Chapter 437

After a while, Li Chunfei ran over, stood at attention and saluted, and asked, "You are looking for me?"

"Yes, I was looking for you." Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "I called you here this time not for any other reason, but to remind you that there are currently a large number of recruits in your battalion, and they should mainly practice marksmanship .After all, there are only a few hand-to-hand combats, and they can only be played at the end, so we should pay more attention to shooting accuracy."

"Yes, Tuan Zuo. But I don't think the skill of bayonet fighting is not important." Li Chunfei said a little dissatisfied.

"The skill of bayonet fighting is very important, but it is not suitable for the current situation. There is not enough time for us to practice hand-to-hand combat. If you insist on getting soldiers to practice hand-to-hand combat with you In terms of bayonet skills, you are extremely irresponsible for the lives of the soldiers." Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

Before Li Chunfei could speak, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "You and I both know that firepower is the most important thing to kill the enemy at this stage. As long as one more enemy is killed, the chance of hand-to-hand combat will be reduced. So you must first pay attention to Shooting accuracy is a matter, and then there is the skill of bayonet fighting."

"Yes, Tuan Zuo, I understand." Li Chunfei said in a deep voice.

"Okay, you continue to lead the troops! Within a week, I want to see the changes in your troops, and I want to see that screaming first battalion!" Zhang Tianhai said directly to Li Chunfei in an orderly tone.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Li Chunfei promised.


After leaving the training place of the first battalion, Zhang Tianhai led the guard squad straight to the training place of the second battalion.

Compared with Li Chunfei's training method, Lu Shaojie's training method is obviously more in line with Zhang Tianhai's wishes, because Lu Shaojie's first and most important thing is marksmanship training.

Unlike Li Chunfei, who was overshadowed by the Japanese army's pig assault tactics, when Lu Shaojie led his troops to attack Tangtou Town, he was assisted by artillery from the artillery battalion, machine guns from the small artillery company, and mortars from the mortar company. The sweetness of launching an attack below.

However, it was also this attack that made Lu Shaojie fully realize that as long as the firepower is strong enough, any enemy is a paper tiger.

The officers and soldiers of the second battalion were all aiming their guns at the virtual targets ahead. Of course, this refers to the infantry and the machine gunners of the light machine guns. As for the machine gun company, they had no casualties at all. Well, after all, the machine gun companies are assisting infantry units in the rear to attack.

Since there is no need for hand-to-hand combat, the casualties will naturally not be large.

After taking a look at the training progress of the Second Battalion, Zhang Tianhai went directly to the Fourth Battalion. After all, the Third Battalion did not participate in the battle and did not need to inspect it in person. Any of the three battalions pre-war.

After going to the Fourth Battalion, Zhang Tianhai began to feel a little surprised. The troops of the Fourth Battalion were directly divided into three parts for training: one part was training in the practice queue;

Han Xingle's training method really made Zhang Tianhai feel that there was some element of surprise in it.

"You, go, call me the Fourth Battalion Commander!" Zhang Tianhai still casually pointed to a little soldier beside him and said.

"Yes, group seats!" Xiaobing responded.

After a while, Han Xingle came over. Just like when Li Chunfei saw Zhang Tianhai, he first stood at attention and saluted, and then said: "Reporting regiment, Han Xingle, commander of the fourth battalion of the first regiment directly under the third theater, reports to you!"

"Very good, how did you come up with this training method? Use this method of dividing into three parts for training?" Zhang Tianhai asked with great interest.

Speaking of this, Han Xingle felt a little embarrassed, he scratched his head, and said: "To be honest, the humble job is also because there is no way to do it. Most of the recruits you assigned to our fourth battalion are poor in foundation. , and under-trained recruits. Soldiers with better training quality have been assigned to the first and second battalions, so I can only use this method of veterans training veterans and recruits training recruits to seize the time."

"Very good, your method is very good. It is really worthy of praise. As for assigning more recruits with low military quality to your battalion, although you don't say anything, I know you will definitely have some complaints in your heart, and I hope you I can understand my difficulties." Zhang Tianhai patted Han Xingle on the shoulder seriously and said.

"This humble officer naturally understands that whether it is the first battalion or the second battalion, the casualties in the battle in Tangtou Town are relatively large, and you like to use these two battalions to fight tough battles, so you will deploy more quality troops next time. It is understandable for better recruits to enter the camp." Han Xingle smiled, showing a look of indifference.

"In this case, in fact, it has something to do with my understanding of Li Chunfei and Lu Shaojie! The two of them accompanied me from the Battle of Songhu to the present. Naturally, I know how accomplished they are. And you and Deputy Commander Zhou only started to know me in the breakout battle after the Nanjing Defense War, and fought side by side with me, even if it is to understand, I still need a process." Zhang Tianhai said straight to the point, completely open Cover up meaning.

"Indeed, what you said, Tuanzai, is also reasonable. However, what I want more is, Tuanzai, you can give our battalion a chance to perform. Our fourth battalion is no worse than their first or second battalion, even if it is the next battle In combat, as long as I pull my fourth battalion up, even if it is the main attack position, I will definitely be able to lead my troops to break through the enemy's defense line first!" Han Xingle said confidently.

"Okay, since you are so confident, you have to hold back your strength, and wait for the next battle, don't worry! The next battle is not far away. If I guess correctly, at the end of this month or It's the beginning of next month. You have to be prepared, I'm going to see a vigorous Fourth Battalion!" Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice, full of affirmation and trust.

"Yes! Please rest assured, my battalion will definitely be able to train a good appearance within a week. Not to mention that it must be better than the third battalion with many veterans, it must also be better than the first and second battalions!" Han Xingle Guaranteed swearingly.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news! Waiting for the next attack, I hope that the fourth battalion can be placed in a main attack position, able to shoulder the task of attack, drive out the Japanese invaders, and fight for the independence of the nation!" Zhang Tianhai said.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Xingle stood at attention and saluted.

After leaving the Fourth Battalion, Zhang Tianhai began to head towards the field training place where the spy company was located.

After walking through three battalions, Zhang Tianhai felt most clearly that the training results of these three battalions were completely different due to the surprise of the battalion commander's personality.

As for which of their training methods is more effective, Zhang Tianhai can only wait for the results.

After all, what is the saying?Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

After walking to the training ground of the secret service company, Zhang Tianhai discovered that Liu Houming's method of training recruits was completely different from that of the battalion commanders.

Liu Houming adopted a one-on-one training method for veterans and recruits.

Generally speaking, one leads the other, a bit like the feeling of a master leading an apprentice in those martial arts sects.

The entire Zhiyi Regiment is surrounded by training and recruiting recruits, and it feels like it is in full swing and busy.

Zhang Tianhai also believes that as long as they are given enough time, they will definitely train the real elite.

But will these murderous Japanese devils really give them so much time?
This is a big question mark, and the ending of the question mark must be negative.


PS: The second update is here.

Let’s take it as my day off today, so the number of updated chapters is indeed less.

Thanks to Qidian book friend wuqingniao, and a monthly ticket for sleeping on the sofa!
(End of this chapter)

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