War of Resistance

Chapter 555 Zhang Chenggong?

Chapter 555 Zhang Chenggong?
While their family was enjoying themselves, Zhang Tianhai led the headquarters of the First Regiment directly under the Third War Zone to Lanfeng County, a county with a great reputation in history!
At this time, Lanfeng County was not so big and majestic, and even some were inconspicuous, about the same size as Lanling County, and it was not even as lively and prosperous as Lanling County, and its population was relatively small.

But who would have thought that such an unremarkable county would become the center of the decisive battle a month later?

Zhang Tianhai stood outside the city, staring at the county in front of him, but there were countless thoughts in his mind.

Until now, he has not thought of a better way to improve the combat effectiveness of the troops while familiarizing himself with the geology and landforms near Lanfeng County, so that he can prepare the whole army for battle.

That's Kenji Doihara's No.14 division. Let's not say that their division originally had more than 3 people. After strengthening the two heavy artillery regiments, the overall size has exceeded 4. Facing Such a powerful enemy, if they didn't prepare early, they might not be able to survive the first round of confrontation.

More than 4 people, that's a full 10 times the strength of the first regiment directly under his third theater, and there are three artillery regiments, two of which are heavy artillery regiments, so how can we play?
Therefore, Zhang Tianhai must make all preparations. First, the combat effectiveness of the troops must be steadily improved, and equally important, he must understand the situation near Lanfeng as soon as possible.

Only after understanding the terrain near Lanfeng can we reasonably arrange troops to assist and arrange defensive positions and other aspects.

It was precisely because of this that Zhang Tianhai was thinking about how to find this subtle combination point, which would not affect the training of the troops and be able to understand the terrain near Lanfeng.

"Old Guo, you can arrange for the troops to be stationed first, and the rest will be discussed tomorrow!" Zhang Tianhai leaned against the car, lit a cigarette, and then handed over this important task to Guo Qiliang again.

After all, isn't the job of the staff department to assist the chief military officer?

"Okay, then I will execute it now!" Guo Qiliang responded, he had already guessed the result, so he had already asked the staff to execute the work.

The army is going to enter the city, and generally speaking, it is still necessary to take the lead in doing a series of preparatory work.

When the army began to enter the city, the magistrate of Lanfeng County had already come out to greet them.

After all, no matter how you say it, now that the flames of war are approaching, it is a great thing that troops are stationed in Lanfeng County at this time.

Ever since, at the gate of Lanfeng County, Zhang Tianhai and others met the county magistrate of Lanfeng County and his party.

The magistrate of Lanfeng County is not the same as the magistrate of Lanling County. The magistrate of Lanling County, Chen Dazhi, is a standard bad old man, but the magistrate of Lanfeng County is different. A middle-aged man in his 40s and [-]s, and he looks a little thin.

His appearance is quite gentle, a bit like Gong Hanlin's. He is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses are slung over the bridge of his tall nose. The hairstyle is also combed meticulously, which is very characteristic.

"Welcome the commander's army to enter the city. On behalf of all the fathers and folks in Lanfeng County, I would like to extend a warm welcome!" After seeing Zhang Tianhai and others, the Lanfeng county magistrate immediately greeted them with a very enthusiastic attitude. Can't fault it at all.

After all, the magistrate of Lanfeng County has been immersed in the officialdom for a long time. Those two moves are not ordinary sharp. It can be seen at a glance that these guards are all around Zhang Tianhai for protection. Needless to say, this is for sure. He is a high-ranking official, at least an officer above the chief of staff of the regiment.

When the first regiment directly under the third theater was ordered to come to Lanfeng County on the road, he received an order from the higher-level government, saying that he would be responsible for the stationing of the first regiment directly under the third theater.

Therefore, the goal of the Lanfeng county magistrate is also very clear, which is to find the head of the first regiment directly under the third war zone, and then complete his handover task.

Zhang Tianhai glanced at the thin man with glasses who was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and combed his hair meticulously, and probably guessed that he was the main person in charge of Lanfeng County.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai nodded, and said with a serious face: "It's hard for you to wait here. This time, Zhang was ordered by the chief to come to Lanfeng County. I'm afraid I will trouble you in the next few days. Mr. Zhang I apologize in advance.”

With that said, Zhang Tianhai gently clenched his fists at the leaders of Lanfeng County in front of him.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, Commander Zhang, you are too polite. Your troops came to our Lanfeng County to protect our homes for the people of Lanfeng. You risked your life to fight against the war. If we the people of Lanfeng If you want to dislike even this point, then it’s a bit too inappropriate, right?” The county magistrate of Lanfeng said, his eloquence is not ordinary, and his speech is impeccable.

In fact, if a different person spoke these words, Zhang Tianhai might still be able to talk to him with a smile on his face, but the Lanfeng county magistrate is really unlovable, and he looks like the kind of person who is not honest , so it's not very pleasant.

Zhang Tianhai nodded with a very serious face, and then said: "Everyone can have such a heart, Zhang is also very satisfied. The War of Resistance is a war of resistance of the whole nation, and your political awareness is very high, which is worthy of praise. As for anything else , I will send someone to look for you, by the way, you must be the magistrate of Lanfeng County, right?"

When Zhang Tianhai said the last sentence, his eyes were fixed on the thin man in front of him.

"Yes, I am the county magistrate of Lanfeng County. My surname is also Zhang, and my name is Zhang Chenggong. But if there is anything that needs to be sent, you can just order it. The Lanfeng County Government will definitely do it. He obeyed the order." Zhang Chenggong, the magistrate of Lanfeng County, said.

"Okay! Now that you have the words of the magistrate of Chenggong, Zhang is more at ease. Can the patient ask the magistrate of Chenggong to lead the troops to lead the department of the first regiment directly under the third theater to enter the station first?" Zhang Tianhai directly Said straight to the point.

To be honest, when Zhang Tianhai knew that the thin man in front of him had such a domineering name, he almost didn't spit out: What the hell is your name?I am square and upright, and young and promising, so I dare not call him by that name. Fortunately, you, who has a wicked face and mouse eyes, dare to call him Chenggong. I don't know if I should call him his father. Are you really so confident?What if it doesn't work out?
"Okay, Commander Zhang, I feel much more at ease with your words here. Don't worry, I will send someone to lead your troops to the station to observe the situation." Zhang Chenggong is still very enthusiastic If he didn't look so wicked, he would be very up-to-date, after all, what he said was of a level.

"Well, let's go, let's set off now!" Zhang Tianhai nodded and said.


PS: Chapter 2 is here!The update is a bit later than expected, the three owed, please find time to pay back slowly, I will go back tomorrow and continue to work overtime, please forgive me!

Thanks to the starting point book friend for a monthly ticket for the breeze blowing the hills and the moon shining on the river.

(End of this chapter)

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