War of Resistance

Chapter 452 Tang Enbo Calls

Chapter 452 Tang Enbo Calls

"Okay, then do as you please!" Zheng Man said, and didn't scold Liu Houming for being brainless. After all, only those who are loyal to Zhang Tianhai can achieve this level.

Zheng Man is a smart person, especially a smart woman. Naturally, she will not be so stupid as to tear down her man's platform. This is a kind of thing.

As the war is approaching, the rental price in Xuzhou is quite cheap. After all, those who can escape have already escaped, and the rest cannot escape, or are reluctant to part with Xuzhou's industries.

Therefore, Zheng Man easily rented a house near the Commander's Headquarters of the Fifth War Zone for a period of one month.

Perhaps it was because Zheng Man was afraid that it would be inconvenient for her to be pregnant, so she hired a servant to take care of her temporarily.

After finishing all this, Liu Houming led the officers and soldiers of the special agent company back to the Xigaohuang Temple to find the regiment headquarters of the Zhiyi regiment.


The Zhangshan position is busy at this time, perhaps because it is preparing for the Qingming Festival, the weather is a bit muggy at the moment.

Considering that the war was gradually approaching, after Zhang Tianhai made the decision to let the first battalion and the secret service company enter the mountain, he immediately let Li Chunfei set off with the troops.

Considering that most of the first battalion are recruits, Zhang Tianhai specially transferred a squad of soldiers from the engineering company to assist the officers and soldiers of the first battalion to build a standardized position. Not only that, Zhang Tianhai also specially asked the logistics department to Commander Zhu Shaohong allocated a batch of cement to Li Chunfei's first battalion.

Looking at the busy scene in front of him and listening to the sound of guns and cannons in the distance, Zhang Tianhai's expression was very serious. The Battle of Taierzhuang was already underway, and because of the appearance of his little butterfly, what would happen? What about the deflection?

Zhang Tianhai dared not say anything about all this, nor did he dare to guarantee it. All he could do was to kill and injure the enemy troops who invaded Taierzhuang as much as possible!
When these Japanese soldiers set foot on the land of China, they should die!
"Hurry up, hurry up, move faster! Don't dawdle, if you slow down, the little devils will be killed." All squad leaders, platoon leaders, and company commanders are urging their subordinates, hoping that they can move as fast as possible. Complete the fortification construction.

The Zhangshan position was in full swing, and the troops near Xigaohuangmiao were also busy resting, in order to gather all their strength and give the Japanese army a fatal blow with the most energetic attitude!
The officers and soldiers of the [-]st Regiment directly under the [-]rd theater are busy preparing for the battle, but the battle in the direction of Dabeiyao has reached a fever pitch.

Not long after Zheng Dongguo's Second Division was transferred from the main position, the Japanese army launched a fierce attack on Zhang Xuezhong's No.80 Ninth Division who had just taken over the position!




A round of 75mm mountain artillery shells pierced the sky, leaving shining traces in the sky, and then slammed into the position of the national army.




The very dense artillery fire exploded on the position of No.80 Ninth Division. It is different from the second division, which has many veterans. Except for the cadres and officers, the other platoon-level officers were all selected from the recruits. It can be said that they have no combat experience at all. It took half a year of training before the troops were trained to look experienced.

But recruits are recruits after all, and in terms of fighting will and sensitivity to the battlefield, they are not as good as veterans in many respects, especially in terms of combat experience.

As soon as he entered the position, he was heavily bombarded by the Japanese army. It was all false and deceitful to say that it did not affect morale.

One after another shells exploded on the position, making a deafening explosion, and then kicked up a pile of mud. The recruits of the No.80 Ninth Division were full of anxiety. They didn't know how fierce the Japanese army was going to attack them.

"Don't be afraid, if the Second Division can withstand the attack, then our No.80 Ninth Division must also be able to." A company commander on the field was comforting their subordinates. To be honest, seeing these recruits' faces He was so uneasy, he didn't have any foundation in his heart.

The Second Division has many veterans, so it can withstand the Japanese attack, but it is not necessarily the same as their No. 80 Ninth Division.

With the rumble of guns, the Japanese army began to attack. Under the cover of four or five tanks, one team after another of the Japanese army launched a fierce attack in the form of skirmishers.

The Japanese army is not an idiot, and they will not use pig-rush tactics when their troops are in short supply. Pig-rush tactics are only suitable for large groups to charge.

However, to everyone's surprise, the No. 80 Ninth Division was overwhelmed by the Japanese offensive shortly after taking over the position.

In a hurry, Tang Enbo could only be transferred back to the second division to stabilize the front.

Regarding this, Tang Enbo was out of ordinary anger and yelled at the army headquarters: "Zhang Xuezhong, what is this for? The troops of the Second Division have no problem keeping their positions for so long. As soon as their No. 80 and Ninth Division enter the battlefield It was overwhelmed by the Japanese army's charge! What the hell is this?!"

Guan Linzheng has already gone to the front line to command the battle at this moment, and he is not by the side. He is actually venting his curse here.

"Junzuo, I think that there is still a unit in our army that can be used." A staff officer next to him said.

"Huh? What do you mean? Haven't all the divisions of our army entered the battle? Where did we get the troops from?" Tang Enbo asked intently.

"Sir, what do you think! Our No.20 Legion is all in the battle, but we can also reach out to the Commander's Department to ask for someone. Isn't there another army in the direction of Xigao Huangmiao that hasn't been in battle? And this army is It can be called the essence of the national army." The staff officer said.

Tang Enbo frowned, he naturally knew which army the staff was talking about, wasn't he talking about the first regiment directly under the third theater?

"Isn't there only one regiment in their army? With the strength of only one regiment, how can it change the situation of the battle? What's more, they are only a small regiment, and none of the No. 80 Ninth Division can block the onslaught of the Japanese army. Well, let alone this small regiment." Tang Enbo implied that he refused, after all, in his opinion, their No.20 Legion is so powerful that they have not yet achieved smooth results. Speeding up progress?
"Sir, I think you can still try it. The first regiment directly under the third theater is the German Armor Reinforced Regiment. And the whole regiment has a complete range of arms, especially they have an eight-door artillery battalion. If they Putting it in the position where the second division was responsible for the attack, it should not be a big problem, after all, the total strength of the regiment should have reached [-], and there should be no problem in attacking the side." The staff officer said.

"Well, your suggestion is worth considering." Obviously, Tang Enbo was a little moved by this suggestion. After all, the current situation of the war is deadlocked. Very good.

"Sir, it's not too late. It would be great if they could be transferred to the battle as soon as possible." The staff officer said again.

"Okay, then I'll call the Minister's Department right now." Tang Enbo said, he is a practical man who does what he says, even though their No.20 Legion is strong and strong, sending such a telegram does seem a bit shameless, But for the battle situation, that is definitely a good thing.

After finishing speaking, Tang Enbo immediately walked to the communication office and asked the telegrapher to immediately call the minister's department according to his request.


PS: I agreed to finish the work before [-]:[-] last night, but I fell asleep halfway through writing. Now that the work is finished, let’s settle the accounts first!
Today's two updates will be sent later!

(End of this chapter)

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