War of Resistance

Chapter 438 2 choices

Chapter 438 Two Choices
That night, Zhang Tianhai was thinking about something, and then couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, for fear that he missed something.

It just so happened that Zheng Man wasn't here tonight, so Zhang Tianhai didn't sleep at all, got up and put on his clothes and went to patrol the camp.

Still wearing the standard military uniform and woolen coat, Zhang Tianhai strode out of the room.

Seeing that the regiment had started to patrol the camp at night, the guards quickly cheered up and stood at attention, for fear that they might be that unlucky ghost.

Looking at the guards standing upright in front of them, Zhang Tianhai suddenly wanted to see what Xu Sangou was doing.

So, Zhang Tianhai strode towards the barracks of the guard platoon.

When they walked to the barracks of the guard platoon, they saw that the barracks were pitch black. Logically speaking, they should be asleep at this time.

But don't forget why Zhang Tianhai came here at this moment, so he went in and turned on the light.

The moment the light was turned on, everyone woke up except Xu Sangou, the leader of the guard platoon.

"Where's your platoon leader?!" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice, his face sinking like water.

There was silence all around, no one dared to make a sound.

"Everyone is here, gather immediately!" Zhang Tianhai shouted.

With Zhang Tianhai's order, all the guards except the officers and soldiers on duty immediately threw off the quilt and assembled.

The officers and soldiers of the guard platoon lined up in several rows in the dormitory, and the audience was full of needles.

"Where's the deputy platoon leader?" Zhang Tianhai also knew by looking at them, if he didn't do this, he wouldn't be able to ask.

"Reporting group seat, humble position here!" Chen Guosheng, the deputy platoon leader of the security platoon, stood up and reported.

"Where did Xu Sangou go?!" Zhang Tianhai said sullenly.

"Report...report to the group seat, Xu...platoon leader Xu has gone to play!" Chen Guosheng promised.

"Going to play?" Zhang Tianhai frowned slightly, and then said: "Put on your clothes! Lead the way!"

I saw Chen Guosheng said with a look of embarrassment: "Well, group seat, in fact, I don't know where the platoon leader Xu has gone."

"Oh? You really don't know? If you don't know, I'll send military police to search Xu Sangou all over the city! If you know, I'll be the first one to ask you!" Zhang Tianhai said murderously.

After hearing this reply, Chen Guosheng immediately made a very wise choice. He stood up at attention and saluted, "Reporting that the humble officer remembers where Company Commander Xu is going."

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Deputy Platoon Leader Chen, come out."

Zhang Tianhai finally thought of Xu Sangou's old relationship with him through life and death, and saved him some face.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianhai walked straight out of the barracks, followed by Chen Guosheng.

"Where did Platoon Leader Xu go?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

"Tuan Zuo, to be honest, Platoon Leader Xu has gone to Bixiangyuan." Chen Guosheng lowered his head and said submissively.

Zhang Tianhai naturally knows where Bixiangyuan is. It is somewhat similar to BJ's Bada Hutong, which is also a brothel.

This is what made Zhang Tianhai angry. Last time he had warned Xu Sangou by the Yishui River, the boy still went there. What did he want to do?
"Put on your clothes and lead the team, just bring your guards! I'll wait for you outside for 2 minutes!" Zhang Tianhai's face was already as dark as a piece of black iron.

"Yes! Group seats!" Chen Guosheng's heart trembled, he quickly responded, and then got dressed together with the soldiers in the guard platoon.

After Zhang Tianhai walked out, Chen Guosheng muttered to himself: "Platoon leader, please ask yourself, I know I helped you get here..."

"Listen up, brothers. Let's not tell other troops what happened tonight. This is a disgrace to our guard platoon." While changing clothes, Chen Guosheng said softly to the soldiers around him.

"Understood, deputy platoon leader."

"got it."

Inside the dormitory, the soldiers of the guard platoon responded one after another, and everyone can see that the group seat is going to be serious this time.

After a while, the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon stood neatly in front of the barracks, waiting for Zhang Tianhai's review.

"Chen Guosheng! Lead the team and set off!" Zhang Tianhai shouted loudly.

So, 46 ​​officers and soldiers of the guard platoon except those on duty set off. Their task tonight was to arrest the platoon leader Xu Sangou!

The front of Bixiangyuan was full of feasting lights, and there were many high-ranking officials and nobles coming and going. Of course, these were only "high-ranking officials and nobles" in Lanling City. These people were naturally nothing to Zhang Tianhai.

"This distinguished guest, please come inside, please come inside!" The beautifully dressed mother Sang shouted charmingly at the door, as if she was seducing the souls of passers-by.

Obviously her purpose is also very simple, that is, she wants to attract more customers to consume. After all, it is not the poor who can come here to consume.

The electric light illuminates the bluestone floor in front of the door, which seems to be a happy time.

At this moment, a military off-road vehicle drove up to the door, accompanied by a sudden brake.

Zhang Tianhai, who was covered in military uniform and a woolen overcoat, stepped down from the passenger seat, looking very majestic.

That mother-san is not a person without eyesight. Seeing that the officer seemed to have a lot of background, she walked towards the officer with a smile on her face and said, "Sir, you are here to play, right? Hurry up and invite him inside." ,Please come in."

Zhang Tianhai ignored her words, but asked coldly, "Is Platoon Commander Xu here?"

Hearing that the officer in front of her didn't seem to have such a kind tone, my mother's eyes turned sharply: In this case, it's not true if you sell Xu Sangou, and it's not true if you don't sell it, but if you don't sell it, you may be in big trouble.

So, Mama Sang made a decision in an instant. She laughed and said, "Sir, are you looking for Platoon Leader Xu from the first regiment? He's inside."

"Well, lead the way!" Zhang Tianhai nodded.

At this moment, the officers and soldiers of the guard platoon, led by the deputy platoon leader Chen Guosheng, also came to Bixiangyuan.

"Reporting to the group seat, all the guards except the second shift on duty are already here. Please give instructions!" Chen Guosheng stood at attention and saluted, his voice was not too loud, just enough that these people could hear them.

"Very good, surround this place. If you see Platoon Leader Xu, let me take it first." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo!" Chen Guosheng stood at attention and responded, and then hurried to carry out Zhang Tianhai's order.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Mama Sang, who was next to her, felt a "thud" in her heart, thinking, this is the end of the platoon leader, and this group seat, isn't this the honorific title of the head of the national army?He also brought soldiers.

Ever since, Mama Sang immediately made a very wise decision: stay out of the matter, don't care about it, and hang it high, otherwise it may bring trouble to Bixiangyuan.

The decorations in Bixiangyuan are antique decorations. It looks similar to the scenes of those costume dramas. They are basically wooden buildings, but the Bixiangyuan uses electric lights. Obviously, there is still some relationship. background.

"Commander Zhang please, please, Platoon Leader Xu is upstairs." Mother Sang's eyes rolled sharply, and she said very respectfully.

"Which house, tell me in a low voice." Zhang Tianhai whispered.

"It's right there." Mama Sang pointed to a room in a corner next to her.

"Go down, the next thing has nothing to do with you." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, sir." Mother Sang replied, and then disappeared in a hurry, obviously afraid of causing trouble.

Walking to the door of the room pointed by mother Sang, Zhang Tianhai was so angry that he kicked on the door panel fiercely, the lock pin broke with a sound, and the door was already open.

Zhang Tianhai walked in without hesitation.

The environment here is quite good, the scene layout is very warm, mainly in yellow and red tones, and the surrounding area is slightly dim, only the flame burning on the red candle is beating frame by frame with.

Zhang Tianhai directly cast his eyes on the two people on the big bed. The faces of the two people were full of panic, very much like the situation of anti-pornography in later PCs.

Zhang Tianhai didn't walk away, he had already seen clearly that one of the two people on the bed was Xu Sangou, so he sat down on the chair in the room, and then lit a cigarette casually.

Xu Sangou looked at the head of the group in horror. It was the first time he encountered such a situation since he was a child. If he said don't panic, it was all fake and deceitful.

Amidst the smog, Zhang Tianhai's face sank like water, and he said directly: "I give you two choices. The first one is to marry this girl and give her a title; the second one is to get dressed immediately, Go back to the regiment headquarters to accept the punishment. I will wait for you outside for 3 minutes, if you don’t understand, don’t wear this military uniform.”

"Yes... yes, Tuan... Tuan Zuo..." Xu Sangou said in a panic, but at the same time he was a little apprehensive.

After Zhang Tianhai glanced at Xu Sangou, he walked out and closed the door by the way.

Xu Sangou glanced at the charming Chunlan beside him, gritted his teeth, and then hurriedly got up and put on his clothes.

Not long after, Xu Sangou dressed neatly and appeared next to Zhang Tianhai, but his expression was a little panicked: "Report to the group, I have thought clearly..."


The next morning, Zhang Tianhai received the frontline battle report about yesterday, that is, the frontline battle report for March [-]th.

On March [-], our army conquered Shahe and Zhangbaling Stations on the southern section of the Jinpu Line.


PS: The first update is here!

If you want to ask me why I stopped updating yesterday, the reason is actually very simple. By the end of the update the day before yesterday, I had already updated 18 words, so I wanted to take a day off so that I could write this book in a better state.

Thanks to QQ for reading book friends Martian family and two monthly tickets for light blue cesium de love!
Thanks to Qidian book friend 20190820103319831, the trouble of fever, and book friend 20181124073439724 for a monthly pass each!
(End of this chapter)

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