War of Resistance

Chapter 434 Conscription

Chapter 434 Conscription
After putting Zhang Tianhai's application on the table, Li Zongren went to bed. It is obvious that Zhang Tianhai's important matter is not as important as his sleeping matter...

But is this really the case?No, and because the casualties in the LY battle were too heavy, Chief Li has already transferred the troops he can transfer to LY to supplement Pang Bingxun's troops first.

As for Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment, it is certainly important, but for the southward movement of the main force of the Japanese army on the Jinpu line and the continuous threat from the Japanese Fifth Division Seishiro Itagaki's unit in the LY direction, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment is not considered to be an important thing at all. Very big deal.

Besides, haven't people been sent to send [-] silver dollars and a large amount of mortar shells, rifles, light and heavy machine gun bullets?
From Li Zongren's point of view, it's still the same sentence - if Zhang Yulin can't even solve this small problem, he shouldn't be the head of the reinforced regiment, but come to the theater commander's department and give him Li Zongren's senior staff. The military rank is still the senior staff officer of a colonel.

Silent all night.

The day gradually became brighter, and Zheng Man also woke up in Zhang Tianhai's arms. Hearing the snoring sound coming from her ear, a happy smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, she is no longer that powerful communications director, nor is she the "swallowtail butterfly" of the frontline intelligence station of the military command. She is now a happy little woman.

Her slender and beautiful fingers drew circles and circles on Zhang Tianhai's chest, and the scars left after the injury on the chest were still clearly visible.

At this moment, Zhang Tianhai woke up suddenly, and asked, "Why did you wake up so early, don't you want to sleep a little longer?"

"I can't sleep, because I always dream of you, the appearance of bloody battles. I'm so afraid of losing you." As he spoke, Zheng Man hugged Zhang Tianhai tightly, clinging to his skin, for fear that it would be far away go.

"It's okay, don't think too much. I'm the regiment commander now, and I'm not in charge. How could the company commander and platoon leader die so easily?" Zhang Tianhai put his arms around Zheng Man and whispered in her ear.

"Hmm..." Zheng Man responded softly, and then buried her head deeply in his chest.

At this moment, there was a "beep beep" at the door, and he said: "Reporting to the regiment, the commander of the war zone has an urgent call!"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Tianhai got up quickly, put on his clothes, went out, opened the door and took the translated telegram.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but you will be angry when you look at it. I saw a sentence written on it: "Now the main force of the Japanese invaders on Jinpu Road is on the way to the south. According to reliable sources, the Fifth Division of the Japanese Army is already on its way The commander of the division, Seishiro Itagaki, led the attack on Tangtou Town. Today, there is still a shortage of soldiers in the commander's department, and all the troops in the department have been transferred to the LY line. You can solve the problem by yourself, if you can't, please resign."

The previous ones are nothing, but the last sentence is just too irritating. What do you mean by resigning? It's too irritating.

The staff officer on duty who was waiting outside for a reply did not wait for the team leader to say that it was hard work, but was scolded: "What the hell is this called an emergency call?! Go back to duty, it's so early in the morning, it's too fucking affecting your mood."

Zhang Tianguan, who was full of resentment, closed the door and lay down quietly. What time is it, six o'clock, it's too bullying...

Although at six o'clock, the officers and soldiers of Zhiyi Regiment had already started to exercise, but as the regiment leader, Zhang Tianhai still had the privilege to sleep until after seven o'clock and then get up to exercise.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Tianhai could only quietly think about how to replenish the troops as soon as possible, and then conduct training. The Taierzhuang battle will start at the end of the month, and then the decisive battle will be in April. Go up, can you take on the heavy responsibility of attacking?
So Zhang Tianhai is worried... and not in a normal way...

"What's the matter, what's the news that makes you so upset? It's from the chief's department that they won't give our regiment an approval to supplement the troops?" Zheng Man asked softly.

"That's not right, let me resign if I can't figure it out, isn't this disgusting? This early in the morning..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

If it doesn't work, it can only be given priority to replenish the Zhiyi Regiment. As for the city defense battalion, Gu Shi'an can figure out a way to get it done slowly.

Lying on the bed at seven o'clock, Zhang Tianhai finally got up to brush his teeth and wash his face to prepare for morning exercises. Because of his physical injury, Zhang Tianhai couldn't do basic training such as running five kilometers or doing three sets of training as usual. Not healed yet.

Sitting on a chair and holding two simple dumbbells made of round stones, Zhang Tianhai began to exercise his hand muscles. After all, he often went to the frontline battlefield in person, and more strength meant more life support.

Guo Qiliang saw Zhang Tianhai after he was exercising, walked over and said, "Old Zhang, you are really on time for this exercise. If I worked as hard as you, I wouldn't be a small physique now."

"You, you are the chief of staff, you just sit in the back, you don't need to be like me, you need to take the lead in the charge. But, to be honest, you still have to keep exercising, otherwise your kid will fall ill, who will give it to you?" I support the position of Chief of Staff?" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Okay! I'll take your advice." Guo Qiliang nodded and said, "By the way, today's conscription work has already started, and I don't know how many people can be recruited."

"First of all, no matter what, the supply of high-quality soldiers is limited to the Zhiyi regiment, and the rest will be thrown into the city defense battalion to exercise slowly. Our Zhiyi regiment may be transferred to the battlefield at any time. Time is already very tight." Zhang Tianhai said slowly while moving the dumbbell slowly.

"Okay, let's make it according to this! By the way, didn't you send an emergency call to the Minister's Department last night? Did you get a reply?" Guo Qiliang asked casually.

"I got a reply, but the Minister's Department did not give us any additional troops. Now Seishiro Itagaki is leading the Japanese troops to attack Tangtou Town, and the main force of Rensuke Isoya's [-]th Division has broken through the front of Teng County and is heading towards Xuzhou, so , the Chief’s Department is deploying troops to fight on these two fronts.” Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, as for the words that made him resign, he naturally ignored it automatically.

"That's natural, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself. Besides, if the direction of LY is also broken by the Japanese army, Lanling, where we are, will bear the brunt of the brunt. I will prepare for the preparations, and you can practice slowly. After finishing speaking, Guo Qiliang strode into the regiment headquarters.

The preparatory work was also very simple, and it was carried out according to the previous preparatory work, but this time Guo Qiliang specially held an urgent meeting with a shorter time, emphasizing the key points of time constraints and heavy tasks.

Ever since, the conscription preselection work started again.

The regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment still set up a conscription point in each of the four gates, and posted a poster, which roughly stated that the headquarters of the Zhiyi Regiment had won a big victory in LY, but the troops suffered heavy casualties and needed to be replenished. , In addition, the city defense forces also need to recruit a large number of personnel and so on.

For a while, it was very lively before the conscription point,
Just when the conscription work was in full swing, Zhang Tianhai, Zheng Man, and a guard squad came to Chen Dazhi's government office area.

As soon as he walked into the office area of ​​the Lanling County Government, Zhang Tianhai saw Chen Dazhi coming downstairs and waiting, looking very amiable.

After seeing Zhang Tianhai, Chen Dazhi immediately went up to meet him, and said with a smile: "Commander Zhang, Commander Zhang, you are amazing...a great hero! You led your troops to beat the little devils to death..."

"Dare not, dare not be." Zhang Tianhai cupped his fists at Chen Dazhi to show respect. After all, he is not a soldier, so there is no need to use a military salute instead.

"I didn't know that Commander Zhang's troops returned to Lanling that day. If I knew, I would definitely organize people to welcome Commander Zhang's army into the city!" Chen Dazhi said very sincerely, his wrinkled old face was full of smiles .

In fact, when it comes to this matter, Zhang Tianhai is actually a little timid. After all, he was afraid that Xu Zuyi and Chief Xu would know that he had concealed so much equipment and did not report it, so he ordered the troops to rush back to Lanling at night until the vanguard of the army arrived. He called Gu Shi'an when he was outside Lanling City.

But it is absolutely impossible for Zhang Tianhai to tell the real reason why he did not report, so he smiled and said: "Mr. Chen praised it. The reason why Zhang was able to win this battle by luck is entirely because Pang Bingxun, The troops of the two officers Zhang Zizhong were able to provide strong support, and it was because of Xu Zuyi's effective command that it was forged, and it was definitely not the work of Zhang."

"Commander Zhang is really a young hero. When I was at your age, I was still thinking about how to cheat a few dollars from my father. As for being able to become a county magistrate in my old age, I can't even think about it. Dare to think, it's like you, leading the troops to kill the Japanese invaders at this time. Haha." Chen Dazhi laughed.

Before Zhang Tianhai could speak, Chen Dazhi continued, "Let's go! Commander Zhang, come to the old man's office and have a cup of hot tea!"

"Then Zhang would be more respectful than obedient. Haha." Zhang Tianhai laughed along with him.

When Zhang Tianhai and Zheng Man followed Chen Dazhi and his secretary to the county magistrate's office, several cups of hot tea had already been brewed and were steaming. Maybe it was because Zheng Man was pregnant, and Chen Dazhi was Let people leave a cup of hot water.

"Sit down! Commander Zhang!" After entering, Chen Dazhi began to greet Zhang Tianhai and Zheng Man.

After drinking a few sips of hot tea, Chen Dazhi began to introduce the topic: "Commander Zhang has always been in the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but this time he came here at the critical moment of conscription. Dare I ask, is it conscription?" Do you need to send additional manpower to assist in the promotion? If so, please just say it’s okay.”

Zhang Tianhai smiled, and said, "Mr. Chen really has sharp eyes. It's true that you can't hide anything from your eyes. To be honest, this junior came here with two things that I want to trouble you with." Old Chen, you hit the mark on the first thing."

"All right! Commander Zhang, but it's okay, we are old acquaintances, so you're welcome." Chen Dazhi nodded and said.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be after eleven o'clock. I will be busy at least ten o'clock before I finish...

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(End of this chapter)

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