War of Resistance

Chapter 451 Scheduled Battle Plan

Chapter 451 Scheduled Battle Plan
For Zhang Tianhai's confident plan, Guo Qiliang still expressed his support. After all, only when the whole group wins the battle, everyone's life will be better.

"All right! That's all!" Zhang Tianhai said with a smile.

Standing on the top of Mount Zhang, looking at the mountains in front of him, Zhang Tianhai narrowed his eyes slightly: Now that he has reached this point, he can only take one step at a time.

Zhiyituan is an elite, but Zhang Tianhai still hopes that his name can be remembered in history. Even if he uses the name of the original owner of this body now, the meaning is similar!
The terrain of Zhangshan is still dangerous. Otherwise, Zhou Qi led an army to attack in history, and he would have lost more than half of it here.

It should be noted that apart from the fact that the No.70 Fifth Army does not have heavy firepower weapons support, their weapons and equipment are actually very good.

After all, the No.70 Fifth Army's predecessor was similar to the source of troops under Xu Yuanquan's troops. It was obtained by condensing the original Sun Chuanfang's five-provincial coalition forces. The young and middle-aged officers and soldiers stayed, and the equipment is generally not bad, and the combat effectiveness is guaranteed to a certain extent.

If this is the case, the No.70 Fifth Army under Zhou Que lost at least [-] officers and soldiers in Zhangshan and Tianzhushan, otherwise Chiang Kai-shek would not be so angry.

After the No.70 Fifth Army was transferred to the Fifth Theater, it participated in battles one after another. Even if the No. 75 Army suffered a lot of losses in previous battles after joining the Taierzhuang Battlefield, it still has considerable combat effectiveness, so Zhang Tianhai felt that he must It is necessary to make good use of the area of ​​Zhangshan to write an article.

A magnificent chapter composed of the loss of thousands of troops by the Japanese army!

"Mount Zhang is a good place! We have to see whose blood was used to dye it red." Zhang Tianhai suddenly sighed softly.

"Tuan Zuo, when did you become so sentimental? You're not like the usual decisive leader Zhang Da!" Guo Qiliang joked with Zhang Tianhai with a smile.

"No matter how capable a person is, there are times when they are sentimental! Besides, if this battle continues, we still don't know how many people we will die together." Zhang Tianhai sighed softly.

"Then let's fight. Since the Opium War in the Qing Dynasty, China has become a semi-colonial situation. Generation after generation, we are fighting with our lives for national independence? This little Japan has insulted us. How long has the Chinese nation been around? Whether it was the Sino-Japanese War, the September [-]th Incident, or the current war of aggression against China, our country is too poor and weak. The poor and weak of the country depend on us soldiers. These descendants of the Chinese nation go to die generously for the survival of our descendants and the continuation of our Chinese nation. We must not be subjugated slaves who subjugate the country and destroy the species!" Guo Qiliang said in a deep voice, his attitude was very firm.

Hearing what Guo Qiliang said, Zhang Tianhai was deeply touched: To be honest, he is a person from the 21st century. Fundamentally, he always looks at this world with some thinking and angles from later generations. era, this world, but he has never really integrated into this era and this world.

But Guo Qiliang is different, he is a person of this era, and he does not know how long it will take to win the Anti-Japanese War. They just want to fight for the nation, for the country, and for the survival of future generations !Even at the cost of his life, he would not hesitate!

Compared with Guo Qiliang, Zhang Tianhai looked down on this era from the perspective of God, because he knew when the Anti-Japanese War was won, and he also knew that it was because the Americans dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki that they were crushed. The Japanese's last recalcitrant thought.

Maybe knowing the result, this is the most painful and saddest thing for Zhang Tianhai, because he knew the result, so he couldn't really integrate into this era from the bottom of his heart.

If he did not know the outcome of the Great Era, Zhang Tianhai, like Guo Qiliang and other Whampoa officers, would have worked hard for national independence, for the prosperity of the country, and for the Chinese nation to continue to survive in this world.

At this time, Zhang Tianhai felt that there was a trace of loneliness in his heart, even if Zheng Man stayed by his side all the time, it could not completely make up for it, because he did not belong to this era.

Just like Xiang Shaolong in "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", when he first traveled to the Qin Dynasty, he always took a cynical attitude, but Zhang Tianhai is not such a chic character like Xiang Shaolong, he can't be like Xiang Shaolong. As free and easy as a dragon, he is more like a witness of an era.

Zhang Tianhai has always wanted to integrate into this era, but at this moment he realized that his goal seems to have not been realized yet.

Zhang Tianhai took a deep breath and said: "Indeed, we soldiers should fight for our country until the shroud of horse leather is returned. Well, I think it's better to send a battalion of our regiment into the Zhangshan area in advance to build a position first. Anyway, with the current strength and firepower of our regiment, one battalion more or one battalion less is about the same, and more than 1000 shells are enough to make up for this gap."

"Send troops into the mountain? Which battalion do you want to send into the mountain?" Guo Qiliang asked, frowning.

Zhang Tianhai thought for a while and said, "Just one battalion. The first battalion has the most recruits and the least proportion of veterans. Let these recruits get acquainted with the position. That's pretty good too!"

Hearing what Zhang Tianhai said, Guo Qiliang, who usually thought that Zhang Tianhai preferred the first battalion, had nothing to say, so he nodded and said, "What you said is very reasonable, indeed, let the first battalion, the main battalion with the most recruits, go It is best to build a position and fight positional warfare. If they are allowed to fight offensive warfare, they may not be able to defeat those ferocious enemies."

"Yes, that's what I think. Besides, I think that if we move in now, we can give the First Battalion more time, enough time for the First Battalion to fully grasp the situation in Zhangshan. At the same time, I also hope that our The position can be made more concealed, and I will give them a huge surprise when the Japanese army plunges in." As he spoke, the corners of Zhang Tianhai's mouth slightly raised. If the prediction can be realized, it is not impossible to severely injure the Japanese army. .

He could even imagine what it would look like when these Japanese troops panicked and chose the Zhangshan area as a blocking location and as a bridgehead for the next attack on Taierzhuang.

"If you really want to fight, just put a first battalion here, I'm afraid the strength is still a bit insufficient?" Guo Qiliang said with a smile.

"So I plan to strengthen the special agent company. As for the artillery battalion and the supply battalion, he can't even think about it. In case the superiors want to transfer us to the front line, if we lose the artillery battalion, that's right. The weakening of the army's combat effectiveness is too great." Zhang Tianhai said, "We are still counting on this battle to shine. Let the officers of the Minister's Department see the strength of our regiment."

"Okay, let's implement this plan!" Guo Qiliang also agreed with Zhang Tianhai's approach, after all, it was a rainy day.

Therefore, under Zhang Tianhai's order, the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd theater took the lead in entering the Zhangshan area. As for the special agent company, they went to carry out the mission given by Zhang Tianhai and have not returned yet.


When Zhang Tianhai decided to let Li Chunfei's first battalion and Liu Houming's special agent company enter Zhangshan, Zheng Man had just arrived in Xuzhou.

Most of Zheng Man's memories of Xuzhou are good, but he has never tried such a deep memory——

The reason is that Xuzhou has turned into a large barracks at this time. Vehicles are coming and going, either transporting military supplies or soldiers. In short, it is busy, and the city gate seems to have never stopped.

"Adjutant Liu, you can take the spy company back to Xigaohuangmiao to report to the regiment headquarters now. Anyway, I have arrived in Xuzhou now. You don't have to worry about it." Zheng Man smiled and said to Liu Houming.

"But, Director Zheng. The order given to me by the group seat was a death order. They said that you must be settled before I can go back, otherwise the group block will kick me to death." Liu Houming said with a face full of embarrassment. After all, the head of the group has kindness to him. If he can't even handle this matter well, what face does he have to face the head of the group?


PS: The first update will be delivered, and the second update will be updated before three o'clock!Please wait and see!

Thanks to the starting point book friends, don’t guess, I must be very handsome, and the QQ reading book friend Chen Guanxi and Shenzhen Fenxi each have a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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