War of Resistance

Chapter 448: The Desperate Jigu Division

Chapter 448: The Desperate Jigu Division
A breath of desperation spread in Isoya Rensuke's division headquarters. All the Japanese officers had no hope for this battle, and the Chinese troops on the periphery were slowly besieging them.

Only those grassroots soldiers of the Japanese army who have been brainwashed by the "spirit of bushido" to become human flesh machines will be happy not to go to the north, thinking that this is a great credit, as long as they survive, they will get glory and promotion in exchange.

But these Japanese soldiers may not have thought that they had no chance of winning this battle. To survive, which soldier is unlucky.

Isoya Rensuke looked around and said slowly: "Everyone, it seems that the time for us to be loyal to the emperor is coming soon. We still have an army of [-]. Please stand firm. , we must stick to the last moment, maybe at that time, our reinforcements will arrive. Please be sure to stick to it, please!"

As he spoke, Isotani Rensuke bowed deeply to the frustrated crowd with a sincere expression.

For these Japanese soldiers in the very center of the encirclement, besides resisting to the end, do they have any other way out?It seems that there is no more!

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, we are now under heavy siege by the Chinese Army, but we still have [-] troops. We will definitely be able to survive until the reinforcements of the Front Army Commander, General Hisashi Terauchi!" One of the three Said the middle-aged officer in his teens, he looked like a lieutenant rank officer.

"Your Excellency, Commander, I also agree with Matsushita-kun!" Another major said.

"Yoxi, Your Excellency, Division Commander, we are officers of the Young and Strong Sect. It is a great honor not to die in the '[-]' storm. Now is the time to be loyal to the Emperor!" The officer with military rank, he is none other than the Chief of Staff of the Tenth Division!
This tenth division is the home of the Huangdao faction, and most of the officers of the Huangdao faction who remain in the tenth division are mainly young and strong officers.

These young military officers are fearless. They dared to kill the leader of the control faction, Nagata Tieshan, in the coup, not to mention that they wanted to kill the then Japanese Prime Minister Keisuke Okada in that mutiny. Unfortunately, they did not success.

However, except for Keisuke Okada who was not killed, the "results" of the young and strong faction are very rich, including the 77-year-old Navy Admiral Saito Minoru who served as the Minister of Internal Affairs, and Masaki Jinsaburo, who succeeded one of the leaders of the Imperial Road faction, as the director of education. The 62-year-old Army General Jotaro Watanabe, Minister of Finance Takahashi Tsukiyoshi and others were all killed.

In addition, they also made crazy moves to surround the Metropolitan Police Department, blockade the Army Ministry, and capture the "Imperial Palace" (the residence of the Japanese Emperor).

This shows how daring this group of people is. Apart from the first division, this tenth division is the only division that mainly consists of the young and strong faction of the Huangdao faction. Therefore, when you are really desperate At that time, these crazy young Japanese officers seemed to show the momentum they had during the mutiny.

This is a bunch of lunatics!
"Allegiance to the Emperor!!" The officers at the headquarters of the Tenth Division shouted in unison, and the scene was crazy!

Ever since, this group of crazy Japanese officers are ready to fight to the end!
After this group of young and strong officers from the Tenth Division of the Japanese Army were ready to fight to the death, orders were issued to the various Japanese troops guarding Taierzhuang.


It was getting dark gradually. Compared with the sun that went down so quickly in winter, the sun in spring went down much later.

Thanks to the vehicles from the Jiangsu Second Automobile Corps sent by the Minister's Ministry to help carry the supplies, at this time, most of the supplies of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone have been transported to the national army guards near the Xigaohuangmiao village.

In general, it came fairly quickly.

When the vehicles of the Second Jiangsu Automobile Corps arrived at Xigaohuangmiao, Zhang Tianhai had already woken up for a long time, and he was leading a squad of guards to meet the supplies of the supply camp. The commander of the automobile corps wants to make friends.

Don't underestimate the number of the Second Automobile Corps. Although it is not a combat unit, they know the background of the various units below. It is not easy to control their mouths.

Especially those like Zhang Tianhai, who belong to the category of "ghosts in their hearts"-in this LY victory, how many supplies they have intercepted by Zhiyi group, and I haven't counted them in my heart?
Therefore, this was the reason why Zhang Tianhai came here. What he was most afraid of was being caught by the little tail. If someone cared about it, there might be troubles.

The captain of the Jiangsu Automobile Second Corps is called Zhou Quanmin. He is a colonel. He is a middle-aged man who is nearly 40 years old. Maybe it is because of staying in the car for many years, so Zhou Quanmin looks a little fat. After all, like other officers, basically They are all very thin, and fat ones are rare, unless they are senior military officers, at least they must be at the level of Guan Linzheng!
"Captain Zhou, you have worked hard all the way!" After seeing Zhou Quanmin, Zhang Tianhai first gave a military salute to show respect.

"You're welcome. Captain Zhang." Zhou Quanmin always had a smile on his face, which made people feel very kind.

But Zhang Tianhai did not dare to take Zhou Quanmin lightly. After all, the person who can sit in this position is definitely not simple, and he is still a colonel in troubled times, so he must have real skills...

As for those incompetent, I'm afraid they would have been stumbled to death long ago, right?Of course, if you are surrounded by relatives like Minister He, probably nothing will happen, but how many people can have such a relationship?
Even for He Yingqin's nephew, He Shaozhou is the only one who can do better. Who else is more famous?Not necessarily...

"Come on, Captain Zhou, here's one." After saying hello, Zhang Tianhai quickly took out a cigarette and handed one to Zhou Quanmin.

Zhou Quanmin was a little surprised by Zhang Tianhai's enthusiastic actions. After all, he usually came into contact with the director and section chief of the logistics department of the Fifth Theater, or those in the logistics department of each group army. It's not so easy to talk about, after all, the status of those people is indeed higher.

Usually people with high status, especially those who are asked for their own, have a stronger status, so for Zhou Quanmin, the person in charge of the execution unit, sometimes he is quite wronged.

So when seeing Zhang Tianhai's enthusiastic actions, Zhou Quanmin was inevitably a little surprised, and immediately took a high look at Zhang Tianhai.

In fact, Zhou Quanmin has never heard of Zhang Tianhai. After all, the first regiment directly under the third war zone is also one of the few German elite troops in the fifth war zone, especially the LY battle. It is very brilliant.

Although the contribution of the first regiment directly under the third theater has been obliterated to a certain extent, this does not affect the name of the first regiment directly under the third theater has gradually become famous among the grassroots troops of the fifth theater.

As the saying goes, gold always shines.

Ever since, under such circumstances, Zhou Quanmin, who often travels around, has also heard of Zhang Tianhai's name.

"Thank you, Captain Zhang. You are being polite." Zhou Quanmin took the cigarette with a smile, and his attitude was still very good.

"No, no, it's you who are being polite. You have brought the officers and soldiers of the Second Automobile Corps to help us transport supplies, and you have done a great job. Thank you." Zhang Tianhai and Zhou Quanmin chatted and said enough polite words.

"I just received an order from Commander Li in the war zone, and then carried out the mission. But the troops under Commander Zhang are strong and strong, and let Zhou see what a real elite is." Zhou Quanmin said with a smile, a bit like That Maitreya Buddha-like.

Zhang Tianhai lit a cigarette, patted Zhou Quanmin on the shoulder, and said, "Our Zhiyi regiment is a reinforced regiment, and it is indeed larger than some other troops, so we have more supplies. It's hard work, Captain Zhou." Wait for the brothers."

Zhou Quanmin is not such a fool, so he naturally understood Zhang Tianhai's implication, so he smiled and said, "Teacher Zhang, this is naturally not a big deal, just rest assured. It is the elite of our army, so it is normal to have better equipment."

Zhou Quanmin's intentions were already obvious, anyway, he wanted to cover it up for him, and that was probably the case.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Zhou. When the battle in Xuzhou is over, I will definitely treat Brother Zhou to drink, and I also ask Brother Zhou not to dislike him."

"Brother Zhang is a pillar of the Chinese army. He is a graduate of the seventh batch of Whampoa, and he is the chairman's favorite student. Since I can give my brother this face, my brother is naturally very grateful." Zhou Quanmin said There is a smile on his face, and his figure is not too tall, and he is a little fat, so he looks very much like Maitreya Buddha.

"Okay, great. Hurry up, hehe..." Zhang Tianhai also laughed. I have to say that a smile is very contagious.

"Okay, okay, that's when the old brother came to look for the old brother, and I just hope that the old brother will never forget the old brother." Zhou Quanmin said with a smile.

During this time and time, the two of them have become very familiar with each other, maybe this is the skill of the elite in the officialdom, Zhang Tianhai is naturally not a veteran in the officialdom, but Zhou Quanmin's skill is sufficient, and that is enough.


PS: Make up for the second update yesterday, update today's first update tonight, and update what is owed, try to pay it off tomorrow. . .

It's too difficult...for more...

Thank you for the two monthly tickets of QQ reading book friend [-]!
Thank you Qidian book friends Yundanfengqing 002, Lingfeng Xiaolangjun, and QQ reading friend Dong Jianguo for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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