Chapter 443

That night, even though Zhang Tianhai ate and drank wine in Chen's residence, he got very drunk once, and didn't wake up until noon the next day.

Oh, by the way, there was one more thing on March 27, [-].

That is, on March 27, the Japanese army increased its troops by [-], about a regiment, carrying more than [-] tanks, and invaded Taierzhuang again.The Chinese army deployed part of its forces at Liujiahu in the north of Taierzhuang to meet it dangerously.

After the swearing-in meeting was held on the 27th, Zhang Tianhai's good days also began. After all, he could relax a little bit. However, the days that allowed him to relax ended in less than two days.

On the morning of March 29, Zhang Tianhai received a transfer order from the commander-in-chief of the Fifth Theater Command. This was an order to transfer the entire regiment of the Zhiyi Regiment to Xuzhou.

When receiving the order, Zhang Tianhai's heart was very heavy: Sure enough, the enemy still didn't give them a chance to rest together.

After receiving this order, Zhang Tianhai did not start to act immediately, but asked Zhou Fangjie, the deputy head of the regiment, and Guo Qiliang, the chief of staff, to gather at the regiment headquarters first.

"Old Zhang, why are you in such a hurry to call us back?" Zhou Fangjie, who had just returned to the regiment headquarters, asked.

"Yeah. I'm also wondering." Guo Qiliang, who also just returned to the regiment headquarters, said.

"Look for yourselves, the order from the Minister's Department has come down." After speaking, Zhang Tianhai directly handed over a telegram translation to Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang.

I saw the translation of this telegram read: Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, I now order you as the commander of the fifth war zone, and immediately lead your troops south to Xuzhou, and the Jiangsu Automobile No. The headquarters of the Second Brigade went to Lanling to help you transport supplies.Immediately after you receive the order, lead the leading troops to go south.Li Zongren, commander of the Fifth Theater of the Republic of China, at 27:29 am on March [-], [-]th year of the Republic of China.

After reading this telegram, Zhou Fangjie couldn't help but take a deep breath: This scene is so like the urgent battle report before Nanjing fell...Could it be that Xuzhou is about to lose its hold?

"It seems that the battle situation in Xuzhou is urgent. Even our troops far away in LY are going to be transferred back to Xuzhou. It seems that the battle over there is urgent." Guo Qiliang said with a frown.

"I thought so too, and even sent a person from the car corps to deliver supplies to us. This officer really thinks highly of us..." Zhang Tianhai sighed.

"The troops of the Ninth Army and the No.40 Army over there are fighting against the main onslaught of the Japanese Itagaki Division, and now they have taken us away. What should LY do?" Zhou Fangjie asked.

"Isn't there Gu Shi'an, the deputy commander of the city defense, guarding here? Don't forget, they have a whole three battalions. Except for heavy weapons such as grenadiers and artillery, they have light and heavy machine guns. Yes. If I think about it, it might not be a problem to defend Lanling and support LY in combat, right?" Zhang Tianhai said seriously.

"Well, it makes sense to say so, but now the three battalions of them are short of qualified cadres, especially the city defense staff department, almost no qualified staff officers. Not to mention staff officers, there are not many people who can read and write Nah." Guo Qiliang sighed, Gu Shi'an had complained to him more than once, and hoped that some basic forces could be mobilized from the regiment headquarters to help him.

However, there is also a lack of cadres in the Zhiyi regiment, especially staff personnel. Forget that when Gu Shi'an was in charge of forming the city defense battalion, he took three staff officers with him.

Therefore, Guo Qiliang was really helpless for Gu Shi'an's complaint and request... So taking advantage of this opportunity, Guo Qiliang raised it.

"Let's do this! Isn't the student class still there? Throw them all to the Staff Section of the City Defense Command, and learn the knowledge of staff combat." Zhang Tianhai directly made a decision.

In Zhang Tianhai's view, his Zhiyi Regiment definitely has no shortage of grassroots combatants, but what the Zhiyi Regiment lacks are cadres, especially qualified cadres.

First of all, let’s not talk about the most scarce grassroots combat cadres. In fact, the staff of the staff department is also in a state of relative shortage of staff, especially after Gu Shi’an transferred three staff officers to the city defense headquarters. Don’t forget, Gu Shi’an himself He is also the chief of staff, that is to say, there are four less staff officers working in the regiment headquarters of Zhiyi regiment.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai wanted to throw the trainees composed of a dozen students to Gu Shi'an. No matter what, at least after the battle of Taierzhuang was over, he wanted to see these qualified staff officers who could do the job!

As for the matter of putting the students in the Zhiyi Regiment Headquarters, Zhang Tianhai thinks about it or forget it. After the battle is over, when Gu Shi'an has taught them the most basic things, it is undoubtedly the best to transfer them back. .

But no matter what, Zhang Tianhai still had to arrange everything almost before setting off.

"I think this is a good idea. By the way, Lao Zhang, which army will escort our belongings to Xuzhou?" Zhou Fangjie asked a very important question. Rich, and still a lot of rich.

On this point, the three high-level cadres of the Zhiyi Regiment are still very consistent in their views-what if they are ordered to be distributed by the chief of the minister's department?Doesn't that mean that the bamboo basket is empty?

The main reason is that there are more than 700 shells. If the strike speed of each cannon is five shells per minute, it can be fired for 29 minutes, which is nearly half an hour. Twelve cannons hit half an hour. Hours, what a luxury this is, it feels so cool to think about it.

Such a cool thing, naturally you have to do it yourself, and you must not distribute it to friendly troops.

"I plan to leave the cavalry battalion and Wang Ziqing's third battalion to protect the convoy and our property." Zhang Tianhai said with his hands on the table, his expression very serious.

"Old Zhang, old Zhang, it's exactly as I expected. Usually you always say that we are stingy and love money too much, but when it comes to critical moments, your true nature is revealed. This arrangement of troops is really an arrangement. The third battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness, and the cavalry battalion with the strongest mobility guard the property, in terms of cunning, I can't wait for you..." Guo Qiliang pointed to Zhang Tianhai with a smile and said.

"Otherwise, how could I be the head of the regiment? If we hadn't ordered Xiaojiujiu, we would have so much wealth as a regiment? Don't even think about it. Haha." Zhang Tianhai smiled smugly, his expression was full of cunning and complacency.

"Okay. Don't brag, let's make arrangements to go south! Just don't bump into the Japanese army face to face. If we bump into each other face to face, I'm afraid we will suffer a lot..." Zhou Fangjie reminded that he was afraid of Zhang Tianhai They are too drifting, which leads to a big loss in the end.

This has been a mess, but everyone has put in a lot of effort to make it what it is today. It would be a pity if it suffered a loss because of carelessness.To be honest, Zhou Fangjie really liked the working environment of Zhiyituan, at least there were not so many small hills, and everyone gathered together to fight against Japan and formed a unit.

What's more, Zhang Tianhai seems to hate pulling small hills inside Zhiyi Tuan. If everyone has a better relationship, we can play together, but if you really want to do that kind of stabbing in the back, don't blame Zhang Datuan Chang turned his face and didn't recognize anyone.

"Okay, this time, the first battalion, the second battalion, the fourth battalion, the main force of the regiment, the troops directly under the regiment and the artillery battalion will go south first. Oh, by the way, I hope He Jiye, the chief of the political training section, will go south with Brother Fang Jie , That is to stay in Lanling, and go south with the third battalion, cavalry battalion and two supply companies. To ensure the safety of the road, I don't know what you two think?" Zhang Tianhai asked with his hands on the table.

"I have no objection, I absolutely obey the arrangement!" Zhou Fangjie said.

"I have no objection either. Our staff can come up with a plan immediately." Guo Qiliang also agreed with Zhang Tianhai's arrangement.

The three of them are the military chiefs of the first regiment directly under the third war zone. Only the Zhiyi regiment can fight, and the Japanese army is beaten to death. For everyone, that is a good thing.

After all, only by winning the battle can everyone be promoted and have better prospects for development, so on this point, their interests are the same.

"Okay! It's settled like this." Zhang Tianhai made a decision directly.

Under the decision of Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Guo Qiliang, the top leaders of the First Regiment, the big machine of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone began to turn slowly, turning for Xuzhou!
"Hurry up, hurry up~! Speed ​​up the progress!" The officers at the grassroots level were shouting, after all, this was a deadly order from above.

The sound of cars, the sound of horseshoes and neighing sounded together, creating a very busy scene.

Just when the whole regiment was busy with the retreat, Zhang Tianhai boarded the gate of the Chen Mansion again. The difference was that this time, he wanted to take Zheng Man back to Xuzhou.

Because in the early stage of the Xuzhou Battle, the Japanese army reached Taierzhuang, but did not hit Xuzhou. It was only in the later period that the Japanese North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army jointly dispatched to annihilate the main force of the Fifth Theater, so they had to abandon Xuzhou.

In other words, during this period of time, Xuzhou is in a state of absolute safety, unless it is really so unlucky that it is really going to be hit by an aerial bomb or artillery shell, then there is no way, people are unlucky, and drinking cold water is not enough. Fortress tooth.

What's more, if he stayed in Lanling, there would be more uncertain factors. Who knows whether Itagaki Seishiro would have a convulsion and make a crazy move to attack Lanling first.

After all, there is nothing impossible for Seishiro Itagaki, a lunatic who can make the move of half a division against the 20 national army!
As for believing in the combat effectiveness of the city defense battalion, even Zhang Tianhai himself didn't believe it!


PS: The first update is here!

The second one will be delivered after eleven o'clock in the evening, and I will go out of town later.

(End of this chapter)

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