Chapter 446
Xuzhou, Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Theater Command.

Standing in front of the map, Li Zongren remained silent. As the commander of such a large war zone, one can imagine how much pressure he was under.

"Brother Yan Mou, in the battle of LY, the performance of the first regiment directly under the third theater was really good, right?" Li Zongren seemed to have remembered something, so he asked Xu Zuyi, the chief of staff of the theater beside him.

Xu Zuyi nodded and said: "It is true that they performed very well, especially Zhang Tianhai, the regiment commander, has a very strong commanding ability and a very keen sense of the battlefield. At that time, the loss of the first regiment directly under the third war zone was more than half, and there were no reinforcements at that time. Are they going to intercept the enemies breaking out of Taierzhuang?"

Li Zongren nodded, and said in his Mandarin with a strong Guangxi accent: "That's right, I have exactly the intention. Now the enemy who has broken through the encirclement is fleeing to Yixian County and Zaozhuang area, and the number is about 1 to [-]. And it is very likely that the commander of the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army, Rensuke Isoya, is in the unit."

"Except for the breakout part of the Japanese army, it is estimated that there are still [-] people in Taierzhuang Wei. We should concentrate on annihilating the enemy in Taierzhuang so as to break the arm of the Japanese army. Moreover, the first regiment directly under the third theater must be placed Only by facing the frontal battlefield can we exert the greatest effect..." Xu Zuyi said meaningfully.

"Brother Yan Mou, you have commanded the first regiment directly under the third theater twice, and you know the regiment relatively well, so please tell me about this regiment!" Li Zongren said.

Xu Zuyi organized the language and said: "It can be said that the regiment has a complete range of troops, and I have read the request report sent by Zhang Tianhai before. It is the engineer platoon and other units that have been expanded into an engineer company, plus a small artillery company, a mortar company, and a special agent company under its direct control, and most importantly, they also have an artillery battalion to strengthen."

Xu Zuyi paused, and continued: "All in all, the regiment's independent combat capability is extremely strong, and Zhang Tianhai's ability is indeed quite good. I think that such a unit with independent combat capabilities should Put it above the attack on Taierzhuang. As for the enemy who fled to Yi County, it can be handed over to Tang Enbo's army. When Tang Enbo's army was strong and strong, it was nearly [-] troops. There should be no problem with the remnants of the Japanese army and more than [-] defeated generals."

Hearing what Xu Zuyi said, Li Zongren nodded lightly, and said: "Forget it! This division was urgently transferred back to Xuzhou from Lanling by me. It must be a tired division. In addition, it has many recruits, and its combat effectiveness is indeed certain. Due to the influence of the Japanese army, when they are put here to block the poor Japanese army, something may happen."

Li Zongren is obviously not the kind of person who likes to show off, and he also thinks what Xu Zuyi said is very reasonable. After all, putting Zhang Tianhai's regiment on the road to block the road will not be able to take advantage of its arms and complete equipment. Above the siege battle, it must be quite good in terms of effect.

Maybe it can work wonders?Li Zongren thought.

"Combat staff officer!" Li Zongren called back.

"Sir, the humble position is here!" A combat staff officer stood up.

"Immediately call the headquarters of the first regiment directly under the third theater and ask them where they have been." Li Zongren said directly.

"Yes, sir!" The combat staff officer responded.


Not long after, Zhang Tianhai's reply telegram arrived. The combat staff officer came over with a telegram and reported to Li Zongren: "Report sir! Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, has returned the telegram."

"Speak directly!" Li Zongren, who was sitting behind the desk, said directly.

"Yes, sir. According to Zhang Tianhai, head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, their forward troops have arrived at the Xigaohuangmiao, north of Taierzhuang, and are ready to wait for the commander's instructions at any time." The combat staff officer said.

"Oh? So fast? It's only been a little over two days, and he drove here directly from Lanling. It seems that Zhang Tianhai has also tried his best." Li Zongren smiled and said, "Call back to the third theater Directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, let them rest near the Xigaohuang Temple, ready to fight at any time!"

"Yes! Sir!" The combat staff immediately returned the call after receiving the order.

After the combat staff officer went to reply the call, Li Zongren put down the pen in his hand and continued to go out to study the combat map. After all, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and sometimes it is very likely that a little change can decide a battle. The outcome of the battle.

At this time, Li Zongren remembered what Xu Zuyi said just now, so he went to the communication office in person, and he asked Zhang Tianhai to report the strength, number and designation of the forward troops that had arrived at Xigaohuangmiao.


The camera turns to Xigaohuangmiao.

Xigaohuangmiao, this is because there is a temple here, named Xigaohuangmiao, so it got its name, but because of changes in the current situation, Xigaohuangmiao Village was renamed Xigaohuangmiao Village, which now belongs to ZZ City Jurisdiction.

Xigao Huangmiao Village is a village backed by Baishan, Zhangshan, and Tianzhushan mountains, and facing the southeast direction of Taierzhuang. It is also very close to Yixian County, and it can be approached in half a day by rushing.

In fact, Lanling is not far from the northwest of Taierzhuang. If it takes one day and one night, it will definitely be able to drive to Taierzhuang. However, the order Zhang Tianhai received was not to reinforce Taierzhuang, but to station in Xuzhou, so this is why Zhang Tianhai made a detour. the reason.

After all, Taierzhuang was in a melee, and it would be very troublesome if it was entangled by the Japanese army.

Zhang Tianhai stood on a small high ground in the Xigaohuang Temple, holding a pair of binoculars to observe the terrain, only to see that there was an open area in front of him, and he had a feeling of seeing everything at a glance.

If this is placed in the era of cold weapons, it must be an excellent battlefield for decisive battles, and it is the battlefield where cavalry can best display their power.

However, Zhang Tianhai doesn't like battlefields like this, not because of his personal preference, but because the view here is clear, which means that there is no bunker. If you give it a few days, it's a bit reluctant, but In case of an encounter, it will suffer a big loss.

Don't forget, the Japanese army has mechanized troops. If the mechanized troops charge in groups, wouldn't it be over?Therefore, Zhang Tianhai still wanted to rely on the Baishan Mountains behind him.

"Tuan Zuo, the troops are extremely exhausted now, do you really want to cross the Grand Canal with Daliuzhuang and Tunzhuang tonight?" Li Chunfei frowned and asked for instructions.

Zhang Tianhai bit his lower lip and said, "Let's see the situation! Wait for the order from the Minister's Department! I just called back to the Minister's Department to report our location. It is estimated that there may be a major transfer of our regiment in the near future. Take a good rest first." Let’s go! Don’t change the original plan.”

"Yes, Tuan Zuo." After Li Chunfei responded, he went back to rest. He was also very tired after running around for two days and two nights.

In the past two days, the entire Zhiyi regiment has been marching in a hurry. Except for Zhang Tianhai, Zheng Man, and the driver of the car, the rest of the people, including the chief of staff Guo Qiliang, marched on horseback or on foot.

At this time, the advantages of riding a car are revealed. For example, you can sleep when riding a car, but not when riding a horse.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai's state at this time still looks quite good.

To be honest, if the troops were not too exhausted now, Zhang Tianhai really wanted to take the troops directly into Xuzhou City. After entering Xuzhou, he would be able to meet with Chief Li and arrange Zheng Man it is good.

Ahem, of course, the latter factor is mostly the reason.Being able to take care of work while also doing one's own thing well is what most people want to do. Of course, Zhang Tianhai is no exception.

"Is it really appropriate to cross the Grand Canal tonight?" Zhang Tianhai muttered to himself.

At this moment, the communications staff officer ran over, still holding a telegram in his hand, stood at attention and saluted and reported: "Reporting to the regiment, the commander of the theater has an urgent message."

"Read." Zhang Tianhai frowned and said softly.

"The third theater is directly under the headquarters of the first regiment. Now, as the commander-in-chief of the fifth theater, I am ordering your department to immediately inform the commander-in-chief of the theater of the number, number and troop situation of the leading troops that arrived at Xigao Huangmiao. , your department is temporarily stationed near the Xigaohuang Temple to rest and rectify, waiting for the command of the commander-in-chief. The commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone, at 45:[-] am on April [-]st. An urgent call at [-]." The communication staff read word by word Clear.

Zhang Tianhai organized his language and said: "Call back the chief's department immediately and tell them that our regiment has now arrived at Xigaohuang Temple. There are more than 58 people directly under the spy company and engineer company. The cavalry battalion, the third battalion of the main infantry battalion, the supply battalion, and the military police company directly under the regiment headquarters are still on their way, approaching the Xigaohuangmiao. The troops stationed near the temple are in a very exhausted state. If they go directly into battle without rest, they may lose their combat effectiveness. Zhang Tianhai, the head of the first regiment directly under the third theater, replied at [-]:[-] am. Execute this!"

"Yes, group seat." After a while, the communications staff officer who had already transcribed Zhang Tianhai's words stood at attention and saluted in response.

Looking at the vast expanse of land and hearing the sound of guns in the distance, Zhang Tianhai sighed, and then went back to the car to rest.


PS: This is to make up for the second one from yesterday. Fuck, there are too many things.Please forgive me!

Thanks to the starting point book friend Gou Tou Ge, QQ reading book friend Can Ye, and the group owner's rival in love (this name is so awesome, I want to steal it) each monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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