War of Resistance

Chapter 444 Target Xuzhou, start

Chapter 444 Target Xuzhou, start

After entering the Chen Mansion, Zhang Tianhai immediately asked Zheng Man to pack his things and prepare to leave.

After Zheng Man packed his things, Zhang Tianhai asked Chen Guosheng to put Zheng Man's luggage in the trunk of the off-road vehicle, and then drove Zheng Man directly to the direction of the county government.

No matter what, this time I went south to Xuzhou, I might not be able to return to Lanling, so I had to say goodbye, at least to say goodbye to Chen Dazhi, an old man who helped me a lot.

As for the news that Zhang Tianhai's first regiment directly under the third war zone was about to withdraw from Lanling, Chen Dazhi knew about it as soon as the army was mobilized, but he didn't go to see the army away, but waited quietly in the office. Hold on, wait for someone.

Yes, it was Zhang Tianhai who was waiting.

Based on Chen Dazhi's understanding since he had known Zhang Tianhai for so long, he felt that this young man would never do things without a head and no tail, so he was waiting for Zhang Tianhai to say goodbye.

Sure enough, not long after, a military off-road vehicle with the Blue Sky and White Sun Medal printed on its body drove into the compound of the Lanling County Government.

Zheng Man, who had already put on his military uniform, got out of the car with Zhang Tianhai, and went directly to Chen Dazhi's office, while Chen Guosheng was waiting on him.

At this moment, the door of the county magistrate's office was open, so Zhang Tianhai walked over without thinking too much.

"Tuk, tuk, tuk."

After knocking on the door of the county magistrate's office three times, Zhang Tianhai walked in, looked at Chen Dazhi who was sitting behind his desk, and said, "Old Chen, it's me."

"Come on." After Chen Dazhi responded, he stood up slightly tremblingly, and the secretary beside him hurriedly supported him.

"Well, here we come. This time, I came here to bid farewell to Mr. Chen. I would like to thank Mr. Chen for taking care of my fiancée for so many days. I will thank Mr. Chen in advance." Zhang Tianhai is very sincere and sincere said.

Chen Dazhi slowly walked in front of Zhang Tianhai and Zheng Man, and said: "I am old, and there are not many things I can do. It is not easy for you to go to war and take your life to defend the peace of one side. You’re welcome. You’ve done enough for the people in southeast Lu, so you’re going to help the battle this time?”

"No, this transfer is to go to Xuzhou. The vanguard of the Japanese devils has already reached Taierzhuang. The soldiers are pointing directly at Xuzhou. Now the commander of the fifth war zone is going to transfer us back to Xuzhou." Zhang Tianhai said frankly. After all, this matter cannot be hidden. According to the normal historical trajectory, the Jigu Division is about to suffer a big somersault in Taierzhuang.

"Hey, with you gone, Lanling will lose an army that can protect us..." Chen Dazhi sighed, his brows were full of worry.

Zhang Tianhai smiled and said: "Boss Chen doesn't have to worry about this matter, the main force of our first regiment has withdrawn from Lanling, but there are still officers and soldiers from the three city defense battalions led by Deputy Commander Gu staying behind. Furthermore, the LY frontline is guarded by the Ninth Army of Chief Zhang Zizhong and the No.40 Army of Chief Pang Bingxun, so there will be absolutely no problem. You can rest assured as long as you are old."

"That's good. You've been in Lanling for so long, and I'm getting used to it. When you leave, the city will be deserted..." Chen Dazhi said with emotion.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry! After the battle is over, I think we will have a chance to meet again. If there is a chance, I will come back to Lanling to visit you." Zhang Tianhai said very earnestly.

"Okay! The old man will not delay your business, just leave it alone! I hope you can lead the troops to achieve better results, and kill the Japanese invaders with corpses everywhere, leaving nothing behind!" Chen Dazhi said. At that time, it was a bold and heroic person, as if the words were not spoken by an old man in his 70s or [-]s.

"Then let me borrow Chen Dazhi's auspicious words. Wherever our army goes, it must be victorious!" After speaking, Zhang Tianhai gave a military salute to Chen Dazhi, then turned around and left with Zheng Man.

After leaving the Lanling County Government, Zhang Tianhai did not immediately follow the army to set off, but went to the detention area under the supervision of the gendarmerie.

The detention area usually detains some officers and soldiers who were caught by the military police because they made some small mistakes, and then waited for the military chief to come to claim them.

But today, this place has long been emptied, because the army was mobilized to the south, these military chiefs rushed to the gendarmerie to bring their own people back, ready to fight.

But there is one person who is different. He is an officer detained here for self-reflection. Because the nature of the guard platoon is different, Xu Sangou can only be detained here. level.

Xu Sangou was locked in by the leader himself. Without the order of the leader, who would dare to open the door?In other words, who would risk offending the leader and let him go?Are you impatient with life, or do you want to be imprisoned too?

The weather was good that day, at least during the time period of 09:30, the sun had already come out, warmly shining on Xu Sangou who was leaning against the front of the concierge basking in the sun.

At this time, Xu Sangou hadn't bathed or tidied himself up for nearly a week. He was unshaven and looked very decadent.

At this time, he didn't want to be a young boy, but a man in his 30s, and he looked decadent.

This early in the morning, seeing those soldiers who made mistakes outside being taken away one by one by the military chief, Xu Sangou knew that something was wrong: it looks like there is definitely a war on the front line It broke out, these battalion commanders, and the commanders directly under the agency, are taking these soldiers back and preparing to fight.

But what about Xu Sangou?But because of his style of work, he was locked up for so long.

Thinking of this level, a disheartened smile appeared on Xu Sangou's face: Tuan Zuo, I'm afraid I have forgotten that Xu Sangou is still in confinement here.

To be honest, being in confinement is really boring, and it’s the kind where a person is locked in a room. No one talks to him, and no one wants to approach him, except for the military police who came to deliver food to him. outside.

Moreover, the food in the gendarmerie is much worse than the food in the guard platoon, so it can only be said that it is enough to fill the food and clothing.

Therefore, these days, Xu Sangou is also reflecting on himself, wondering whether he is right or wrong in doing what he does, but every time he gets the answer, he is wrong, and it is still a very wrong kind. .

"But the mistake has been made after all, will Tuan Zuo really forgive me?" Xu Sangou's heart is full of remorse and doubt.

Just when Xu Sangou was looking into his heart, there was a sound of a car engine, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes: maybe the group came to pick me up, right?
It's no wonder that Xu Sangou thought so. After all, there was only one car in Lanling City, and it was specially assigned by the regiment headquarters to Zhang Tianhai, the regiment leader. It's just that Zhang Tianhai didn't like to use it very much.

From Zhang Tianhai's point of view, the off-road vehicles of this era are far from the comfort of later generations. If it wasn't for long-distance travel, he would really not want to sit in it. After all, this car is not as comfortable as it is at least.

"Praise, praise, praise..."

There was a rush of footsteps from far to near, which was the exclusive sound of military boots stepping on the ground.

Xu Sangou stood up slowly, but most of his eyes were lax. It was obvious that he was about to collapse. He was imprisoned for seven days, and few people could bear it.

After a while, the tall Zhang Tianhai in a mighty military uniform appeared in front of Xu Sangou. Xu Sangou looked at the long-lost face of the head of the regiment, and felt a little strange for a while.

"Xu Sangou, leader of the first regiment's guard platoon directly under the third war zone!" Zhang Tianhai yelled in a deep voice.

After hearing these words, Xu Sangou's dull eyes gradually began to light up, as if he had found some radiant light in them.

"I have a fault in my humble job, and I have no face to face the group. I am ashamed of the cultivation of the group..." Xu Sangou wriggled his chapped lips and said.

"If you make a mistake, you have to correct it! Let me ask you now, do you know your mistake?!" Zhang Tianhai shouted.

"Humble job, I know I'm wrong." Xu Sangou murmured, with tears in the corner of his eyes.

"Stop fucking with me, like a bitch! Wipe away my tears, and answer me loudly, do you know what's wrong?!" Zhang Tianhai asked again.

"Reporting to the group, I know I'm wrong!" Xu Sangou stood upright and said, his rickety spine finally stood up, people must be energetic, and life also needs some hope in order to continue courage.

"Okay, since you've done a good job of self-reflection, go back to the guard platoon, be your platoon leader, and write a deep inspection to me later!" Zhang Tianhai said loudly, announcing his absolute sternness towards Xu Sangou.

"Yes! Tuan Zuo!" Xu Sangou replied loudly, with a solemn expression.


An hour later, the cars and horses at the south gate of Lanling City screamed.

Groups of soldiers of the Central Army of the National Army wearing light yellow military uniforms are driving out of Lanling City under the leadership of officers.

Countless Lanling people spontaneously stood on both sides of the road to see off the team that was about to go to the front to fight the Japanese devils.

"Return soon! Heroes!!"

"Shoot Little Japan away as soon as possible! Come on, heroes!!"

Among the crowd, the common people were shouting from the bottom of their hearts. If the officers and soldiers of the Zhiyi Regiment hadn't rushed to set off in a hurry, the common people might spontaneously ask for donations.

The first battalion to go out of the city was Li Chunfei's first battalion. After changing all the squad leaders, the morale of the first battalion was obviously much stronger. At least it looked like an elite division should look like.

Zhang Tianhai sat in the co-pilot seat of the off-road jeep and accepted the voices of the masses. At this moment, he once again felt what the real national war of resistance is - everyone is looking forward to the day when the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan will come. At that time, maybe the better days will come, right?

Zhang Tianhai knew the course of history, so he didn't look forward to it and didn't dare to look forward to it. He just wanted to kill a few more devils to repay the hatred of the brothers who were killed and wounded and the people who died in Nanjing and Shanghai.

Zhang Tianhai is not a saint, nor can he be a saint.

The purpose of his trip to Xuzhou is to kill the enemy and eliminate the bandits, so as to avenge the hatred of the country and the family!

Now, the goal of the entire Zhiyi regiment is Xuzhou, let's go!

PS: This is to make up for last night's second update. After returning home, I was too tired, so I fell asleep.

Thanks to the number one fan of this book who loves you 1 Years King for the reward of 500 coins! ! !

Thank you Qizhongxing, Fengyufang, and QQ reading friend Yutian for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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