Chapter 440 Beacon Rising to the Sky
Just leave, after ordering Guo Qiliang to formulate a cadre training plan, Zhang Tianhai immediately went to the political training department.

The Political Training Section and the Gendarmerie are in the same position, after all, the Gendarmerie Company is under the jurisdiction of the Political Training Section.

Due to the limited space inside the compound of the City Defense Command, in addition to the regiment headquarters, staff office, and communication office, and the logistics department are located here, other functional departments are set up on the city tower, while the political training department is set up in the city. North Tower.

On the basis of using the military police, Zhang Tianhai added one of the regulations of later generations, that is, if a soldier of a battalion is arrested by the military police, the battalion commander of that battalion must personally pick him up.

Only in this way can the military commander of the army pay attention to military laws and regulations to the greatest extent, and then achieve the effect of unanimous attention of the whole regiment.

"Hello, Captain!"

"Hello, Captain!"

All the way along the way, there were voices of greetings and salutes, and Zhang Tianhai nodded to each of them.

Regarding He Jiye, Zhang Tianhai was quite polite. After all, he was He Yingqin's cousin, so he must be taken seriously based on this relationship.

Seeing that it was Zhang Tianhai who came, He Jiye immediately stood up, gave a military salute, and said, "Tuan seat, welcome to come!"

Obviously, He Jiye didn't respect Zhang Tianhai as much as the others. After all, when Zhang Tianhai was the lieutenant and deputy company commander, he was the captain's staff officer. In addition, he was the nephew of Minister He, and he had seen many high-ranking officials. Naturally, it is not so restrictive.

"Chief He, you have worked hard during this time. After the military police company went to the battlefield a few days ago, its strength has been reduced by more than half. Now there are too many recruits, so there is nothing you can do about it." Zhang Tianhai just sat down On the sofa in He Jiye's office.

"Tuan Zuo, drink water." Sitting opposite Zhang Tianhai, He Jiye poured the former a glass of water.

"He Section Chief, to be honest, I came here this time to discuss something with you." Zhang Tianhai said directly.

"You are an officer. If you have anything to do, just tell the humble officer directly. You are welcome." He Jiye said with a smile, his words were calm and calm.

"Okay, that's how it is. I'm here this time to ask you to jointly hold a training course for officers and cadres with the regiment staff department. The regiment staff department will take the lead, and you will be the assistant. It may be necessary to transfer a few political officers to your place. The situation is up to you to arrange, so be it!" Zhang Tianhai said.

"Okay, there's no problem with that. It's just that those low-ranking political workers only know how to study the Three Principles of the People and the rules and regulations. If it's about the military, I'm afraid it's not very qualified. I'm afraid you know better than me about this. "He Jiye said sincerely.

"It's not a big problem. What we want is this kind of talent. Now the grassroots cadres of our regiment! Most of them are directly promoted from the top soldiers. They only know how to serve as soldiers and get paid, and then fight, but they don't have any beliefs. Yes. Such an army can't fight tough battles, and it can't fight fierce battles. Therefore, you must send the backbone of the political training department to assist in this cadre training." Zhang Tianhai said sincerely.

"I must do my best to assist the group to do a good job in this cadre training and improve the quality of our group's cadres!" He Jiye stood up and promised.


After returning from the political training department, Zhang Tianhai gathered the veterans of the secret service company, and sent 37 of them to the first battalion to temporarily serve as squad leaders. The training standards were basically the same as those of the secret service company.

This is an order personally issued by Zhang Tianhai. He wants the first battalion to recover its combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time.

As for accidents that may occur during training, then individual training should be suspended.

Anyway, it was necessary to restore the combat effectiveness of the first battalion as quickly as possible, so Zhang Tianhai did not hesitate to use the power of the secret service company.

In addition, he made another decision on the basis of the original plan, and transferred the squad leaders of the first battalion to the spy company for training, forming an alternate training method.

In short, Zhang Tianhai has exhausted all means to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops in an all-round way, and no one knows when the Zhiyi regiment will join the Taierzhuang battle.

In Zhang Tianhai's impression, in order to achieve the goal of complete annihilation of the Japanese Army's Isoya Division, the absolute main force of the Fifth War Zone except Pang Bingxun's No. 40 Army was used to encircle and beat the Japanese army. The troops are responsible for assisting the troops in the fifth theater. It can be said that the main forces of the two theaters are concentrated to attack the Japanese army.

If there were no accidents, Zhang Tianhai's first regiment directly under the third theater was either transferred to fight the Japanese reinforcements, or was transferred to attack the Jigu Division's assault troops in the outlying positions of Taierzhuang.

It is precisely because of this sense of crisis that Zhang Tianhai must try his best to maintain the combat effectiveness of the regiment at all costs, and then fight, at least not when the battle of Taierzhuang begins, and his troops must not be defeated.

Not to be defeated, this is the lowest standard in Zhang Tianhai's mind.

If there hadn't been this battle in Tangtou Town, perhaps Zhang Tianhai would still be full of confidence, but now his troops have been beaten in Tangtou Town and more than half of them were killed or injured, so he really has no idea.

In the next few days, Zhang Tianhai will focus on improving the combat effectiveness of the troops, and the battle situation has become increasingly clear, and a big battle is inevitable.

On the afternoon of March 21, the remnant enemy of Hanzhuang launched a bombardment of our army's position south of Liguoyi. Our army divided into three groups to outflank the enemy's army in Hanzhuang. Let's go, our army has acquired [-] tanks. Once the news came out, it was very exciting.

On March 22, two regiments of Wang Liewu and Wang Yubin under Sun Lianzhong's Second Army entered Taierzhuang.

The main force of the Seya Brigade (Seiya Detachment) of the [-]th Division of the enemy army invaded Taierzhuang along the Taizao branch line, and went south from Yi County. About [-] enemy troops encountered our army headquarters in Beiluo. All of a sudden, a great battle broke out, and the battle was very fierce.

On March 24, the enemy counterattacked LY. Under the leadership of Seishiro Itagaki, the commander of the Fifth Division, they attacked in three ways. They first attacked Tangtou Town. Li Zhenqing, the supplementary regiment of the No. 40th Army, led a counterattack. .

On the same day, Li Zongren, commander of the fifth war zone, accompanied Chiang Kai-shek to the front line to inspect the battle situation.

Also on the same day, after occupying Lincheng, Zaozhuang, and Yi County, the enemy continued to invade Taierzhuang, as shown in Xuzhou.

Also on the same day, the enemy of Zaozhuang, about a thousand people, fought fiercely with our army Tang Enbo's troops in the east of Zaozhuang for a whole day.

That night, Tang Enbo's army launched a general offensive, and launched fierce attacks on Lincheng, Zaozhuang, and Yixian respectively. The fighting was so fierce that it lasted until the 26th, and it lasted for three full days and nights!

The news that Tang Enbo's troops launched a fierce attack in Lincheng, Yi County, and Zaozhuang naturally reached the ears of Zhang Tianhai and others.

On the morning of the 26th, Zhang Tianhai immediately announced the convening of a military meeting of the commanders of the troops directly under the regiment, the heads of the agencies, and the commanders of the battalions!


PS: This is an update for the first hall master in this book who loves you for 1 years. The first and second updates will be updated later tonight, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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