit of a "glamorous" attitude in it, which makes someone's mouth dry.


At ten o'clock that night, Li Zongren, who had not rested yet, received an urgent telegram from Lanling.

"What's the matter? Isn't the war over at LY now?" Li Zongren, who had just lay down, put on his shoes and muttered to himself, walking towards the door of the office.

A person of Li Zongren's level naturally has a bed in his office so that he can rest at any time.

After the door opened, Li Zongren's adjutant staff was waiting outside, holding a telegram in his hand.

"Bring it, deal with it early, and go to bed early." Li Zongren never relaxes when it comes to urgent business.

But as soon as he picked up the telegram and read it, Li Zongren couldn't help yelling: "Damn it, Zhang Tianhai, a little bastard, still has the face to send me a telegram in the middle of the night to ask for help."

Li Zongren's two words of scolding made the adjutant look confused.

Afterwards, Li Zongren said lightly: "This matter is not the most urgent matter, we can deal with it tomorrow."

After speaking, Li Zongren put the translated telegram on the desktop in the office, and then went back to sleep.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and the adjutant looked confused, but he could only say "yes".


PS: The second update is here!I didn't expect it to be finished so quickly.

Thanks to the number one fan of this book who loves you 1 Years King for the reward of 100 coins! !
Thanks to the starting point book friends, it’s raining every day, the sky is full of clouds and water, the fluttering black snow, the autumn wind and dawn, the old fisherman with a single hook, book friends 160313074106165, book friends 20190917114041652, Mu Xiuxiu, big brother who loves to read, wind and rain Fang, hope One monthly pass for tomorrow 01!
(End of this chapter)

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