War of Resistance

Chapter 445 Prelude to the Taierzhuang War

Chapter 445 Prelude to the Taierzhuang War
On March 40, Zhang Zizhong's Ninth Army, Pang Bingxun's No.110 Army, and one of Miao Zhengliu's Seventh Army (the 333rd Brigade of the [-]th Division) cooperated in the LY area to repel the Japanese Fifth Division Itagaki Seishiro Department, to protect LY.

It is also because of this that the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government decided to revoke the original punishment of "dismissal and investigation" after Zhang Zizhong led his troops to make outstanding achievements in the LY campaign.

Zhang Zizhong, the commander of the Ninth Army, was revoked the punishment of "dismissal and investigation". In addition, the Ninth Army has won consecutive victories in the LY area, so when the news came out, the Ninth Army was in a state of excitement, and even the troops on the entire LY battlefield were in a panic. beaming.

It's a pity that this scene is no longer seen or experienced by the first regiment directly under the third theater that has withdrawn from the LY battlefield.

They were on their way to Xuzhou on a starry night, walking in a hurry and busy.

"Student, do you want to slow down the marching speed? Now our troops are mostly recruits, and the marching speed is too fast. If we encounter the enemy's reinforcements from Taierzhuang, it will not be good for us." Li Chunfei ran directly to Zhang Tianhai reported.

Zhang Tianhai frowned and said, "No, we have to go at full speed. If it's later, I'm afraid we won't even have a sip of soup. The Japanese reinforcements will arrive in Taierzhuang soon, and we must arrive as soon as possible, otherwise We will not be able to catch up with the grand feast of the Taierzhuang War. Grit your teeth and persevere, and when you win the Taierzhuang battle, the whole group will have a three-day holiday!"

"Yes, group seat." Li Chunfei had no choice but to agree.

After Li Chunfei left, Zheng Man, who was sitting in the back seat, asked, "How do you know that Taierzhuang will fight, and the kind that wins?"

Zhang Tianhai smiled. Naturally, he would not say that he came from later generations, so he made up a reason casually and said with a smile: "Of course, our army has a great chance of winning this battle. Taierzhuang is my first place." As the barrier of Xuzhou, where the Chief of the Fifth War Zone is stationed, Chief Li Zongren will naturally try his best to keep Taierzhuang. Besides, the Second Army and the First Army Yu Xuezhong's headquarters are also mobilized in the outer positions of Taierzhuang. If it is not expected, Chief Tang Enbo's Some troops of the No.20 Legion should also be in the state of going south, just watch! There will definitely be a big battle, and there is a high possibility of a big victory. Once launched, the Third Army will definitely go into battle. In short, this battle will definitely be a feast!"

When it came to the end, Zhang Tianhai's tone was already very confident, and he saw Zheng Man's face full of admiration.

"Okay, I know you've fought well. Let's see the final result." Zheng Man's eyes were full of stars, and there was also some charm.

"Then just wait and see!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

"Why don't we make a bet?" Zheng Man asked with a smile.

"What kind of bet, you can say nothing. The head of the regiment will accept all moves." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile, his words were full of confidence.

"Let's say it first, if I win, we'll get married in Xuzhou; if you win, then I'll listen to you." Zheng Man had a smile on his face.

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhai couldn't hold back anymore. His head became hot and he said immediately: "Am I the kind of irresponsible person? Listen, whether you win or I win this trick, We are all getting married in Xuzhou, and I want to ask Chief Li to witness our marriage!"

"Okay, let's make it a deal!" Zheng Man showed a sly smile on his face, which was very good-looking, like a seductive vixen.

"Okay, then it's a deal. I, Zhang Yulin, a man, will do what I say, as long as you don't go back on your word." Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

At this moment, Zheng Man gave Zhang Tianhai a blank look, and said, "Are you stupid? I'm even pregnant with your child now, where else can I go?"

"That's right, hehe." Zhang Tianhai scratched his head and said, showing a rare shy smile that a boy should have.


Also on the same day, Li Zongren, Commander of the Fifth War Zone, met with foreign journalists and told them the battle situation on the Jinpu Line.

This day was the fifth day of the bloody battle between Yu Xuezhong's first army and the Japanese invaders who violently invaded Taierzhuang. A total of three to four thousand Japanese troops annihilated the two regiments.

Since March 24, Sun Lianzhong's Second Army was ordered to reinforce Taierzhuang. On this day, he fought fiercely with the Japanese army in the north of Taierzhuang. On this day, he successively captured five or six villages occupied by the Japanese army.

On March 26, the Japanese army added two mechanized units to launch a general attack on our army.

On the 26th, the enemy rushed towards our Taierzhuang Wei, and was finally torn open by the Japanese army. Chi Fengcheng, the commander of the No. 30 First Division, led his troops to pounce on the back of the enemy in the northeast of Taierzhuang, while another part of the army was in the north of Taierzhuang. Taierzhuang Wei bravely intercepted the fierce Japanese attack. Officers at all levels led brave soldiers with shirtless shirts, big knives in their hands, and grenades in their waists. They fought bloody battles with the enemy troops who invaded Taierzhuang from morning to night. , and finally wiped out all the five or six hundred enemies who fled into Taierzhuang Beiwei.

On March 31, the enemy army in Taierzhuang was completely encircled by the national army under the command of the fifth theater. Under this situation, the Japanese army finally became anxious.

How anxious was the Japanese army?Knowing that more than half of the Fifth Division had been lost, they still ordered Itagaki Seishiro to lead his remnants to pounce on LY, trying to tear a gap in LY so that they could directly reinforce Taierzhuang from here.

However, the idea of ​​the Japanese army is very good, but the reality is very cruel. Under the brave resistance of the No. 40 Army of the Pang Bingxun Corps of the National Army and the Ninth Army of Zhang Zizhong, Seishiro Itagaki's plan failed. After losing part of the troops under the city of LY, they had to lead their remaining troops to guard Tangtou Town, so as to ensure that they could launch a fierce attack on the city of LY at any time.

Seishiro Itagaki is not stupid. If Tangtou Town cannot even be defended, then the friendly forces in Taierzhuang will be in danger of being wiped out immediately. Since they cannot fully reinforce the friendly forces, they must at least hold the strategic initiative in their own hands.

The so-called planning is up to people, and it is up to heaven to accomplish things.

Also on the same day, part of the enemy in the north of Taierzhuang broke through and quickly fled northward. So far, Taierzhuang has been conquered by our army, and the situation is very favorable!


PS: The first update is here!The second is later, try to update tonight.

Thanks to the starting point book friend 20181231045317482 and the monthly ticket of Tie Mian Long!
(End of this chapter)

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