War of Resistance

Chapter 447 Preparing the Attacking Army

Chapter 447 Preparing the Attacking Army

Zhang Tianhai never thought that the Zhiyi regiment's equipment was better than other troops, so it was a big deal.

This war is always fought by people, Zhang Tianhai will not risk the lives of his soldiers.

It's just that Zhang Tianhai is no longer in control of the next thing. All he can do is adapt to the situation. This battle is a duel between tens of thousands of troops from both China and Japan. He, a Zhiyi regiment with more than half of the recruits, can't help it. It can't control the situation. If it is replaced by Zhiyituan before the LY victory, there may be some chances of winning.

The term "defeated like a mountain" has never been an exaggerated term. When an army is defeated, there will really be many uncontrollable factors. The most important thing is chaos, and the formed troops cannot be effectively commanded!
If most of them are veterans, the veterans will try their best to stabilize the situation so that at least the battlefield will not collapse for thousands of miles, but the recruits are different. The recruits have no combat experience. Once they fall into the fierce Japanese bombardment, It is possible to fall into a panic, and it is inevitable that there will be a collapse.

When Zhang Tianhai had already decided to resign himself to fate, the Commander of the Fifth War Zone was already preparing the next battle plan.

For the national army, the Second Army had already gathered around Taierzhuang, and Tang Enbo's army could also go south at any time. The main force of the Third Army and the remaining forces of the No.20 Second Army were in the northern section of Jinpu Road, which could temporarily prevent the Japanese reinforcements from going south.

In addition, the reinforcements of the besieged Japanese army around Taierzhuang are already in a state of vacuum, which shows that the time for a decisive battle has come.

For the chiefs of the fifth war zone, Zhang Tianhai, the first regiment directly under the third war zone, came at the right time. They could serve as the sharpest sharp knives straight into the heart of the Japanese army!
"At present, the No. 30 Division of Chifeng City is guarding Taierzhuang. It should not be a big problem. The main force of the Second Army has surrounded the enemy in Taierzhuang. Except for a part of the enemy that has broken through Taierzhuang, the rest of the enemy has retreated to the northwest of Taierzhuang. There are more than [-] troops. Please express your opinions and see how we should fight this battle." Li Zongren looked at the surrounding senior officers and asked, including Xu Zuyi and Xu Zuyi. sir.

"I think it is still necessary to transfer Tang Enbo's Guan Linzheng Second Army and Zhang Zhen's [-]th Division to the south as an attacking army. If necessary, Zhang Tianhai's [-]st Regiment directly under the Third Theater can also be transferred directly to Taierzhuang as an army. Reserve forces can be used to reinforce Taierzhuang at any time," said Li Xingshu, deputy chief of staff of the war zone.

"Well..." Li Zongren pondered for a while, and continued: "Deputy Chief of Staff Li's suggestion is very good, very pertinent, and very conservative. But I think it's better to be bolder."

With that said, Li Zongren turned his attention to Xu Zuyi next to him.

Xu Zuyi naturally knew what Li Zongren meant when he cast his eyes on him at this time, so he cleared his throat and said, "I also think we can be bolder and try to use the main force of Tang Enbo's army, which is Guan Linzheng's Second Army and Wang Zhonglian's No.80 Fifth Army, the two main forces, mobilizes to move southward, and first they can go south along Yi County and in the Tianzhu Mountain and Zhangshan areas to see if they can collide head-on with the main force of the Japanese army."

At this moment, "Little Zhuge" who had been silent by the side, that is, Bai Chongxi, the deputy chief of the general staff of the Military Commission of the Nationalist Government, spoke: "I think the scale of this battle is even bigger. Tang Enbo's Second Army and No.80 Fifth Army went into battle, and Zhou Que's (pronounced yan, second tone) No.70 Fifth Army went into battle. Yesterday, Zhou Que's No.70 Fifth Army, together with Guan Linzheng's Second Army severely damaged the troops of the Itagaki Division of the Japanese Army to reinforce the enemy in Taierzhuang in the Xiangcheng and Aiqu areas. It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of the No.70 Fifth Army is not weak, and it can be used."

Bai Chongxi paused, and said: "As for the No. 80 Regiment directly under the Third War Zone, which you value so much, it is more important to consider. After all, the protagonists of this battle should be the Second Army, the No.70 Fifth Army, and Zhou Yuzhi's No. [-] The troops of the Fifth Army can only be guarded by Sun Lianzhong's Second Army."

It's no wonder that Bai Chongxi doesn't pay attention to Zhang Tianhai's regiment - this is a big battle, a contest between military-level units, no matter how bad it is, it is still a division-level unit. As for Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi regiment, it is the best. It's just a brigade, and it won't be of much use. What's more, Chairman Jiang has transferred the fourth and seventh independent artillery regiments, plus the tenth independent artillery regiment. A battery of artillery is enough in terms of artillery fire.

The arrival of Generalissimo Jiang not only included two independent artillery regiments and an artillery company, but even the little possessions of the Air Force of the National Revolutionary Army brought in the fifth theater, which shows how much he attaches importance to the front line.

Under such handwriting, Zhang Tianhai's little possessions seemed extremely pitiful.

"Well, what Vice President Bai said is reasonable, let's implement it according to this! But I still decided to include the unit directly under the first regiment of the third theater as a reserve combat force. The regiment will be sent to the battlefield." Li Zongren said, this sentence can be regarded as a definition of Zhang Tianhai's troops.

"I also agree with Chief Li's opinion," said Lin Wei, deputy chief of the Military Order Department.

Isn't the battlefield reserve force the reserve force?It was because the casualties of the front-line troops were too large and the front-line battle was unfavorable. This can be regarded as luck or misfortune.

Fortunately, you don't have to be a first-line offensive force, and you don't have to suffer huge casualties as a first-line offensive force.But in case of a big victory, there will indeed be some water in this credit, after all, it can be regarded as the fruit picked by stepping on other people's shoulders.

So, this is luck, but also misfortune.

Under the decision of Li Zongren, Commander of the Fifth War Zone, Bai Chongxi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Commission, Xu Zuyi, Chief of Staff of the Fifth War Zone, and Lin Wei, Deputy Chief of the Military Command, it was decided that the attacking troops against the staunch enemy of Taierzhuang would be the Second Army of the Tang Enbo Army, No. The Fifth Army of 80 and the Fifth Army of Zhou Qi No. 70 launched a final fierce attack on the staunch enemy of Taierzhuang from the east, north, and northeast;

Surround the outer positions of the Japanese army with Sun Lianzhong's second group army, and prevent the Japanese army from breaking through;
The reserve force is Zhang Zhen's [-]th Division of Tang Enbo's Army, plus Zhang Tianhai's [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd Theater.

In front of the No.70 Fifth Army, and Tang Enbo's No.20 Army's two armies plus one division, Zhang Tianhai's Zhiyi Regiment was like the little pig's head that the merchant usually puts on when buying pork.

When the battle plan was formulated, Zhang Tianhai was still sound asleep, as if everything in the world had nothing to do with him.

Whether it is the Tang Enbo Army or the No. 70 Fifth Army of Zhou Qi, they all received orders from the commander-in-chief of the fifth theater to advance to the intended target area.

At this time, a huge firepower attack network is being formed, and it is actively moving closer to the Japanese army in Taierzhuang.

The camera turned to Taierzhuang.

In Shonai, the absolute main force of Rensuke Isotani's [-]th Division and part of the remnants of the [-]th Division, [-]th Division, and [-]th Division have been besieged here.

A part of the Japanese army that broke out from Taierzhuang earlier had been ordered to enter the Tianzhu Mountain and Zhangshan areas to build positions, so that there would be a way out when the Japanese troops in Taierzhuang retreated.

I never thought that after the Japanese army broke out, the encirclement circle of the Chinese army became more solid. It wasn't that Rensuke Isotani didn't want to escape, but that he couldn't fight out, and couldn't break out!
For Isoya Rensuke, after the reinforcements of Seishiro Itagaki's Fifth Division suffered a fatal blow from the Chinese army in the Xiangcheng area, they were already isolated and helpless. Therefore, at this time, they had to fight the Chinese army to the death!

Isoya Rensuke has applied for air force support, so these days, Japanese military transport planes are dropping supplies, especially food and military supplies, over Taierzhuang.

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, His Excellency General Nishio Hisoka is calling!" A Japanese communication staff officer walked up to Isoya Rensuke and lowered his head to report.

"Quickly read!" Isotani Rensuke's pair of slightly desperate eyes revealed a gleam of light, as if he saw the hope of survival.

Indeed, at this time the Chinese army on the outskirts was already under heavy siege. At this time, the main force of the Tenth Division trapped in Taierzhuang and one of the other temporary reserve divisions transferred from Japan were deaf and blind. Their news is entirely dependent on the outside world coming through the radio.

From the point of view of Rensuke Isoya and others, at this time, the order sent by the superior officer is very likely to stick to it, and it is also very likely to break through, but it can only be carried out with the cooperation of reinforcements. .

That's why Isoya Rensuke was so eager to know what was in that telegram.

"Your Excellency, General Rensuke Isoya, the commander of the Tenth Division, you must do everything possible to hold on to Taierzhuang. Now, both the North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army are trying their best to mobilize reinforcements. You must stick to it to the end. Give full play to the brave spirit of Bushido and fight to the end. I wish you long-term luck! The Second Army Command of the North China Front Army Commander Nishio Shou sent an urgent message!" the communications staff officer read aloud.

After listening to the content of this telegram, Isoya Rensuke's face turned pale. He knew the subtext of Nishio Hisao, the Second Army could not save them, and they could only rely on them to find a way to survive.

What does it mean to find ways to withdraw reinforcements?It means that there are no reinforcements now.If reinforcements were to arrive, the telegram must have stated which troops were in charge of the reinforcements and which commander was in charge.

It's no wonder that Isoya Rensuke's face changed so quickly.Indeed, this is very desperate news, and it is so desperate that it cannot be more desperate.

It is a sad thing that the ammunition is exhausted and the superiors are not allowed to retreat. It is just that the ammunition of the Japanese army has not been cut off. The Japanese army planes are continuously dropping military supplies into Taierzhuang, most of which are the ammunition used by the guns. up.

But wars are always fought by people. Without people, no amount of supplies is useless.

This was the biggest problem that the Japanese army trapped in Taierzhuang had to face.


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be added tomorrow. The account must be paid within two days!It's too difficult, there are so many things to do. . .

Thanks to the starting point book friend Dushi Bookworm, book friend 20170224103839411, and Ye Shi Phantom Leng for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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