Chapter 436

To Zhang Tianhai's surprise, the ammunition supplies and quilts sent by the Minister's Department arrived so quickly...

In less than four days, the cartloads of supplies from Xuzhou arrived in Lanling.

On this day, Zhang Tianhai personally led the troops to check and accept the ammunition supplies. This batch of military supplies, especially the bullets for the Soloton cannon, is particularly sufficient. Most of the rest are 7.92mm caliber bullets, and some grenades, heavy Machine gun bullets and mortar shells.

As for those field artillery shells, I don’t know if it’s because Commander Xu reported to Li Zongren, the commander of the theater, that there are still shells in the Zhiyi Regiment’s artillery battalion, so the logistics department of the theater did not send the 75mm field artillery shells to them. send over.

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, Zhiyi Regiment is currently short of everything, the only thing that is most indispensable is the shells of the Japanese-made [-]-type field artillery.

At the same time, there was also [-] oceans awarded to the Zhiyi Regiment by the Minister's Department.

This sum of money, except for the brothers who sacrificed will be given to their immediate family members according to the principle of five oceans per person, the others will be paid on the principle of two oceans, and the wounded will be given an extra one.

It wasn't Zhang Tianhai who deducted it, because in fact the pension was not under the jurisdiction of the army, but was reported to the war zone chief's department, which then reported to the central government, and the central government ordered the local government to issue the pension.

The five oceans were just the wishes of Zhang Tianhai and the Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters. After all, these soldiers were also brought out by them.

"Hurry up, put all these ammunition into the arsenal, and put them in categories! Be sure to put them in categories!" Since this batch of ammunition is relatively large, Zhu Shaohong, the director of the logistics department, can only take a look at the command in person, and more importantly What's more, even the head of the regiment came in person. Doesn't this explain the problem?

Any matter that the superior officer attaches special importance to must be an important matter that can be promoted to the whole regiment.

"Old Zhang, I'm afraid this wave of ammunition will be enough for us to fight a good battle?" Guo Qiliang said with a smile. The leaders of the regiment headquarters today are all in an unusually good mood.

In addition to the delivery of a large amount of ammunition, there is also the reason for the smooth recruitment. This time, the expansion of the Zhiyi Regiment, first of all, the number of soldiers has increased to a certain extent. The various arms of the regiment have been perfected.

Like other ordinary independent infantry regiments, there are usually only guard platoons, engineering platoons, communication platoons, and supply companies, not even cavalry companies, let alone cavalry battalions.

Now this regiment has not only a guard platoon, but also an engineer platoon, communication platoon, and supply company have been expanded to a higher level, not to mention the small artillery company and mortar company that were originally equipped with the German Mechanic Division Infantry Regiment. Now, with the addition of the cavalry battalion, the secret service company, and the gendarmerie company, how many of these combat troops are there?Even the main infantry battalion has one more than others...

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while, and said, "I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to fight a good battle. If we fight a good fight, it's okay. It's a pity that this little Japan doesn't give us time to practice well, otherwise this step of gun coordination will be difficult." In addition, even our first-level units are equipped with a large number of grenades, so the combat effectiveness must be enhanced. It's a pity..."

After speaking, Zhang Tianhai let out a long sigh, his expression full of melancholy.

"The current situation is so severe, and it is impossible for the little devil to wait for us to take a good breath. I dare say that with our current equipment, if we train for another year or two, we may be able to face the little devil head-on. Possessed?" Guo Qiliang also said confidently.

"Yes, our regiment has suffered a serious loss of veterans. Before we fought the battle of soup, our regiment was full of veterans. Now that there are so many new recruits, if the superior officer tells us to fight a wave of main attacks, I see, It may not be able to bear it." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly.

"No, I believe in your strength. Besides, isn't there still the third battalion that has not lost? If there is a war, let them go first." Guo Qiliang said.

"It seems that the heroes see the same thing." Zhang Tianhai smiled, "If it weren't for the question of which unit will take the lead, I really want to dismantle the third battalion and go out to make up for the vacancy of the first battalion or the second battalion."

"Now the main force of the city defense battalion has basically been transferred into the first and second battalions. I'm afraid Han Xingle will have some objections if you arrange it like this, Lao Zhang," Guo Qiliang said.

"Opinion? What's your opinion? In this soup battle, the Fourth Battalion suffered the least loss, and the main forces in this battle were the First Battalion and the Second Battalion. These two battalions suffered heavy losses. I'm afraid it will chill the hearts of Li Chunfei and Lu Shaojie." Zhang Tianhai said meaningfully.

As for the deployment in this aspect, Zhang Tianhai had already thought up his excuses, otherwise, if the whole group became small hills, the gains would outweigh the losses.

Anyway, if Han Xingle came to ask, he would directly say that the rollover of the deployment ratio this time was entirely due to the great achievements of the first battalion and the second battalion, and suffered heavy losses. If you refuse to accept it, next time, I will send your The fourth battalion was placed in the most dangerous position.

If Zhang Tianhai said that, Han Xingle would have nothing to say. It's not like he didn't know how bad the battle the First Battalion fought west of Tangtou Town was. Although he said that he was not afraid of death in battle, he didn't really want to do it...

"You, you are still very accurate. Like Han Xingle, you are really not a fool. You must let him go to death, he really won't go." Guo Qiliang laughed.

"Well, I'll wait for you to watch here in a while! I have to go and see the drill situation at the first battalion. I'm most worried about this battalion now." Zhang Tianhai frowned deeply.

"Go!" Guo Qiliang said with a smile. He also knew that Zhang Tianhai still wanted to reorganize the first battalion. This battalion must be the number one main force of the Zhiyi regiment.

"Yeah." Zhang Tianhai nodded and left.


Outside Lanling City, there is still a wide expanse.

Asakusa has slowly grown out from under the piece of yellow soil, a scene full of greenery and vitality.

The officers and soldiers of the Central Army in light yellow uniforms and leggings were training, while Li Chunfei, the first battalion commander with one arm hanging, was patrolling these officers and soldiers. If anyone was lazy, he would go up and kick his big feet.

"Everyone, work hard! Don't think that the training is for me to help the mother. On the battlefield, the more strength you have, the more chance you will survive. Don't think that the current firepower of our group is fierce, just You don’t need to fight in close combat! Let me tell you, your ideas are so beautiful! The Japanese army’s bayonet tactics are more powerful than you imagined! You must learn to fight together! You must train your own strong body to survive on the battlefield! "Li Chunfei was yelling.

Zhang Tianhai saw this scene as soon as he came here.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai knew it: Li Chunfei must have been frightened by the Japanese army's bayonet fighting skills combined with the pig's sudden tactics when he was in the west of Tangtou Town.

In fact, Li Chunfei couldn't be blamed, he was afraid of death or cowardly, or whatever, if he hadn't experienced that kind of tactical formation where pigs rushed forward regardless of all casualties, they wouldn't understand how terrible this tactic was.

After all, in this era, the Chinese army is not equipped with submachine guns, which is a melee killer. In addition, the shooting accuracy of Chinese soldiers at this time is far from the level of the Japanese army. Due to the lack of shooting training, most people After going to the battlefield, all the marksmanship is reckless and "great mercy" marksmanship.

Therefore, after the Japanese army launched a skirmish line attack, they were carrying out pig-rush tactics, and the Chinese army could not resist this charge at all.

Therefore, when the Japanese army attacked the western position of Tangtou Town, after paying 600 casualties, they attacked the national army's position. Most of the casualties of Li Chunfei's first battalion were caused in close combat. kind of shadow.

Yes, today's training in the first battalion is bayonet training.

"You, go over and call me the first battalion commander. Immediately!" Zhang Tianhai said, pointing to a soldier beside him.

"Yes, group seat!" The soldier who was called immediately stood at attention and saluted.


PS: The first update is here, this chapter is still short, there will be another update later!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Nightingale Qianfeng and the QQ reading book friend for the gentle embrace of two monthly tickets each!
Thanks to the starting point book friends Pirate☆Flag, Tianlong zbcd, Kji Xiaochuan, moper, Lingfeng Xiaolangjun, book friends 161212220837643, QQ reading book friends Martian family and other book friends for their monthly tickets
One of each!
(End of this chapter)

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