Chapter 435
"To be honest, our regiment suffered heavy losses in this battle. The casualties of the 3000 combat troops reached more than 700, and even almost reached 800 casualties. In addition, Lanling The city defense battalion will also be expanded from two battalions to three battalions. So there is a huge shortage of troops, if not for this reason, I would not bother Mr. Chen at this time." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

After hearing the latter news, Chen Dazhi's eyes that seemed to be drowsy suddenly became refreshed, and he said: "Oh? The city defense battalion has two battalions and is organized into three battalions? Can the equipment be compared with that of other battalions?" Got it? Because Commander Zhang didn’t expand the two city defense battalions into a security regiment for this reason.”

"Let's be honest! This time we won a big victory, and our regiment also seized a large amount of Japanese military equipment. Because of the meritorious service in the battle, Commander Xu put the captured military supplies into our department for safekeeping and our department is responsible for distribution. It can be done like this Come on, as long as there are people, there must be guns." Zhang Tianhai said confidently.

Looking at Zhang Tianhai's confident appearance, Chen Dazhi nodded slightly, and said in his hoarse voice: "That's fine! Our government staff will definitely try our best to cooperate with your army's headquarters in the promotion of conscription. Since noon, we will send people to the countryside to carry out propaganda. Due to the current complicated situation, it is inevitable that there will be enemy agents and secret agents mixed in, so I hope that Commander Zhang can send a little person to protect our government staff."

"Okay, of course there is no problem at all, but you have to work hard, Mr. Chen, and your government staff will go to the countryside to work. Zhang Yulin is here, and I am very grateful." Zhang Tianhai stood up and cupped his fists to show his gratitude.

"Commander Zhang, you are polite. You led the troops to defeat the enemy on the front line, so you saved LY. Everyone knows that LY and Lanling have a close relationship. If LY is lost, I, Lanling, must face the Japanese soldiers directly. Feng, so our Lanling County Government, helping your army is helping ourselves." Chen Dazhi said seriously, full of seriousness.

"In this case, you send a work team to each village, and our department will send a platoon to protect your work team. How?" Zhang Tianhai made a decision immediately.

"Okay, then it's decided. I don't know what is the other thing that Commander Zhang said?" Chen Dazhi asked.

"One more thing, it's my own personal matter. My fiancée may have to bother Mr. Chen for a while. You also know that the army's meals may be a little nutritious. But it may not be long before the main force of the Japanese army on Jinpu Road is heading south. Xuzhou, the big battle is about to break out, and our regiment doesn't know when it will be transferred to the front line. Regarding the city defense battalion, I will organize and train an army before leaving Lanling." Zhang Tianhai smiled helplessly.

Chen Dazhi said with a smile: "This is a small favor, the old man can still help. Commander Zhang has made great contributions to my Lanling County. Besides, we are also acquaintances, and we are familiar with the way, so there is no need to say those polite words."

"Okay, let's discuss how to promote the conscription!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

So under the discussion and resolution of the two leaders in the military and political circles of Lanling County, the work on the conscription propaganda officially started.

At noon that day, a work team composed of the Lanling County Government and Zhiyi Regiment guard officers and soldiers began to go to the countryside to work. Almost every township had a work team going to publicize.

Facts have proved that with the foundation of a great victory, conscription is more effective: On the same day, many young people from the county town signed up to join the army, and some young people who came here admiringly from nearby towns enlisted.

On the whole, the recruiting process went fairly smoothly.

After Zhang Tianhai reached a cooperation agreement with Chen Dazhi, he returned to the regiment headquarters for the next training arrangement.

"Xu Sangou, call Chief of Staff Guo and Deputy Commander Zhou over, and say you have something important to discuss." Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting on a chair in the office and writing and drawing on his desk, suddenly called out to Xu who was outside the door. Three dogs.

"Yes, group seat!" After Xu Sangou responded, he hurried to carry out the order.

Not long after, Guo Qiliang and Zhou Fangjie arrived, and another brief military meeting began.

In the next two or three days, there will be an endless stream of people who will join the army.

In a short period of time, more than [-] people came to join the army.

And Zhang Tianhai also started the work of reorganizing the city defense battalion into the Zhiyi regiment. After all, these two city defense battalions are also units that have undergone military training for a period of time, so they are better than recruits who don't understand anything?
In short, this time, Zhang Tianhai was a bit hungry, and it was better to have troops than no troops.

When asked again whether he regretted attacking Tangtou Town and making them the focus of the entire battle, Zhang Tianhai replied that he definitely did not regret it. After all, they went to the battlefield to resist the Japanese, not to fight for supremacy. and so on to preserve strength.

After this battle, generally speaking, the harvest is quite large. At least it can test the real combat effectiveness of the Zhiyi regiment to the greatest extent, and whether the battalion commanders under him can completely fight against a powerful enemy. Obey his command to be as flexible as an arm in combat.

Facts have proved that the Zhiyi Regiment brought out by him is really powerful, strong enough to face the frontal attack of a regiment of Japanese troops without losing the wind, and it is still carried out with the support of the enemy's tanks and multiple artillery battle.

And after this battle, the various departments of the Zhiyi Regiment paid more attention to training, especially the performance of the secret service company, which surprised him.

The establishment of the special agent company was just an experiment, and they were trained with the training intensity of the special forces of the modern army.The actual effect that can be presented is that except for the lack of firepower, other performances are perfect, especially melee combat.

In addition to arranging the troops in the past few days, Zhang Tianhai also organized cadres above the battalion and company level to hold meetings and study.

It is worth mentioning that that student class also learned a lot in the Zhiyi regiment, and was influenced by Zhang Tianhai and others, and gradually began to agree with the Zhiyi regiment's training methods and combat style.

Zhang Tianhai also believed that under his leadership, these students would eventually become qualified officers.


PS: The second update is here!

This update is indeed a bit short, there is no way, there is no time to catch up.Let's update the [-]-word chapter tomorrow!
Thanks to Qidian Shuyourenrou, Baiyingyingqiange, and Shuhuang Xiaomo for two monthly tickets each!
(End of this chapter)

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