Chapter 441
Today, the sky is a bit gray and gloomy, giving people a very depressing feeling.

It was under such circumstances that Zhang Tianhai held a military briefing meeting.

Zhang Tianhai, who was sitting on the main seat, was sinking like water and said nothing, as if he was in a bad mood.

Indeed, Zhang Tianhai, as the chief military officer of the Zhiyi Regiment, has been under a lot of pressure these days, so he is indeed in an extremely bad mood.

In the past few days, Zhang Tianhai has strictly enforced military discipline and training in the whole regiment.

Ever since Xu Sangou's incident happened, Zhang Tianhai had to patrol the camp every night, and ordered the military police to strictly investigate the officers or soldiers who left the army without permission.

The three city defense battalions under the direct control of the city defense command were also implicated by this. The military police in the city don't care which unit you are in, as long as you violate military discipline, you will be arrested.

Any other background is not worth mentioning in front of He Jiye, who was born in Huangpu and is the nephew of Minister He.

In short, those who violate military discipline will be arrested!

In a situation where everyone inside and outside the Zhiyi Regiment was very tense, news of the urgent battle ahead came. It was impossible for Zhang Tianhai to say that he was not anxious.

But he, Zhang Tianhai, is the head of the regiment, and he must not panic if others can panic. If he panics, the whole group will be in chaos.

"A battle report was uploaded this morning. The No.20 Corps of our army is still fighting fiercely with the Japanese. Tang Enbo's Corps has been fighting fiercely for three days and nights. I don't know how long they can last. Now the Japanese forward troops have reached Taierzhuang. The barrier of the headquarters of the Fifth War Zone has been caught in the flames of war. Everyone, the situation is already in dire straits. You must see clearly that our regiment may be transferred to the front line at any time. You may strictly order the military police against me these days. I am dissatisfied with the strengthening of patrols and the strict training of the troops." Zhang Tianhai said in a deep voice.

Without waiting for anyone else to speak, Zhang Tianhai continued: "I think everyone knows that if our regiment goes up in this state, how many people will die?! They are all born and raised by parents! They are living lives! Sweat more in peacetime, bleed less in wartime! Now I want to see your status. Except for the third battalion of Battalion Commander Wang Ziqing, the other battalions and companies have more or less lost. The identity of the head of the first regiment directly under orders you to train a team of brave and hard-working troops in the shortest possible time. Do you have confidence?!"

"Yes, group seat, guarantee to complete the task!!!" Everyone stood up and responded in unison. The scene was very shocking, at least it seemed that their morale was full.

Zhang Tianhai stood up slowly, and said in a deep voice: "I hope that after passing this swearing-in meeting, I can see a new and different straight group!"

"Yes!!" Everyone responded in unison.

"Disband!" Zhang Tianhai gave the final order.

In fact, this meeting, that is, a swearing-in meeting, and the usual work meetings have all been arranged, and the only thing they are doing is training against the clock to prepare for the battle.

After the meeting was disbanded, Zhang Tianhai plunged headlong into the training again. In short, it was the same sentence. He was implementing the truth of later generations, "good style" and "able to win battles". As for the other sentence, it was timing. wrong.

On March 26, our army launched a general offensive since the night of the 24th. The war has lasted for three days and nights. The enemy surrounded and killed them.

Under the onslaught of Tang Enbo's army, the stubborn Japanese army in Zaozhuang retreated to Zhongxing Company Middle School to resist stubbornly, and the enemy in Lincheng County reinforced more than a thousand people.

On the same day, 34 Japanese aircraft attacked Xuzhou, dropping a total of [-] bombs on the railway station and the eastern suburbs.

On March 27, a part of Tang Enbo's army captured Zaozhuang, wiped out about [-] people from a part of the [-]th Division of Rensuke Isoya's main force, and captured more than [-] enemy soldiers.

On the same day, another part of Tang Enbo's army captured Lincheng at [-]:[-] noon and was drawing troops to besiege Yi County.

It was also on the same day that a unit of the Japanese mechanized troops broke through our defense line north of Taierzhuang. There were more than 400 enemies who broke in from the north of Taierzhuang. City No.30 Division 30 melee.

The ferocious Japanese army attacked the North Gate with its fierce artillery fire, and fought with the defenders in the streets. The battle was very fierce for a time. Chi Fengcheng, the commander of the 30st Division of the No.


It was also on this day that Zhang Tianhai, who had been busy inside and out for a week, could finally take a day off from his busy schedule.

After all, Zhang Tianhai is not an iron man, he will be tired, he will be in pain, and he will need to rest.

Thinking about it carefully, he hadn't seen Zheng Man for five whole days, he had to go and see Zheng Man, his beloved and the unborn child.

Ever since he knew that Zheng Man was pregnant with his child, Zhang Tianhai vowed to protect their mother and child, even if he tried his best.

Thinking about it now, Zhang Tianhai also felt that he was particularly ashamed: it seemed that he was too busy working, and some ignored Zheng Man.

Zhang Tianhai thinks he is a good man, and a very responsible and good man.

However, when the war came, he was not able to do what he imagined, he could take care of both his family and soldiers.After all, Zhang Yulin was the one who led these troops. These people gave their lives to him. He has to be responsible for these people. But at the same time, he is a fiancé and the father of an unborn child.

To be honest, he also wanted to give Zheng Man a grand wedding and give her a good promise to her in public. It's not that Zhang Tianhai doesn't understand romance, but because of the current situation, he is very helpless.

With this in mind, Zhang Tianhai took Chen Guosheng, the acting platoon leader of the guard platoon, to Chen Dazhi's Chen Mansion.

As for Xu Sangou, he is still being held in the confinement room of the gendarmerie. Anyway, he is serving him with delicious food and drink every day. Zhang Tianhai is not afraid that he will go crazy. After thinking about what he should do, Zhang Tian still wouldn't agree to He Jiye's release of him.

Doing the math, Xu Sangou has also been imprisoned for a whole week. If he was an ordinary person, he would have gone crazy long ago.

Both Xu Sangou and Zhang Tianhai were waiting for the other party to think clearly.

"Tuk! Tuk! Tuk!"

Zhang Tianhai personally stepped forward and knocked on the door, behind him was Chen Guosheng holding two native chickens, which was the legendary "smile at the beginning" gift.


PS: The first one will be delivered, the second one will be later!

Now I am still busy working overtime, and the four-city joint creation in the city has exhausted our ordinary staff.

Thank you for your monthly votes, I will thank you one by one in the next chapter!hey-hey.

(End of this chapter)

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