War of Resistance

Chapter 450 Changes in the Battle Situation

Chapter 450 Changes in the Battle Situation
In the middle of the night on April [-]st, due to the unclear enemy situation, in order to avoid the joint encirclement of the Japanese army in the LY direction and the enemy of Taierzhuang, the main force of the Second Army of Tang Enbo's regiment withdrew to the front line of the city at night. Attack Taierzhuang's side with all its strength, so as not to delay the military opportunity, so Tang Enbo's army headed all the way to Taierzhuang.

It's already reached this time, so what is the difference between provinces?The vast area stretching from LY in the east, Teng County in the north, and Taierzhuang in the south, is a battlefield where the Chinese and Japanese armies confront each other, and scuffles are fought on all sides. From morning to night, the battles are fierce.

The next morning.

Sun Lianzhong's Second Army launched a fierce attack on the Japanese army from the south and southwest of Taierzhuang, and there was a scuffle for a while.

The Tang Enbo Army launched a fierce attack on the outer positions of the Japanese army from the north, northeast, and due east of Taierzhuang. Among them, the 20th Regiment of the No. 70 Third Brigade (Brigade Commander Dai Anlan) of Zhang Yaoming's No. [-] Fifth Division was in charge of attacking the platform. The Japanese troops on the east side of the southern section of the Zaozhi Line, the enemy who swooped in from LY, joined up with the Jigu Division on the east side of the southern section of the Taizao Branch Line, and immediately occupied Yanglou, Dige and other places as Taierzhuang Side defense positions.

He Shixiong, the head of the [-]th Regiment, led the troops to attack the enemy. The enemy defended the village and resisted tenaciously. After the battalion commander Cao Yunjian died in battle and died for the country, the regiment's offensive was once frustrated.

After the No.70 Fifth Brigade was put into operation, the situation gradually became clear and improved.

During the same period, the Second Division of Zheng Dongguo was at a stalemate with the enemy in Beidayao, and the battle was once stalemate.

In order to solve the plight of the division, Tang Enbo personally went to the second division to inspect the situation.


Beidayao, the position of the national army, the headquarters of the second division.

The battlefield was filled with gunpowder smoke, and the soil kicked up by the shells was scattered everywhere. There were corpses everywhere, some from the national army and some from the Japanese army, intertwined together. The flowing blood dyed the land dark red, and even the air With a slight smell of blood.

The stump of the broken arm, the ground stained red with blood, and the flames that were still "crackling" were burning, and the black and smoky smoke was floating in the sky, and the surrounding area was desolate.

All of this, under the shining of the setting sun, has dyed this picture-like desolate country, every inch of mountains and rivers, every inch of blood, the war of resistance on scorched earth is not empty talk!
At this time, both the Japanese army and the national army were already in a state of exhaustion, so they all chose to temporarily cease fighting. Both the national army and the Japanese army took the time to rest.

Just when Zheng Dongguo was still thinking about how to tear a hole in the Japanese defense line, Tang Enbo, commander of the army, came to the division headquarters of the second division with Guan Linzheng, commander of the army, and a group of staff officers from the army headquarters.

After all, the second division, as the number one ace main division of the No.20 Corps, has been fighting the Japanese army for so long and has not broken through the Japanese army's position.

The Japanese army in front of them was not good, not only blocked the second division's onslaught, but also launched several counterattacks. Fortunately, the second division's troops were well-trained, and most of the cadres were concentrated from the Northern Expeditionary Army to form the No.13 Army. backbone.

It's not that Tang Enbo is partial to the second division or something, but because every unit must have a strong fist unit, and this unit must undertake the task of overcoming difficulties and supporting the scene at critical moments.

It just so happens that in the No.20 Legion, the Second Division is such a character who overcomes difficulties and supports the scene at critical moments.

"Jun Zuo, Commander, you are all here." After seeing Tang Enbo, Guan Linzheng and others walking into the division headquarters, Zheng Dongguo and other officers immediately got up and stood upright.

Like most officers of the Central Army, Tang Enbo and Guan Linzheng are people who pay attention to ostentation, so they brought a lot of them. They brought at least one guard battalion this time, and it was a whole battalion.

"Gui Ting (Zheng Dongguo's name), it's hard work for you to fight these days." After seeing Zheng Dongguo's salute, Tang Enbo said with a military salute.

After all, Tang Enbo still needs these people to work for him. Without these people, it will be difficult for him to get credit in the future. So on this point, Tang Enbo still sees it very clearly. , he did a good job.

Zheng Dongguo was very handsome. After hearing the words of the regiment commander, his handsome face blushed, and he said, "Junzuo, this time I have humiliated our No.20 Legion. One of my subordinates The Second Division has fought the Japanese army for a long time, but has not made any progress, and is still in a stalemate. I am ashamed of my humble job."

Tang Enbo didn't listen to Zheng Dongguo's words. He still knew what Zheng Dongguo was capable of, so he didn't follow Zheng Dongguo's words, but asked, "What about our face-to-face enemy?"

"Report Junzuo, I believe that the face-to-face confrontation with the enemy is the most elite Japanese army Seishiro Itagaki's [-]th Division and Isotani Rensuke's [-]th Division, not the newly added reserve divisions behind the Japanese army." Zheng Dongguo analyzed. After all, they have learned a lot about the Japanese army's troop information before.

Army standing divisions like the [-]th Division and [-]th Division are necessary ace elites, but troops like the [-]th Division and [-]th Division are not.

You must know that units such as the [-]th Division and the [-]th Division are composed of reserve soldiers from the standing division, plus active-duty officers of their assigned numbers and some active-duty soldiers.For example, the [-]th Division is composed of reserve soldiers from the Sixth Division and some active officers and soldiers from the Sixth Division. In other words, it depends on which division the reserve soldiers are composed of. If you are a division, you have to subtract one hundred from the designation number.

Tang Enbo thought for a while, and said: "Mr. Zheng, your second division is the number one ace main division of my No. 20 Legion, and its combat effectiveness is also the strongest. Instead of letting you fight with the Japanese army here, it is better to start from the Japanese flank. Open the gap. In order to achieve the strategic goal of breaking through the Japanese positions in front of you, how about letting the No.80 Ninth Division of Zhang Xuezhong, Commander Zhang, take over your position?"

Tang Enbo's words seemed to be a question, but there was no room for people to refuse. Zheng Dongguo naturally understood what he meant.

Therefore, Zheng Dongguo immediately stood at attention and saluted: "Everything is under the command of Jun Zuo. Jun Zuo points to the east, and Gui Ting leads the troops to fight east; Jun Zuo points to the west, and Gui Ting leads the troops to fight west. There is no difference, but According to the commander's instructions!"

"Very well, then that's it!" Tang Enbo nodded, making the final decision.

"Yes! Junzuo!" Zheng Dongguo responded.

Soon, Tang Enbo went on to say: "In this battle, I decided to pull out the second division to attack the enemy's side in a roundabout way, and open a breakthrough from the enemy's side!"

"Yes! Junzuo!" Zheng Dongguo responded.


On April [-]nd, Tang Enbo's army decided to draw out the second division to open a breakthrough to the side of the Japanese army, so as to achieve the strategic goal of quickly approaching Taierzhuang and completing a complete encirclement.

And on this day, Zhang Tianhai boarded Zhangshan Mountain for inspection. In order to make the battle more reassuring, he had already asked the secret service company and a company of the cavalry battalion to send Zheng Man into Xuzhou City. , in order to achieve peace of mind.

"Old Guo, according to the locals, apart from Jiuding Mountain near Yi County, this is the highest mountain in Yi County. It can be said that it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. If the Japanese army wants to escape, then They will definitely choose this place as one of the blocking positions, or in other words, as the bridgehead for the second attack on Taierzhuang. No matter what, they will definitely not let this place go." Zhang Tianhai stood on the head of Zhangshan, He muttered, and next to him was the chief of staff Guo Qiliang, and Zhou Fangjie stayed at the regiment headquarters.

"So, you have made a reservation, and you must fight a battle here. Right? I see that you have done your homework." Guo Qiliang said with a smile, "However, according to what you said, it is really very important. It is possible. Then our staff will make a defense plan today!"


PS: Ahhh, I still can't make it in time, let's make up yesterday's second update first, and there will be another update before twelve o'clock, and another update before three o'clock!Let me do my best!
Thank you Qidian book friend Moonlight Meteor for two monthly tickets!
Thanks to the starting point book friend Lingfeng Xiaolang, book friend 20180516020939222, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, and book friend 110423221103662 for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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