War of Resistance

Chapter 442 Promise

Chapter 442 Promise
Soon, the door opened, and a small head with two ponytails protruded from the door. It was the servant girl of the Chen residence.

When the servant girl saw Zhang Tianhai in military uniform, she immediately put on a professional fake smile on her face, opened the door and said, "It turns out that Commander Zhang is here. Hurry up, please come inside, please come inside~"

Zhang Tianhai just smiled politely and asked, "Is Mr. Chen at home?"

"Not here, but my young master is here. Are you looking for him?" The servant girl smiled, her ordinary and inconspicuous face was already slightly red, as if she had never tried to be with such a high-ranking "big official". talk.

"Okay, it's fine if the young master of the Chen family is here, please let me know, thank you." Zhang Tianhai said very politely.

"Then I'll go and inform our Eldest Young Master." After the servant girl responded, she hurried in.

After a while, the young master of the Chen family came out, the same young master of the Chen family who was transferred away because Zhang Tianhai received an emergency order after half a drink with Zhang Tianhai that night.

"Commander Zhang, it's been a long time." After seeing Zhang Tianhai, the Young Master of the Chen family immediately hugged Zhang Tianhai lightly, which was regarded as a greeting.

"Master Chen, long time no see." Zhang Tianhai followed suit.

"Okay, Commander Zhang, hurry up and sit down, let's stop standing stupidly at the door." The young master of the Chen family said enthusiastically.

"Then Zhang would be more respectful than obedient." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

After saying that, Zhang Tianhai followed the eldest son of the Chen family into the mansion, and Chen Guosheng followed closely behind.

"Commander Zhang, you are here this time. Presumably you are here to see Miss Zheng?" The young master of the Chen family asked with a smile. Apart from this, he really couldn't think of any other reason. After all, Zhang Tianhai is also a dignified city defense man. The troops in the commander's hands are strong and strong, and they are very strong in many things.

To be honest, in the view of the young master of the Chen family, if someone else is the commander of the city defense, and like Zhang Tianhai, with a strong army, he may not be able to be polite to everything like Zhang Tianhai.

To put it harshly is to be polite, to put it nicely is to be well-mannered.

"To be honest, that's exactly the case. Zhang is really sorry for bothering the Chen family more these days. So I grabbed a few native chickens and made a pot in the Chen family tonight. So-and-so has his own heart." Zhang Tianhai also said with a smile.

"Commander Zhang, you are being polite. You and my father are old acquaintances. There are some things that really don't need to be too polite." The young master of the Chen family said.

"It's not about politeness, it's about family education and manners." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

The young master of the Chen family is naturally not the kind of person who doesn't wink. Now that he knows what Zhang Tianhai is here for, he directly said to Zhang Tianhai: "Commander Zhang, if you are busy, do it first. Let your guards Come with me!"

In fact, it is not surprising why the young master of the Chen family recognized Chen Guosheng as a security guard, because in the security platoon, only Xu Sangou was a second lieutenant, and the deputy platoon leader was naturally promoted later, so he also Still wearing soldier clothes.

Coupled with carrying two native chickens, it is difficult not to be considered a guard.

"Okay, then I'll go first. Deputy Platoon Leader Chen, then you can go with Master Chen!" Zhang Tianhai ordered.

"Yes, sir." After Chen Guosheng replied, he hurriedly followed the young master of the Chen family.

The Chen family mansion is quite big, although it is not comparable to the mansions of princes and nobles, but it is also one of the best in Lanling City. After all, before becoming the county magistrate, the Chen family was already a wealthy family, but after becoming the county magistrate, their business has also become Just take it to the next level.

Zheng Man lives in a guest room with a high number, the indoor environment is very good, and there are maids responsible for cleaning every day, which makes Zhang Tianhai sigh: this decadent capitalism is really comfortable...

Zhang Tianhai walked lightly into the guest room where Zheng Man lived, and saw Zheng Man was looking at a mirror, with a very narcissistic expression, and he did not forget to murmur: "Baby, baby, look at you." , your father is so handsome, and your mother is so beautiful, you are really happy, you will be a winner in life when you are born."

As he said that, Zheng Man didn't forget to touch his slightly raised belly, in other words, he was extremely narcissistic.

At first, Zhang Tianhai didn't believe the saying that "one pregnancy is stupid for three years", but after seeing Zheng Man's expression with his own eyes today, he believed it.

"Pfft..." Zhang Tianhai finally couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly hearing laughter behind him, Zheng Man almost subconsciously touched the pistol at his waist.

But when she looked back, Zheng Man's furious state finally relaxed. She glared at Zhang Tianhai and said, "Why, are you full and have nothing to do today? You actually thought of coming to see me?" gone."

"That's not it. I don't feel relieved if I don't look at you. These days, the pressure has indeed increased. Lincheng County, Yi County, and Zaozhuang have already become a pot of porridge. I don't worry. No, I always have a premonition that a war will start soon, so I never came to see you." Zhang Tianhai walked behind Zheng Man, leaned down and kissed the latter's tender cheek lightly .

"Oh, I hate it." Zheng Man said softly, and for a moment, she was so beautiful.

"That's the way it is said. I heard from them that the military police outside are running all over the street. If anyone is arrested for violating military discipline, they will have to be arrested in He Jiye's political training department and put in confinement." Zheng Man said softly.

"That's right, what happened to Xu Sangou, I can't help but catch this military discipline. The whole regiment is watching me, including the three battalions of the city defense battalion. Besides, the big battle is about to start I can't do it unless I make preparations..." Zhang Tianhai said helplessly.

"Well, we really need to hurry up. Tang Enbo's army is worthy of being the essence of our army. It can even defeat Zaozhuang and Lincheng. I'm afraid that Yi County will be restored soon." Zheng Man stood up and squeezed Zhang Tianhai's face said.

"I was thinking, if a big war is about to start, can you go to Xuzhou as a family member of the army, and after winning the peripheral battle, I will come back to Xuzhou to pick you up. How about it?" Zhang Tianhai said seriously, It seems that there is no room for Zheng Man to refuse.

Zheng Man thought for a while, and said seriously: "If I am in Xuzhou, you can fight with peace of mind, I will listen to you and go to Xuzhou. But the prerequisite is that you must come back alive, even If the regiment is gone, you must come back alive, I don't want our children to be born without a father."

"Well, I promise you." Zhang Tianhai was moved by Zheng Man's heart, he gently hugged Zheng Man, and gave the most solemn promise.

Afterwards, Zheng Man also gently hugged Zhang Tianhai, her eyes were already slightly moist, perhaps, pregnant women are so sentimental!

PS: This one is to make up for yesterday's second update, it's still a bit short, don't worry about it, let's just treat it as short and weak yesterday...

Thank you for the three monthly tickets of youth who have slept all over the QQ reading book friends! !

Thanks to Qidian book friends for reviewing the two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Mu Xiuxiu, don’t guess, I must be very, very handsome, book friend 081124130657600, Yishanqingcrazy, wuqingniao, there is a monthly ticket for Baoshan real person!
(End of this chapter)

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