War of Resistance

Chapter 439 Cadre Training?

Chapter 439 Cadre Training?

Sitting behind his desk, listening to the front-line battle broadcast, Zhang Tianhai, who was also holding a cup of warm tea, frowned slightly. After thinking about it, he still announced the temporary suspension of the security platoon leader Xu Sangou.

After all, this was Xu Sangou's own decision.

The camera returns to last night, the location, Bixiangyuan.

"Are you really going to decide to accept the suspension?" Zhang Tianhai asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, Tuan Zuo. I did something wrong, and I did it again and again. I should be punished." Xu Sangou looked a little sluggish, and he didn't know if Zhang Tianhai I was frightened at that moment.

"Do you know, what will you do in the future if you contract some kind of disease?" Zhang Tianhai lowered his voice, cursing with hatred.

"But, Tuan Zuo, I can't see the hope of tomorrow..." This was the first time Xu Sangou dared to look up at Zhang Tianhai.

"Oh? Aren't you the platoon leader of the security platoon now? You are also a cadre, right? As the platoon leader of the security platoon, you don't have to go to the front line, unless I want to launch a charge. What's wrong with that? ?!" In Zhang Tianhai's words, the meaning of anger and indisputability became stronger and stronger.

"Leader, I know you are disappointed in me. But I know how much I have. I am a person with no ability. I have not read many books and have no education. I am an authentic rural child. During this time , I have been thinking about how to manage the army, how to manage the army, but I still don't have much confidence..." Xu Sangou murmured.

"All right. If that's the case, report to the gendarmerie tomorrow and tell me that I sent you here." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Captain." Xu Sangou said with his head down.


Sipping tea, Zhang Tianhai never loosened his brows. He knew that Xu Sangou was by no means the only one in the army. I believe that many people would have such confusion as the rank of platoon leader.

Most of these platoon leaders were promoted from the position of squad leader. From a squad leader who only took care of ten or so people, he suddenly became a platoon leader who took care of No. 50 people. Naturally, it would be a little uncomfortable. .

Squad leaders and platoon leaders are the most basic guarantee of the combat power of the army. If a soldier is in charge of one, he will be in charge of the whole group. They don't even have the guarantee of the most basic combat power, let alone the middle ranks. difficult.

Thus, Zhang Tianhai had an idea in his mind.

It's time to organize the tactics class again, but what needs to be done is not only tactics, but also ideological education.

Because an army without thoughts and beliefs has no soul, not even a soul, let alone words like winning a battle.

"Xu Xun, go and call Chief of Staff Guo over here." Zhang Tianhai ordered directly.

"Yes, sir." Xu Xun replied, since Xu Sangou went to the gendarmerie company in the morning and was locked up, he was called by the head of the regiment to serve as a guard.

Xu Xun didn't dare to have any opinion on being used by the head of the regiment as a bodyguard, and he didn't know where the fault of the head of the regiment came from, so he insisted on using him as a combat staff officer as a bodyguard. of.This is not in line with the norm at all...

After a while, Guo Qiliang, who had just arrived in the office to prepare for work, was called to the head's office.

"Old Zhang, are you looking for me?" Guo Qiliang asked directly after entering Zhang Tianhai's office.

"Yes, I'm the one looking for you. Sit down! First, have a sip of tea to warm your stomach, and then we'll chat while drinking." Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"Well. Okay, it's rare that you, Zhang, are interested. Then let's talk slowly." Guo Qiliang sat directly opposite Zhang Tianhai, and he was not polite.

The hot air of the tea curled up from the cup, and a few pieces of green tea leaves sank to the bottom, slowly releasing its fragrance.

"Well, something happened last night, you know?" Zhang Tianhai asked while holding a teacup in his hand and looking at Guo Qiliang.

Guo Qiliang smiled, showing a still calm smile, and said: "To be honest, I don't know. But I heard that you went to patrol the camp yesterday and gathered the guards to go out. After about half an hour, you Just came back. This morning, Xu Sangou, the leader of the security platoon, went to the gendarmerie to ask for confinement, or you, the head of the regiment, asked for it. Tell me, what's the matter?"

"This Xu Sangou, I went to Bixiangyuan to stay overnight last night, and I led the guards to arrest him." Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Staying in a brothel? And you, Zhang Yulin, personally brought the soldiers there. It seems like you've been slapped in the face." Guo Qiliang said with great interest, Xu Sangou is a soldier brought out by the regiment leader himself, who wouldn't Know?

"Yes, it's a bit of a slap in the face. But I think Xu Sangou's stay overnight reflects a problem." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai picked up his teacup and took a sip.

"What's the problem? This kid doesn't observe military discipline, and if he is punished for confinement, then it's over. Everyone is a man, and Xu Sangou doesn't steal or rob, at most, he steals away. It’s not a big deal.” Apparently, Guo Qiliang sees this problem as normal, after all, it’s a time of war, there’s no tomorrow, and if you’re under a lot of psychological pressure, it’s okay to relax.

"Old Guo, your ideological awareness is a bit low. It's normal to say this sentence from someone else's mouth, but if you say it from the mouth of your chief of staff, Guo, it will be in the army." Zhang Tianhai smiled wryly.

Before Guo Qiliang answered, Zhang Tianhai went on to say: "I also heard him talk last night, and he said why he came out to play. Convince the public. And from his words, I can tell that he has no beliefs. So naturally, he can't last long."

Speaking of this, Guo Qiliang simply put down his teacup and said: "Old Zhang, I can understand your question, but now the battlefields are fighting so fiercely everywhere, and our troops are elite. , it must be fought in the most important place, which means that our casualties will increase, the veterans will fight fewer and fewer, and the proportion of recruits will increase. After we have fought a battle, we must immediately return to the new stage. This veteran cadre training program, I think there is a certain degree of difficulty."

"Shouldn't we stop doing it if it's difficult? It's because of the difficulty that we have to go to the end. Now our situation is pretty good. At least we still have old foundations, like the [-]st, [-]nd and [-]nd Divisions of the Sichuan Army. The entire division has been wiped out. Only some wounded soldiers from the early stage survived, so don't we need to fight these battles?" Zhang Tianhai said with a wry smile.

"Okay, since that's the case, you must have a plan. You can just say it straight, you don't need to beat around the bush. If you have any orders, I will do it directly." Guo Qiliang knew Zhang Tianhai, and he didn't have the slightest grasp of things. It will never be said, and it has been said to this extent.

"Old Guo also knows me." A smile finally appeared on Zhang Tianhai's face, "That's right, I have an idea to set up a cadre training class. This cadre training class is not only about how to lead troops to fight, but also how to develop tactics. There is also the need to eliminate illiteracy. The problem of illiteracy is quite prominent, and culture must be learned.”

"Okay, that's no problem. I'll just call in some staff officers at that time. It's the problem of literacy. Even if I draw most of the staff out, it's still a drop in the bucket. I think we have to solve the problem fundamentally. We We should also recruit some educated soldiers, preferably students with aspirations. This is always better than sending people to serve as teachers, not to mention that we don't have so much energy to fight illiteracy now. The Great War From now on, no one knows that they will survive to the end." Guo Qiliang said seriously.

"Forget it for now, set up this shelf for me first. I am going to transfer a group of veterans from the secret service company to serve as squad leaders in the grassroots company. I must train their aura for me. Then I will transfer the company commander, platoon What do you think about the commander training for officers and cadres?" Zhang Tianhai finally asked.

"Well, that's fine too. This is a two-pronged approach, probably the best." Guo Qiliang nodded and agreed with Zhang Tianhai's idea.

"Then implement it according to this plan! Let's use the first battalion, which has the most casualties, as the pilot base. After all, the veterans in the secret service company are limited, and it is impossible to transfer all of them. You can come up with a plan based on this general idea!" Zhang Tianhai tapped the table with his index finger, and finally made a decision.

"It seems that you are going to be serious! Even the secret agents are willing to recruit veterans. It seems that this first battalion will find it difficult to quickly improve its combat effectiveness. If you really follow the training plan of the secret service company. "Guo Qiliang laughed.

"I hope so! I also hope that Li Chunfei won't let me down." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Just when Guo Qiliang was about to leave, Zhang Tianhai stopped him: "By the way, Lao Guo, there is one more thing I forgot to explain. This time the training program for officers and cadres must be carried out jointly with the Political Training Section, but this The main thing is that you are responsible for the main body. I will go to the political training department to find He Jiye in a while, and explain this matter to him."

"Okay, of course there is no problem with this. Then the squad leaders of the first battalion will be demoted to deputy squad leaders first. In case you want to transfer back these veterans of the secret service company, you can promote these deputy squad leaders to full squad leaders again." It is." Guo Qiliang said.

Zhang Tianhai nodded and said, "Of course there is no problem, you just need to make a decision. I believe in your ability."

Zhang Tianhai naturally understands the principle of not being suspicious about employing people, and not being suspicious about people. What's more, Guo Qiliang is also very capable, isn't he?


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(End of this chapter)

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