War of Resistance

Chapter 556 Entering Lanfeng!

Chapter 556 Entering Lanfeng!

The place Zhang Chenggong wanted to take Zhang Tianhai to was naturally the place occupied by the garrison before.

Although Lanfeng County is small and not well-known, it has all internal organs, and it will have what it should have—for example, the garrison area, and the city defense command.

Zhang Chenggong also knew that what Zhang Tianhai urgently needed to see was the garrison area, not the city defense command, so it was the garrison area that he took Zhang Tianhai to see.

Maybe it was because he was wary of Zhang Chenggong, so Zhang Tianhai was extra cautious and careful about Zhang Chenggong.

It is precisely because Zhang Tianhai is more guarded and attentive to Zhang Chenggong, so Zhang Chenggong's every move is under his control, and he also discovered that Zhang Chenggong is meticulous and knows how to figure out the advantages of people's hearts.

These advantages can be discovered without paying too much attention, probably from the fact that Zhang Chenggong took them to the garrison area and their area first-for Zhang Tianhai at this stage, The arrangement of the garrison area is the most important thing.

The location of the garrison area is stationed near the city gates on all sides. These places can almost be said to be ready to support the city gates at any time.

The city defense command of Lanfeng County is similar to the city defense command of Lanling County, both of which are located in the center of the city.

After Zhang Chenggong led Zhang Tianhai and others to observe the location of the garrison area and the city defense command, he proposed to clean up Zhang Tianhai and others.

I have to say that Zhang Chenggong's request was very timely. After all, what he said, Zhang Tianhai didn't eat anything when he came all the way from Kaifeng, and he was indeed a little hungry. Take a good rest.

Zhang Chenggong's request was very tempting, Zhang Tianhai agreed immediately without even thinking about it.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhai also wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about the situation in Lanfeng County. Zhang Chenggong was the magistrate of Lanfeng County, so there was no reason why he didn't know the specific situation in Lanfeng County.

"I'm really grateful to Commander Zhang for giving it to me. This is a way to save face. After your garrison came to our Lanfeng, you shouldered the responsibility of defending the land and defending the country. I will first thank Commander Zhang for the people of Lanfeng County. And all the officers." Zhang Chenggong said.

Hearing Zhang Chenggong's words, Zhang Tianhai suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, he was so suspicious of someone who kindly invited him to dinner.

As a result, Zhang Tianhai's expression finally eased a little. He hugged his fists towards Zhang Chenggong and said, "Mayor Zhang, you are a little polite. The thank you tonight should be me. Thank you." Yes. If it weren’t for the warm hospitality and guidance of County Magistrate Zhang, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to complete the handover task so quickly, right?”

When Zhang Tianhai said this, his eyes were on Zhang Chenggong, he wanted to see the expression on the latter's face.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhang Tianhai's words, Zhang Chenggong's face couldn't help twitching slightly, and then forced a smile on his face, saying: "That's also the responsibility of a humble job, otherwise it's not right, yes right?"

Zhang Tianhai could hear the complaint in Zhang Chenggong's tone, but he had to pretend he didn't hear it... Otherwise, the atmosphere would be very embarrassing.

In fact, it's no wonder that Zhang Chenggong complained. Zhang Tianhai seemed to have a grudge when he saw him, and he didn't even smile. This is how he received him when he came out. If he didn't receive him, he would have to be cut alive he?

If the position of the county magistrate was placed in modern times, the power would undoubtedly be great, but in times of war, what is the county magistrate? What about him?

During times of war, generals who are not good at fighting on the front lines will be shot, let alone a county magistrate who doesn't have much real power-wartimes are extraordinary times, and all actions must serve the military.

If Zhang Chenggong does not come out to greet Zhang Tianhai, and does not cooperate with the garrison to take over the defense work, if Zhang Tianhai makes a report to the Commander-in-Chief of the First War Zone and reports the situation to Chief Cheng Qian, let's not talk about Zhang Chenggong The question of whether the position of the county magistrate can be kept, let alone whether Zhang Chenggong's head can be kept, is another matter.

Therefore, it is precisely because he knows the seriousness of the consequences that Zhang Chenggong must unconditionally cooperate with Zhang Tianhai's defense work.

But on this point, Zhang Chenggong was still very successful. At least Zhang Tianhai's nameless hostility towards him has gradually subsided. Life is not easy.

But no matter what, now Zhang Tianhai's goal has been achieved, and Zhang Chenggong's goal has also been achieved, and both parties are happy.

The dinner was held at the most famous hotel in Lanfeng County, the name is Yueyang Tower Hotel, I don’t know if the owner of this hotel is from Yueyang, so this restaurant just took one and they didn’t even have one in Lanfeng or Hen Province Such a name for a relationship.

But all of this didn't seem to have much to do with Zhang Tianhai. After all, the forest was big and there were all kinds of birds, so he was only responsible for eating.

The dishes here are a little different from those in Lanling County. After all, Shandong cuisine and Henan cuisine are two different cuisines.

However, the common point is that there are still such things as chicken, duck and fish.

After all, as the saying goes, the front line returns to the fight, and the battle returns to the battle. There is still some entertainment money that is not commonly used, and it can be squeezed out after a search.

Zhang Chenggong is a very knowledgeable person. He also knows that Zhang Tianhai and his party are probably tired, hungry, and possibly tired. Therefore, Zhang Chenggong did not go to Zhang Tianhai and others when they were not eating. Instead of drinking, wait until they have eaten something, and then toast to Zhang Tianhai, Zhou Fangjie, and Guo Qiliang when they have something to fill their stomachs.

"Welcome the three officers to lead the troops to our Lanfeng County. On behalf of the Lanfeng County Government and Lanfeng people, I, Zhang Chenggong, would like to offer a toast to the three officers. I hope that the three officers can lead the troops to stay in us for a long time. Keep Lanfeng The seal is safe. I will not let the great rivers and mountains of my Lanfeng fall into the hands of the Japanese invaders. In order to wish the three officers a victory, I, Zhang Chenggong, drink this cup first!" When Zhang Chenggong came over to toast Zhang Tianhai and others, The Lanfeng county government officials behind him also stood up, all holding a glass of white wine.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tianhai felt that he might have underestimated Zhang Chenggong. None of the Nanfeng County government officials were idle when Zhang Chenggong acted, and they all followed closely behind. The officials who helped Lanfeng County Government followed Zhang Chenggong's lead.

Moreover, Zhang Tianhai also heard the meaning of Zhang Chenggong's words clearly. In the final analysis, Zhang Chenggong still hopes that the troops directly under the First Regiment of the Third War Zone can guard the county town of Lanfeng and prevent the county town from falling. Into the hands of the Japanese invaders.

Zhang Tianhai felt that based on this sentence, he had to have a drink with Zhang Chenggong--obviously, Zhang Chenggong is not that kind of ordinary person, he has real skills, otherwise it would be impossible for these officials to express their hearts to do things with him.

As long as Zhang Chenggong can say this for the consideration of the people of Lanfeng, at least he is a good official. As for whether he is a good person, that is another matter.

Ever since, Zhang Tianhai stood up from his seat, and signaled Zhou Fangjie and Guo Qiliang not to drink this glass of wine, just wait for him to come.

After all, this is a new place. Whether it is the officers and soldiers directly under the First Regiment of the Third War Zone, or the main military officers of their three decision-making levels, they don't know much about Lanfeng County. .

Every place has its own customs and characteristics, and Lanfeng County is no exception. I am not afraid of others, but I am afraid that some problems will arise when these soldiers or troops are stationed.

Whether it is a big problem or a small problem, at least one of the three military chiefs who can play a decision-making role must be sober.

If there was a problem with the troops while the three of them were drunk, it would be a big problem.

Therefore, Zhang Tianhai stood up, took the wine glass, walked towards Zhang Chenggong, and said, "Thanks to the care of the county magistrate Zhang and the officials of the Lanfeng county government. In fact, this glass of wine is also a thank you for your support. The county magistrate Zhang just said that we want the first regiment directly under the third theater to stay in Lanfeng County to continue the great cause of the war of resistance. I, Zhang Yulin, am also looking forward to it and hope very much. No matter how you say it, it is a combat force whose bounden duty is to obey orders. As long as the commanding officer allows us to stay in Lanfeng County, I, Zhang Tianhai, will lead the troops to live and die with Lanfeng! Before the order from the Minister’s Department, my third war zone was directly under the headquarters of the first regiment, and no one under Zhang Tianhai would withdraw from the Lanfeng battlefield! Come on, drink this glass of wine! I wish us success in the battle and expel the Japanese invaders The land of China!"

When Zhang Tianhai said these few words, he was impassioned and full of confidence, as if if the Japanese invaders approached the city tomorrow, they would definitely fight to the end.

However, who knows that he is not optimistic about defending Lanfeng in his heart, but if he must defend, he will lead the troops to fight to the end.

In the overall situation of the Anti-Japanese War, some people always need to pay and sacrifice. If the motherland and the people need him, he will definitely fight to the end.

Because his soul belongs to China in the 21st century, his childhood education has taught him to be patriotic and consider the overall situation. This is also his inner persistence, the belief of a pioneer and exemplary Communist Party member.

As he said that, Zhang Tianhai did it first as a respect. A glass of acrid baijiu meandered down his throat, burning it directly to his stomach, and a warm current rushed through his whole body, making him very uncomfortable.

This made Zhang Tianhai, who hadn't had a drink for a long time, couldn't help exclaiming: "Good wine! It's really good wine! It's strong enough! Today we must have a good drink!"

Seeing Zhang Tianhai's appearance, the faces of the Lanfeng county government officials on the opposite side finally relaxed slightly.


PS: The first update is here, and the second update should be completed before 11:30!
Thanks to Qidian book friend 202801162332166467 for the reward of 100 points and a monthly pass! !

Thanks to the starting point book friend zhenzhen111 and the QQ reading book friend Jintou Rebirth for a monthly ticket each!
(End of this chapter)

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